The Death Knell

Chapter 1110? Kama Taj Tea Party

In the warm pavilion with vermilion columns, Su Ming was holding a cup of tea and drinking it slowly.

The aroma of tea leaves spreads in this small space with the misty heat. The kettle placed on the fire nearby is making a gurgling sound, and small flames are constantly spitting out from the gap between the stove and the bottom of the pot. .

He summoned all the great mages of Kama Taj and also contacted the resident mages of the three major temples. This was the first representative conference of Kama Taj.

There were no loud gongs and drums, and no representative speeches. It was more like a New Year's tea party, only a month late.

There are not many great masters available to Kama Taj now, and we have to get rid of a few who cannot move freely, such as Master Ouyang in Xiangjiang, the master in New York named White who is obviously black, and the real name Merlin who is stationed in London. But Su Ming pretended not to know and called him an old naughty boy who was a naughty master.

The only available archmages around him are Master Druid, Hamil, Monaco, and Mordo, whose painting style has become strange.

Xiao Wang and Casillas are still too young and lack sufficient strength and experience. The same goes for other apprentices, who still need time to develop and cultivate.

"Strange, you Kama Taj are having a meeting, why did you ask me to come?"

Monaco was sitting behind a table with a plate of cold white meat and a jug of wine in front of him. He felt like he had returned to the Han Dynasty. But next to him was Mordo, who was only wearing a few black patent leather belts. His greasy smile made the Magic Prince very uncomfortable.

"If you want to join Karma Taj, you can do it anytime." Su Ming put down the teacup and smiled like Ancient Yi.

"No need, I still like freedom. Let's get down to business. You have gathered everyone here just to persuade me to join?" Monaco picked up a piece of white meat with chopsticks and tasted it. He was so disgusted that he stuck out his tongue.

"Yes, there is indeed one thing. I need you to work together to do it. In order to deal with the possible successive dimensional invasions, I want to channel all the energy of the demon gods from impacting the barrier into the Cosmic Cube."

Su Ming pointed to the floor and stated his purpose. The blue cube was the most powerful weapon in his hand, but after so many years of research on it, Mao had not been able to figure it out.

So he had some doubts, was it because Hydra pumped its energy too hard to create a battery that resulted in insufficient energy? Or why is there no movement at all?

So now let’s try to replenish it with the energy of the dimension demons.

Connecting the Cosmic Cube to the protective array like a capacitor can not only absorb energy, but also improve the sturdiness of the array, which makes sense in principle.

It's just that Su Ming doesn't know the specific steps.

In fact, all the people present were here to accompany him, and the only one who could modify the magic circle left by Ancient One was Merlin.

Like the Supreme Mage, when hearing such a mission, everyone turned their attention to the old man with a white beard wearing crescent moon glasses. In the magic projection, Merlin was experimenting with the new test subject No. 10086.

The poor wind demon is locked in a large glass enclosure and the Naughty Master is trying to electrify him.

"Oh, what? Want to connect a rechargeable backup power source to the protective array?" The Naughty Master pressed the red button. His recent research direction has begun to combine technology and magic.

Su Ming rubbed his temples: "Yes, the principle should be as you said, but I still don't know whether the so-called 'power supply' is compatible with our magic."

"Haha, my master, the Cosmic Cube is the purest form of energy. It can even transform imagination into physical matter, and can also be used to change other people's thinking. The energy of the universe, regardless of technology or magic, is limited to human beings' own understanding. Zhicai classified them."

Merlin observed the electrified demon in the glass jar. The wind demon looked like an electrified small blue tornado at this time, but under the restraint of magic, he could only scream silently and spin rapidly in the jar. .

After hearing Su Ming's question, Merlin answered quickly and in a very relaxed tone.

"Very good, so you can do this?" Su Ming refilled his tea cup and looked at a short tea stem tumbling in the whirlpool on the light blue water.

Merlin lowered his head and recorded the data on the desktop, turned off the power of the experimental equipment, and looked at the people at Kama Taj seriously:

"Yes, the process is very simple. As long as I provide the method, anyone here can do it. The key lies in whether you dare to imagine and put this idea into action. The upper limit of a sorcerer's strength is often... It all depends on imagination.”

"Is there a big risk?" Su Ming raised his head and looked at the projected illusion screen.

"Everything in this world has risks." The Naughty Master began to fill the glass jar with water. The wind demon was like a rag fluttering in the washing machine.

Su Ming smiled and nodded. He put down the tea cup and made a decision: "Tell Hamil the method and let him do it. If something happens, I will solve it. By the way, don't tell me. It's like shutting the elephant in the refrigerator and dividing it." The steps are so simple.”

Merlin pushed up his glasses, with a trace of confusion on his face: "Is this a new joke? By the way, you reminded me that our London Temple is requesting more funding this year. I want to purchase several large cold storages for research."

Well, this is the case in the Marvel world. If we talk about Azeroth, a mage can knead bread and water, which is an entry-level ability. But when it comes to Marvel, it involves creation. Even if it is as strong as the Ancient One, it does not have the ability to create things.

Mages are also human beings, and they also need food, clothing, housing, and entertainment, but there are almost no mages who can be self-sufficient. Monaco originally had this potential, but he refused to eat the rabbits he killed, which led to a large-scale breeding farm in vain.

In order to survive, black wizards often engage in robbery or theft activities, and sometimes fraud, such as the 'mastermind'. Illusion masters are born scammers.

As for an upright force like Kama Taj, their income generally comes from exorcisms for people, or from bartering, using their own medicinal materials to exchange food from the outside world.

The small town at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain has always been under the protection of the Supreme Master. They will pay a part of the "protection fee" for each harvest every year, and external supplies will be transported here first and then sent up the mountain through reliable hands.

No more. Kama Taj, the powerful mage force in Nuo, has only made so much money. There is some background, but they are all magic props or magic gems and cannot flow into human society at all.

When Gu Yi was in office, everyone only had to have food to eat and a few clothes to wear, and had no other needs. The prerequisite for self-sufficiency was lack of demand. Apprentices at Kamal Taj don't just have to concentrate on their studies. They also have to do some farm work or handicrafts every day.

However, after Su Ming took over Karma Taj, with the financial support of Wilson Enterprises, they inevitably accepted the Supreme Master's concept of money and realized the importance of money.

They realize that in places with abundant productivity, having money means that you can save a lot of time in basic work.

In the past, if you wanted to experiment, you had to prepare all the raw materials yourself, but now you can buy them directly with money.

Time is the most precious thing.

How many things are done per unit of time is called efficiency. If efficiency is low, there will be no progress and gains.

If you have money, you can change your life. You can use the time you used to farm and weave to practice martial arts, or use the time you used to carry water and chop wood to learn magic. And you don't have to do any bad things against your will. It's very fair. What do you think? All are correct.

Besides, this generation of supreme mage is so good at making money, they feel at ease when they reach out.

But what's more, if nothing else, they are the three Great Masters of the Temple. They have guarded the Three Holy Temples for hundreds of years and have not even received a penny of salary. They are all doing voluntary labor.

They have been vigilantes for hundreds of years, and their lives are still in danger if any demon god invades them. Su Ming is a little embarrassed.

Besides, it was Su Ming's intention to let them learn to spend money.

Only with the concept of money can we enjoy the benefits brought by human society, and with sociality, can Kama Taj be rooted in the ground, instead of the previous holy land, which was too far away from the masses.

However, after renovating Kama Taj, spending a lot of money to dig a well, install a generator, running water, and flush toilets, the modernization also brought some disadvantages.

That is, the great mages have let themselves go, and the frequency of experiments has been greatly increased.

This is a good thing, but whether it is scientific research or magic research, a lot of resources need to be invested every day.

In the past, Kamathaj bartered with the Goblin Chamber of Commerce of underground creatures, usually giving them processed magic props in exchange for raw materials.

Now that human society can provide all kinds of supplies, who would buy things from goblin profiteers? A piece of better magic ore will cost you a hundred magic toad eyeballs, why not grab it?

The Divine Spear Bureau has magic ores. They don't follow the path of magic. They have collected them over the past thousands of years and put them there as decorations. They can easily sell them to Kama Taj.

Zheng Xian said that RMB settlement is enough. It would be better if you have gold or foreign currency US dollars. You can exchange for one kilogram of magic ore ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of RMB. You can choose whatever you want and have it delivered to your door.

In addition, Archmages also tend to spend money on other things that can use money.

Run out of test monkeys? There is no need to grab new ones yourself. Call Kunlun and pay for them to be delivered to your door. Read a few magic books and wait.

Running out of coal for the boiler? Then don't go digging your own coal. Send a letter to the Spider Kingdom and buy from them. A convoy will soon deliver the supplies to the foot of the mountain.

Spending money was like running water, and it was all Su Ming's money.

He even doubted whether Gu Yi's escape was due to this factor? Because she saw that the tide of market economy was unstoppable?

All the major forces are using money. Kamal Taj used to use it, but not anymore.

Rapid development is all about efficiency. Even if Su Ming knew that playing magic meant burning money, he still had to burn it so that his mages could have more time to study magic and improve their combat effectiveness.

The universe is changing faster and faster, and those who fall behind will be beaten, and he doesn't want to be beaten. In the future, someone among the reliable mages must step forward and help.

In the past, at the beginning of every year, these people would ask for a new budget. This year was the first official meeting, and Merlin proposed it.

"There will be money, but you should also think of ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. There are many asteroid belts in the universe, and there may often be mineral deposits such as gold. If you get it back, won't it be money?"

Su Ming was a little helpless. He made a lot of money, but he also spent a lot of money. Not to mention Zhongsi Academy and Spider Web, money cannot be saved in cultivating talents and developing intelligence.

Su Ming specially built several power plants to supply energy for the various scientific research equipment carried out underground at the Wilson Enterprise Headquarters and the universe construction carried out at the secret dock, and a large amount of coal was burned every day.

Thinking of this, he thought he should ask Howard about the nuclear power plant. After all, nuclear bombs have been developed for so many years, and controllable fission should not be far away, right?

"Searching for minerals in the vast universe? It's a waste of time. I won't go there." Merlin blew his beard and rubbed it with his fingers.

Monaco also shook his head: "Yes, we are sorcerers, how can we spend time on such boring things as making money?"

"Then when you spent my money, why didn't you say that you were not the mage of Kama Taj?"

Su Ming glared at him. Considering that every time Monarch made himself miserable, he either cried endlessly or fell into a trance after experiencing the incident. Su Ming, who always used people, was embarrassed to use them in vain, so he always had to give them to him. With some money, let him buy some nutritional supplements to replenish his body.

Now the Prince of Magic has unknowingly turned into a wizard for hire.

Although Su Ming was happy about his change, he would not show it.

"That's the funeral expenses you gave me for my 'children'." Monaco has been following Su Ming for so long, how could he not see it? He put on a calm posture.

Su Ming looked at Monaco's bulging belly. I'm afraid all the funeral expenses had turned into fat. He shook his head and looked at Hamil again and said:

"Okay, I know what you mean. You can go to Vanaheim and sell homemade magic props in my mall there. All the profits will belong to you. I will say hello to Gullwig. But first As promised, the gold obtained from the transaction should not flow into the earth market in large quantities, and do not participate in anything in Asgard without authorization. If there is any situation, report it to me immediately."

The archmages looked at each other and smiled, very satisfied. Even the white meat with only salt seemed to taste better.

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