The Death Knell

Chapter 1111? Tribute

"Master, what are you doing?"

It was night, and Su Ming, who had returned to New York during the day, took his housekeeper Xiao Wang to a fork in the road at the entrance of the college.

The sky was full of stars, and the sound of waves in the distance was endless. Deathstroke looked at the sky, as if he had calculated something, and then, in Xiao Wang's puzzled eyes, he drew a circle on the ground with God Killer.

"I owed a favor before and they asked me for a sacrifice."

While answering Wang's question, Su Ming took out a lighter, lit a handful of incense, and inserted it into the snowy ground.

Xiao Wang understood. This was just worshiping the dead. No wonder the master asked him to bring three animals and fruits and vegetables. It seemed that the dead person was very close to the Supreme Mage.


Wang very discerningly began to put the sacrifices on the plate and placed them in the drawn circle, especially the golden crispy roasted suckling pig in the middle.

Su Ming gave him a funny look, but didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a large bundle of yellow paper from his pocket, various paper people, paper horses, and various colorful paper clothes.

He lit a fire and started to burn it, muttering something while it was still burning. The king listened to a few words and heard what the death knell had been saying:

"Hoggs, I've given you the sacrifice I promised you. Don't give me a dream. I'm so annoying. Use the money to buy whatever you want. They are all big bills with a face value of one billion. I'll burn two of them for you this time. Virgins, they are all cat-eared ladies, I will give you a housekeeper next time..."

And so on and so forth.

Xiao Wang couldn't help but be touched. This man named Hoggs seemed to have paid a lot for the Supreme Mage.

You must know that Deathstroke does not usually have the habit of burning paper for anyone. Although it is a tradition of the Celestial Dynasty, the Supreme Mage is obviously not from the Celestial Dynasty. At this time, he actually came up with such a standard process. He must have been careful.

The king unscrewed the wine bottle with emotion, sprinkled the wine on the ground, and said with some emotion: "May he rest in peace. I hope he will not be killed in the next life."

It's just Hogs...that name seems familiar?

Su Ming opened a pack of cigarettes and threw them into the fire. The flames made his body red. He lit one himself and quietly watched the ashes fly into the sky in the sea breeze.

Wang seemed to have some misunderstanding, but Su Ming didn't need to explain.

Hogs asked himself for sacrifices and good food and drink, but now the Life Tribunal may still be monitoring Emperor Weishan, and some demon gods may also be full. Anyone sent by Su Ming will be in danger.

The fastest way is to burn it to him. I hope he can receive it...

Ten minutes later, he saw that the flames were extinguished and the incense was almost burned. He nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you can go back. Thank you for coming out with me so late. Go back and rest."

It is so easy to have no foreign debt.

Wang bent down slightly: "This is my responsibility, but it sounds like you don't plan to go home?"

"I'm going to Vanaheim to find gin, and I will train there for a while. Just let me know when the transformation of the magic circle is completed. Hamill will take care of other things. By the way, no one from the other masters will ask for money. Here, do you understand?"

"Understood, sir."

Su Ming wiped his hair and looked at the moon above his head. On the early spring night, the crescent moon seemed very far away.


Vanaheim has always been a peaceful place, with large oceans, vast plains and forests, but now, this formerly quiet and peaceful dimension is undergoing industrial transformation.

Countless factories and workshops of all kinds have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The sounds of machinery and metal echo in the streets, and as you pass by, you can hear various labor chants.

The factories here don't have the kind of pollution from earth's industries. They use Asgard's divine technology, which is purely natural and pollution-free.

To put it bluntly, it is to draw energy from the World Tree and use this energy to drive machines. Is it some kind of solar energy?

Su Ming visited the capital for a while, and then came to Gullweger's palace with ease. The guards in front of the gate had no intention of stopping him. On the contrary, they looked at him with admiration.

The great changes in Vanaheim were all brought about by this human being.

The situation has certainly improved. Not only did the Warner Protoss, who used to be inferior to others, now have equal status with the Asa Protoss, the country has gained independence, and their daily life has also been greatly improved.

Food is no longer scarce, and various delicacies have been introduced here from Midgard. Luxuries in the past, such as good wine or good clothes, can now be afforded by ordinary people from Midgard.

Those bungalows and wooden houses in the past have now been replaced by beautiful single-family villas. Midgard brought reinforced concrete construction methods. You no longer have to worry about being too cold in winter, because most cities in Vanaheim have already achieved this. centralized heating.

And I heard that Vanaheim's self-produced flying boat will be on the market soon. Everyone can buy one and no longer have to ride a horse when going out.

If you ask them who the most popular foreigner is in Vanaheim now, it will definitely not be Odin, but Deathstroke.

Su Ming was treated like an idol here. Even his black and yellow armor colors were imitated. There were also some crazy fans who followed him like groupies until he entered the Queen's Palace.

It was such a weird feeling to be chased by someone. Su Ming rubbed his arms, changed Strangle into casual clothes, and walked to the side hall to find Gin.

Gin is a hybrid of the Warner and Asa clans, which is why she has both a good physique and a powerful magical talent.

Gin was equally familiar with both Vanaheim and Asgard. Her mother was a gift to the powerful Asgard warriors back then. There was no such thing as a happy childhood. After her parents died on the battlefield, she was pulled by Odin. Became a Valkyrie.

But now she has bid farewell to the past. There is no Valkyrie Misty anymore, only Su Ming's gin.

Su Ming fished from his pocket and took out a large purple gemstone, regardless of the cloak's protest, preparing to give it to Gin as a gift.

She can use magic gems, and she is good at illusions, which is where her codename "Mist" comes from.

But before he could pass through the corridor filled with sunlight and decorated with beautiful vines, he heard a sound like waves coming from the side hall.

"Wow... Wow..."

Su Ming's eyes turned into dead fish shapes. He thought he had been away for so long and Ginjiu was very busy, but now that he was lucky, he was actually playing mahjong here?

She had known that she would not be allowed to make up the numbers when playing mahjong with Howard and the others. The worse a person plays, the more addictive they become. This is what she said.

Turning around the corner of the corridor made of white stone pillars, I saw four people sitting in the pavilion in the garden. In addition to Gin who was wearing a black dress, there was Gurweig who was wearing a small crown. The other two people were wearing a red cloak. , one wearing a green cloak.

Those are the ‘red and green’ brothers of Asgard known to all nine worlds.

Seeing Thor's unshaven face covered with notes, with almost no skin visible, and seeing the other three clean-cut people smiling so happily, Su Ming also smiled.

Yes, if you're not good at gin, why not find someone even worse to play with?

The bloody battle between Sichuan and Ma is so happy after all, but I'm afraid Thor's wisdom is not suitable for this kind of game, and he has no intention of being happy at all.

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