The Death Knell

Chapter 1112? Construction completed

"Hello, Queen Gullwig, and the two princes from Asgard."

Su Ming walked to the mahjong table, and the maids also brought him a gold cup filled with fine wine. He raised the cup and said hello to the three people present.

Guerweg is very happy. The progress that Vanaheim has made now is all due to a transaction with Deathstroke that year. After that, all aspects of exchanges and trade between Vanaheim and Midgard have ushered in a new era for his country. Explosive development.

In fact, this is also thanks to the development conditions of Vanaheim. If it were replaced by the Frost Giant Jotunheim, even if it were replaced by Su Ming, it would not be able to develop there.

There are no minerals in Jotunheim, the climate is harsh, and the entire plane is nothing but ice. This makes Su Ming have no intention of negotiating terms with them.

Are you charging so much to sell ice cream? Even if you start a tourism industry, you can't get it started. The temperature is around minus 60 degrees all year round. Even ordinary alien creatures, not to mention earthlings, can't stand it.

"It's an honor for me to have the Supreme Mage of Midgard here. Please take a seat." Since there were two Asgardian brothers present, Gullweger was very polite. She didn't want these two idiots to know too much. thing.

The game just ended, so that’s it for today.

Loki's face looked a little unnatural when he faced Deathstroke. He couldn't say why. Maybe it was because the human had tricked him in front of Odin last time, which made him frightened, or maybe it was something he had forgotten.

However, he adjusted quickly, and it could be said that he immediately became smiling. He stood up and saluted with a noble demeanor: "Nice to see you again, Supreme Mage."

"It seems that you have figured it out. You are not worried about the helmet thing last time?" Su Ming smiled and patted his arm. Now Loki probably doesn't know his life experience. Little Loki has no problem. Old Loki Keyze is annoying.

Loki nodded with a smile, his black hair brushing the corners of his eyes, joking with himself: "Yes, I apologize for my rudeness last time. I may have drunk too much rancid mead."

Thor, who was stuck to the side like a mummy, blew the note on his face: "What happened last time? Why didn't I know?"

"Nothing, I just picked up a golden crown. I thought it was an ownerless thing, but I didn't expect that the owner was the Supreme Mage. My father taught me a lesson." Loki smiled and explained to his silly brother. Sometimes Not knowing anything is truly a blessing.

Although Loki felt that he had forgotten something, he could tell from Odin's attitude towards Deathstroke that it was best not to provoke this person.

When Thor heard this, he was not interested in such trivial matters, so his attention quickly shifted and he looked over and over at the cards on the table. He could not remember these weird suits:

"A golden helmet? It's a flashy decoration that cannot protect against swords and is too conspicuous on the battlefield. Wait for me and I will give you a green one to match the color of your cloak."

Loki looked at his silly brother. The key to the problem was never the value of the helmet, but where the helmet originally came from.

But he liked the feeling of keeping secrets deep in his heart, and there was no need to explain anything to Thor, so he also showed a grateful look: "Really? That's great, thank you Thor."

Thor laughed loudly, stood up very boldly, and picked up his hammer from the ground: "Thank you for what? We are family, you are my brother! Let's go! We will find you a worthy hammer now. Your hat!"

After saying that, he nodded to the other people as a greeting, and then flew away.

Loki smiled awkwardly, and he saluted himself very politely: "Queen, please forgive Thor for his recklessness. He has never been a person who likes rules. Then, Ms. Mist, Supreme Mage, please allow me to formally take my leave. "

Gullwig didn't say much. She didn't like either of these two fairy palace princes. She was just pretending to be a snake with a smile on her face purely for the sake of her sister Frigga and her future treatment of Vanaheim. Big plans.

"It doesn't matter, I'm very happy to see that your brothers have such a good relationship." Gullweger still put on her aunt's smile. Since watching the palace fight, her political level has also improved rapidly.

Loki smiled, bowed and left the pavilion, with a smile on his face and secret joy in his heart: "Thor ran around with a note in his face, and he didn't remind him. When he loses Odin's face, the throne will be." ....whee. ’

When Loki and Thor disappeared, Gullweger waved away all the maids, and his expression became normal.

She leaned back on her chair, looking a little tired: "You have also seen that Vanaheim is now very attractive to their younger generation."

Su Ming placed a kiss on the top of Gin's head, then put the gem in her hand and sat down in Loki's seat: "As expected, young people are more rebellious and are more likely to accept new things."

Guerweger smiled and arranged the cards on the table, picked out the dice and held it in his hand. The sound of the spring water could be faintly heard in the garden: "The young people in the fairy palace are at least a thousand years older than you."

"Age cannot be equated with experience, nor can it be equated with ability." Su Ming leaned back on the chair very calmly and picked up a bunch of grapes from the fruit plate nearby to eat.

"You once told me that Thor will inherit the throne of Asgard in the future, but no matter how I look at it, he doesn't seem to be very smart." Gullweg personally picked up the wine bottle and poured it for Su Ming. Liquor: "And he has no leadership qualities at all. Not to mention the dead Baldr, even his brother Loki can't compare."

"There are many types of kings. He doesn't have to be good at everything, as long as he has one advantage." Su Ming wiped his beard, raised his head and looked at the green leaves wrapped around the pillars: "Thor's advantage is that he values ​​family ties... ....And losing all family ties in exchange for the prosperity of Asgard is exactly what Odin regrets in his life."

After hearing these words, Guerweger nodded in thought, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

Gin put away the gem, her face a little red. She just wanted the queen to leave quickly. She wanted to be alone with her man.

"How long will it be until Ragnarok?" Gullweger raised her head. She didn't know what Gin was thinking, but asked another question.

"About sixty Earth years, the world has changed. It is impossible for me to predict accurately to every minute and every second. The time stone is not a universal tool." Su Ming's wine was dry, and the wine of Vanaheim was quite good.

The Queen frowned, nodded slowly, and said, "Then..."

"Develop Vanaheim well, we are allies, aren't we?" Su Ming knocked on the table, indicating that she should focus on the present. As long as Deathstroke has more interests in Vanaheim, the less likely he is to give up. here.

Guerweg understood. She had truly become a queen from the simple warrior in the past: "I understand. If you need help with anything, you can tell me. As an ally, I will do my best."

"There's a small thing. I arranged for people to build a spaceship. It's almost completed. It's going to sail for the first time from the earth to the port of the 'City of Thousand Sails'. I designated an area to blockade it." Su Ming really remembered it. thing.

When he returned to New York, the adjutant reported good news. The obtained gravity had made up for the last shortcoming. The construction process of his test ship was nearing completion. The theoretical trial operation was normal and it could be tested in the field.

Generally speaking, it is completed by Cybertron technology and Earth technology. Because the Transformers do not need to rest, their spacecraft layout is not suitable for human use and needs to be redesigned locally.

The material uses the original vibranium that Su Ming dug from Wakanda and mixes it with titanium to make an alloy. This new alloy, which is different from Adamant metal, is called Wilson steel because the source of the raw material is very unstable. At present, Production is limited.

In terms of power, the Fel Engine and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Zephyr were referenced, and some magic circles were mixed in.

Whether this kind of hodgepodge can withstand the test of the universe depends entirely on the "sea trial", but the technology is all controlled by oneself, which is more secure than buying an alien spacecraft.

Moreover, Su Ming also plans to use the 'Navigator' system on this test ship in the future. The working principle of that system is based on Xili's 'Blood of the Elders' design. Once successful, it will no longer be possible to take people through thousands of worlds. It's a problem.

It's just that this progress is not going too smoothly. The mages on the earth don't quite understand how Ciri's bloodline achieves that effect. If they can't catch the Wild Hunt in a short time to crack their equipment, I'm afraid it will be difficult in this regard. improvement.

But don’t rush, my own 40K timeline for the single universe is still early, and I have basically thought of all the places I can lay out, so just wait patiently.

Gurweger quickly agreed after hearing that it was indeed a small matter. A corner of the port was no problem at all.

Originally, when she learned that Deathstroke wanted to build a warship in Midgard, she suggested that he go to Nidaville, a forging world that also belongs to the Nine Realms. The dwarves there are famous weapons and warship designers in the universe. Directly buying dwarf warships is the choice of many cosmic forces.

But Deathstroke disagrees, because the dwarves' manual shipbuilding technology of using magic to forge while getting dizzy after drinking, and using various precious metals to quench in horse urine, has no possibility of reverse cracking on Earth.

The purpose of buying high-tech products is to crack down on copycats. There is no need to buy things that cannot be copied.

To dissolve Uru metal, a star must be transformed into a cosmic forge. The sun is not designed for this.

The battleships of the Kree and other aliens have more or less similar problems. The most important thing is that the engine energy is incompatible. There is no element on the earth to supply these engines. Regardless of whether they buy them from aliens through trade, or It is to mine in the universe by oneself, which is too unstable during wartime.

It is better to be self-reliant than to have too many restrictions. The signature of human beings is nuclear power, and the adjutant has completed the nuclear power and gravity engine, which also shows that her progress in nuclear energy has surpassed Howard.

This is good news, at least Wilson Enterprises can build nuclear power plants and sell electricity in the future.

Su Ming was still thinking, but Gullweger saw that Deathstroke didn't speak for a long time, and Gin's eyes were full of him...

She understood something immediately and stood up to say goodbye to the two of them: "You can always stay here. I have reserved the side hall for Misty to use. I have something to do and I have to leave for a few days."

"Then I'll give it to you." Gin stood up with a smile on his face.

Guerwei grabbed her hand and shook it. He looked away with his eyes and said narrowly: "No, you should save some strength. I heard that he may be the strongest warrior in the universe."

Gin smiled and nodded. She was not embarrassed. On the contrary, she nodded seriously, indicating that Gurweger was absolutely right.

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