The Death Knell

Chapter 1113? Inertial drift

Shortly after Gurweger left, the weather in Vanaheim suddenly changed, just like the tropical areas of the earth in summer, and the rain always came very suddenly.

The raindrops began to hit the fountain in the courtyard, and small silver flowers bloomed, and pearls jumped up, making them dazzling.

The breeze stirred up a mist, and the ground seemed to have small smiling dimples. The falling raindrops hit the leaves, making a beautiful sound, like an outstanding pianist playing melodious tunes, very Beautiful.

But the vines on the side of the garden greedily sucked the water to moisten themselves. The rain hit the leaves mercilessly, making a crackling sound. The rainwater hitting the roof flowed down along the cracks, and the water was turbulent. , a continuous sound like a river echoed in the room.

I don’t know how long the rain lasted, maybe a few hours, maybe a day and a night.

The thunder subsided, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sky cleared.

The rainwater accumulated in the low areas of the garden, forming small puddles, reflecting the white clouds in the sky and the blue sky behind the white clouds.

The air after the rain also became especially fresh. The birds came out to breathe the fresh air. They stood in a row on the broad window sill and looked at the two people hugging each other on the sheets.

Their bright black eyes moved rapidly with their heads. They wanted to jump into the room and steal the grapes on the plate, but they didn't dare. They could only jump around tentatively on the white windowsill.

And as the people in the room spoke, they flew away one after another.

"God, even though I have tried several times before, I can only give up now. I am afraid I am the only one who is not your opponent."

Gin's eyes were half-closed, and she lay lazily on Su Ming's chest. Her long golden hair was soaked with sweat. She didn't even have the strength to move, and she could only gasp as if she was escaping from death.

Su Ming kissed her head: "This is not what a Valkyrie should say. Even if she wants to express emotion, she should say 'Odin's beard'! Is this an Asgardian emotion?"

Gin hit his chin angrily, and stretched out his sweaty hands to rub the top of his head: "Is this the time to tell a bad joke? I stopped being an Asgardian when I was abandoned by Asgard. Now, I am an earthling because the earth has you."

Su Ming hugged her and pulled up the sheet to cover her back: "Relax and be careful about leg cramps. We still have a long time ahead."

Gin smiled and shook her shoulders: "Yes, time will witness everything. I am very happy. Finding you with the smell of wine was indeed the most correct choice."

"Okay, it turns out you were really here for my winery, you greedy cat." Su Ming scratched her back, making her squirm like water. She was a little ticklish, even a warrior would. Same.

Gin struggled as if running for his life, covered his chest with a snow-white sheet, found replacement sheets to replace the soaked ones, and then lay back in Deathstroke's arms.

"I've always wanted to ask you a question." Gin used her nails to pull up a little of the skin on his arm, then let go and watched it bounce back: "Who is the other woman?"

"What other woman?" Su Ming touched her face and saw that her eyes were serious.

"Another goddess of Olympus, one time when you came back from an outing, I felt traces of other gods' beliefs in you." Gin rested his head on his arms and looked at Su Ming's face with big curious eyes. , as if to prevent him from lying habitually: "It's not the Olympus of our universe, I know it's people from other worlds."

Su Ming touched his hair and hugged her tighter: "I should really tell you something, about our omnipotent universe, about the neighbors outside the universe, and about Diana and I."

"Diana? Is that her name? I've never heard of this god in the Olympus pantheon." Gin's fingers moved on Su Ming's chest like a villain. She was not very interested in the multiverse. Instead, he was full of curiosity about Diana: "Could it be one of the millions of forest nymphs or river nymphs?"

"No, in that world, she was the God of War in Olympus. Although the situation between me and her was an accident... I can't forget all the fictitious memories in that half-dimension of distorted reality. .....She and I live like ordinary people and have been together for so many years."

Su Ming slowly touched Gin Jiu's back, like touching a cat.

"Oh? Half-dimensional, does it mean that the dimensions overlap and cover?" Gin asked: "That means you have the memories of being together for many years, but you have only been together for a few days."

"Strictly speaking, it's only one day, but the structure of my memory is very complicated, much more complicated than that of ordinary people. Most of them were arranged by a person wearing blue." He took a deep breath and grinned helplessly. Xiazui: "But to me, all memories are useful, well, including tens of billions of timelines now..."

"I understand that time, dimensions, love and hate are all philosophical issues, but I believe you have a way to solve them." Gin nodded his little head up and down and rolled his eyes: "While I was still stationed in the Hall of Valor, Sometimes, there are always some living people who want to go in and see their dead lovers, because everyone knows that Odin has a deal with death. The heroes who died in battle will not enter reincarnation before Ragnarok. Living in the Hall of Valor.”

"I'm afraid we won't let them in. The living and the dead cannot live together." Su Ming touched her head and pushed the hair away from her forehead a little.

"Yes, Odin's order." Gin yawned: "The heroic spirits living there live another life after death. They will build new families with heroic spirits of the opposite sex and say goodbye to everything before. They are completely different people there except for their names."

"What can I say? I can only praise you for working very seriously before, standing guard at the gate and thinking about these issues." Su Ming smiled and kissed her, but she still had some doubts in her heart.

If a heroic soul dies and finds a new partner in Valhalla, and then his lover while alive also dies heroically and enters the Hall of Valhalla, what should he do at this time?

According to Asgard's customs, could it be...

"What do you mean by looking at the door? It's so unpleasant." Gin was coaxed to a point of drowsiness, but she still managed to gather her energy and asked: "Then who is more powerful, me or her?"

"Huh? Your performance is about the same. You might have lasted longer. Her physical condition was abnormal at the time and she passed out halfway through..." Su Ming recalled, he was not sure at that point. In half a dimension, Diana showed how much endurance she had as a normal human being.

"Pah!" Gin smacked him angrily, looking dumbfounded: "I'm not asking about that, I'm talking about your combat effectiveness on the battlefield!"

Obviously Gin was more concerned about who could fight better, the Valkyrie or the Goddess of War.

Su Ming sighed, feeling a little helpless about her warrior perspective: "Her strength, speed, combat experience, and divine power are all better than yours. But you are calmer than her, understand people's hearts better, and are good at her weak illusion magic, so I guess. .....If it were just a competition, you should be tied."

Gin was obviously very satisfied with the answer. She moved her head up and found a comfortable place to close her eyes: "That's good. You said before that you would take me to other worlds. If I have the chance, I will definitely go with you." She had a fight.”

Su Ming was a little alert. He looked at her blond hair: "There is no need for you to start a war because of me. This is not good. Let's just talk about it."

Gin's eyes opened a crack, then closed quickly, and the corners of her mouth curled up:

"Don't worry, she and I are not ordinary people. Odin has three wives and more than ten lovers. If the world you are talking about is similar to ours, then Zeus will have more women. Even Thor went to Earth before You have to sleep with all the girls in the same village, do you think you are worse than Thor?"

Su Ming slapped her PP, causing her to squirm again: "You actually compare your man with a fool."

"Isn't that enough? She and I are both warriors. It is more convenient to communicate through fighting. The topic between women is not just about clothes and cosmetics." Gin closed her eyes and said with a smile. She was very sleepy and did not want to dwell on this issue. .

"Okay, but I guess we have to wait for a while. A reliable way to travel through time has not been realized yet, and I'm afraid Diana has different ideas from you."

Su Ming had a headache. Diana probably wouldn't handle this matter according to Olympus's habits. She hated everything there.


Gin Jiu had already fallen asleep with a smile on his face. Maybe he didn't hear Su Ming's words, or maybe he had a plan.

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