The Death Knell

Chapter 1114? Space Explorer

"Is this our spaceship?"

After the two spent more than half a month in peace and tranquility, the test ship built by the adjutant finally secretly arrived at a secret port in the City of Thousand Sails, the capital of Vanaheim.

Seeing the streamlined drop-shaped silver spaceship floating like a lotus on the sea at the dock, Gin was not in a hurry to get on, but circled the spacecraft a few times, his face full of inquiry.

"What's wrong?" Su Ming looked at her walking around in a funny way. She said that she was not an ordinary woman, but her current behavior was not much different from that of a housewife who bought new electrical appliances at home.

Happy, curious, yearning, and then waiting for her man to install the new electrical appliances, wanting to touch them but afraid of breaking them.

Gin returned to Su Ming and hugged one of his arms. She was also wearing a Vanahem style white dress, looking very charming.

She pulled back her hair that was blown by the sea breeze, smiled and said with some emotion: "I thought it would be smaller and not so beautiful."

"You don't want to see the first draft of the adjutant's design." Su Ming led her closer to the spacecraft, pressed her hand on the hatch, and the silver valve quickly opened from the inside.

The adjutant is from Cybertron. It has to be said that the design style of Transformers is very close to the style of furry bears. Big is good and more is beautiful. When the first draft of the design was placed on the table, Su Ming thought he was looking at Flying. Multi-turret giant shoebox.

Also, Transformers can orbit and land on their own in outer space. If there is no need to frequently enter and exit the atmosphere, then the air resistance of the spacecraft can be ignored. The appearance of the spacecraft should be square and square, making it easier to design the center of gravity and plan the cabin.

However, Su Ming's requirements are higher. On top of being practical, he also requires beauty. Shoe boxes are far from beautiful.

He drew pictures for the adjutant and showed her the shapes of some famous spaceships for reference. If she couldn't design one herself, she would start by imitating them.

In an era without the Internet, the adjutant's only means of obtaining knowledge about the earth were radio and electronic eyes, which caused a problem of disconnection between theory and reality.

For example, she knew that there is a creature on earth called a pig, with a long nose, big ears, and a thin tail. But she has never seen a pig. This concept is abstract to her. If she is asked to draw a pig, she may not know whether it will be a mouse or an elephant.

She needs to transform abstract concepts into intuitive images. It will be easier in the future when the Internet era comes, but she is not in a hurry now.

The spaceships given to her as reference are basically based on human design ideas, such as the Normandy, Millennium Falcon, Serenity and other famous spaceships.

However, the most famous one, the Enterprise, was excluded. In Su Ming's opinion, a few sticks supported a large plate. This structure was fine for large scientific research ships, but smaller ships should be more compact.

So the adjutant read this knowledge and studied it for a long time before finalizing it for production.

I took Gin and walked around the spacecraft. Due to the use of a lot of Cybertronian technology, the spacecraft can drive automatically under the operation of the adjutant. There is no crew, so the cabin is basically empty.

"It's very good. Let's drive it for a trip?"

Gin is quite knowledgeable. She has seen many spaceships of interstellar forces and has also been on Asgard's spaceship. In her opinion, although this ship only has a dozen cabins and its speed may be a bit slow, After all, it is Earth's first starship, and starting from scratch is always the most difficult thing.

She suddenly remembered that she wanted to go out for fun. Karma Taj and Asgard were taking care of matters in the magic world, and the company's affairs were supervised by the Foundation's professional managers and Spider Web. She and Su Ming could definitely go out for a vacation. After all, There are only a few places on earth where you can take a vacation.

The universe is so big and she wants to see it.

Moreover, she heard Su Ming say that he planned to recuperate, but he always ended up getting involved in some incident unconsciously. She might as well stay away from the earth and supervise him to recuperate first.

Su Ming thought for a while. The Cosmic Cube charge had not been activated yet, and he still had many timelines and memories to read. It would be good to go out and practice while traveling.

I haven't been to Xandar or Shi'ar yet since I arrived at Marvel. I wanted to collect some information about the universe and treat it as a trip. Even if there is a problem on the earth, he can be contacted immediately using magic communication, and he can return to the earth within a few seconds. This is not a problem.

"Okay, let's get ready, buy some furniture and supplies, and set off in a few days." Su Ming agreed smoothly. In the past, he often disappeared for months or years, so this time he would spend more time with Gin. .

"Then I'll go find Queen Gullweg for help."

Ginjiu excitedly planned to leave, but was pulled back by Su Ming, with a puzzled look on her face.

"You give this ship a name." Su Ming led her out of the hatch, turned around and looked at the spaceship floating above the blue waves in front of her: "Earth has a habit, every ship must have a name, otherwise it will be unlucky. "

Gin suddenly realized that neither Asgard nor Vanaheim had this habit. She had forgotten it when she was happy, but she pursed her lips and thought about it, then shook her head: "It's up to you to come up with names. I'm really not good at this."

"I'm most afraid of names." Su Ming closed his eyes and was silent for a while: "Why don't you call me Tianma? Your old mount died. This is the new mount I gave you so that you can fly again. .”

Gin bit her lip, looked at him with big eyes and nodded, smiled and left quickly. She couldn't wait to take off again.


To be honest, using primitive means to travel through the universe is not an interesting thing.

Although the scenery is good, anytime you look out from the cab, there is a breathtaking view. But this is just a small spacecraft after all, it does not carry a small biosphere, and it does not have any entertainment equipment.

Fortunately, the two of them don't get bored. As two warriors, they can exercise, compare fighting skills and discuss them when they have nothing to do. After working out, we took a bath together and fell asleep together, which was quite satisfying.

Occasionally, I would jump to a star field with extraterrestrial life, go there and walk around, live there for a while, and then continue on the road, like a wanderer.

It didn't eat much of the gems that the cloak dug out, and they were basically used as bargaining chips for bartering.

For example, language translators produced by aliens, ship-borne energy weapons that can be used in space, star maps of each surrounding galaxy, etc., all need to be purchased.

Just like this, stop and go, the two spent several sweet days in the universe.

Su Ming didn't intend to be a cosmic mercenary, so he naturally didn't mind his own business. Now that the third war between the Kree and the Skrulls was in full swing, he simply didn't get close to the star fields of these two countries.

They spend most of their time wandering around the galaxy. The two of them are dressed like Cowboy Bebop, wearing long windbreakers and energy weapons like revolvers on their waists, but they rarely do anything with anyone.

Apart from being robbed hundreds of times, there is not much to say. Eventually, the robbers learned the lesson. Basically, they stopped approaching the silver drop-shaped spacecraft and instead just avoided it.

Su Ming even played the space explorer game with Gin, and went to the planet Mogra, which had been burned down by the gods, but could not find the power stone. He estimated that the location of the stone might be different from that in the MCU.

Then there is no need to look for a needle in a haystack, it will pop out when it should appear.

The two also went to Titan to have a look. The former branch of the Eternals had disappeared in the universe, leaving only various ruins standing quietly under the red atmosphere reflected by the sun.

Well, Su Ming went to look for anti-gravity technology, but unfortunately he couldn't find it. These devices were so completely destroyed by Thanos that it was basically impossible to obtain knowledge from them.

The space exploration failed, but his knowledge has increased a lot. Whether any strange creatures can be eaten, or what they taste like, he has the spirit of Shen Nong to taste a hundred herbs... let him try it out.

To be honest, being a discoverer is quite interesting. If no one knew about it, Deathstroke would definitely be called the greatest explorer on earth.

After another month of sailing, the spacecraft performed very stably. There were no other problems except that it often needed to refuel. The two arrived in the star field of the Shi'ar Empire. The destination of this trip was the other party's home planet, the Feather Star. '.

"The Shi'ar Empire has two capitals. One is the administrative center 'Imperial Capital', which is a completely fortress-like planet that is both a fortress and a weapon. The other is the Feather Star, the birthplace of the race. It can be regarded as a planet with exhausted resources. Now it is only All that’s left is agriculture.”

Su Ming chatted with Gin while looking at the stars in front of him. Although there were many small forces in the universe that he didn't know about, when it came to the Shi'ar Empire, he could still be a simple tour guide.

However, Gin's attention was obviously not here. She squinted her eyes and looked into the distance against the star's light. She pointed at the detector screen: "Look at the edge of the gravity well of the star in this galaxy. Is there a star over there?" Planet?"

Su Ming looked down at the screen, then raised his head to look at the universe with his naked eyes: "Indeed, it's strange. The detector showed that there are two fleets in the orbit of the planet... Fortunately, we robbed it from the marauders last time. A high-magnification signal amplifier, and we forced those fools at gunpoint to install it on the spacecraft for us, and it is just in use now."

As he spoke, he pressed a few additional buttons. Now the interior of the spacecraft was filled with the atmosphere of life, and it was already a complete 'second-hand science fiction'.

Useful equipment collected from all over the universe has been installed on the spacecraft. Although it may not be possible to decrypt it when brought back to Earth, if others rob him, he should not give up what he robbed in return.

"This is the Kree fleet." Looking at the ship shadows on the monitor, Gin shook the bottle. She seemed a little surprised to see such a huge Kree fleet on the border of the Shi'ar Empire. fleet.

The appearance of the Kree battleship is relatively easy to recognize. It looks like a big black banana turned sideways. It is the only one in the universe. No one dares to impersonate the Kree fleet, otherwise they will be hunted to the ends of the earth by the pursuers.

Su Ming pressed a few more buttons: "More than that, look at what's facing them on the other side of the track. That's the Shi'ar Empire's fleet."

The warships of the Shi'ar Empire are not as recognizable as the Kree warships, but their bows are often built in the shape of gorgeous birds.

"This seems to be the new boundary between Shi'ar and Kree. Our star map needs to be updated again." Gin rubbed his forehead with a headache: "That planet is called Spartacus and belongs to the Galactic Council ( Member States of the Galactic Council.”

"Spartacus... I originally thought it was the realm of Chu, He and Han, but it turned out to be a place of dispute between three sects. It's interesting. Let's go down and play." Su Ming's small spaceship was very inconspicuous. When it was made, it was It's built like a spy ship, and paired with Gin's illusion ability, infiltrating a planet isn't a problem at all.

When the fleets of the other two companies approached the city, Su Ming was curious about how the surface creatures would react, so that he could make plans for when the earth encountered the same event in the future.

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