The Death Knell

Chapter 1115? Robbery

The small spaceship was wrapped in magic, like a transparent ghost in the universe, passing through the gap between the two fleets.

Obviously, magic is our own advantage. Neither the Shi'ar Empire nor the Kree Empire have detectors for magic. They all follow the scientific route.

Su Ming noticed that although the two groups were at war with each other, the large and small naval guns on the ship were not charged, but fell into a strange confrontation.

It is understandable that the Kree are like this. It is impossible for them to fight the Skrulls on the frontal battlefield while continuing to provoke emerging empires like the Shi'ar behind their backs.

But according to the temper of the Xi'an people, they would never let aliens approach their borders in the past. There is something wrong with this.

Where are the fleets belonging to the Galactic Council?

"The Galactic Parliament designated the Earth as a primitive planet and did not allow member states to contact the people on Earth." Gin whispered, slipping under tens of thousands of energy cannons. She couldn't help but lower her voice, as if she was afraid of being heard. Same.

In fact, there is a vacuum environment outside, so even if the two people suddenly start dancing to the other side, they will not be able to hear it.

Su Ming rotated the planet on the screen and chose the landing place on the planet: "The Shi'ar people say that the earth is their territory, the Kree people say that the earth is their territory, and Asgard also has its own statement. There’s nothing wrong with having more people protecting the Earth. In comparison, the Galactic Council, which treats Earthlings like beasts, is more annoying.”

"Then we still need to land? I'm afraid we will be caught and beheaded." Gin joked, and she also learned to tell cold jokes.

The Galactic Council is not that primitive. No matter how bad it is, it will be shot. There is no such thing as beheading.

"No, I have experience in fighting behind enemy lines." Su Ming continued to let the adjutant's subsystem control the landing, looking very confident: "When Holloway and the others were in Paris, Nazis were everywhere on the streets. I relied on Slapping him in the face and shouting "Long live Hydra", he led people all the way from Paris to Marseille."

Gin nodded, and she began to check the equipment on her body. She also had a small silk bag, so they both carried a lot of supplies with them: "So when we go down, we will say that we are Asgardians?"

"It depends on the situation. The good news is that the Bekri, Shi'ar, and Spartacus all look similar to humans. As long as you prepare a vocal translator, then there won't be a big problem."

Not only are they similar in appearance, there is no reproductive isolation between Kree, Spartans and humans, and they are able to intermarry and reproduce with each other.

As the two of them were talking, the spacecraft began to tremble and its hull turned slightly red, indicating that it was breaking through the atmosphere.

The mountains, rivers, and urban forests below began to gradually become clearly visible under the clouds.

"Well, it's a very smart way to limit the battle to the surface of the planet. This is a proxy war." As the spacecraft descended, the detector detected many heat sources on the ground. Su Ming almost immediately understood what both sides were doing.

The Galactic Council is a relatively loose alliance. It has never been good at force, but is good at political and economic means.

It seems that they now know that they cannot keep the Spartan Empire, because the star domain of this small franchise country is an enclave, just sandwiched between the two empires, and its position is very embarrassing.

But there is only one planet, and anyone who gives it or not will offend others. So we might as well put the planet here and let the two families use proxy wars to decide the ownership of this star field.

The Kree saved the cost of war, the Shi'ar had a chance to win or lose without having to fight, and the Galactic Council saved most of their face. This was the best solution.

As for the Spartans on the planet? Sorry, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

It's just that I'm afraid that the Spartan authorities are now so obsessed that they are trapped in the whirlpool of civil war and are no longer able to see the general trend clearly. People's brains are broken, the cause of the war is no longer important, it is hatred that takes over everything.

"That's it, it's like the Vietnam War between the United States and the furry bears on Earth." Gin also understood, and she looked interested. Her favorite thing was visiting the battlefield. Thanks to her previous job, she might be The most calm person on earth facing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The spaceship landed in a forest, and Gin used magic to hide it. The two walked out of the forest, spread out a blanket by a river, and started having a picnic.

"I just don't know what kind of forces the two sides are supporting. I'll have to ask my tongue later. I want to play a game with these aliens." Su Ming took out various foods from his pocket and gave them to Gin. Had enough drinks.

Gin toasted with him and drank a bottle with a tilt of his neck: "Aren't we here to visit the battlefield? Do we really want to get involved?"

"We have been traveling for so many years. I haven't killed anyone for a long time and my hands are raw. Now that we have met, I have to add some trouble to the Galaxy Council." Su Ming showed a sinister smile. Ginjiu knew this kind of smile, and she thought in her heart A moment of silence for these aliens in advance.

Those weird aliens dare to look down on earthlings, who gave them the courage?

"Okay, you can play if you want, but can the strength of the two of us really determine the outcome of the battle on the battlefield?" She stretched her legs and moved her knees.

"If I wanted to, I could just bring a demon over and the planet would explode, but that wouldn't be fun. Let's see what happens first." Deathstroke divided a roasted quail into two halves, and each of them ate half.


War, war never changes.

It begins when people want to, but it does not end when people want to.

In Spartacus today, almost every city and every wilderness has become a battlefield.

The forces behind the scenes provide their agents with everything they need, whether it is weapons that can be used to kill people or drugs that can be used to commit suicide, but whatever they ask for, they will be satisfied.

The Cree people have fostered local military factions that are closer to their thoughts. These people yearn for the iron blood and strong military strength of the Cree Empire.

The Shi'ar people have fostered the most insensitive civilian class among the locals. These people are very easy to manage and have a large number. What they pursue is nothing more than material enjoyment, and the Shi'ar Empire can fully meet their needs.

Speaking of which, the Kree Empire pursues the evolution of the race, and the supreme wisdom has always wanted to find a way forward to prevent the race from entering the dead end of evolution and disappearing in the universe.

The Shi'ar Empire is firmly against imagination. They prohibit people from imagining, and showing one's own random thoughts is the top crime.

The forces being supported held various advanced weapons that were far superior to their own before, and were full of longing for a better future. They kept firing at their former compatriots, and everyone fell into a crazy carnival.

Except for a handful of people.

The reason why Spartacus is called an empire is that they naturally have an emperor. Neither Cree nor Shia allow other kings to exist under their rule, so there are actually three parties on the planet. On the competition.

Military faction, civilian faction, royalist faction.

The old emperor died in an assassination. A precise energy weapon was fired from thousands of meters away and turned him into ashes. The military faction and the civilian faction respectively blamed the other side and started a world war.

The royalists were the weakest and few in number. The palace guards could only protect the young prince from escaping from the capital Spartui under the leadership of loyal ministers, hoping to find a spaceship to escape and seek help from the Galactic Parliament. .

However, just as a group of people were lounging out their tongues to rest and pant in the forest like bereft dogs, a man and a woman suddenly jumped out from the bushes. They were wearing strange brown clothes and holding energy weapons in their hands.

"Robbery! Men on the left, women on the right! Stand in the middle, both men and women!" The man shouted, and he made a big hole in the ground with one kick.

The small group of people who were hungry and tired all raised their hands obediently when they looked at the glistening muzzle of the gun. One of the gray-haired Spartans immediately showed a humble smile.

"What do you want, this good man? We'll give it to you, don't hurt us."

Su Ming had set up his translator so that no matter what words the aliens called him, such as sir, hero, or stranger, they would all be translated into "hero", so that he could feel like Cowboy Bebop.

He was amused in his heart, but he pulled the black cloth covering his face expressionlessly and swung the energy gun in his hand: "Robbing the soles of your feet! Take off your shoes!"

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