The Death Knell

Chapter 1116? Consistent style

As a cosmic empire, the old palace manager also traveled across the star sea when he was young, and he saw many space predators.

Those people were mercenaries when hired, and interstellar pirates when they were running out of food. The two people in front of him were dressed like predators, but he had never seen anyone robbing soles...

Robbing supplies or money, or even robbing people to sell as slaves, are all useful.

Foot sole plate available...

Can this kind of thing be stolen? Peel off the soles of your feet with a knife? Take it back to cook?

Just thinking about it made the old manager shudder.

At this time, Su Ming and Gin, who were wearing black masks, were laughing inwardly. It was so fun to see these aliens divided into two teams with confused expressions on their faces, as well as their panicked and frightened eyes. Well, playing as Cowboy Bebop, you still have to play the game of robbery.

As for why these people didn't resist? Then they have to dare.

When Su Ming jumped out of the grass, he used his murderous intent to lock onto the guards holding several weapons. They immediately trembled like mice caught by a snake.

Although the name of the Spartacus Empire is full of iron-blooded style, in fact, this country is most famous for its beautiful scenery and various beautiful wild animals. The main pillar of the economy is the intergalactic tourism industry. By the way, catering The industry is also very developed.

This pocket empire only has one planet, which is both their home planet and their resource planet, but it is developing surprisingly well.

There are some people in the universe who have been wandering for many years. They travel around aimlessly. When they encounter a planet with living things, they will go down to see it and have contact with the indigenous people. Their mentality is probably similar to that of Su Ming now.

If they are happy with the natives, these people may give something to the 'monkeys'. It may be an energy weapon that seems ordinary to him, or a small device that can take pictures, but if it falls into the hands of the indigenous people, it may directly light up the black technology.

Spartacus has a special location. There are too many aliens visiting their planet. Some have brought disasters, and some have left gifts.

But generally speaking, they had good luck in the past. Before serious pollution and resource depletion, they used the technology provided by alien forces to create the antimatter engines needed for space navigation, and jumped directly into the cosmic age from the early industrial age. .

It's not just the Earth that has genius scientists, the Spartans also have them.

The population of the planet is less than 10 billion, and the pressure for survival is not great. After the planet was unified, it continued to use the previous monarchy. The emperors of the past generations were relatively wise. It can be regarded as one of the few happy countries in the universe.

The so-called happiness, forget about medical insurance, it is limited to food, clothing, housing and transportation. This standard is not low at all, and there are many alien countries where there is no food.

Spartacus, who entered the interstellar age, naturally came into the sight of some people at the same time. After exploring the wider star field, they found that they were caught among the three forces, and quickly found the loosest federation to embrace it. Upper thigh.

It is indeed somewhat useful. There have been hundreds of years without war, but just because it has not been annexed for so many years does not mean that it will never happen.

The Spartans had not experienced war for a long time. The palace guards looked like a guard of honor. Deathstroke showed a little murderous intent, and these rookies who had never seen blood panicked.

The royalist faction only has a symbolic meaning, but what Su Ming wants is this justice, so that it can be made clear that the other two factions are all "incorrectly in power."

His target is also very clear, that is Jason Spartacus, the Prince of Sparta.

Hidden in the grass, this seemingly chance encounter was actually not accidental at all.

Deathstroke was extremely fast. He and Gin went to grab a tongue after eating, knowing that the coup happened just a few hours before the two landed.

The emperor was assassinated on the spot, and the military faction and the civilian faction soon ushered in the two empires. A civil war broke out on the planet. The inheritance of the empire fell on Jason, but he disappeared under the protection of his cronies.

Knowing this information, Deathstroke and the two men ambush at the forest path near the capital.

Two groups of rebels occupied the city and fought fiercely. The Shi'ar and the Kree had air superiority, and the capital was both a siege and a battlefield.

The prince and the others are weak and must first escape from the capital before they can have any room for change. Otherwise, no matter which party occupies the capital, they will surely conduct a blanket search of the entire city, and they will not be able to escape even if they want to.

We must take advantage of the chaos and leave the capital immediately, if the prince is not stupid.

The sky is monitored by the fleet, there are various surveillance probes in the city, and the capital's air defense circle is also completely blocked. The sky is a battlefield. Using any vehicle to attack the blockade of fighter jets is risking your life.

The prince and the others could only escape from the capital through the sewers. They did not want to be discovered. This was the inevitable choice.

And even if you leave the city from the sewer, the surveillance from the sky still exists. So besides entering the forest and using trees to cover your group, is there any other way?

The longer the exposure to the wilderness, the greater the danger. Jason's physical characteristics must have been recorded by Kerry and Shia. With supercomputers and interstellar sensors, he can be distinguished from the crowd at any time.

Kerry and Shia will definitely use this method to find him, and then direct their agents to catch him. If they don't want to be caught, Jason must avoid being seen by the 'eye of the sky' as much as possible.

Then he could only escape from the capital by following the method Su Ming guessed.

The plan was good, and it avoided the two fleets and the rebel pursuers, but I didn't expect the oriole behind...

So Su Ming flew invisibly around the capital, identified all the sewer exits, analyzed where the terrain was more suitable, the forest was closer to the city, calculated the target's walking speed, and then just waited.

They pretended to be fleeing residents and ran through the wilderness. When they arrived in the forest, due to both relief and exhaustion, a group of people squatted under a big tree to catch their breath.

When Deathstroke jumped out, they didn't even react and became prisoners.

Su Ming has been observing Prince Jason, and I have to say that he does look very suitable for the title of prince. Even though he is wearing civilian clothes and his eyes are a little flustered, his usual temperament is still there, and he looks good among a group of people. Stand out from the crowd.

He's an idol trainee again.

"Okay, now listen to my order. First lift your left leg and show me the sole of your foot." Su Ming suppressed a smile and waved the small pistol in his hand.

Under the threat of weapons, the group had to lift their left legs independently and show him the soles of their feet. As one can imagine from a person who just ran out of the sewer, every foot was covered in black blood. dirty water.

"No, higher."

"Yes, hold still and wait for me to check each one."

"How long has it been since you washed your feet? I hate people like you who are unhygienic. Do you want to kill them..."

Seeing these people wandering in place, some people were frightened and fell down from time to time. Su Ming took advantage of them.

"Okay, switch to your right foot."

After being tormented for a long time, the palace manager may be too old, or he may have simply given up. After all, he was stopped by such an inexplicable person during his escape journey. He almost collapsed: "Hero, please let us go, we are just The fleeing civilians must leave this planet as soon as possible."

"I know who you are." Su Ming rubbed his face with the muzzle of his gun: "To tell you the truth, I came here for Prince Jason."

"What?!" The manager was shocked for a moment. There was a trace of hesitation in his eyes. Then he gritted his teeth and hugged Su Ming. He turned and shouted to Jason: "Prince, leave quickly! Let's hold them back!" "

Jason, whose beard was not that thick now, sighed, because he saw that the guards who rushed towards the two men were tied up with black tentacles almost instantly, and he knew that he had no possibility of escaping.

The woman was even watching the show leisurely and didn't take any action at all.

"Let them go. I am the Jason Spartacus you want. It's up to you to hand me over to Shia or Kerry. I should be quite valuable."

As if he had thrown himself into a trap, he walked barefoot in front of Su Ming. At this time, the old manager was being held by Su Ming's collar and hung in the air like a small animal.

No matter how hard the old man struggled, his arm wouldn't move.

Spartans actually have good physical fitness. As a type of aliens, their physical fitness is generally a little better than that of earthlings. In terms of strength, agility, and endurance, any child picked at random is almost at the level of human special forces. They even have Some self-healing abilities.

It's just a little self-healing. If an injury takes a month to heal on humans, it only takes about fifteen days.

But to Deathstroke, these are just ordinary people.

"Oh?" Su Ming let go of the old manager and watched him crawl back to Jason after landing. He opened his hands like a hen to block the prince, and nodded approvingly: "Your guards are quite good. Loyal, but loyalty is not fighting ability. Besides, who told you that I would hand you over to those birds and blue monsters?"

"Aren't you space predators? Are you going to trade me for a bounty?" Jason didn't understand at all.

Su Ming put away the gun. This thing was just for show: "Did I say we are predators? Besides, neither the Cree nor the Shi'ar can give me what I want."

The boss looked at him suspiciously, but still did not let down his guard: "Then why did you rob our soles?"

"I'm from Earth, Prince Jason, and I'm here to negotiate terms with you." Deathstroke nodded to Jason and said seriously: "But I don't know you. There is a saying on our earth that bad people will have foot bleeding. Pus, so I have to check on you first to make sure my future allies aren’t bad guys.”

Jason and the old manager looked at each other. Are people on earth so magical? Can a good person actually see it from the soles of his feet?

For a time, the two people who had no idea about the earth were fooled, let alone the guards who had no knowledge at all.

The manager slowly lowered his arm. The other party was obviously stronger. Everyone's life and death were in the hands of the other party, so there was no need to lie to them. In this way, what this man and woman said was true.

"But the Galactic Council prohibits us from contacting people on Earth..." The old manager was a little confused.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Come on my spaceship. I will take you to the universe to see the situation. You will know that everything in the past is no longer important." Su Ming waved his hand behind him, under a huge colorful tree, transparent A hatch appeared in the space, and a warm light emitted from the door.

Jason suddenly felt in his heart that the door to a new world was opening to him.

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