The Death Knell

Chapter 1117? Athletes enter

"The Galactic Senate has abandoned us."

Looking at the projected planet and orbit map, the old manager lowered his head feebly, his gray hair trembling slightly with his body, and tears couldn't help but slide down his old face.

In his memory, the Galactic Council has always been aloof, collecting a lot of franchise fees from Spartacus every year, and repeatedly promising to protect the safety and independence of the planet.

But what about now? Looking at the Kree and Shi'ar fleets in the orbit of the planet, and looking at the explosions and fires that could be seen with the naked eye from time to time on the planet, how could he still not see that the Galactic Council had given up on them.

Rather, their world is not even a gift, just a prize.

The guards were all sent to the empty cabin to rest, leaving only Jason and the old manager. Su Ming gave each of them a cigarette, walked between them and hooked their shoulders.

“If you don’t have your own strength and only rely on others’ protection, you will end up like this in the end.”

"The Galactic Council has betrayed us! Sparta has perished! My family has served the monarch for generations, so how can I live with dignity? I won't live anymore!" As he said this, the old manager wanted to hit the console to death.

But how could his power get rid of Su Ming?

"I'm going to kill myself!"


"I hit! Hey!"



He exerted his strength several times, only to find that this earthling held him firmly in his arms, unable to move even an inch.

At this time, Jason also reacted and immediately began to comfort him: "Don't be like this, Uncle Kukut, we are all alive, and there is hope while we are alive. I believe that one day we will take back our country."

Su Ming let go of the old manager with some disgust, and saw him lying in Jason's arms crying with tears and runny nose. He couldn't help but curled his lips: "I like people with hope, haha, you two, Prince Jason is now I still represent the orthodox royal power of the Spartacus Empire, do you still want to listen to my conditions?"

Jason took a deep breath and let go when he saw that the old manager had no intention of committing suicide again. He took off the civilian clothes he was wearing, revealing the double-breasted military uniform underneath that was similar to the Napoleonic era.

Very strong and silky unique black fabric is cut into a short windbreaker, with a ceremonial foil sword around his waist and a red ribbon on his chest. He looks like a model worker at a commendation conference.

"Please tell me, I know we have no retreat now and no allies we can rely on. I am very grateful to the earthlings in the solar system for lending a helping hand at this time."

Fortunately, he was a prince, and he was quite sober when he got to know him, and he didn't speak harshly.

Su Ming pulled off his face covering, smiled and shook hands with him: "Handshaking is the etiquette of the earth. I am the Supreme Mage Deathstroke from the earth, and behind me is the Valkyrie Mist from Asgard."

Gin also took off his disguise and nodded to the two of them very dignifiedly.

"Asgard?" The old butler burst out with inexplicable enthusiasm, and his eyes, which were still dim with tears just now, shone brightly: "Is His Majesty Odin planning to help us?"

Gin looked at Su Ming, saw him secretly winking, and instantly understood: "Yes, we are a new alliance, including Earth, Asgard, and Vanaheim, all here to make friends, and the Supreme Mage is here to make friends." He is our representative.”

Su Ming was very satisfied with this statement. Odin was relatively famous in the universe, so of course he had to raise his banner to make up for it. Asgard is powerful in battle, and Odin is a veteran Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. This is a guarantee of credibility.

As for whether Odin agrees with Deathstroke using his name to do things... maybe, probably, he doesn't mind, right?

The old man who was sleeping far away in Odin's Sleep seemed to have had a nightmare, and the four huge fireplaces in the room had no effect of keeping him warm. He frowned and shivered, and clutched the fur covering his body in his dream. Small quilt.

The small lights on the console flickered, various instruments made beeping sounds from time to time, and the cockpit fell into silence for a short time.

But the old manager quickly jumped up with movements that were inappropriate for his age, and kept pumping his fists in mid-air: "Great! Sparta can be saved! Our country can be saved!"

Although Jason was also very happy, at least he was not that excited, but he also clenched his hands and tried desperately to restrain himself.

Su Ming had a reserved smile on his face, and his eyes became friendly when looking at the two of them. He seemed to have seen a familiar scene from his previous life.

Some people become so ecstatic after reading small advertisements on telephone poles.

He smiled and shook his head slightly. The Spartans were really simple. Don't they know that they shouldn't believe in advertisements and believe in curative effects?

I just took out the big flag and waved it, and I haven't even written a bad check yet. They are so happy. I feel guilty for deceiving such people. enclave sandwiched between three star fields? A traditional authoritarian kingdom?

This is one of the best space observatories. For the sake of the earth, we must take it by any means necessary.

Not to mention that Jason is still Star-Lord's father. If he exerts influence on him, he can influence Star-Lord in the future, and if he influences Star-Lord, he can influence the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The rest of the team's combat prowess was scummy, but the strong alien man, Drax the Destroyer, known as the 'Galaxy Hulk' and 'one of Thanos' nemesis', was a very useful tool.

That guy is a bit stubborn and only listens to Star-Lord. He probably only looks at Star-Lord's idiots and finds him pleasing to the eye.

The little cousin and Star-Lord have similar personalities. They can be regarded as close friends, but it is impossible to rely on the little cousin to exert influence. He himself is an uncertain factor. What Su Ming needs is a more stable connection.

The last thing that set my sights on the planet Spartacus was: ‘Open the door, free trade! ’

Jason and the old manager were excited for a while, and then gradually calmed down. He asked with a trembling tone: "Thank you, but I don't know what we need to pay?"

"It sounds simple, but it's actually quite complicated." Su Ming took out the contract he had prepared long ago and showed a standard business smile: "First of all, the Spartacus Empire needs to form an alliance with the Earth. In the event of major cosmic events, Advance and retreat together. Secondly, open up the people’s freedom of belief so that they can take another path besides science. At the same time, there are also a series of multilateral trade agreements, including detailed policies for earthlings to travel to Spartacus.... ..”

Jason looked at his glasses in surprise. The one eye was full of seriousness. The prince lowered his head to look at the contract project. It took a long time before he raised his head.

"Without any biased political conditions?"

Deathstroke shook his head and smiled: "No, you have also seen that everything is a fair trade."

"There are no additional terms?" This condition was too generous for Spartacus, and he could hardly believe it. Although he had a great reputation, it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a bare commander now.

Deathstroke nodded affirmatively and took on the style of the Supreme Mage. The cloak made him float slowly, and Strangler instantly put on armor for him.

A red light flashed on the eyepiece, and a hoarse voice clearly reached the ears of the master and the servant:

"The people of the earth love peace, and we are very willing to extend a helping hand to races that also love peace in the universe. All agreements are based on the premise of equality, mutual assistance, and unity. This is not a redirected aggression, but a path of seeking common ground while reserving differences. A new path for common development.”

For the impoverished master and servant, this contract was like pie in the sky. Jason quickly wrote his name on the contract, and saw that the contract ignited without fire, and a huge idea flashed out of the void. Pass.

He quickly stepped forward excitedly, holding the big hand extended by the Supreme Mage with both hands, as if he were seeing a relative. The tears in his eyes finally slipped down at this moment, wetting his chest in a simulated gravity environment.

"thank you!"

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