The Death Knell

Chapter 1118? Warcraft

Su Ming moved his neck. He felt that when the shadow of Emperor Weishan flashed across the void just now, it seemed like Hogs had glared at him. Was it an illusion?

It must be an illusion. A tiger's eyes are always round, otherwise it would be called a tiger with eye-catching eyes.

He took out a lighter and lit cigarettes for the prince and the boss. He smiled and patted their shoulders: "The agreement has been signed, so everyone is our own. Tell me, how do you want to put down this rebellion? Do you like to be gentle? A little, or a little rough?”

Jason was very unfamiliar with tobacco, which is a specialty of the earth. He imitated the death knell and took a deep breath. He choked and coughed, and the manager quickly patted him on the back.

It took him a long time to wipe away his tears and calm down: "Is there also gentleness and roughness in fighting?"

"Faced with this situation, I have more than ten solutions, but I want you to choose, unless you don't like having the right to choose." Su Ming took out the wine again and motioned for the two of them to find a place to sit. Talking slowly, the global war on the ground will not end so soon: "You saw me for the first time today, so you are probably not familiar with my style. Let's put it this way, generally my enemies only have three consequences - Euthanasia, tragic death, death."

"Aren't these all deaths?" The old manager asked a question like a joke. He really didn't understand the difference between these deaths.

Su Ming smiled slightly and nodded slowly: "You are right, the result is death, but the process is different. What does Prince Jason plan to do with these rebels? Skin them and hang them on the orbiting space station ? Or cut them all into pieces and feed them to the fish? Use their bones to fill the sea and build land? "

Jason froze and smiled awkwardly but politely: "That doesn't even sound very...gentle."

"There are gentle ones." Su Ming immediately came up with a new plan: "Spartacus has four satellites, which means there are four moons. I can find someone to project a large illusion to the moon. As long as I see These people on the moon will immediately be deeply hypnotized into the dream dimension. Their bodies will never wake up again, and they will die without pain. I call this the 'Eye of the Moon' plan. How about it? Isn't it very gentle?"

Karma Taj has no mage who can do this, but Nightmare, one of the dimensional lords of the Split Realm, representing 'Dream', can do this.

Although Nightmare was cheated last time, he did not pay or suffer any loss. At most, it was a wasted trip. Su Ming was confident of negotiating another condition with him.

Let Spartacus open his faith. This is definitely not a useless work, but a trading interface opened in advance for the demon gods. As long as you wait patiently for a sorcerer to appear in Spartacus, whoever is the main god of the faith here will be able to make the most profit in terms of transaction price.

This is a planet with nearly 10 billion people. Even if this condition is placed in front of an old fox like Mephisto, he can't help but be tempted.

Jason unknowingly paid more chips than he realized...

"This, illusion? Will it harm civilians?" Jason frowned. He had an ominous premonition about this plan.

Su Ming nodded very frankly: "A magic of this scale must be indistinguishable from friend to foe, but it doesn't matter. When the war continues on the second day, most civilians will be hiding in their rooms or basements shivering. They can see the moon when they go out. , Seventy-eight times out of ten, he is not a good person.”

He looked at the distant planet through the cockpit. This planet really looked like the Earth. From the perspective of the universe, the sea was emitting blue light, surrounded by emerald-like continents, with red flowers from time to time. The explosion blooms.

very beautiful.

"..." Jason was speechless. The corners of his mouth kept twitching. What kind of train of thought was this?

The old steward was very good at observing people's words, and he immediately expressed his inner thoughts for the prince: "No, this plan is too crazy. Even if one person is accidentally injured, we will all have uneasy consciences, let alone thousands."

"Oh, well, I'm just too nice to give you a chance to be picky." Su Ming sat down and knocked on the table with the bottom of a wine bottle: "But I have to remind you, this may be the most The quickest way.”

The old steward was silent. He just raised his head and looked at the prince beside him. Only the future emperor has the right to decide this kind of thing.

Jason's expression changed for a while, and then his expression became firm. He pressed his hands on the cold table in front of him:

"Do you have any other plans? I cannot sacrifice innocent people for my throne."

Su Ming took out a cup, filled it with brown-red liquid, and slid the cup into their hands on the metal table. The slightly dim light in the cabin made his armor reflect an ominous light.

"Of course there is still a plan, but the results may be much slower. That is for us to send an army from the mysterious side to join this proxy war." He seemed a little helpless and reluctant, but he showed his emotions on his face, so that he could Appear candid.

Gin, who had been drinking and listening, pursed his lips and held back his smile.

She knew that he had just revealed his fox tail and ended up personally. This should be his favorite direction of the story.

There are many reasons why Deathstroke wants to participate in this war, but one of them is to play a game with the Kree Empire and the Shi'ar Empire, and at the same time disgrace the Galactic Council, which looks down on the Earth.

Where is the fun if things end too quickly?

The poor Spartans were kept in the dark. Do they really think that the Supreme Mage will do cosmic charity? They are not qualified to enjoy the various choices Deathstroke mentioned. The future of this planet has already been determined...

Jason, who knew nothing about it, looked confused. He took the wine glass and did not drink it in a hurry. Instead, he scratched his hair: "What is the mysterious side of the army? I didn't quite understand what you said about magic before. Your translator I’m afraid the equipment is a bit behind the times.”

"Magic is a form of borrowing power from high-level energy entities in the universe. The caster connects himself with the demons through specific short-term rituals, and releases the borrowed cosmic energy to destroy the enemy or protect himself," Su Ming said. He gave a more understandable statement, but of course it is not comprehensive: "The army on the mysterious side is like corpses that can walk on their own to kill enemies, demons with horns on their heads and burning bodies, etc., and other unnatural existences."

The old steward drank the wine in the glass first, and then asked the prince to quench his thirst after making sure it was safe. He took the bottle and said at the same time: "I have heard of the existence of these monsters before, but I didn't expect them to be true. Are you sure you can control them?" Won’t these monster armies harm our people?”

Su Ming picked up the wine glass and clinked it with him: "Don't worry about this. The army of the undead is definitely the most obedient army in the universe. It is silent and efficient. It does not need logistics and is not afraid of any sacrifices. Although some people regard the undead as evil, Using the undead is just a means, why you use them and what purpose you want to achieve, these are the things you should pay attention to."

Jason thought for a moment and nodded with sincerity: "Your wisdom is unparalleled, so just follow the plan you said."

"Very good, but it's still a bit scary when skeletons and zombies appear on the street. In order not to scare the children, the undead army needs to be disguised. Look at the map. Where is the location where you used to store military uniforms?"

"I know this, let me do it." The old steward is equivalent to the kingdom's chief steward. Not to mention other places, at least he still understands the capital's material reserves.

He immediately used his finger to enlarge the planet map, locked the location of the capital, and marked each location.

Su Ming just glanced at it and wrote it all down.

If it were a human army fighting, then fighting deep behind enemy lines would be very dangerous. But the undead army is different. Spreading death will naturally start from the largest city center.

Too bad his undead army came from Black Lantern, it would have been better if it was a contagious virus.

When the Shi'ar Empire and the Kree Empire planned to cultivate agents and thought they were playing StarCraft, Su Ming directly sacrificed the undead to play Warcraft with them, leaving everyone in his place confused.

The several empires that entered the field basically followed the technological route and knew nothing about the power of magic and rules. It was a perfect time for the undead army to appear.

The entire planet is a battlefield, lacking everything but corpses.


When the capital of the Spartan Empire fell into darkness, the war still showed no sign of stopping. The two groups' already red-eyed troops were engaged in the most intense street fighting in the city.

From time to time, you can see explosions like fireworks, or energy beams piercing the sky. There are more various aircraft overhead than there are mosquitoes under the street lights on Earth.

They circle and chase through the air, sending death to others and facing the same fate themselves.

Su Ming had long understood why Death activated his black light ring. The answer was simple.

He is regarded as the agent of death in another world.

He has the aura of another death, and he is Wade's woman's first choice to spread death and harvest souls.

She used to be Thanos, but now she wants to use herself.

Using the power of the deceased to be given the death knell, she said it was a gift and a gift, but how can there be any benefit in the world that comes for no reason? Just because he sent Wade there to reunite with her? Not at all.

Death is too human, then she has her own plan

His little cousin is mentally ill, and no woman he has ever found is mentally ill.

However, she was still a little short of the mark when it came to plotting against Deathstroke.

Give her something sweet to taste first, and when the time comes...

"This is the cemetery on the outskirts of the capital. People who have died in the past thousands of years are buried here." The steward took Deathstroke and his party, taking advantage of the darkness, to land in a wilderness on a spaceship that was completely covered by illusions.

The night will not provide any help for concealment. The only thing that allows the group to walk carelessly on the road is the illusion released by Gin.

Su Ming looked at the densely packed tombstones, which could not be seen in the dark night. He nodded with satisfaction: "Congratulations on not choosing cremation or space funeral. Burying your dead relatives has left you with a huge wealth."

"Cremation? Space funeral?" Jason asked the manager with some confusion. When he arrived at the cemetery in the middle of the night, he still felt a little bit cold all over his body. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword and looked around from time to time.

The old manager lowered his head slightly and explained in a low voice: "The interstellar predators have a custom of throwing the bodies of their dead companions into space, along with some of the things that the deceased liked during their lifetime. This is a very barbaric custom. As for cremation... ...I don't know either."

"Cremation is a custom on Earth. The bodies of deceased relatives are transported to a designated place and burned to ashes, and then the ashes are collected for worship." Su Ming patiently explained to the alien allies as he walked towards the center of the cemetery. It seems that the rebels have no interest in the cemetery. There is no sign of war here.

Well, this shows that the Spartans did not have the custom of burial objects, otherwise the dead would not be able to escape being affected by war.

"Hey!" Jason and the manager shook their heads in unison. The old man had a look of disbelief on his face and murmured, "Why do you want to burn the bodies of your loved ones? Is it just for the convenience of preservation?"

"It's too dark." Jason also felt that he couldn't accept it. It was miserable enough to die, so why burn him with fire?

Gin walked beside Su Ming. She turned around and replied: "Asgard also has a similar custom. They put the deceased on a small boat, push the boat into the sea, and then use a ignited bow and arrow to set it on fire. The burial objects include fine wine. The deceased was alive. weapons and sometimes a horse.”

Jason's master and servant could only show awkward yet polite smiles on their faces. They still couldn't accept alien customs.

Su Ming took off the gauntlet on one hand and focused on the black light ring: "Each country has different customs. What we have to do is seek common ground while reserving differences. As for why the body should be burned, you will soon understand Understood......"

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