The Death Knell

Chapter 1119? The Rise of the Dead

As Deathstroke raised his right hand, without even speaking a word, the black ring sucked away the surrounding light like a black hole, and the cold breath instantly drowned everyone like a tide.

Cold, dark, and void, a strange and ethereal force enveloped the entire cemetery, as if it were an invisible black veil, coating everything with a gray atmosphere.

Just for a moment, the sound of 'rustling' sounded in the originally empty and silent cemetery. The sound became louder and closer.

It came from under everyone's feet.

The older manager was the first one to realize that it was the sound of the corpse on the ground scratching the coffin with its finger bones!

As the noises became louder and louder, the scratching sounds gradually turned into slapping sounds, and then amid the dense muffled sounds, bones or rotten hands stretched out from the soil.


He didn't feel it when he made the plan, but seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Jason couldn't accept it, and he was a little shaken.

Su Ming noticed the change in his expression, immediately guessed his mentality, and said: "Calm down, these seniors know that their descendants betrayed the country and helped alien forces carve up their home planet. They said, even if I don't Come, they will definitely jump out of the coffin themselves and beat these unworthy descendants to death and drag them into the ground."

"Really? You can hear their wishes?"

Jason saw an incredible sight and was now a little stunned.

"That's right, I just fulfilled their wishes. Look how anxious they are. They are faster than rushing to reincarnate." Su Ming smiled and said nonsensically, pointing to the corpses that emerged from the soil one by one: " They all firmly support your rule and can't wait to serve you."

Some of the corpses have completely turned into bones for a long time, relying solely on the power of death to maintain the movement of the bones. Those who have been dead for a few days have relatively complete bodies, and you can still see their general appearance, but they are a little smellier.

The old housekeeper is so mature, how come he can’t tell that Deathstroke is talking nonsense? But he also knew that Sparta had no choice. The sooner the rebellion was resolved, the sooner the prince would ascend the throne.

The Shi'ar and Kree fleets were both supporting the rebels, and they had to regain the sovereignty of the planet before the decisive weapons were launched. He pretended not to hear any white lies. At the same time, he also pretended that he couldn't see it. When a rotting and stinky corpse emerged from his feet, he blocked all his vision and smell.

The confusion in his heart overwhelmed Jason. He didn't know how to react at this time, but when he saw the green will-o'-wisps burning in the eyes of these undead, standing respectfully in front of him, he found his way to the bottom of the steps.

Deathstroke was right, these dead people still supported him. He was not a loner, but the legitimate heir of the empire. Those separatists who betrayed the motherland and went to foreign enemies are the sinners. I will take their elders to find them to settle everything.

With this thought, coupled with the fact that Deathstroke kept saying seductive words beside him, the prince slipped down the stairs in his heart.

He was right, but the world was wrong.

So after just a few dozen seconds, his eyes turned into eagerness and appreciation when he looked at this undead army.

"Can I communicate with them?" Jason looked at the death knell next to him, looking impatient.

Su Ming showed a decent smile: "Of course, I said, they are your army, and there are more of them than I thought. After entering the capital, they will develop at a snowballing speed. I can congratulate you in advance, Your Majesty. .”

It seems that the Spartan prince wants to indulge in the addiction of commanding the army. It doesn't matter. Su Ming controls these undead and makes them dance hip-hop. It is not a problem, let alone acting for the prince.

As soon as he thought about it, thousands of undead troops immediately knelt down on one knee towards a few people and saluted like knights. Their etiquette and respect were completely impeccable.

"Okay, okay... please get up, everyone, please get up." Jason was so moved that tears filled his eyes. He even walked over and helped up a few rotting corpses without any expression of disgust.

If it hadn't been for the boss holding him, he might have had to give a few hugs or kisses to the undead elders?

Gin Jiu and Su Ming glanced at each other secretly. She tried her best to hold back her smile. How could her boss's army hand over control to others?

This prince still suffered the loss of not understanding Deathstroke. He was deceived by a puppet show and was so involved in the performance. It was really disgusting.

Although as a Valkyrie, she had been dealing with corpses and souls in the past, but she would usually only use her weapon to pull the corpses that were too rotten a few times to remove the heroic spirits. She would never touch them with her hands.

Jason can actually do...evil, is this the legendary king's posture?

Su Ming immediately put on a touched expression. He walked up to the old manager and shook hands with the old man enthusiastically: "The prince is courteous to the corporal, and is full of benevolent demeanor. He is really a blessing to the country and the people."

The old housekeeper's hands were caught. While looking at the prince who had escaped from his shackles and the corpses hugging each other, he apologized with a dumbfounded smile: "Haha... yes, yes."

In fact, he was screaming inside, this is too dirty! Will you get sick? !

He disliked them being dirty, but Jason didn't. He had a 'close contact' with these corpses, probably treating them as living people with their own will.

Also, he shouldn't have any concept of the undead, it's not just what Deathstroke said.

Sticky friendship probably refers to this time.

"Ahem, Your Majesty Jason, it's time for us to set off." After a few minutes, even Su Ming felt a little sick. He had to remind the prince that there would be many opportunities to get close to the dead, and it was time for the army to enter the city.

It takes a lot of effort for Gin to maintain such a large-scale illusion, right? The magic gems dug up from Agamon's hometown are used very quickly.

Jason returned to the group of people in the moonlight, with a few strands of rotting flesh still hanging on his body. He said with some regret: "These are all loyal subjects of the empire. They returned to the world to serve me. I originally wanted to give them Give a speech."

"Ahem, when the matter is over, you can give them medals if you want." The corners of Su Ming's mouth twitched. Could Jason have been ruined by him?

"Yes, you are right. Thank you, Supreme Mage Deathstroke. You are our eternal benefactor, Spartacus."

The prince's eyes lit up and he listened seriously. These undead souls do not need to eat or drink and have no physiological needs, so they can still be given honor.

"Now we have an undead army of tens of thousands of people. Let them enter the sewers where you fled the capital first, and I will prepare some weapons for them." When Jason was stunned with longing, Su Ming quickly changed the subject to business. Pull up.

You can't fool the prince anymore. If you continue, I'm afraid he will become mentally ill.

"I'm afraid the weapons depot is the centerpiece of the defense. It may be difficult for our unarmed troops to break through the blockade." The general manager was quite useful, and he made some prudent remarks.

Su Ming signaled Gin to contact Earth. She quickly returned to the spaceship and then appeared with Xiao Wang. After saluting the death knell, Wang opened the portal to the Wilson Enterprise warehouse.

Deathstroke walked into the portal by himself, and quickly carried several long wooden boxes out. The Godslayer pried off the lid of the box, and the wooden boards flew up, revealing a handful of weapons wrapped in straw and oilcloth in the box.

He picked up the gun and loaded it skillfully. The golden bullets were very dazzling under the light of the God Killer. He pulled the gun bolt and made a crisp sound. He threw the weapon to Jason who was looking at the portal in a daze:

"Wilson 47, let's find out. We will give you a discount for cleaning up the inventory after World War II. We support installment payments, material or energy mortgages, and organ donation."

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