The Death Knell

Chapter 1120? Historical changes

For the first time in his life, Jason Spartan witnessed mysterious power, whether it was magic, illusion, or the resurrected dead. He felt that the world he was originally familiar with was quickly becoming unfamiliar.

The undead army entered the city from the sewers, marching among the broken burning vehicles and the ruins of skyscrapers. Weapons named 47 were carried on their waists. When encountering the enemy, these weapons would make a sound as dense as a heavy rain. .

The prince had never seen this kind of weapon, but he quickly fell in love with the rhythm of the dazzling tongues of fire.

The Spartans were only slightly stronger in physical fitness. Energy weapons could kill them, as could live ammunition weapons. Seeing the tide of undead troops drowning the enemies blocking the street, the pain in his heart about killing his compatriots quickly changed. Replaced by the pleasure of revenge.

The undead who received the support of arms made everything very cruel and cold. These lifeless soldiers were silent and efficient. As long as he kept ordering them to move forward, he didn't even need to arrange tactics.

The fallen enemies will stand up with green eyes in a few breaths and join them, becoming loyal supporters of the prince.

Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage from Earth, has always been calm, as if he had expected this situation. He said that this kind of behavior of enemies is called "repentance" on Earth.

At the moment of his death, he had a profound enlightenment and felt very embarrassed, so he surrendered to the prince after his death and used the weapons in his hands to persuade his former companions to abandon darkness and join the light.

Jason felt something wasn't right, but he couldn't tell what was wrong because the newly added undead were also extremely loyal to him.

"The warehouse has arrived." As the old manager spoke, he continued to wipe the rotten tissue and mucus on the prince's body with his handkerchief. He pointed to a heavily guarded underground warehouse not far away.

Su Ming nodded slightly, took the exquisite coffee cup from Xiao Wang's hand, took a sip, then looked at Jason and said, "Your Majesty, what's your decision?"

The prince waved his sword forward with high spirits: "Soldiers, move forward!"

The silent gray wave enveloped him and rushed towards the enemy's position. Gin's illusion could make the undead army appear in front of the enemy almost face to face.

"This coffee is good, where did you buy it?" Su Ming did not go to watch the prince play house with the undead, but asked Xiao Wang about the source of the coffee.

The butler bowed slightly. He now has a mature face and has grown a lot taller. He is still as handsome as ever: "Sir, this is Costa Rica's volcano coffee this year. Coupled with the Arctic glacier water, I call this the world of ice and fire." .”

"Ahem...You know a lot at such a young age." Su Ming choked. Wang was really a genius at naming: "I sent some coffee beans to the spacecraft later, and they always floated in space. Fade out like a bird."

"Okay, sir, but aren't you planning to go back and take charge of Earth?"

Wang showed a pitiful look. The Supreme Master did not take him with him when he went to the universe. Now he has to be responsible for the affairs of the academy and supervise the operation of Wilson Enterprises. He can't let go of some of the responsibilities of Kama Taj. He is under great pressure. .

He felt that if he continued like this, he would suffer from endocrine disorders, and the result would be a bald man like the Druid Master.

Su Ming asked Ginjiu to also taste the coffee, and replied disapprovingly. His voice was still clear in the gunfire: "As long as I am in this universe, it will only take a few seconds to return to the earth. Everything is normal now. I stay at home." How boring."

Gin took a sip of coffee and narrowed his eyes: "It's really fragrant, and the taste is very mellow."

"Really? Buy more and save it. The instant coffee we produce at home is indeed not good enough." Su Ming smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. The two of them looked at the massacre not far away, without any disturbance in their hearts. I want to laugh a little bit.

Xiao Wang's eyes turned into the shape of dead fish. He saw the undead army as soon as he came and knew whose power it was.

My master didn't know when he hooked up with the goddess of death. The black ring is just an external manifestation of the energy channel. It can also be a necklace, a weapon, or even a pair of shoes.

No matter what its shape is, it is directly connected to the Garden of the Dead in the void. Xiao Wang can even vaguely feel that the terrifying existence over there is peeking here through the ring, and at the same time, he is constantly sending her cold blood. the power of.

Rather than saying that Deathstroke has mastered the power of death, it is better to say that 'death' itself awakened this army.

Wang didn't know whether Gin didn't feel it, or whether he noticed it but didn't care, but the entire planet was now filled with death energy, and the goddess of death was focusing her gaze here across the long void.

This is definitely more dangerous than playing with fire.

Among the several conceptual entities that symbolize rules in the universe, magicians are more familiar with 'eternity', while 'death' is too mysterious. No one knows her preferences and no one knows her purpose.

So Wang was somewhat worried. Even though he knew that the master might have a plan, he was still afraid of letting it slip.

Su Ming didn't know his unnecessary worries. He and Gin finished a cup of coffee and put the cup back into Wang's hand: "Okay, how is the earth this year? Is the weather going smoothly?"

Wang sighed, looking at the old man's happy and careless look, he probably didn't even know what year it was on earth.

"This year is 1970, my lord. The situation in the Vietnam War is very unfavorable to the United States. Now the streets are full of anti-war demonstrations. I heard that military-industrial enterprises have been affected to some extent."

"Tsk, the Cuban Missile Crisis is over. I originally thought about picking up a few nuclear bombs for nothing, so forget it." Su Ming waved his hand and walked towards the warehouse with Gin in his arms. The undead army had eliminated the enemies, and the warehouse was also A big mouth was opened: "Charles and Eric are in Vietnam now?"

"Yes, but it's a long story." Xiao Wang followed Deathstroke and the others into the warehouse. Watching the living corpses spontaneously distribute military uniforms and cover their faces very skillfully, he quickly talked about these years. Things that happen on Earth.

A few years after Deathstroke left the earth, Charles's mother died of illness. Charles, who was studying abroad, returned home to inherit the inheritance. During the Cuban crisis in 1962, he and Magneto went there with several mutants to stop the war.

Mister Sinister, who was released by Deathstroke as an undercover agent, replaced the long-dead Sebastian and tried to turn the cold war into a hot war on behalf of the Hellfire Club.

Letting him out is also intentional. On the one hand, Deathstroke needs to control the movement of Hellfire. On the other hand, Sinister is also related to the birth of the future Cable.

Originally, with the combination of Charles and Eric, everything could be solved smoothly, but the U.S. military didn't know what happened and launched nuclear missiles at the mutants.

These missiles were thrown back by Magneto, sending half of the U.S. fleet into the sky. At that time, Charles' girlfriend from the CIA who he met when he was out wanted to shoot to stop Magneto, but the metal warhead bounced off Magneto and accidentally shattered it. Charles's spine.

Seeing that Charles had become a cripple, Magneto was very sorry, so he took all the mutants that Charles had recruited so hard and took his new god-sister Mystique away to form the Brotherhood of Mutants. Decided to work together with Charles's share.

He wants to win a place for mutants in the world.

Charles became disabled at a young age and used a wheelchair. The most painful thing was that in order not to make his little girlfriend feel guilty for hurting him for the rest of her life, he used his power to erase all her memories of him.

He pushed his wheelchair back to the mansion alone. After learning from the experience, he decided to imitate the form of Tadashi Academy and establish his own academy dedicated to cultivating mutants.

Without a firm belief, Eric would be deceived even if he had no strength. He decided to focus on ideological construction at the same time, just like Zhongji Academy, to cultivate his own followers.

The huge manor inherited from his parents was used as a venue and named Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

He kept running around, but without a brainwave amplifier, he hadn't recruited a single student in all these years.

Now in 1970, he heard that Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants had appeared in Vietnam and even planned to intervene in the regional situation in Xian Cong. He rushed there alone in a wheelchair. He planned to talk to Magneto again. Don't give up on peace efforts.

"Xian Cong, interesting place." Su Ming nodded, affirming the information provided by Wang: "Eric instigated the rebellion of White Queen Emma, ​​and there was also the spy Sabretooth Tiger sent by Romulus, plus the spy from The first-generation angels taken away by the professor... we should also take action. You go back and inform Spider Web that the 'Ava' project can begin."

The plan for Magneto has been prepared for more than ten years, and the wait is now.

Xian Cong is a small fictional country in Southeast Asia in the Marvel world. There are some interesting things buried underground there.

Vietnam is engaged in a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union, which has attracted the attention of the world. As Vietnam's neighbor, Xian Cong, an invisible battle is also unfolding between the 'Strategic Hazardous Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Office' and 'Leviathan'. ' expand between.

"Okay, sir." Xiao Wang thought for a while, and seeing that the Supreme Mage had no intention of intervening in mutant affairs, he began to talk about other changes.

Master Druid has come down to earth in recent years, and formed a team with Ulysses Bloodstone, Eternal Makari, Zawadi of Wakanda, and Namora of Atlantis. A team called 'Monster Hunters'.

The expedition team discovered a unique subspace area deep in the Antarctic, called the Savage Continent. The environment there is very special, which is very attractive to sorcerers and scientists. The Monster Hunter team also went there to explore.

The Great Demon Shadow Sithorn has been around the earth in the past few years, but there has been no direct conflict. He does not know what he did, and then disappeared.

The new generation of American heroes, Yankee Clippers, Black Fox, Free Girl and Nightingale, formed the team 'Defense Line 1', a team dedicated to fighting the aliens, the Kree and the Skrulls. It has spread to the edge of the solar system, and more and more aliens are falling to the earth for various reasons.

Neither Kree nor Skrull can be called friendly towards human beings, but these people on Defense Line 1 have a deep hatred for aliens and their response methods are very extreme.

The Mongolian Yellow Claw, who claimed to have inherited the legacy of Genghis Khan, formed a new giant criminal organization, the Atlas Empire, and became another powerful force.

Jimmy Wu, who once belonged to Fury, defected from the Logistics Department and joined the CIA. With the support of the consortium, he established the superpower team "Team Zero", whose members are Gorilla Man, Venus, Marvel Boy, and humanoid machine.

Nick Fury, who was betrayed by his cronies, was furious. With the support of Peggy and Howard, he issued an Avengers recruitment order and formed the first generation of 'Avengers'. The members were Kraven the Hunter, Silver Sable, and Dominic. et al.

Listening to Wang talking about the information collected by the spider web one by one, Su Ming narrowed his eyes: "The direction of the development of the world is right. We will not participate. Kama Taj remains neutral... and it is still Fury. He knows how to play, and he has grown up."

People only see what they want to see, actually?

Su Ming knew Jimmy Wu. On the surface, he was a CIA agent who defected from the Logistics Department. On the lower level, he was a Leviathan agent. On the lower level, he was a Hydra agent. His true identity was Fury's die-hard fan. younger brother.

This is a genius multi-agent, each of his four identities is played in a convincing manner. Compared with him, Coulson, who is not yet born, can only be regarded as an ordinary person at best.

Do politicians want to create checks and balances to limit the development of the logistics department?

Fury directly played this trick to make the US government think that Team Zero and the Avengers were enemies. He also dragged Hydra and Leviathan into the water, making the water as dark as his face.

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