The Death Knell

Chapter 1121? Set off on your journey

"I obey, sir. Also, Nick Fury's team, as well as Wolverine, who is the focus of attention, have entered the Xiancong border."

Xiao Wang saw that the undead were almost ready, and knew that the all-out war was about to start from the capital of the planet.

"They are all going to the Well of All Things, so you don't have to worry about it. They are dimensional teleportation devices that require specific bloodlines to be activated. They are of no use to us." Su Ming waved his hand and mentally ordered the undead army to cooperate with the prince's performance. Order: "By the way, is Wolverine's wife dead? Where is Steve now?"

On the streets filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, the silent army began to move, and for a while there was only the sound of tiny footsteps.

"Wolverine lost his memory again. His wife was killed by a saber-toothed tiger, and he was brought back to the United States by some people. Only his brother-in-law survived in the Yamamoto family. His son was abducted by Romulus and his whereabouts are unknown." Wang's face was calm. As a mage, he would not have any emotional fluctuations due to the experience of observing the target: "Steve and Director Carter also fell into a cold war. He has lived in seclusion in an attic in Hell's Kitchen, New York over the years. Asking about world affairs, the comics serialized in the Daily Bugle have become popular, and besides drawing comics every day, he has no time to do anything else."

"Is that so... I'll make arrangements for him in a few years. He is the only one who is most qualified to be Captain America." Su Ming knew that Steve was very resilient and would definitely have to grit his teeth to do what he wanted to do. If he does well, it is not surprising that he can become a famous cartoonist: "Bring me a newspaper and I will see what he draws."

Wang opened the portal, returned to the college office, picked up a daily newspaper for the day, and handed it to the Supreme Mage.

Su Ming shook the newspaper and took a quick look and found that what Steve drew was actually a fantasy comic, telling a story similar to that of a dragon-slaying warrior.

He raised an eyebrow, folded the newspaper and asked Xiao Wang: "Wait a minute, didn't he say earlier that he wanted to draw the story of the Old West? Isn't this too far west?"

Wang spread his hands helplessly: "Since the Vietnam War, there has been an anti-war craze in the country. His previous cartoon about the two-gun boy was too bloody and violent, and it was thrown off the streets."

"...Okay, okay." Su Ming scratched his beard: "When things here are over, I will return to Earth and hold a funeral for myself to change my identity. By the way, when is Howard's wedding?"

"I don't know, at least we haven't received the invitation yet. Now Stark Industries has a lot of business exchanges with us, but most of the time it's Howard's new deputy who comes forward, his old friend, a man named Oba. The young man of Dei Stein.”

Xiao Wang also knew very well what kind of person Howard was... He was a pervert who raised a girl from a young age and then took action against her.

Nowadays, the girl is only twenty years old, and Howard is almost fifty, so it seems awkward.

Seeing Prince Jason walking over excitedly and impatiently, Su Ming nodded to Xiao Wang: "Okay, you go back and tell Spider Web to keep an eye on Obadiah. I'll stay here for some more time."

"I understand, sir, but I'm afraid the Prince of Magic will come to harass you. He seems very unhappy that you have been away from Kamal Taj all year round." The king smiled and bowed, then turned around and entered the portal and disappeared.

"Tsk, this guy Monaco, let's go back and find him some beauties to make him exhausted."

Su Ming reluctantly muttered to Gin, "Isn't it just that the Magic Prince has shouldered some responsibilities? He always wants to escape, how can this be done?"

If you don’t stand guard and I don’t stand guard, who will protect the earth? Who will defend the home?

Gin touched his arm. She knew that this space trip was all to fulfill her wish, so she was moved and said: "When the Spartacus thing is over, we really should go back."

"Well, I'm quite looking forward to my funeral. I will transfer all the businesses to your name before I die."

Su Ming smiled and looked at Jason, who was approaching, while communicating with Gin in a low voice. How could a person miss his own funeral?

"How do you plan to die?"

Gin asked curiously, and she also found it interesting.

"It's going to be a car accident. When the time comes, just find a corpse and stuff it into the coffin. The kind that's bloody and fleshy, half-cooked is best."

Su Ming almost didn't think about it. It was too troublesome to die and die, and he had to act in the hospital bed. Let's just use the most common way of sudden death. Car accidents are the most common and the most sudden.

"I'm a little curious about what Steve will look like at the funeral." Gin pursed his lips and held back a smile that looked very cute.

Su Ming also smiled. He winked at Gin and then faced Jason who was coming: "I'm looking forward to it too... Haha, Your Majesty Jason, it looks like you're ready."

"Yes, my friend from Earth, the army you found for me is so powerful. I am full of confidence now."

Jason did think so. This army was not invulnerable, but the enemy's counterattack was of little use to them.

He saw with his own eyes that some skeletons were reduced to ashes by the rebels' energy weapons, but were reorganized under the green will-o'-the-wisp. This was indeed a veritable 'immortal' army.

Deathstroke walked between him and the steward, put his hands on their shoulders, and followed the army out of the underground: "Strategically, we must despise the enemy, and tactically, we must pay attention to the enemy. The undead army does not mean everything, at least we do not have air supremacy now. You will not be able to return to the palace in a short period of time. We will strive to take back the planet as soon as possible, but at the same time we must be prepared for a long-term battle."

The prince also showed a serious expression. He raised his head and looked at the night sky, as if he could see the fleet suspended in orbit under the moonlight.

"I understand. Thank you for helping us. You taught me a lot."

Deathstroke patted Jason's shoulder sincerely, with a serious look on his face: "You're welcome, the rest of the battle will be left to the grassroots commanders of the army. A few of us will act separately from the large army to find you a good weapon. "

"Weapon?" Jason pulled out the rapier from his waist and weighed the assault rifle in his hand: "I already have a weapon."

Su Ming showed an expression of 'you are so ignorant' and said earnestly: "If you want to be a king, you must have a king's sword. The stabbing sword is too delicate, so it must be a two-handed giant sword."

Jason looked at the old manager, but the old man also looked confused.

But just when they were about to persuade their allies not to go into so much trouble, Deathstroke came up with some unclear and serious arguments about the country's destiny, dragon veins, and public image.

After listening to it, they felt it made sense.

If the former king, Jason's father, was carrying a door panel sword that was strong enough, then it would be a pipe dream for the assassin to assassinate him from behind thousands of meters away.

Moreover, after this incident, the Spartan Empire has exposed the weak will of the people. If he wants to be able to protect himself in the universe in the future, the emperor must set an example and show the bravery of the nation.

So the two were taken aboard the Tianma again, and the group headed towards the Meng Yu Star.

According to Deathstroke, in the icy and snowy North Pole, there is a magic sword called "The Joy of Fire", which is most suitable for the army of the undead.

Like chocolate on a rainy day.

Jason and his servant didn't understand what chocolate was, but they still decided to trust their new allies. With great courage, the small spaceship quickly flew towards the enemy's home planet in the universe.

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