The Death Knell

Chapter 1122? The weakness of the Shi'ar Empire

Meng Yu Star, also called Tian Yu Star, is one of the capitals of the Shi'ar Empire and the birthplace of the Shi'ar Empire. It is a planet that has been almost hollowed out.

Shi'ar has a very mature stargate network that can transport their fleet and supplies within the territory very conveniently.

There are currently three methods of technological space travel known to Su Ming. One is to use a stargate or other device similar to a mass accelerator to 'bounce' the spacecraft out, enter the next galaxy and then find the stargate bomb.

The second type is the jump, which is an ultra-long distance jump through folding space. There is a relatively long energy storage process before the jump.

The third method is to use wormholes in the universe, or artificial wormholes, which are equivalent to being driven by cosmic energy into super-light navigation in a natural tunnel network. Of course, the limitation is that it requires cosmic nodes.

Su Ming's small spaceship uses the folding method to move. During the process of space folding, the surrounding light seems to be distorted. Everyone looks like stretched noodles to others, like a funny mirror. The same image as in.

After all, he smuggled himself to the Feather Star to do bad things, and the star gate and wormhole were both on guard, so he had to use stupid methods to jump a few more times.

Su Ming, whose image was distorted by the light, was still very calm. He was used to this feeling of teleportation. While smoking, he asked Jason's master and servant beside him: "How much do you know about the Shi'ar Empire? "

The old steward patted Jason's back, who seemed to be a little seasick, and replied: "Not much. Although the Shi'ar Empire is a country open to large-scale trade, the people there have almost no entertainment activities, and they will not come to Sparta. Tourism. We don’t have a space fleet, just an orbital defense force, and we haven’t had much contact with them in space before.”

Deathstroke nodded, and the cigarette in his hand looked a little out of place, like an antenna: "Then let me tell you about the situation in the Shi'ar Empire. Anyway, I am busy on the road."

Shia, its political system is not unique, it is somewhat similar to the constitutional monarchy on earth.

Its main human race, the Shi'ar, is a cold-blooded humanoid race that evolved from bird descendants. The feather crest on its head is equivalent to human hair.

Most Shi'ar people, especially those aristocrats, have a triangular hairstyle, which looks like a peach embedded in their head. The other type has a flat top and a flying saucer head on both sides like an eagle spreading its wings.

Like birds, they are egg-laying creatures with very light hollow bones, and there are some small vestigial feathers on their forearms. Some individuals with atavism also have wings and the ability to fly.

In a gravity environment similar to the earth, the Shi'ar can lift an object weighing one ton on average, and have advanced endurance, advanced speed, slow self-healing and other not too strong abilities.

It is the tradition of the Shi'ar Empire to actively absorb foreign species and cultures. They are like sponges in the universe, obsessed with absorbing everything from the outside world.

In their mythology, the creation gods are two big birds, one male and one female, called Sharra and K'ythri. These two gods did not want to combine, but they had to do so in order to create the world. But soon, after the union, they Gaining infinite power, they became "True Fragrance", and they developed love in the shared power.

This is precisely the reason why the Shi'ar have always absorbed alien races. Their invasion and occupation are all for the purpose of combining with other cultures and giving birth to a more advanced culture of their own.

Don’t want to combine with other civilizations? Then use fleets and armies to force them to combine.

Every time they conquer a planet and conquer the race on it, they will incorporate this race into their country, learn the other party's technology, culture, and history, and redistribute certain rights and status to the defeated ones based on their abilities.

From this aspect, Shi'a can be regarded as a closer federation than the Galactic Parliament. The more famous Dou Jianxians, Zeltans, Balites, Dandesh, etc., are all Shi'ar. A vassal state of the A empire.

Even the solar system is located within the territory of the Shi'ar Empire. Logically speaking, the earth should have been attacked long ago.

However, although the Shi'ar are warlike, they are not faint-hearted.

As the birthplace of magic, the earth involves too many forces. Many dimensional demons and demons are staring here. Some second-generation gods and Eternals are still living on the earth.

Shia will not act rashly until he understands what magic is.

However, they are still a bit ambitious. Not only do they verbally declare that Earth is one of their vassal states, they also have an empty seat in the Shi'ar Council. Whenever they conquered Earth, they put Earth people's members on it as mascots.

This is how the Shi'ar Supreme Council came to be. There are tens of thousands of members, basically all leaders of the defeated races in history.

Usually, imperial affairs are managed by them, which seems very democratic, but in fact, the emperor or queen has a veto power for any resolution made by the parliament, because the emperor's order is absolute, and the parliament can only cooperate unconditionally.

The weak can only move towards the future under the leadership of the strong. The Parliament is nothing more than a toy. One of the few entertainment activities of the Shi'ar Emperor is to watch these people fight for power.

The emperor is usually protected by the 'Imperial Guard'. This team is composed of the strongest and most elite soldiers in the entire empire, and they come from all races. It is led by a guard captain. The so-called guard captain is the most powerful person in the entire empire.

At Su Ming's current point of time, Emperor Shi'ar is the 'Tyrant Deken', and the captain of the guard can't say who it is, but the future captain of the guard will be the famous Marvel Superman 'Fighter'.

The biggest weakness of the Shi'ar Empire is that this advanced cosmic civilization has dystopian laws.

They believe that artistic creation is a sign of insanity and deviance, and the Shi'ar do not speak of anything to do with imagination.

Imagination, whether it is dreams or fantasies, cannot be expressed in any way. Shia Law believes that exposure of imagination is the main manifestation of the inability of certain biological individuals to achieve effective self-control and unconditionally obey the imperial power. This is regarded as a malignancy. communicable diseases and is a serious crime.

The death penalty was a common response to this disease.

Developing technology and coming up with reasonable ideas through rigorous calculations are what computer AI should do. The subjects of the Shi'ar Empire just need to be warriors.

Secretly thinking about interesting things before going to bed, or secretly taking toilet paper and folding it into an origami crane and using it immediately when going to the toilet. This is fine. If no one knows about it, these behaviors will not matter. People will not be punished by officials. .

But once you show your imagination and are reported, the whole family will die. The military generally uses photon cannons or flamethrowers to deal with infectious sources.

There was once a defeated race called Fianden who had extraordinary artistic talent. After losing a space battle, they expressed their willingness to join the Shi'ar Empire and provide the empire with exquisite artworks, literary works, and fun video games.

However, this statement caused serious tension in the Shi'ar Empire, and their family was lost. The Shi'ar fleet used stellar weapons to wipe out Frieden's home planet and all celestial bodies in the planetary system from the universe...

After that, Shia's fleet could be said to have "fleeed in defeat" and stayed away from that star field, for fear of being "infected" with the disease of imagination.

However, it was too late. Frieden's art was so beautiful that even if the Shi'ar army participating in the battle just glanced at it on the sensor, they could no longer erase the shock brought by those arts from their minds.

Those works of art were so beautiful that the Shi'ar army, which had been suppressed, was filled with inspiration. Many people couldn't help but create some of their own works of art and secretly took them home.

With the return of the fleet, the imagination spread, and infected people of this terminal disease continued to appear within the empire, so the empire's violent suppression had to continue.

If you are a Shia soldier and you see a child scribbling with sticks on the street, killing the child directly is not only not wrong, but also a major meritorious service. If you kill a few more, the country will reward you with a reward in the capital. A house.

Of course, the prerequisite for receiving the award is that you are not infected with ‘imagination’ when you see children drawing.

Speaking of things like imagination, humans are not lacking in anything, and playing with art is also a human's strength. Su Ming came to Mengyu Star this time just to set Shi'a's hometown on fire, and Wu Xia didn't care about it.

After listening to Deathstroke's introduction to Shia, Jason and the old manager both laughed. When it comes to artistic creation, Spartans are not bad at all.

As long as the Kree fleet is still in a stalemate with the Shi'ar fleet in the universe, it is impossible for the Shi'ar to do anything to the Spartan home planet. Doesn't this mean they are invincible?

"It seems that after I take over, I will build a large number of statues and organize various cultural and artistic activities around the world."

Jason has already thought about the future. If he fights with the Shi'ar, his soldiers can sing, dance and open fire at the same time. As long as the singing and dancing are enough to brainwash, the other party will definitely have to worry about controlling their thoughts, and their combat effectiveness will plummet.

Su Ming, who was twisted into noodles by the light, shook his head like seaweed: "When you succeed to the throne, you should develop the military first. You don't even have a space fleet. Don't you feel weak talking?"

"We also want to, but large battleships lack a series of important technologies. To be honest, our technology tree has a big gap." The old manager sighed. It's not that emperors in the past didn't want large battleships, but scientists and concubines couldn't do it. .

There is an orbital space station now, but it is stationed with space fighters. Compared with the fleets of the other two companies, they are like giant dragons, and small planes are not even mosquitoes.

"It doesn't matter. I can help you get a connection from the dwarves. If you have money, you can buy it." Su Ming didn't want to miss this opportunity at all. He planned to take the kickbacks from the dwarves through Gurweige to see if he could give Qin some money. The wine is exchanged for a magical weapon.

"Thank you, you are such a good person." Jason was so moved that he nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, the spacecraft completed its last space jump and appeared outside a blue planet, and everyone returned to normal from the mirror form.

Su Ming stood up and looked at the planet through the front window of the cab. He looked at the large and small spaceships coming and going around the planet, with a slight smile on his lips.

As a humanoid race, the Shi'ar's home planet is naturally an earth-like planet. Although in history, this planet was emptied of all its mineral resources in exchange for the Shi'ar entering the universe, it was later transformed twice. Transformed into an agricultural planet.

Until now, more than 60% of the Shi'a people still live here. After all, it is their home. Whether it is the climate or living habits, of course it is better to be at home.

But after today, the Feather Star will probably face the deepest darkness, because as an art ambassador from Earth, Deathstroke, with full creative enthusiasm, and the Prince of Sparta who is comparable to an idol trainee, just hit his face. coming......

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