The Death Knell

Chapter 1123? Onslaught

"Adjutant, check if there is an information network nearby that can be hacked."

Su Ming did not land in a hurry. Instead, he drove the spacecraft behind a satellite and hid in the shadows. At the same time, he asked his adjutant to check the information on the Internet.

Although the Pegasus is only carrying the subroutine of the adjutant, she is from Cybertron after all.

Optimus Prime makes speeches at every turn, which can be broadcast to the entire universe from Earth.

'I am Optimus Prime, sending this message to all the Autobots exiled among the stars, we are here for you. ’

What does this mean? If nothing else, it can at least be seen that Cybertron's communication technology is absolutely powerful.

If the communication technology is strong, then its accompanying hacking skills such as eavesdropping or network intrusion will not be weak. Maybe the adjutant is not as good as DC's Cyborg next door who has the Mother Box, but there is no hacker stronger than her on the earth now. .

"Hotspots found, intrusion in progress...completed, target structure is: original quantum communication network, low transmission rate, identity real-name binding mode...identity registration cracked, translation function started."

The adjutant's mechanical female voice sounded in the cockpit, and she easily entered the Shi'ar network.

Su Ming stretched his neck, lit a cigarette and sat down. Ginjiu came over and squeezed his shoulders. He told the adjutant with great enjoyment: "Speaking of which, I haven't been online for several years. Let me see the Xi'an people." What are the hot topics that are trending recently? By the way, register a screen name for me first, it will be called Xi'aren 2333333.... You decide how many 3's you want."

Jason and the manager looked at each other, unsure of what Deathstroke planned to do, but this place was undoubtedly deep behind enemy lines, and they could only wait and see patiently.

"Registration completed, Meng Yuxing was born locally, male, 20 years old, hobbies: running." The adjutant completed the work immediately.

This hobby is really not a prank on her. This is the custom of the Xi'an people. All hobbies are not related to imagination. As a required item for filing information, 20% of the Xi'an people fill in running, and the other ones are absolutely Most of them like to fight.

What if the Xi'an people dare to like singing? Dance? RAP? The army was on the doorstep within minutes, without even a trial.

"Change to female, 18 years old. You Cybertronians are too honest. Even if the person surfing the Internet is a cat, you have to make the enemy think it is a person." Su Ming shook his head helplessly and looked at the projection in mid-air. Information interface, start teaching new knowledge to the adjutant.

"Revision completed." The adjutant obeyed the order completely.

"Okay, let me start surfing the Internet and see what the GGMMs in Xi'a are playing..." Su Ming said the dirty terms that many people use when they first come into contact with the Internet, and stretched out his hand. To interact with the virtual screen, first check the news section.

He flipped through a few news reports and curled his lips in boredom.

It’s really news that leaves no room for imagination at all. Every report feels like eating a mouthful of stubble after reading it.

‘The occupation of XXX planet was successful. ’

‘Destroy the XXX planet fleet, complete. ’

'Due to climate problems, today's grain production on Mengyu Star is reduced by 7.68021831... Shia units. ’

The title was almost the content of the text. He sighed and leaned on his chair, raising his hand to scratch his forehead. How could anyone read this kind of thing?

Well, at least now that I know that Shia doesn’t have any headline-making and shocking parts, my chance has come.

"First choose a city suburb to land on the planet and start planning." He gave the adjutant a new order, and the small spacecraft obscured by illusions fell straight towards the surface of the planet.

As it passes through the atmosphere and clouds, the land below becomes clearer and clearer. The location chosen by the adjutant is a beach, and there is a small town not far away. The sky is full of aircraft flying around to load cargo, and it is peaceful and prosperous. scene.

After stopping Jason and the others' plan to leave the cabin, and continuing to keep the spacecraft in the invisible state of illusion, Deathstroke said to the adjutant's projection suspended beside him: "Help me post on the largest online message board, just the local network of Feather Star."

"Ready." The adjutant opened a document, and the cursor on it flashed.

"Title: Spending a lot of money to find a child. By the way, the font is bold." Su Ming rested his chin on his hands and said the title first with an expressionless face.

Gin: "???"

She probably understands that in some places on earth, it is customary to go to temples to pray to God for children. But what does heavy gold mean?

This is not only beyond the imagination of the Shi'ar people, but even the Asgardians can't think of it.

Su Ming patted her little hand and told her to relax. This kind of thing is actually incomprehensible to people on earth in this era, but he is not from this era.

"I am a member of the Xi'a tribe, 18 years old, with white feathers, beautiful appearance, strong fighting ability, and the ability to fly. My husband is a senior military officer in the imperial capital, but he is unable to have children due to injuries. I am now looking for a young and healthy man to fulfill my mother's dream. I am willing to pay For generous remuneration and additional benefits, please leave a message to sign up and come to this location for an interview. If you are the one, don’t bother me.”

When Jason and the manager heard what he said, their expressions became very strange. Although they had never seen similar advertisements, this must be a scam, right?

Su Ming asked the adjutant to fill in the coordinates of a landmark building not far from here, and then found a photo of a Xi'an beauty from the Internet and posted it, and then asked her to start timing when she posted the news.

Then he sat quietly in his seat and smoked, the firelight making his face flicker.

"What are you doing?" Gin rubbed his shoulders and asked curiously.

"As you can see, this is a scam advertisement." Deathstroke answered her question and put out the cigarette butt and put it away: "I have three purposes for doing this. Your Majesty Jason, can you think of it?"

The prince squinted his eyes and thought carefully. He could only think of one thing: "Is this using the biological desire to reproduce to encourage people who see this advertisement to start imagining?"

Su Ming showed an approving smile, nodded towards him, took out drinks from his belt and distributed them to several people to drink and wait.

"Yes, whether it is the opposite sex or money, they are all things that carbon-based intelligent creatures want. I even mentioned rights, leaving a bit of suspense. All of this will trigger the association of people who see this advertisement. In Before taking action, I need to determine whether the Shi'ar's instinct can prevail over their reason, so that I can make the next plan."

Ginjiu rested his chin on the top of Su Ming's head: "If I had seen an unclear question like asking for a child with a lot of money, I would definitely click on it and take a look."

"Curiosity is also one of the instincts of living things. Adjutant, how many people have read my post now?" Su Ming closed his eyes and waited quietly.

"It has been 43 seconds since the message was left. The number of people who have viewed this message so far is: 203,000, and the number of people who have signed up to reply is: 12,211." The adjutant replied in a mechanical voice. Upon hearing this number, the other three people knew the basic purpose of the death knell. Achieved.

Curiosity can really kill people. When these people read the content of the message and face various temptations, they will inevitably have all kinds of longings and fantasies due to hormones, which means that their imagination is infected.

Leaving a message is equivalent to leaving evidence of being liquidated. These people are in heat for imaginary females that do not exist. This is because they are sick.

Jason and the manager were very surprised. Deathstroke killed tens of thousands of people in forty seconds just by using his mouth. It was really scary. So the battle could be fought like this?

"The second purpose is to attract the army of the Shi'ar Empire. The AI ​​global household registration system can see through this scam that spans the ages. What is needed to create this scam is imagination. The army will not let go of the poster.' Shi'ar 23333'. When they come to this coordinate to kill 'me', we will use hacked satellites to monitor their base location, troop dispatch speed, team size, standing tactics and a series of combat intelligence. This It’s all important information that can’t be found on civilian networks. Of course, even if it is found on the Internet, I won’t believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.”

Su Ming's expression was very calm, as if he could only be considered barely satisfied, and he continued to describe his plan.

Ginjiu tilted his head and thought for a moment, then slid his two arms from his neck and hung them on his chest. He put his face against Su Ming's and said, "I understand. The third purpose is to lure the tiger away from the mountain. As long as Repeat this process several times, and their armies will gradually be dispersed to various parts of the planet to 'sterilize' them, and we can raid the opponent's planetary base."

Eliminating infectious diseases is the top priority of the Shi'ar army, and everything else is ranked second in priority.

Deathstroke touched her face and showed a faint smile. He raised his hand to make a small gap with two fingers: "It's a little short. Although there is such a consideration, the main thing is other factors."

Gin's head drooped: "I don't understand."

"The Feather Star is home to 60% of the Shi'ar people. If I spread the 'plague' here and the Shi'ar army cleanses too many of its own people, as a multi-planet and multi-racial empire, they will have no control over other races in the country. The form of control will inevitably be severely damaged, which will directly shake the foundation of Shi'ar."

Su Ming pulled out a virtual screen and asked the adjutant to display the information.

Once the numerical advantage of the main race is lost, the territorial integrity of the empire is threatened. Many newly conquered and annexed civilizations are not stable. Once the death knell triggers the domino effect of rebellion, the castle will be destroyed from within.

Gin stood up straight, rubbed his face with his hands like a kitten, blew up a strand of his hair, and shook his head with emotion: "It's also Shia's fault. The imagination to create art is actually regarded as a disease. It's really sad. .”

Deathstroke put away his smile and tapped his knees with his fingers: "Then it's none of our business, Adjutant, let's change our identities and post a post using a coordinate on the opposite side of the planet with the title: Old military doctor treats both men and women It’s unspeakable…”

The old butler behind the two men hugged Prince Jason's arm tightly, not caring that the clothes still smelled like rotting corpses.

This human being is really too dark, and the boss couldn't help but feel lucky that this earthling was his ally.

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