The Death Knell

Chapter 1124? Countermeasures

There is no profession like police in Shi'ar. The army is responsible for both external and internal affairs. It can be said that the soldiers of Shi'ar are much more tired than the soldiers of the Kree Empire.

Although the Cree people pursue an iron-blooded policy and have little entertainment and leisure activities, the harsh training only makes the body tired, but they are free mentally and mentally. The supreme wisdom cannot be free to read everyone's thoughts.

Among the three empires, the Skrull army is probably the best treated, with very few restrictions in all aspects and a lot of military regulations, but whether the leaders of the major fleets implement them is another matter.

What you can see in the Kree and Shi'ar armies are all kinds of strong men and women. The accumulated training and fighting over time have made them all in good shape. But Skrull is different. Some of the second and third line defense troops have many fat men. Training frequency is about once every ten years?

In short, not long after Su Ming waited, a spaceship flew past at low altitude in the sky, and a group of people jumped out from the bilge dozens of meters high, and landed on one knee in a Terminator posture.

They wore silver-white metal armor, their shoulder armor was decorated with various bird images, and they held various hot and cold weapons in their hands.

Of course, despite the difference in appearance, he immediately recognized Shia's version of the flamethrower.

A few civilians who had replied before might have been relatively close and arrived earlier than the army. They were currently waiting for the 'interview' at the coordinate point.

The imaginary Bai Fumei did not come, but the army came.

There was no warning, no unnecessary action. The well-trained troops opened fire on the move the moment they landed. Energy weapons killed everyone around the coordinate point, cold weapons destroyed the brain, and then flamethrowers directly destroyed the corpses and wiped out traces.

Not only were all the people crushed to ashes, but the surrounding ground and the buildings they had come into contact with were completely purified with flames. After more than ten seconds, only a small area of ​​sparkling glass remained.

"Tsk, I'm very skilled at my business. If I play with zombie viruses in Xi'a, I probably won't be able to do it. This is probably the advantage of the disadvantages." Su Ming, who saw the cleaning scene through the spacecraft sensor, did not show any signs of being deceived. Instead of showing any sympathy, he carefully analyzed the action patterns of the Shi'ar army.

Combined with the adjutant's map information, this team arrived from a base more than 300 kilometers away in a little more than three minutes, which meant that their spacecraft was flying at a speed of Mach 5 or more in the atmosphere.

And because everyone has good personal abilities, everyone can play long-range or melee positions, and there is nothing easy to target.

Gin watched those people slowly search around after killing the civilians, and shook his head with some emotion: "Why has no one ever thought of using this method to deal with the Shi'ar Empire?"

Hearing Valkyrie's question, Jason and the boss also stared. The plan went well with Deathstroke, but will it still be effective when used by others?

Su Ming took Gin Jiu's hand and put a bottle of wine in her hand as a reward: "You are right, this is a tactic unique to our earth. It seems that our arrival here from Sparta went very smoothly, but In fact, if it weren't for your illusion, I'm afraid we would have been turned into cosmic garbage by warships in the edge star area. Feather Star is definitely one of the areas with the most dense sensors in the universe. We just occupied Shi'a and have no magic knowledge. That’s cheap.”

"So it's all my fault?" Gin happily opened the bottle and took a sip. A small bag on his white neck slid down his esophagus.

"Of course, if there is no illusion, even if we use teleportation magic to jump into this planet, Shi'a's army will completely surround us in three minutes at most." Su Ming stood up, turned to the master and servant behind him, and the adjutant controlled The spacecraft quietly took off.

He explained that his tactics cannot be copied by others. In addition to magic, there are two other points, that is, the adjutant's hacking ability. Perhaps in the eyes of Cybertronians, Shi'ar's communication network is not worth mentioning, but at this point in time , in the entire universe, only Kerry's supreme wisdom can surpass Shia.

Without lieutenants, the disease cannot spread quickly and the plan is less threatening.

Finally, it was Su Ming himself who came up with some scams that transcended the times. Ordinary artworks or scams are of no use to Xi'a. It is absolutely impossible to impress the people of Xi'a with just a common oil painting. .

They must be made to lose self-control under the influence of emotions and show imagination before they can effectively cause damage.

So to put it bluntly, these three conditions are indispensable and extremely risky.

Shia hasn't reacted yet. If they realize that a magician has infiltrated the Feather Star, they will probably activate the 'McKraan Crystal' (M"Kraan).

McCullan Crystal is also known as the 'End of All That is' and the 'Crystal Heart of Reality'. It belongs to the third layer of existence in the scientific dimension, which is the core of reality. One of the Nexus of All Realities, its function is to keep all 'reality' visible and accessible in the universe.

There are several other core realities like the Marvel Universe, including the Florida swamp underground, the ‘Unknown Zone’ in deep space, and the prison of the In-Betweener.

Under normal circumstances, these things exist in their own unique dimensions and are kept safe, but once they are allowed to open up in reality, they will eventually touch and affect real existence and the world, and will most likely erase all reality in the universe.

As for the origin of the McCullan crystal, the Shi'ar people said it was a token of love from their creator god, but Su Ming knew that the crystal was snatched from a race called McCullan 10,000 years ago. As for the McCullan people, they stole it from others 13,000 years ago, and the cycle repeats, one generation after another.

Going all the way back to the creation of the universe, if this damn thing is correct, it should be the creation of the ‘First Firmament’.

The First Sky is the incarnation of the will of the first-generation super-large universe. Nowadays, many of Marvel's multiverses are formed from a fragment of his body. He eats the 'eternity' of the single universe like eating jelly beans. What he created Things will naturally not be bad.

There is no difference between magic and technology for the Maclan Crystal. The real energy it contains can directly dispel illusions. The Shi'ar people have not done much research on it.

Only the Shi'ar have the technology to access the dimension where the McCullan Crystal is located. Generally speaking, it is only opened when the imperial royal family gets married. The bride and groom hold a wedding in front of a huge pink crystal.

Yes, the current ability development of Crystal should be to this extent, but if they have other means of use, Su Ming and his party will be in trouble by then.

Just in case, it would be better to do this operation in the dark.

Speaking of which, my own Cosmic Cube, as well as super powers such as McCullan Crystal and Swamp Power cannot be fully used now, as if they are locked by an invisible lock. What is it...

Anyway, as time goes by, you will always understand.

The reason why they chose such a method to cause trouble in Xi'a this time and gave a simple explanation kindly was to let the Spartans know that the death knell is irreplaceable and let them honor the contract honestly.

They couldn't use the means that Deathstroke could use. This was due to the gap in family wealth and intelligence.

Jason's master and servant, who had looked hopeful just now, looked a lot darker at this time. Deathstroke was right before he said that even after he ascends the throne, he should still develop his military strength with peace of mind.

Gin didn't think much and just continued drinking happily: "So how long can this tactic last?"

Su Ming himself picked up the bottle and took a sip: "I have asked the adjutant to publish as many junk advertisements as possible in a short period of time. There are many people who have been fooled, but if the Xi'ar people are decisive enough, they will cut off all the networks on the planet. ....."

"The global energy supply is interrupted and the link is lost." While Su Ming was talking to Gin, the adjutant reported the bad news. The Xi'ans were not only decisive, they were simply too serious.

It was a plan that caught the Shi'ar off guard and killed less than 300,000 people in four minutes. It was a bit of a loss.

Well, it seems that they have noticed the existence of the adjutant in the network. Facing the invincible hackers, it is definitely a good idea to cut off the power. When the power is supplied again, they must have other ways to deal with advertisements.

It was good that the power outage had caused some economic losses to them. Su Ming was still somewhat satisfied, but did they think that was the end? Where does this go...

"Adjutant, please bring up the appearance and body data of Emperor Deken of the Shi'ar Empire and let me take a look." He stood up and toasted with gin, drank it down in one sip and put away the empty bottle.

After floating around in the universe for so many years, the spacecraft host has also stored a lot of information. At least the appearance of the leaders of most forces is still clear.

The adjutant popped up a window in the air and played a short video of Dekan's speech at a certain occasion this year.

The content of the speech was not important. Su Ming just asked her to zoom in on the details of Deken's appearance and clothing.

Ten seconds later, he patted his shoulder and thought: "Strangulation, do you see clearly?"

The symbiote conveyed a certain meaning. Although it kept emphasizing that it was strangled when it was combined with the host, it had become accustomed to this name over the years.

"I'll go down and take a look myself, and you guys can eat and drink well."

Su Ming smiled and bid farewell to Jason's master and servant, and signaled them to stay in the spaceship and not go out to die, while he became transparent with the help of illusion and slipped out of the spacecraft.

Jason sat thoughtfully next to the small table. The spacecraft was not big. In addition to the two pilot seats, there were many daily necessities in the cockpit, including a table that seemed to be used for eating.

He lowered his head and rested his elbows on his thighs, thinking. After a while, he raised his head and asked Gin: "Do you know what he did? Could it be to assassinate the emperor?"

Of course, Ginjiu didn't know what Su Ming was doing, but she was very confident in his strength. She drank all the wine in the bottle, took out another bottle from her small bag and unscrewed it: "He went out to play, you guys Just wait patiently, and soon the Shi'ar Empire will withdraw its troops from Spartacus."

Jason looked at the old manager beside him. The manager thought for a moment and nodded towards him.

At this point, they can only believe that Deathstroke will find a way.

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