The Death Knell

Chapter 1125? What happened behind enemy lines

Su Ming walked on a spacious and clean avenue with a step that he didn't recognize. The architecture of the Xi'an people was very distinctive. The houses were like oblate plates buckled on the ground. If they were high-rise buildings, they would have a series of Flat plates are strung together like candied haws and piled high.

The walls of the building are made of a unique alloy, and the silver light can reflect people's shadows. Almost everyone on the street has an electronic smart terminal in their hand.

He stretched out his hand to touch the road for a while, and then looked up at the sky. The sky here was also blue, and the garrison fleet was frequently moving among them, as if it was already preparing to blockade the planet.

Deathstroke smiled calmly. In the technological empire, everything needs energy to operate. Although it is not electricity as people on earth know it, it is another unknown form of energy. But now that the energy was cut off, they gave up their surveillance methods and fell into Su Ming's trap.

The adjutant's actions bought him at least half an hour, which was most suitable for playing tricks.

At this time, he was no longer human. With the help of Strangler, he turned into the Shi'ar Emperor Deken, walking swaggering on the streets of the capital, as if he was aware of the people's sentiments.

There are not many pedestrians on the street. I am afraid it is work time. The building doors on the roadside are all controlled by AI. When the energy is cut off, the door will be locked. People in the house cannot get out, and people on the street outside can’t get out. Can't go back either.

This sudden power outage did not affect the behavior of the people. They did not seem panicked because the planet had not been substantively attacked. Being panicked meant that you were scaring yourself. It was an act of imagination.

Even if his eyes are panicked and his calves are weak, his expression should be calm and calm.

Su Ming had impersonated many people before, and now pretending to be Deken felt like he was impersonating Commander Zhenhai. Pedestrians on the road didn't dare to look at him, and everyone knelt down wherever he passed.

They knew that the emperor should be on the Imperial Capital Star and should not appear on the Mengyu Star, but did anyone dare to ask?

A group of soldiers patrolling the streets immediately gathered around the emperor when they saw him. They knelt on one knee in front of Su Ming and blocked his way. The leading team leader lowered his head and shouted:

"The great and noble Majesty Deken, you are back. Team 89172 of Feather Star is waiting for your orders."

"Hmm." Su Ming responded calmly. You must be bold to engage in espionage activities. The calmer you act, the safer you will be.

He is the emperor now, and the Xi'ar nobles are all aloof, let alone dictators, so they must behave indifferently.

Anyway, I still have special skills behind enemy lines, and I can slap them in the face when necessary, so I can escape without any problem.

The goal now is to ask more, talk less, obtain information, and then use this information to analyze and obtain more information.

He stretched out his palms from under his big sleeves and raised his palms slightly to indicate that the kneeling people could flatten themselves. Before the team leader could react, he stepped through the crowd and asked at the same time: "How is the situation now?"

"According to the judgment of the planet host, we have encountered an information invasion. The fleet has independent energy sources. They are working hard to investigate every inch of land and airspace."

The captain didn't know much, but he got up without any doubt, followed the emperor's footsteps, and told all the information he knew.

"Very good, your team will guard me next and take me to the imperial mausoleum." Su Ming had no expression on his face. At this time, he looked like a tall and strong man with a beard and shoulder-length hair.

"Aren't the compatriots of the Imperial Guard here?" The team leader was surprised and happy. In the past, the task of protecting the emperor belonged to the Imperial Guard, but there was no such thing as big-headed soldiers like them.

If you perform well in front of His Majesty the Emperor at this time, wouldn't you be able to reach the pinnacle of life soon?

The men and women in the team also showed joyful eyes for a moment, but immediately hid them. It's okay to look forward to the future, but you can't show inexplicable joy, otherwise you will die too unjustly.

Su Ming put his hands behind his back and continued to pose without looking back. He completely ignored the team leader's inquiry and urged them: "Transportation."

Facing a team that has never come into contact with the Emperor, even if he doesn't exactly look like Deken, he can still get by.

While standing on the street with his hands behind his back and looking at the sky, he secretly sighed in his heart that the only good time to bully Shi'a like this was when the tyrant Deken was in office.

When the future Queen Lilandra takes office, the revised Shi'ar laws will be greatly relaxed in terms of thinking.

No longer judging crimes based on thoughts. In the Earth 616 in the comics, the future Shi'ar Empire is still not allowed to create art. You can show your imagination and various actions caused by conjecture.

But this was not a good thing for them. In the late period of Lilandra's rule, the Shi'ar Empire gradually declined due to uprisings and strikes brought about by various ideological trends.

Lilandra was overthrown by the rebels and died tragically. After that, the largest empire in the universe also experienced the powerful rule of Vulkan, and this short period of strength did not last long. Vulkan Died at the hands of Black Bolt.

As a result, the civil war in the Shi'ar Empire broke out. As the only remaining strongest person in Shi'ar, Dou Jian had no choice but to break the bloodline inheritance of the throne and succeed as emperor as a foreigner. By that time, even the ban on art became in name only.

Dou Jian discovered that his adjutant, ‘Warbird’, was painting. Not only did he not kill her, but he also sent her to Earth specifically to teach children art at Xavier Academy.

Even the emperor no longer cares about the law. The people below are imitating the same, and the social form has changed. Soon Dujian publicly abolished the ban on art and announced that imagination was no longer a contagious disease, and Shia gradually got back on track.

However, the good times came to an end within a few years. Earths 616 and 1610 collided, the multiverse was restarted, and the Shi'ar Empire in a new and completely different universe returned to its old state.

This is the information Su Ming knows, but the information from other universes may only have a little reference value for the current 40K universe. The specific situation must be seen to be believed.

While he was thinking and waiting, the aircraft arrived soon.

There is nothing special about the basic troop carrier used by the army. It only has more seats than a cargo ship.

Speaking of which, the Xi'ar people really don't know how to flatter, and they actually let the emperor ride in such a crude spaceship, ugh.

Yes, this is why the bureaucracy in the Kerry system is serious, but the reason why Shia is not so obvious.

The soldiers still protected him even on the spaceship. They sat in a circle around him without speaking or asking. Everyone looked at him with respect.

The emperor Su Ming turned into had no expression on his face. He just looked majestically into the distance through the porthole, but he was actually laughing secretly in his heart.

If they knew what they were going to the Royal Cemetery, they probably wouldn't be so happy.

He heard that the royal zombies in China were more powerful, so he thought about whether the alien royal skeletons were stronger than ordinary skeletons. The Shi'ar's awakened undead should be stronger than those of the Spartans, right? Or does it mean that combat effectiveness has nothing to do with the race you were born in?

So curious...

Dig other people's ancestral graves, make things bigger, protect a few of your own people, and at the same time lure Shi'a to withdraw.

He touched his fingers gently, and walked towards the slowly opening hatch amid the imperceptible landing sound of the spacecraft.

The sun shone on his body, and the shadow cast on the ground looked so deep.

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