The Death Knell

Chapter 1126? Mausoleum

The troop transport was suspended in place, waiting, while the Shi'ar team protected the emperor.

After the emperor got off the boat, he walked forward without saying a word, looking around as if he was feeling something.

The soldiers didn't know and didn't dare to ask.

Su Ming was actually memorizing the terrain and identifying the direction, because Xi'a's mausoleum was obviously very different from the cemetery he knew.

If it were a cemetery on Earth, in my impression, even if it wasn't green grass, there would still be some green pines and cypresses, let alone tombstones or commemorative sculptures.

As an imperial mausoleum, even if it doesn't have the size of a pyramid, it must at least have a decent monument, right?

However, the funeral customs of the Shi'ar are obviously different from those of humans.

The army transport ship sent him to a cold building with no decorations, not even a blade of grass, only the silver curved walls.

Yes, this building is very big. It may be the largest flying saucer-shaped building Su Ming has ever seen. Visually, it covers an area of ​​more than 200 acres on a single floor. It looks like a yurt that has been stepped on by something.

Su Ming also noticed that even though the global energy source was cut off, there was still electricity here. The lights next to the gate were still dimly on. Two guards stood in front of the door holding long guns, looking very energetic.

After the emperor appeared, they just performed a military salute and opened the door to let him go without saying a word.

"A high-tech cold storage building."

Su Ming said to Strangulation in his heart. After walking through the door, he didn't see anything commemorative. There were only rooms scattered along the long circular corridor, and a trace of air-conditioning continued to leak out from behind the door.

Silver corridors, white lights, everything here is dazzlingly white.

There were no flowers, and no one was worshiping. Maybe the Shi'ar people called this a cemetery, but in Earth terms, this was a larger morgue.

He stood in front of a door and said, "Open it."

This is an order given to the soldiers around you.

"Once the tomb door is closed, it cannot be opened normally. It can only be cracked through violently. It..." The team leader checked the door, obviously hesitating.

"I said open it." Su Ming emphasized the order again without expression.

The squad leader's fingers trembled slightly, as if the coldness in the emperor's tone blended with the surrounding environment. He tapped his breastplate to salute, and turned to let the team members carrying heavy weapons behind him come over.

The doors to these rooms all look like the 'Dragon Broken Stone' that fell from above, but they are just metal versions.

The soldier carrying the flamethrower came over, adjusted the weapon's output mode and turned it into some kind of cutter. He just pulled the trigger on the silver metal plate, and the door melted quickly like chocolate on the stove. .

The low temperature in the room collided with the high heat that melted the door. Su Ming felt a gust of wind blowing across his face, accompanied by a white mist.

"It's still a suite." He walked through the dissolved doorway and walked into the room. While looking around, he chatted with Zhu Zhu in his heart: "Did you know? The Pharaoh's pyramid in Egypt was also a suite. It seems that the Shi'a emperors are not like what I originally thought. So simple.”

The strangulation sent back some meaningless thoughts. It had no interest in the hobbies of dead people. It only wanted to know whether the Shi'ar could eat them.

Breaking into the door is the living room, which not only has various furniture and furnishings, but also some primitive-looking appliances. Well, compared to the current Xi'a technology, it is relatively primitive.

Deathstroke picked up a red frozen fruit from the coffee table in the living room and secretly fed it to Strangler. It looked like the kind that birds like to eat, and then quickly walked to the bedroom.

The existence of this oversized refrigerator building shows that the Shi'ar, like humans, believe that death is also a kind of eternal sleep.

So based on this mentality, it can be speculated that the body should be in the bedroom, and maybe there were slaves buried with it.

There is a slave class in the Shi'ar Empire. Some of the conquered intelligent races are too backward. There is no need to give them too many rights in the post-war redistribution. They just need to be raised and used like domestic animals.

Just like no one would give a small tribe in Africa a seat in the United Nations.

Pushing open the bedroom door, it was similar to Su Ming's original guess. The big bed in the bedroom was replaced by a sophisticated coffin-like machine. There was a relatively complete corpse lying inside. Except for his livid face, he looked Not much different from falling asleep.

There were indeed slaves buried with them, some races with strange appearances. They were all posted on the walls around the huge bedroom, and they were holding various funerary objects in their hands.

Basically, they are all kinds of weapons used by the deceased. This is a world without art.

As for these creatures being pasted on the wall, that's a literal meaning. It seems that after they were killed in the outside world, their limbs were fixed in certain special positions, and then they were pasted on the bedroom wall like prey specimens. .

Unless Shia's tiles all look weird, then they are just burial objects. Someone had put some kind of compound on their backs to ensure they wouldn't slip off the wall, which was evident from the blood and ice on the bodies.

"Who is this?" Surrounded by corpses, Su Ming walked to the bed with his hands behind his back and looked at the corpse in the coffin.

The Shi'a team behind him obviously felt a little cold and was shivering. However, the team leader still used the tactical terminal on his arm to connect to an interface on the wall of the tomb, clicked a few buttons, and answered the emperor's question: " His Majesty was the 136th emperor of the Shi'ar Empire. The database shows that he combined 630 civilizations for the empire in his lifetime."

The Shi'ar are cold-blooded bird-people, completely different from the Asuras created by Emperor Weishan. Without adequate preparation, they have poor resistance to low temperatures.

This team was not entirely Shi'ar, and Su Ming couldn't identify the race of several of the team members, but that didn't matter.

"cause of death."

The team leader withdrew the terminal connection and said in a regretful tone: "His Majesty died in the 631st personal expedition. This battle is very famous and illustrates the difficult process of the union between us Shi'ar and Dou Jianxing people."

"It's a pity." Deathstroke raised his eyebrows. 136 emperors died in 631 joint wars, which gave him a sense of fate.

"The Sword Fighters fully proved their abilities in that battle, which is why we are so closely integrated with them today, my Majesty." The team leader bowed slightly, his tone full of pride for the empire.

"Well, next one." Su Ming turned around and left. This emperor was somewhat famous, so he had a backup.

"Your Majesty, this door." The team leader asked from behind.

"It doesn't matter if the slave melts." Su Ming walked out of the room and urged the soldiers to continue with him.


In just ten minutes, under the orders of their emperor, this team broke open the tombs of dozens of former emperors. Later, without even having to give orders from His Majesty, as long as he stood in front of a door, the soldiers knew where to go. What to do.

Such behavior... is indeed very inappropriate, but guess why Deken is known as a 'tyrant' in the universe?

Because he is a crazy person who does whatever he wants.

Deken is tall and handsome. He is not only brave and good at fighting, but also has a great military strategy in his heart.

His diplomatic achievements are also very eye-catching. It was he who initiated large-scale interstellar trade between the Shi'ar Empire and other empires. This is a new method of "soft integration" with the outside world that uses economy as a weapon.

The Kree and the Skrulls have been rivals for tens of thousands of years, and Deken was able to sell strategic materials to both of them at the same time without causing any diplomatic problems.

His only flaw is his sometimes cruel behavior.

More than ten years ago, he invented a novel method of playing. He vacated a planet, put millions of unarmed slaves in it, and then told them how many days later the planet would be destroyed by a Star Destroyer Cannon.

He and the nobles would use all-round surveillance methods to observe the desperate reactions of slaves in the capital, and take pleasure in doing so.

When the planet exploded, he also came to the conclusion that carbon-based creatures are too dark, and the madness in despair does not distinguish between race, age and gender. The methods of these people killing people... are all very creative.

In view of the fact that there are many uninhabited planets and slaves in the Shi'ar Empire's star field, his program must be watched once a month, and it has gradually expanded into a national entertainment event, and everyone can watch the live broadcast.

The people supported his behavior very much, because these slaves did show imagination, so they deserved to die. They thanked the almighty emperor for uncovering the potential source of infection and his foresight to create a more stable and peaceful situation for the empire.

As for whether the emperor showed any imagination of his own when inventing this massacre?

The answer must be no. The emperor's words are absolute and no doubt is allowed.

By the way, the Shi'ar Empire is still a little unsure about whether humans on earth are fourth-level citizens or slaves, and the council has been discussing this when they are free.

So now, let alone his order to open the tombs of past emperors, even if he wants to blow up the entire building, it is still the order of Emperor Deken and must be obeyed.

After seeing the last corpse, which was Deken's mother and the previous queen, Su Ming summoned his loyal soldiers with satisfaction: "Very good, now I order to restore the energy supply of the planet and contact your superiors at the same time. , I want to make a global speech here.”

"But we are facing a communications intrusion, my Majesty." The squad leader was expressionless, as if he was a little numb.

"There are no enemies using this to attack the planet. This shows that the previous enemies were just little bugs in the dark and not worthy of such careful treatment!" Su Ming turned around, recalling the location of each corpse in his mind, and at the same time coldly called the team leader The worries were suppressed: "Have you ever thought about it? Are Shi'ar soldiers afraid of bugs?!"

"No, my Majesty." The squad leader was trembling a little, and he wiped his forehead with the hair on the back of his hand.

His Majesty the Emperor did not look at the team leader anymore. He looked over his shoulder to the second in command behind him: "He came to a conclusion without consulting the planet host evaluation report. He was infected by imagination."

"Your Majesty, I don't!"

"Zi! Bang!"

Arguing has no effect. Whoever the emperor says is infected must be so.

The second-in-command behind the squad leader raised his weapon without hesitation. He was shot in the head by a blue beam of light before he even had time to react. What followed was the same familiar process, and the heavy weapon used to break the door was created again. A piece of crystallized ground.

Su Ming watched them operate with his hands behind his back, his face neither happy nor sad.

After the disinfection was completed, the new team leader saluted His Majesty the Emperor without any expression on her face: "According to the tactical terminal analysis, the infection has been terminated, my Majesty."

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, and there was even a trace of appreciation on his face: "Very efficient, soldier, you have been promoted. Now go and carry out my previous order and leave me alone here."

"As commanded."

The newly appointed squad leader according to wartime regulations didn't say much. She was a purer type of Shi'ar warrior who obeyed the emperor unconditionally.

She led the team out of the building, leaving His Majesty alone with many of the previous Emperors...

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