The Death Knell

Chapter 1127? Copying classics

As always, reporters were mobilized, communications networks restored, and now the entire planet was watching, waiting for their Emperor to speak.

Every word and word of His Majesty will be sent by signal to every corner of the planet, and gradually spread throughout the country.

"His Majesty the Emperor will deliver a speech."

"This is the Royal Tomb of Mengyu Star, and the signal is transmitted by Channel 6..."

"Please keep calm and don't cross the cordon."

Various voices outside the door were mixed together. Some news anchors were talking to the drones suspended in front of them. Others were holding communicators and communicating with unknown people. More of the people present were the military. They formed a human wall that isolated the entire mausoleum building from the outside world.

Maybe they are all curious, why is the emperor on Feather Star? What are you planning to say?

But no matter how curious you are, you can't show it, let alone guess, so the expressions of the crowd outside the door are similar to those of the people behind Su Ming at this time.

"Half an hour ago I surfed the Internet for the first time, and half an hour later I became a network anchor. The world is changing so fast." Without looking at the pair of green eyes behind him, Su Ming held a stick in his hand. Chicken legs, playing with strangulation.

Little black bean sprouts sprouted from his shoulders, swallowing the chicken legs several times larger than his body like a snake, and then swayed like seaweed.

Of the various fruits that the host had fed it before, only a few could be grown in Spartacus, but they could not be grown on Earth, which meant they were of little use.

After dispatching the guard, Su Ming also looked for opportunities to let it eat a Shi'ar. Unfortunately, the abilities of the Shi'ar were of no benefit to the host, and there was nothing easy to absorb. Instead, it knew the existence of the Sword Fighters in the host's memory, and it wanted to see if there was anything worthwhile about the genes of that race.

"Sword Fighters, a race whose combat effectiveness depends on their mood? It's too unstable." Su Ming felt its desire and stretched out his finger to press the little bean sprouts: "Next time, I'll find you a Kryptonian to try. What's next? do you understand?"

The little bean sprout nodded. There was no need to ask. It always understood what the host was thinking.

But humans seem to prefer communication with questions and answers, so as a good symbiont, it chooses to follow the host's habits.

It maintained the appearance of Death Knell at this time. After a tidal wave of squirming, the original gorgeous gold and red robe was replaced by a red earth costume.

Red leather jacket, red trousers, black leather shoes and white socks.

After putting on this performance costume, Deathstroke stretched his neck and walked towards the door of the building: "Show time."

With the sound of the door opening, the soldiers saluted him, and all the cameras turned to him. He was bathed in the eyes of tens of billions of people on a planet.

The applause started when he stepped on the red carpet and stopped after he stood on the podium covered with flowers.

Whether the sound sounds or disappears, it is neat and consistent.

He raised his chin slightly and looked first to the left, then to the right. No one dared to look at him. The power of power is really useful in a stable society, especially the relatively brutal kind of royal power.

Su Ming stretched out his finger and tapped the microphone lightly, and said with a warm smile: "People of the Shi'a Empire, I am your emperor! At this moment, not only you, but the stars are also listening to my voice! Shi'a Long live the Empire!"

Well, the Shi'ar Empire is more than 10,000 years old. I hope the cosmic translator can accurately translate this meaning and understand the context and spirit.

Long live Hydra, long live Leviathan, long live Shia, there is no difference. Anyway, to Su Ming, they are all tricks to fool the devil.

"Long live the Empire!"

The various races present did not disappoint the emperor, and they all responded in unison, although the vocal organs of some races looked like noses to Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded to everyone present and waved to them with great style. It seemed that the translator was working well. It was worth spending a lot of money. You must know that purple energy gems are very valuable in the main dimension.

"I have a lot to say, but my voice is not the only thing I have called you to listen to today."

After Su Ming put down his hand, his words suddenly changed, and a strange smile appeared on his face. When people were watching him in person or online, he took out a small machine from his pocket and placed it under the microphone:

"I want to show you a baby."

Just when people were showing all kinds of puzzled expressions all over the Feather Star, the door of the silver-white building behind their emperor opened again.

At this moment, everyone who saw the next scene had a short-circuit in their brains, if they had such an organ as a brain.

A long-standing abandonment of imagination has left people unable to understand what they see.

There were dozens of dead emperors and queens, dressed in long-outdated gorgeous clothes, with numb expressions belonging to the dead on their faces, and with frozen frost hanging on their bodies. They walked out of the building at a very stiff pace. .

Their eyes were gushing with faint green light, and when they saw the people of Shi'ar, they were like hungry wolves who saw food.

Su Ming swore that he really saw a certain race with a detachable chin. When the emperors and queens walked out of the mausoleum and appeared in the public eye, the chin fell to the ground.

The effect was good, something beyond their imagination short-circuited their minds, but the next show was the highlight.

The living corpses lined up neatly behind Deathstroke, posing with their necks crooked, their hands attached to their sides, and then remained motionless.

Amid everyone's stunned and stunned gazes, Su Ming pressed the button of the small instrument on the podium.

Although his little cousin is unreliable most of the time, Su Ming will still adopt some useful suggestions, such as the suggestion of bringing his own BGM.

In the past few years of interstellar travel, Su Ming bought many alien toys, including this high-tech version of a music player.

Not only does it have a large storage capacity, but it also supports virtual projection of MTV.

Su Ming sang covers of some of the songs he liked in his previous life, and then his lieutenant compiled them into musical scores, accompanied them with simulated musical instruments and transcribed them.

Now is the time to put it to use.

As the button was pressed, music with a gloomy atmosphere sounded, and the people saw their emperor's head tilted, assuming the same posture as the corpses of emperors in previous generations.

Music is definitely a product of imagination, but is the emperor really asking everyone to listen to music? Is this really... not going to be cleansed?

However, as the song appeared, they saw the emperors dancing again, shrugging, kicking, and spinning wildly.

The emotions of surprise and panic grew even more, Shi'ar's tradition and history were betrayed, people's past experience could no longer provide them with guidance, and everyone didn't know what to do next.

Su Ming knows.

He knew that these Shia bird people would definitely like pop music. The hearing of birds is also developed, not to mention that Deathstroke perfectly reproduced Michael Jackson's famous "Zombie Dance" on MTV.

"People of Shi'ar! I hope you like this song "Thriller", and now I order you to dance with me!"

He picked up a microphone and issued his latest order.

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