The Death Knell

Chapter 1128? Breaking the situation

"Okay, I know what you want to watch may be "Aliens vs. Predator", and what I give you is "High School Musical"." Su Ming crossed his legs on the table and relaxedly drank a bottle of Power Soda: "But you have to know that in this universe, funny means often have serious results, and serious means often have funny results."

Su Ming knew that several people on the spaceship must have also seen the replica of MJ's concert through the Internet. Although the second half of the concert was not finished, because the Imperial Guard arrived with the order of the real emperor.

If he had to fight with dozens of supermen, he would be exposed, so the moment Deathstroke showed up at the Imperial Guard, he ordered the former emperors to rush into the crowd, and he turned into a public face and slipped away in the chaos.

Jason and the old manager had strange expressions at this time, maybe because they had never seen a singing and dancing emperor before.

Before Deathstroke left the Feather Star, he awakened a large number of undead across the planet. In other words, several people in the spacecraft had only watched half an episode of "High School Musical", and then "The Walking Dead" was on.

Several projection screens in the cockpit were now playing scenes of the army fighting the living corpses, and the Shi'ar Empire itself was in great chaos because the emperors were leading the dance.

As a cosmic empire, the timeliness of communication is very important, and this timeliness has also harmed them at this time. News of the dancing emperors of the past dynasties has spread to every planet in the country.

Gin patted his leg. Her attention was not on the fighting scenes. She was a little concerned about what Deathstroke said before.

"In this universe, funny methods often have serious consequences..." She put down her bottle, tilted her head, and asked in a low voice, "What does this mean?"

Su Ming didn't mean to be joking. He pressed his blindfold hard and looked at Gin seriously: "I have summed up some laws of how the world works over the years. At the beginning, I thought that being funny or serious were all about personality. People who are good at being funny will have more care from the world. But later through experiments, I found that this is not the case.”

"Huh?" Gin took off their translators and spoke in Old Norse: "So you have been experimenting with seemingly absurd means, and the results are always in line with your wishes?"

"Absolutely, no matter whether you are a serious person or not, whether you have a blood feud or whether you are seriously lacking in emotions, once you use more funny methods to deal with the events you face, the world will seem to develop according to your wishes." Su Ming was deeply impressed. Taking a breath, he tapped his fingers on the table in turn. He was calm from beginning to end: "The key is the story, not the people. No one will receive preferential treatment because of their characters."

Gin glanced at the master and servant on the side: "Are you saying that the more seriously you take something, the results may be counterproductive?"

"More or less, my cousin is the main target of observation. Usually he can solve any problem in the universe while joking, but once he deals with something seriously, the result is basically a tragedy. It's really sad that he can't die."

Su Ming crossed his arms and looked at the planet below through the cockpit glass. It was still spinning slowly without any impact.

This has been the case with almost everything he has experienced since arriving at Marvel. Serious methods often do not work satisfactorily, while nonsensical methods are more effective.

The Marvel Universe has always been affected by unknown entities. He has always known that the problem has always been how to fully control his own destiny and let himself and the people around him survive.

"I understand what you are thinking, but I believe you will be the final winner, and I will always stand by your side."

Gin smiled, nudged him with her shoulder, put the translator back into his ear, and ended the topic.

Just like what he said just now, it's not good to be too serious. She believed him.

Su Ming grabbed her hand and squeezed it, but did not continue the topic:

"I hope so, because if my guess is correct, then I'm afraid we have been stared at by the 'Beyond Gods' and treated as toys? That wouldn't be good."

"What is the Transcendence of the Gods?"

Jason finally heard a language he could understand. The communication between Deathstroke and Valkyrie made him blind without a translator.

Su Ming gave him a decent smile, walked back to the driver's seat and sat down: "I have never said this word. You must be too tired and have auditory hallucinations."


The Spartan prince rubbed the back of his head. He clearly heard that word.

"Excuse me, please lend us a cabin, and I will take the prince to rest."

The old manager stopped Jason, who was still about to ask questions, and asked Gin to borrow the room very politely. He had already noticed it.

If it wasn't for the two of them hearing hallucinations at the same time, then Deathstroke didn't want Jason to delve into this issue.

It doesn't matter, as long as Sparta maintains its relationship with the earth, it will know one day in the future.

Su Ming didn't even look back. He pressed some buttons on the console and carefully observed the surveillance screen: "Please help yourself and just treat this place like home. My friendship with Sparta will last forever. I Is that right?"

"You are right, Mage Supreme." The steward bowed slightly and dragged the prince towards the back of the spacecraft.


"Xia's troops have withdrawn."

Su Ming put out his cigarette and blew out a smoke ring.

About an hour later, a fleet jumped to the orbit of the Feather Star. Judging from the battleship's hull number, it was the fleet that had previously blocked the Spartan Star.

By borrowing the power of death, Su Ming awakened several armies of the undead on Feather Star. They were not large in scale, at least not the kind of cosmic undead craze unleashed by the goddess of death.

But that's enough. Now even if Shi'ar Emperor Deken is crazy, he must have realized one thing.

Similar phenomena of undead resurrection occurred on the Spartacus Star and the Feather Star at the same time. This represents Sparta's resistance and shows that they are not helpless by the Nashia Empire.

Instead, the Spartans knew exactly where Shia's weakness lay and issued a dire warning.

They could indeed occupy Sparta through a proxy war, but now that the other side of the war scale also paid a heavy price, they should seriously consider whether this business was worth it.

Do you want to trade your own internal stability for a franchise country?

It was clear that this hour had allowed Deken to figure things out and, as always, make a wise decision.

As Su Ming said before, trading with smart people doesn't even require any conversation.

And the best thing is that the other party doesn't know who they are negotiating terms with. Deken will probably think that the Spartan royal family has mastered some black technology to resurrect the undead.

"Yeah, we won half the battle."

Gin happily hugged Deathstroke's arm. He showed her another form of war, not the blood-soaked style of Asgard.

Victory comes from mystery and intimidation.

With only two people and one machine, they defeated a huge empire with a population of trillions. This was a great achievement that she had never imagined.

It's just a pity that this is a secret war and she can't show off her man to her sisters while drinking.

But she also knew that he wouldn't care about this.

Su Ming touched her hair, leaned on the chair and ordered the adjutant to return to Sparta: "Why do you say half the battle is won?"

"After solving Shia, isn't there still Kerry?" Gin looked at him with wide eyes, as if he was a student trying to guess the answer.

"No, the Kree should also withdraw their troops. The Supreme Intelligence will only be smarter than Deken. Even when undead appear on the planet Sparta, that big head should be ready to escape."

The Pegasus began to charge before jumping, and the spacecraft vibrated slightly. He pressed Gin on the chair, put her seat belt on, and said with a smile.

"Why?" Gin enjoyed the care obediently, with a sweet expression on his face.

Su Ming does not need a seat belt, and the strangulation will fix him in the cabin, so he is still very relaxed when his appearance is distorted into a noodle shape by the light: "In the universe, there are three things that the big head hates the most, undead, demons, insect."

"Hmm... I don't quite understand." Gin bared his teeth.

"Let's put it this way, the supreme wisdom pursues racial evolution, and the direction it chooses is the technological route. However, there is basically no benefit in fighting the above three things. Even if a hundred living corpses can kill one Kree warrior, then It also means that it was lost in vain, so what’s the use of the bones and smelly meat?”

Su Ming spread his hands, and the light made his arms look like they were simulating waves.

"That's right, the Cree people don't even bother to make their military rations more delicious..." Gin thought of the jelly-like colloid.

"The Kree pursue a policy of extermination against aliens. Every time they occupy a planet, they will kill all intelligent creatures on it. Do you still think that the Kree really intend to engage in a proxy war? No, this It’s just a way to check and balance Xi’a and push things along.”

Deathstroke slowly spoke out his analysis. To put it bluntly, the Supreme Intelligence is just a super-intelligent brain that analyzes the gains and losses for the Kree people.

"The Kree don't want to border the Shi'a land. What they want is this star region as a buffer zone!" Gin understood. The forces in the universe were similar to the 'vibrant social groups' she had seen before: "But they You can obviously choose the royalist side.”

"No, the royalists represent the orthodox royal power, and as a buffer zone, it needs to be as chaotic as possible to ensure that any force will fall into the quagmire after occupying Sparta. The royal family, as the current master, will not mess up its own planet, so... "

Su Ming shook his finger to deny Ginjiu's statement. He had already seen through the Supreme Intelligence's intention.

He looked out the window. The scenery in the universe was colorful and was dragged into strips of light by the transition process. It was also full of dangers, just like a dark jungle. The more beautiful things were, the more deadly they were.

But fortunately, Deathstroke could see clearly.

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