The Death Knell

Chapter 1129? Waiting for the end

"But Sparta is indeed in chaos now, and the Kree's goal has been achieved."

The spacecraft arrived at its destination and stopped in the outer orbit of the planet Sparta. The sensors showed the situation on the ground.

Gin loosened her seat belt and rolled her long golden hair behind her ears and said. Her hair had a little platinum blonde color and was very beautiful in the starlight.

Hacking skills are of little use at this time, because the chaotic war has destroyed most communication facilities, and the warring parties are biting and entangled like a few wild boars in a quagmire.

There is no command or tactics. The only communication that can be invaded is swearing and screaming. It is meaningless to listen to it.

"The Kree have no interest in this planet. If Sparta has any precious resources, it will not be a tourist planet." Su Ming stretched his neck: "After this time, their tour project should be called ' How many days are there for a trip to the post-war wasteland?"

"Hmm, that sounds pretty good." Gin smiled and thought about it. She really wanted to sign up for a tour group, but now was not the time: "The Kree fleet is no longer here."

"I said that the Supreme Intelligence is very shrewd. It will definitely slip away when its purpose is achieved, and it will not even waste the energy to keep the fleet hovering in orbit." Su Ming looked at the distant space, as if waiting for something: "Now as long as When the Galactic Council arrives, I'll finish them off and we can go home."

"Galactic Parliament..." Gin mused.

Su Ming stared at the space. In the center of the planetary system was a white star, like a big glutinous rice ball: "Although the Kree and the Shi'ar have conflicting positions, they also have something in common. Like Asgard, they both This is a society of warriors, and what is worthy of bragging is often bravery and achievements. What is the most important thing for a warrior?"

This question was not difficult for Gin. As a Valkyrie, she answered almost without thinking: "Glory, the glory of a warrior is the most important thing."

"So how did Jason's father die?" Su Ming asked in a leading way.

"Died in an assassination, shot from behind thousands of meters away... Are you saying that this was not done by Kerry or Shia? It is possible that they gave this weapon to the locals and borrowed it from them Do this." Gin frowned, this was indeed a problem.

Just like Su Ming said, the more powerful the warrior civilization is, the more disdainful it is to shoot behind the enemy.

Kerry's war model is like that. Even if he has the upper hand, victory must be seen in a face-to-face showdown. Even if you want to wipe out someone else's entire clan, you still have to do it in such a way that the other person is convinced.

The same goes for Shia. Although they obeyed the emperor's orders and shot and killed people in the back, that was not the era when Deken was in power. The current emperor was very concerned about honor.

"No, this kind of weapon that can vaporize people when fired from thousands of meters away can be regarded as an advanced individual weapon in the galaxy. It is also a threat to the nobles of Kree and Shi'ar." Su Ming hugged Holding his arm, he calmly smoked a cigarette: "If it were you, would you give a monkey a sniper rifle that might threaten humans just to help it fight for the position of monkey king?"

Gin shrugged, took out a cigarette from his cigarette case and lit it himself: "No, but to Cree and Shia, are the Spartans just monkeys?"

"At most it's a gorilla, no more."

He told a cold joke that Sparta's strength in all aspects could not be compared with the two empires, and the gap was as big as a chasm. The weapons of Shi'ar and Kree can directly extinguish the stars in the planetary system, but Sparta not only does not have superpowers, but it does not even have a space fleet.

Valkyrie shook her head regretfully: "It's so sad. Although we know the cruelty of the universe, do backward races have to face such a tragic ending?"

"For many races who think they may face a tragic ending, isn't the Galactic Parliament the last straw? Join or die, it's a simple choice."

Su Ming showed a sneer. He took out the divine gold Gauss from his pocket and began to maintain it slowly:

"Politicians in the parliamentary federation are best at using assassins to eliminate dissidents and then take advantage... By the way, have I ever told you that I am one of the best assassins on earth in another universe? ?Most of the business at that time came from some respectable fat guys with humble smiles on their faces, wearing suits and accompanied by secretaries."

Gin's eyes fell on the golden gun. She looked at the group of relief sculptures of beauties full of Greek style on the gun. Those plump women only wore a narrow bed sheet, holding grapes or wine in their hands, with dignified smiles. Full of charm.

Feeling the unfamiliar divine power on the weapon, she immediately looked at Su Ming with a look of "Are you kidding me?" Is this a creation of the Olympus god system? Isn't this too inappropriate?

"What did you get?"

"A sniper rifle, Gaussian technology, paired with God's metal, and fused with the power of Vulcan."

Su Ming pinched her face. The shape of this gun was somewhat controversial, but it was art.

Speaking of the issue of long-range weapons, he just remembered to take out his rifle and clean it. Although it was not afraid of dust in the space bag, but now he was waiting for the arrival of the Galactic Council's fleet, and he was idle.

Gin narrowed his eyes and asked with some confusion: "Although I know that the Greek pantheon has always liked bed sheets, this is really beyond imagination. Can this weapon really kill people?"

"Ah, yes, it doesn't look fancy, but it feels good when firing." Su Ming leaned the weapon against the edge of the chair, picked up Gin and put it on his lap: "The main reason is that the Vulcan is particularly unruly. , let me tell you..."

"Don't change the subject. Did the Diana you were talking about seduce you through such revealing clothing? Rather than because of her loyalty to you and the martial arts charm she displayed?"

Gin hugged his neck tightly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

As a Valkyrie, she would not allow a 'vase' to share with her man.

Su Ming recalled Diana's usual dress. Well, the Amazon warriors did wear cool clothes on weekdays. But in terms of Amazon’s approach to charisma? Well......

Fighting and bravery, I'm afraid this is what Diana lacks the most.

"Don't think so wildly. If Diana puts all her strength into action, I can only defeat her with tactics. Besides, she has been following a group of people to form a team to become a superhero, and she no longer takes personal glory so seriously."

He patted her head and gently rubbed her soft golden hair.

Gin put her head on his shoulder and rubbed his neck with her nose: "It turns out that she is another fool who loves to be a vigilante. Your attitude towards her has always been very vague. Is this what you are struggling with?"

"I'm an ordinary person. I'm afraid I will never have the heroic spirit of selfless sacrifice. I can do some things for her, but not all of her friends are my friends."

Su Ming stretched out his finger and tapped her nose a few times, making a "beep" sound in his mouth.

"I understand." Gin grabbed his finger and held it tightly. When she closed her eyes, her face looked much softer, like a quiet little girl: "Do you have friends in that world? I mean , reliable male.”

Su Ming knew that she was caring about him. After all, in battle, everyone knew that it was safer to have brothers to look after him.

So he made a mark on the top of her head and smoothed her hair: "Don't worry, I have a friend over there who likes to wear a red tights. Not only does he run fast, he is also a sacrifice that represents auspiciousness. , by the way, he is also the last insurance of the universe."

"...any more?"

Gin's little mouth flattened. She subconsciously felt that the person called the 'sacrifice' was not so reliable?

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