The Death Knell

Chapter 1130? Will eventually be king

After solving Shi'ar and Kree, the Galactic Council was not worth mentioning. Apart from anything else, the motley crew of spaceships of different sizes and styles jumped onto Sparta's orbit, which almost made Su Ming laugh out loud.

What is this? Will each participating country in the Congress send out a spaceship? This is probably the case for the World Expo.

It is true that the number is large, but there are also some races who drive cargo ships to make up the number, probably hoping to make a profit while taking advantage of the chaos.

The dense fleet was arranged in orbit, as if it instantly formed a ring for the planet. Various colored signal lights and engine flames made it as bright as a small Milky Way.

"A miscellaneous army, but it is still an interstellar fleet after all. Sparta currently does not have the corresponding power to compete with them in space."

Su Ming put away the divine gold rifle and asked Gin to inform Prince Jason that the break was over and it was time to continue the mission.

The prince and the steward arrived quickly, with wind in their steps. They were obviously not idle during the short break. Not only did they take a shower and change clothes, it seemed that the steward also gave Jason a new hairstyle.

"Oh, is that the fleet of the Galactic Council?" Jason looked at the fleet in the distance without showing any emotion. He now seemed to be barely a suitable heir to the throne.

I don't know if it was the boss who told him something, or if he realized the cruelty of the universe, but it has nothing to do with Deathstroke, as long as the other party fulfills the contract.

The steward nodded, and then moved his gaze from the window to the death knell, with a heavy look on his old face: "What are you going to do?"

"It depends on what your Majesty plans to do." Su Ming smiled and reached into his pocket, pulled out a huge weapon and stood in front of Jason: "This is for you, this is what I helped you get from the Feather Star. Weapon, the Demonic Sword of Fire."

Jason looked at the weapon in front of him. It was more like half a door than a sword. It was one meter wide and one meter seven high. The hilt of the sword seemed to be a spear pinched on the sword body, and it was also connected by a cable. Something like that is wrapped around and fixed.

The prince stretched out his hand and tried to lift the thing, and found that it did not look as heavy as he thought, and it was not sharp at all and had no edge at all.

"You call it a magic sword, but it seems..."

"It doesn't have any magic power, right? Haha, this is made from the coffin board of the founding emperor of the Shi'a Empire." Su Ming directly told the answer. He turned to face the blue planet: "It doesn't matter whether it has magic power or not. It is the people of Sparta, whether you believe it has magic power in your hands, this is the key to rule."

Jason took a deep breath, put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and raised it with both hands with some difficulty:

"I understand. If I didn't have enough prestige before, then the 'magic' it provides is this. I will make the people believe in me. After all, I am the Emperor of Sparta!"

"Very good, then it's up to you to get the Galactic Council to trick this fleet into landing. The undead army all over the world will help you eliminate them. The ships they landed will be regarded as my gift to you for your enthronement. Stay behind in the universe. I will deal with all the ships and send the undead to their home planet."

Su Ming also pulled out his God Killer and gently touched the sword of Fire Joy in the air. Golden lightning filled the low-tech sword and lit up the red light on it.

Jason shouldered the giant sword, and the steward helped him find a suitable strap. He said with some emotion: "I will fulfill the agreement, and the friendship between Sparta and the Supreme Mage will last forever."

"Well, that's very good." Su Ming smiled and patted Jason on the shoulder, then walked to the isolation cabin and rushed into the universe with a giant sword in hand.


Three months later, Hawaii.

Su Ming only wore a pair of large floral swimming trunks, lying on the beach like a dead fish, feeling the warmth of the sun on his back. After a moment, he slowly turned over, and Hangsha helped him put the sunglasses on his forehead. Put it on the bridge of your nose.

"Ah~~~It's another peaceful day."

He stretched out and talked comfortably to Gin beside him. His cloak flew out from the cabin not far behind him and brought them two glasses of pineapple smoothie.

"This pineapple seems to be sweeter." Gin touched the magic floating cloak. She took the cup and took a sip. She lay on the beach chair under the umbrella and showed a happy expression.

Su Ming also picked up his cup, put the straw into his mouth and sucked it, and said vaguely: "The new variety cultivated by Dr. Erskine is so good. If you have to study SSS serum, it is better to study pineapples to provide human Make more contributions.”

"Even though this kind of pineapple can only be grown on the farm of Wilson Enterprises, it made you a lot of money?" Gin iced him with a cup with a half-smile.

"But after all, humans are still eating it. This is market economy, dear. Besides, this is for us to make money. The company has been completely transferred to your name." Su Ming closed his eyes and touched his arms with raised hair.

Gin stood up and moved her shoulders and waist. Her bones made a clicking sound. She took off her sunglasses and put them on the chair. She took out clothes from her silk bag and put them on: "I should go. I'm going to the office first." Take a look at each branch and then go to Vanaheim.”

"Really in such a hurry?" Su Ming took her hand.

Gin reluctantly broke away and rolled his eyes: "This is what I should have done as soon as I returned to Earth. I have been dragged by you in Hawaii for three months. The interstellar trade between Sparta and Vanaheim has not yet been connected. Remember? If I don’t leave today, this delay will continue endlessly.”

"Didn't I ask Karma Taj to send someone to deal with it?" Su Ming put down the empty cup.

Gin raised an eyebrow and took his hair out of his shirt collar with both hands: "Apprentices are too polite to some protoss. Besides, do you really believe them?"

"Apprentices are all good boys, but because they often need to communicate with the devil, my trust in them can only be limited." Su Ming answered calmly. This is the fact. If there is anyone who cannot be completely trusted, then it must be Spell caster.

"That's true, although Xiao Wang will definitely be sad when he hears you say that." Gin smiled, bent down, and printed a mark on his forehead: "Let's go, you'd better do something serious, like go kill someone." A sea monster or a dragon slayer or something, don’t be like Odin and lie down every day.”

After saying that, she walked straight to the stealth spacecraft parked next to the garage of the wooden house and disappeared with a wave of air.

Su Ming helplessly patted the sand on his chest. The disadvantage of a spaceship taking off from the beach was this. He took off his sunglasses to shake off the sand and put them on again, motionless as if he was asleep.

It wasn't until the red sun in the sky turned into the setting sun on the sea level that he quit meditation, which was the method he learned from Monaco to repair his soul.

He is not a mage, but as a top warrior, he can still achieve it by entering meditation. However, the injuries left in DC healed slower than expected, and they are now completely healed.

It was getting dark, so he first cleaned up the trash on the beach so as not to cause ocean pollution. Then he returned to the hut to do today's physical exercise to stay in shape, and had a simple meal after dark.

But as the time reached midnight, he became energetic and asked Strangler to transform into a black and yellow icon armor and planned to go out to play.

"Strangler, what do you think I can do while I recover? Do you want to go surfing at midnight? You can turn the cloak into a surfboard and hang a bleeding dead pig on the back, so we can hang out with the sharks. played."

Black bean sprouts sprouted from his shoulders. A pair of small white eyes looked at him. The top of the tentacle called the head shook. It didn't want to play shark surfing.

The apex predator of the earth's oceans sounds good, but sharks are far inferior to symbionts in terms of combat capabilities, which is not exciting at all.

"How about hunting? Let's go to the wild lands of Antarctica. Do you want to see big dinosaurs?"

Su Ming made another suggestion. He didn't have any leisure plans. He could continue to live in the sun and exercise every day. There seemed to be no important events in the 1970s.

Strangling or shaking your head, dinosaurs are a species that has been eliminated by time. Even if they still exist in the wilderness, their genes are useless to symbionts.

"How about diving? There are many shipwrecks on the seabed. We can play the investigator game. I never know where the dimension of Cthulhu is. Maybe there is really a place called R'lyeh under the sea."

It still doesn't want to go to strangulation. Ancient gods, demons, old gods, second-generation gods, groups of gods, conceptual beings, etc. These things are all inedible and it has no interest in them.

Su Ming flattened his mouth, stretched out his finger and flicked its head: "You are suffering from depression, why not..."

Strangler shook his head crazily. It had once seen a strange equation in the host's brain. 'Melancholy' equals 'being eaten'. It was also related to a series of causal relationships such as heatstroke, unsightliness, and injury.

Su Ming walked out of the hut, looked at the moon hanging quietly in the sky, and thought about where to go. The earth's satellites always look beautiful, and they are also one of the beautiful scenery that can inspire inspiration.

The dark waves reflected the faint moonlight, and he took a deep breath: "Why don't we go to a small bar to listen to music."


Hangzhou found that he could not keep up with the host's thinking speed. A lot of thoughts flowed through the host's mind instantly, even though the nerve conduction speed was not that fast.

When Su Ming saw the moon, he remembered that the American Apollo successfully landed on the moon on July 21, 1969, which represented that mankind had officially entered the space age.

Then he thought of the Zeppelin airship through the Apollo spacecraft, which were the aircraft that created history for mankind, and he also thought of the band with the same name as the airship.

When I think of the band, I think of the Woodstock Music Festival in 1969. That concert brought together more than 1 million hippies. Those young people were the confused generation during the Vietnam War.

Thinking of hippies, he also thought of Greenwich Village, the place with the most hippies in New York.

And there happens to be an important person who is performing in Greenwich just a few days after the Beatles' "Let It Be" won the 13th Grammy Award. You can go and see it.

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