The Death Knell

Chapter 1133? The world is so big

Su Ming put down the paper cup of Powerful Drink. Maybe because he was dressed so fashionably now, even Natasha didn't recognize him.

But precisely because of this, he heard the conversation between Fury and Natasha. Although their voices were very low and the surrounding environment was noisy, Strangler was becoming more and more skilled in eavesdropping.

He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, lit it, and took a deep breath.

What more can be said? Fury was Fury, and even without any evidence, his instincts were accurate.

Valentina, codenamed "Countess", can be said to be the first person outside the nine heads of Hydra. She is a natural super spy, good at psychological warfare, disguise, intelligence analysis and tactical command.

Let’s take the story of the future of the 616 universe as a reference. Her relationship with Fury was very strange. During their marriage, Fury had always suspected that she was Hydra, but no evidence was found for decades.

Decades later, an accident caused her identity to be exposed, but this made Fury completely fall in love with her, because he never expected that the woman around him could lie to him for so long. Only a super agent can be worthy of a super agent, right?

Not only did Fury run around interceding on her behalf to save the Hydra spy from death, but he also almost led his cronies to help her escape from prison.

If someone's words hadn't defeated Fury at the critical moment and made him give up the rescue plan, the story of Earth 616 might have taken a different direction.

But even if Valentina is still alive after being imprisoned, this incident also completely darkened Fury, making him never trust anyone again and becoming a qualified director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Sir, Wilson Fast Food Restaurant does not allow indoor smoking." The female manager of the restaurant came over and pointed to the no-smoking sign on the wall.

Su Ming moved away the fake hair that had been strangled in front of him, revealing his face and one eye: "I think I should have privileges."

The female manager smiled. She turned around and sat next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered in Russian: "It turns out to be the boss. Why are you dressed so young today?"

"This is Greenwich. I came out to drink, but I found some interesting things." Su Ming continued to puff away calmly. The Mao girls always treated him like this: "You are responsible for this area. ?”

The girl nodded. She wore make-up and looked older. She looked to be in her thirties, but in fact, after being injected with leech medicine, they all looked like they were sixteen or seventeen years old:

"My current code name is Spider, and I am Spider Web's New York manager. By the way, is it your mission to lure me here by smoking?"

"Greenwich Village is indeed the most chaotic place right now. The location of the branch is well chosen." Su Ming praised, and then got down to the topic: "Help me inform the Los Angeles side that my entertainment company has sneaked into a Nine The snake-headed bug is currently only known as George, and he has some small rights, so get rid of him."

"Haha, it seems that the sisters over there have relaxed a little. This is a serious mistake. Boss, you should fly over and spank them immediately." The girl showed a naughty smile and at the same time rolled up her sleeves to generate electricity through the watch on her wrist. Reporter: "What level does the insecticide mission need to be?"

Su Ming shrugged, lowered his head and continued to eat: "The target is a double agent from the Logistics Department and Hydra. Let's make him die at the level of Qiaoqiao. Do it more naturally. It looks like an accidental death."

"Maybe counter-osmosis is not our strong point, but killing is definitely our specialty. What do you think of breaking his bones first, burning him alive, and then faking a gas explosion?"

The girl showed an expectant look and licked the corner of her mouth with her little tongue.

"Uh... I think the branch over there will take action. You are the manager in New York, have you forgotten?" Su Ming ate the burger with a weird expression and stuffed a sausage into her hand. inside.

As more and more girls graduate from Zhongsi Academy, the Mao girls back then are now basically junior leaders.

The girl's face turned bitter, her shoulders slumped, and she closed her eyes in disappointment: "I forgot, alas, do I have other tasks?"

"The girl with short blond hair just now, Amanda Armstrong. After getting rid of the 'bug', let our people contact her on behalf of the entertainment company. The contract she signed remains the same. Send someone to protect her and keep her in New York temporarily."

Su Ming knew that she must have noticed Amanda. Before Natasha came here, she must have secretly informed her sisters that he and Fury were following whoever Valentina wanted to contact.

"Copy that." The Human-Faced Spider nodded and accepted the task, and then laughed again: "I have already informed you, boss, why don't you stay tonight? We can play some games..."

"Forget it today, the world is so big, I want to visit every branch."

Su Ming shook his head. He hadn't been back for more than ten years and there were a lot of things that needed to be checked. The entertainment company's infiltration also reminded him that he couldn't let it go completely, it was not yet time.


Checking each branch along the way, and replacing some equipment and props for his thousands of secret shelters, it was already one afternoon in the second week by the time Su Ming transferred to Paris.

He just climbed up the Eiffel Tower to look at the place where he fought. Unexpectedly, he accidentally found the Magic Prince and a woman rafting on the Seine River at dusk. The two of them seemed to be smiling happily. No matter how he looked at it, he thought Monaco's expression was very obscene. .

So the Supreme Mage blocked him on the pier, and the three of them went to a roadside cafe and chatted on the small balcony.

"Do you remember this place? Back then we were trying to find a way to get rid of the Nazi warlocks."

Monaco was holding a cup of coffee and sounded very nostalgic.

"Your spell casting costs have accumulated a lot." Su Ming looked at his belly. The magic prince now has a lot of edema in his abdomen, and his hair loss is also serious. However, this is a common disease among mages. Deathstroke's eyes fell more On the woman: "Who is this beautiful lady?"

"She is my apprentice. You don't think that only Kama Taj can recruit apprentices, right?" Monaque took a breath and hid her belly a little: "My witchcraft can never be inherited by anyone. "

He looked in the direction of the Champ de Mars, remembering the battle in this city that year, which was his lost youth.

The woman took the initiative to interrupt and saluted very appropriately: "My name is Agatha, and I am a disciple of Master Monaco. It is an honor to meet you, Supreme Mage Deathstroke."

"Okay, so your lesson today is to teach her rowing?" Su Ming looked at him with a half-smile. He knew Monaco very well, and the Magic Prince definitely didn't have the consciousness of a rabbit not to eat the grass beside its nest.

"You know, as a mage, how to maintain balance on the water is also very important. I can't just take her out to sea, right?" Monaco looked serious, and what he said was true.

"Then why is it the Seine River and not the Thames River? We came all the way to Paris. This is not our territory." Su Ming raised his eyebrows at the Magic Prince.

Monaco was still very calm and did not look like he had been exposed at all: "Someone used time and space magic, which is a very advanced black magic of time and space transmission. I sensed it in London, so I stopped by to see if it was right. Bad guys causing trouble.”

"What's the result?" Su Ming became a little more serious. Time magic is not a joke. It involves this concept and should never be taken lightly.

Monaco tilted his head towards the balcony and motioned Su Ming to look at the man and woman eating below: "We are staring at them."

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