The Death Knell

Chapter 1134? Inspection

"She's dying, whoever she is, she's dying."

Su Ming just glanced down, and then calmly withdrew his gaze. Now, one of the men and women facing the flowers and the sunset would not live long.

"Oh? Do you know them? That woman is a witch. I can sense the power in her." Monaco withdrew his gaze. He was far more powerful than the young girl below. When he was not using magic, his witch His magical skills can hide his existence very well: "She is very strong, extremely talented, but she has not received much training."

"I don't know the woman, but I know the man. The last time I met him was in Japan." Su Ming put down the coffee cup and shook his head slightly: "Wolverine, there are too many causes and effects on him. It's hard to be with him. The woman always dies, sooner or later. I guess she died from an alien attack or was eaten by the cannibals of New Guinea."

"If you go by the Eastern language, this is probably called the Lone Star of Heavenly Evil." Monaco tilted his head, slowly ate a biscuit, and described the situation with some unfamiliar idioms: "But even without him , the way this girl uses magic is too wild, the cost of time and space magic is very terrifying, maybe at this moment, her bones are melting while she is smiling and drinking coffee."

His apprentice grinned. She was still young and didn't want to hear about bone-melting topics while eating.

Su Ming shrugged and turned to look at the distant horizon. The Eiffel Tower looked like a black shadow in the sunset:

"Unless she drinks her own bone marrow with coffee, she is not a person. There is a group behind her like the 'Anonymous Outlaws' who are helping her pay the price."

Monaque thought for a moment and nodded: "I can probably guess who she is, Selvi Harquines, a gypsy witch. Her family is the ruler of the French magic world. She is good at time. and prophetic magic, they built a village of gypsies, and the villagers in it were equivalent to unknown people."

Su Ming turned the biscuit on the plate to see what kind of animal it was, because the person who made this biscuit was obviously too artistic: "The Harquines family? Last time I went to Split Realm to play, I have met the ancestor of her family, Margaret, the Witch of Destiny, another example of a sorcerer becoming a dimensional demon."

"I'm surprised that she didn't kill you." Monaco smiled and raised his glass as if toasting him: "You don't know how many timelines she and Master Gu Yi have fought on, listen. I said, that woman is a lunatic."

Su Ming also laughed and stuffed the cookie into his mouth: "But she saw her fate and knew the consequences of attacking me, so she made the right decision at that time."

Monaco shook his head and did not continue to dwell on this issue. His apprentice still did not understand the timeline: "If it is really the Harquines family, I probably understand what they are doing. During World War II, they fought against the invasion. The one who summoned a demon named 'Truth', this demon will appear every ten years, each time in a different form, in a different location, and has carried out many massacres."

"Even if the Lord of Hell came to earth in the main dimension only as a clone, it should be within the jurisdiction of Kama Taj, right?" Su Ming seemed to suddenly remember something. This seemed to be another mess left by Ancient Yi.

The Magic Prince shook his head at his apprentice, and then explained the problem to the two of them: "Mary Harquines summoned the Demon King back then, and the truth killed her and tens of thousands of Nazis. For this family, this is a heavy price. It is also hatred. From then on, the successive heads of their family have made it their mission to eliminate the 'truth', tracking down the location where the truth appears, and sealing him back to hell again and again. If other sorcerers interfere, they will be considered as insulting Ha Kui. The Ness family.”

Su Ming understood, and he launched a tactical retreat against the back of the chair behind him: "So no one is willing to take the risk of starting a war with their family to deal with this devil, because there is Margaret behind the Haquines family. .”

"Then why didn't their ancestors help them?" the apprentice asked her teacher. She always felt that something was wrong: "If it is the Dimension Demon God, he can at least reach an agreement with the Demon King."

"So I say that Margaret is a lunatic. Her actions are all determined by tarot cards. Not taking action means that she thinks this is a 'decision of fate.'" I have to say that Monaco is very good at teaching students. His age Old enough and very knowledgeable.

Agatha sighed and looked down again. At this time, the woman was feeding the man steak. A pink atmosphere surrounded the two of them. She shook her head with regret: "What a pity, they look very dignified." right."

Su Ming patted his pants and stood up. These magic families didn't listen to Kama Taj's orders, but they wouldn't deliberately do anything against them. Since they didn't want help, they just pretended they didn't see it.

The devil named ‘Truth’?

He had never heard of this name in his previous life, but no matter what, the devil could not be completely killed in the main dimension and could only be sealed back again and again.

Fortunately, Paris is not far from London, so with Merlin keeping an eye on it, it won't be a big problem.

So Deathstroke didn't care about the life and death of the two Wolverines at all, and easily invited the Master and the Prince of Magic to have dinner together. Monaco was not the kind of person who liked to enjoy himself, as long as he had rabbits.

But his apprentice is still young and should enjoy life more.

"You don't know Wolverine's wives who died in the past? Are there six or seven? Come on, I'll invite you to dinner at Le Procope restaurant on the left bank of the Seine. That restaurant has experienced the Revolution, Napoleon, and the Second World War. World War I, decorated like a gallery, do you want to eat snails tonight?”

Agatha was obviously moved, but she still looked at her teacher with an expectant expression, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

The Magic Prince never knew what politeness was. At least he would never refuse when Su Ming invited guests to dinner. He stroked his mustache coolly, picked up the top hat on the table with his cane and put it on his head:

"As a sorcerer, you are always faced with the threat of sudden death. My apprentice, the teacher will teach you an important lesson today, what is carpe diem, such as eating foie gras without dipping the bread until you are full."


It's always a pleasure to get along with Monaco. He is humorous and humorous when he is normal, and he is more worldly than ordinary mages.

Even with the apprentice, he didn't say any profound magic theory. The topics discussed at the dinner table were more about the customs and customs of various places, and the kayaking sport that he had recently become interested in.

His apprentice also has a similar personality. Agatha looks a bit natural and has a little bit of the aristocratic reserve of an English woman.

The meal didn't take more than a few hours, and after extorting Monaco's magic beard wax, the three parted ways in the dark alley behind the restaurant.

The Magic Prince took his apprentice back to London through teleportation, and Su Ming planned to chat with his old friends from the Paris guerrillas.

Although they only got along for one day, and in the end they just talked about 'free will' and sang Marseillaise together, the other party obviously took this matter very seriously. They regarded Deathstroke as a revolutionary comrade.

It's just that decades have passed, and there are not many people alive. Su Ming has met a few people, and it is difficult for the aging soldiers to express their feelings clearly.

When they saw the familiar black and yellow armor coming from the window to their bedside in the night, they could only hold Deathstroke's hand, laughing and crying.

Aging is irreversible, and with the level of medical care in the 1970s, they could already live a long life. Su Ming could only briefly visit the patients, leave some nutrients and leave.

Then continue to do your own thing.

In the days that followed, Su Ming saw Dr. Pim in Stockholm who was going to visit the Nobel Prize Ceremony. His girlfriend was shot to death by an unknown force on the roadside. Pim was severely stimulated. He seemed to have the ability to do super. The idea of ​​a hero.

In Wakanda, Deathstroke secretly attended the old king's funeral and T'Chaka's succession ceremony, and placed a bouquet of flowers under the monument engraved with 'Wakanda Buddha Loves Me' late at night. After taking so much raw vibranium from Wakanda, he was considered an old friend of this country. It was appropriate to attend the funeral to remember the old king.

Besides, the Leopard God has taken away the king's soul and taken him into another dimension to enjoy the savanna life like the animal world.

In Southeast Asia, the Logistics Department and Leviathan were both involved in the battle over the Xian Cong area. Whether it was the shiny extradimensional substance 'Blood of Xian Cong' or the 'Well of All Things' buried deep underground, neither side was able to get their hands on it. .

Zheng Xian's Divine Spear Bureau became a fisherman. When both warring parties were exhausted and defeated, a sudden force blew up the passage to another dimension.

Because Deathstroke had already told Lao Zheng what the Well of All Things was, and also said that Vietnamese monkeys were all sons of ghosts, leaving the dimensional passage in the Immortal Cong would always be a hidden danger.

The exchange of information was beneficial to both parties. Su Ming closed the dimensional channel without having to do it himself, and also obtained a lot of Immortal Cong's blood, which is a kind of liquid energy from another dimension. Zheng Xian also figured out what this substance was, learned about dimensional knowledge, and had new goals for future technological development.

In Australia, Su Ming encountered another Kree battleship crash and watched the battle between the Australian indigenous pantheon and the Skrull pursuers.

The abilities of those indigenous gods are very interesting. Some of them are like "the power of the bear", "the speed of the leopard", "the vision of the eagle" and a series of familiar enchantment-based abilities. They can achieve certain goals by changing their own states.

Of course, they just have similar abilities. After all, the bear is not strong enough to tear apart a Skrull warship, and the leopard is not fast enough to dodge lasers.

In the country of the Bear, Su Ming discovered that Hydra was rising in the dark, taking advantage of Leviathan's flawless time to take care of others. The Red Skull appeared on the vast snowy land, and the leader of the Bear, whether it was Khrushchev or Bo The Clan's capital is far less powerful than Comrade Steel, and the endless reproduction of Hydra has laid the foundation for the future of this huge country.

However, Su Ming knew that this Red Skull was not the one before. The current one was named Malik. He was originally just a down-and-out furry bear officer. He accidentally learned about the Red Skull, so he made a red skull mask and put it on his head. .

The influence of the Red Skull on Hydra still exists. Now that Mustache is being chased by Selene and his life and death are unknown, countless former Hydra members are coming for the golden sign of the Red Skull. It has really formed. A huge but not conventional Hydra force.

There are no big events, but small things continue. This is the main theme of the 1970s. Every force is accumulating strength.

None of this had anything to do with Su Ming. After touring the entire earth like a territory, he finally received an invitation from Howard. He was going to hold a wedding in New York. Every line in the invitation was full of beautiful yearning for the future.

Su Ming shook his head, he knew the story had begun, Howard's tragic era.

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