The Death Knell

Chapter 1136? The conspiracy was crushed

When night fell, a human-shaped object with two clusters of flames spurting out from its feet landed in front of the villa. It didn't cause much movement, but the sounds of insects in the courtyard continued one after another.

Of course, not only the little creatures in the grass did not notice him, but also the bodyguards in the courtyard and the servants in the house.

If someone wakes up from their sleep and uses the light from the porch, they may be able to see that it is a strange man covered in a blue-green metal shell with a tape on his chest.

Where a human face has a face, there is a curved display screen showing a pair of fuzzy and indescribable electronic facial features.

"The record begins with the 44th contact with Howard Stark. As a member of a backward race, he possesses intelligence that is clearly beyond his own kind."

He stood in front of the door and started recording, muttering to himself, while the tape recorder-like structure on his chest slowly started to rotate.

As one of the spectators who has recorded billions of years of Earth's history, he knows that after humans learned to build houses and invented doors, they preferred to knock before others entered their homes.

He can politely follow the Romans, because he believes that the humans here are kept in the dark by him. When he has an absolute advantage, he can show his approachability appropriately, which is a safer way to deceive.

If they behave more like humans, then from a cosmobiological perspective, the same culture and customary identity are a good basis for communication between different races.

So he also raised his mechanical arm and knocked on the door. The metal arm glowed dimly under the porch light, and the strength was controlled just right. The sound would not spread too far, but it could ensure that the owner of the house behind the door could definitely hear it.

"Bang bang." There was a knock on the door, and he completely ignored the electrified button-shaped structure next to the door.

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened. The door did not open. Instead, with a pop, a black giant sword penetrated the door and plunged deeply into his chest.

The tape-like structure emitted a large amount of sparks, and Recorder 451 could not avoid the sword at all. The silver metal on the sword came to life and stuck in his body like barbs, making him unable to move.

He wanted to reverse his own time by 'rewinding', but found a flash of green light on the sword, and his enemy interrupted his intention.

The door was kicked to pieces, and the recorder was also kicked to the ground. A metal combat boot stepped on his chest, and the black sword was pulled on his chest several times like a saw, completely destroying the recorder. .

"Surprise? You naughty little tape recorder." Amidst the flying sawdust, the red single eye on the black and yellow armor was so bright.

"Death Knell!" The recorder struggled with all four limbs to escape. It was impossible for him to resist the power of the time stone: "Why are you on earth at this time?"

Su Ming stepped on his chest, strangulation flowed out from under his boots, and bound the recorder to the stone steps in front of the door.

Although the recorder's limbs dug four large holes on the stone steps, he did not move at all. Struggling? That's as futile as a tortoise lying on its back.

"The earth is my home. It has nothing to do with you when and where I go or when I come back. What's more, you can't monitor magic. I came back from the border of hell." Su Ming pulled out the Night Sword with force, and countless sparks hit the On his armor, there were splashes everywhere.

"Let me go, everything has its destiny." The recorder was still moving his limbs, trying to lift the big foot on his chest, and he quickly begged for mercy in English.

But Deathstroke's power exceeded his expectations, and over the years, he seemed to have become stronger.

The black and yellow mask sneered: "Sorry, I don't care about other humans, but I only believe that man can conquer nature, and I am the destiny!"

He wiped the blade of the night sword, and the silver metal responded to him like stars, flowing quickly like a stream and converging on the blade.

With one strike of the sword, Deathstroke will split the Recorder in half.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly appeared in the courtyard and fell from the sky. The light dissipated, and a bald dwarf wearing a white sheet and a blue cloak with a huge head appeared on the path in front of the door.

The big-headed doll had no eyeballs in its eye sockets, just like there was a lamp in the big head. Light shot out from his eyes. He held his cloak with one arm and shouted in English: "Supreme Mage, please stop. .”

Su Ming stepped on the recorder hard, and the unknown metal on the robot's chest was crushed a little: "Observer Yuatu? Haha, go back to the moon. This matter has nothing to do with you. Don't lose your life in vain."

However, he did not swing the sword in his hand. He wanted to hear what the observer was going to say.

The Observers are a group of beings who observe each star field. Like the Immortals, they are the "melon-eating masses" in the universe. They possess very advanced technology and have completed travel throughout the universe billions of years ago.

Because they like to watch and record, sometimes recorders will come to them, obtain information directly from them, and then hand it over to 'Eternity' for communication.

Observers have their own rules of conduct, that is - only observe without intervening.

But Yuatu, the observer of the earth, is an exception. Over the long years, he was moved by human persistence and love, and broke his own rules. When the earth faced a crisis, he would come and secretly inform in advance.

However, the target of the report is not necessarily certain. He will only look for the person he thinks is most suitable to solve the crisis. In other words, he has never looked for Deathstroke.

Maybe it's because Deathstroke really doesn't have any heroic sentiments, or maybe it's because Karma Taj's neutral stance reminds observers of his old self.

"He is the eternal servant, the Supreme Mage. Please do not kill him." Youatu came closer, as if he did not see the sword in Deathstroke's hand.

"Eternity has set rules for him. The behavior of your species is self-restrained, and he has been stipulated by eternity that he is only allowed to watch and is not allowed to participate." Su Ming shook his head and easily cut off the recorder's limbs: "He forgot This rule, especially forgetting that the earth also has my rules.”

"..." Youatu took a deep breath, even though he didn't need to breathe.

"Without my permission, such malicious aliens entering the earth will only be a dead end."

The observer had no expression. His family had always been like this. He raised his head and looked at Deathstroke's mask: "I know, he violated the rules, but... this is not a capital crime. He can be sent back to eternity. With a reboot, he can still serve the universe."

"Yeah, I just helped Eternal destroy a broken tape recorder. His name is Recorder 451, so there are at least 450 others, right? If you can see Eternal, tell him, you're welcome."

Su Ming nodded towards Youatu, chopped off the recorder's head with a sword, then took out the God Killer and turned it into a sledgehammer, smashing the rest of his body into pieces.

Su Ming also knew a little bit about Recorder 451's plan. About a giant mecha in the universe, that weapon was used to destroy the universe-level gods. It lacked a special driver. The Recorder came to Earth just to use genes. Means to cultivate one.

He hoped that the driver would have a high IQ and at least be able to understand the concepts and rules of the universe, so he focused on the children of the Stark family.

It's just that he may be too focused on the huge conspiracy and forget that the earth is not a weak planet. There are too many beings here that can kill him.

At this time, Howard and Maria showed their heads from behind the stairs in the hall. The mustache twitched: "I thought the robot was not afraid of death. He was actually begging for mercy just now?"

Su Ming put away his weapon and let Strangler eat the body. Now except for the disappearance of the door and the four potholes, nothing seemed to have happened.

He turned to Howard who was watching the excitement and made a gesture like shooing away flies: "He is not an ordinary robot. When a machine has desires and ambitions, it will understand the value of life."

"Oh, that makes sense, but it sounds like he has a boss. Come on."

Howard smacked his lips and stretched out his finger as if pointing at the light bulb above his head, but his head quickly retracted. He pulled Maria away. He had to seize the time to treat his child, maybe get the injection earlier. Improve the potion and the effect will be better.

If Yuatu could make expressions, he must look helpless now. Unfortunately, the observer's emotional system is almost non-existent. He can come to the earth of his own will, which is already the best performance.

So the bald dwarf just kept his face expressionless and spoke in a tone that stated a fact: "You just destroyed the records of the earth for the past thousand years, and eternity may find you."

"No, I have a plan to counter him." Su Ming had no intention of repenting, but was eager to try. He lowered his head and looked at the dwarf: "Besides, when Eternal wants to know something, he won't pass it. The tape recorder can tell, too. And if he doesn't want to..."

"Then the recorder's work is meaningless." Youatu nodded. His neck was too thin, as if it would break in the next moment: "But that doesn't mean he can be killed."

Su Ming knelt down and watched Howard take away the bodyguards. He knelt down and handed out a cigarette to the observer: "That makes sense, but recorders are not lives after all. How can there be any such thing as killing? This is called scrapping."

"What's this?"

The Observer had no chance to refuse; the small roll of paper was thrust into his mouth, and Deathstroke quickly lit it on fire.

"I don't know what you have been observing for hundreds of millions of years, but it is obvious that this is a cigarette. Nicotine has an obvious effect on human nerves. Although I don't know if it is useful to you, I think you need to do it now. root."

Su Ming sat on the steps, looked up at the distant starry sky, and patted the steps beside him to signal the observers to sit down too.

Youatu tilted his head, showing his confusion: "I know these are cigarettes, I just don't understand why you think I need this."

He did not sit down, after all, even if he stood, he would not be as tall as Deathstroke sitting.

There was no mention of momentum. The observer seemed to be a ball of air, and his sense of existence was very low. Su Ming even felt that if he hadn't been staring at the big-headed doll, he might have dissipated like smoke.

"You haven't tried it, how can you be sure whether you need it? Even if it is completely useless to me with my current physical fitness, some habits are a kind of psychological dependence for humans, and they are special from the past. connect."

Su Ming, with the idea of ​​misleading the observers, provided Datou with tobacco, alcohol and drinks. After Yuatu tried them one by one, he seemed to have completely forgotten what he was here for.

He felt that he had participated in what he had just observed in the past. He had traces of his own existence and history.

This wonderful feeling made him feel ecstatic, and he knew it was wrong, but a special emotion arose in his heart that made him want to stop.

"I think you are right. I am witnessing history from another perspective. It is indeed completely different to experience it personally..."

Youatu holds a cigarette in his left hand and a wine bottle in his right hand. He is wearing a leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses hanging around his neck. He thinks he has a life.

To be precise, truly alive.

Su Ming smiled and patted him on the shoulder, as if he had been there before: "Where are you now? You have only watched others eat spicy strips before, but you have never eaten them yourself, right? Come and try our new product, spicy strips-flavored jelly ..."

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