The Death Knell

Chapter 1137? It’s Christmas again

The observer left overnight. According to the bodyguards in the house, he left in a hurry, but he still did not forget to bring the various trial items given to him by the death knell.

In order to completely prevent the observers from getting in the way in the future, Su Ming made a special trip back to the company to pick up cosmetics and women's clothing, and gave them all to the observers.

After trying on stockings, Youatu learned to imitate the movement of human facial muscles, which is a weird and slightly greasy smile.

When the sun shone into the living room the next day, Su Ming and Howard, who had changed back into their regular clothes, were finally able to sit down and have breakfast.

Maria was injected with the improved medicine and is currently resting. She and the fetus appear to be in good condition, but the specific situation will not be known until the baby is born.

Howard put down the heavy burden in his heart and seemed much more relaxed. Although he had been busy in the laboratory all night and his eyes were surrounded by black, at least he was in the mood to joke.

"God, I thought the idea of ​​aliens attacking the earth was just nonsense. I didn't expect that they have been coveting the snacks produced in your factory."

Su Ming spread jam on the toast with a table knife. He raised his head and looked at Howard: "The observer and the recorder sound like they match each other, but in fact there is no subordinate relationship between them. The observer is a free alien." Race. Yuatu just came to remind me that killing the recorder may have serious consequences, and he had no intention of intervening. Ha, it was expected."

Howard looked at the coffee in front of him and thought. He didn't know how many secrets Deathstroke still had in his mind. But intelligence is also an asset, a precious asset, and he knows that Slade's character will definitely not reveal it.

"So, an alien who prefers humans? I'm afraid that's a little hard to understand."

Howard poured a lot of sugar into the coffee. The sugar is good for replenishing energy.

Su Ming just put the two pieces of bread together, kneaded them with his hands, and felt the fluffy structure the dough turned into after baking: "There are many things in our universe that you don't need to understand, as long as you accept the facts."

"I'm a scientist, and I always want to understand new and novel things." Howard spread his hands aggrievedly. Is it his fault that he has a thirst for knowledge?

Su Ming was too lazy to argue with him on this issue. He put the bread into his mouth: "Then you will soon become a dead scientist. Control your curiosity before you have enough power. That's what I said. Not money power, but something else.”

Howard showed a regretful look. He was about to say that he was rich now.

After getting married, Maria injected all her family property into the Stark Group. As the joint property of the couple, Howard probably has too much money now.

"Well, you did help me this time. Although I don't know how you did it. It seems to me that you stabbed the robot to death with a sword and then deceived a big-headed dwarf, but you still helped after all."

Howard showed some intention of paying.

Su Ming finished the bread, picked up the coffee and leaned on the back of the chair, looking at the beautiful light reflected by the sunlight through the glass, and the morning wind blowing the white curtains slightly:

"It's not difficult for me to kill a recorder who betrays his master. There are many beings on earth who can do it. The key is how to prevent the 'boss' behind him from settling the score. I'm probably the only one who can do it."

Deathstroke noticed a vase on the table. The flowers in the vase were dotted with dew, making them look delicate and delicate.

"Are you familiar with his boss?" Sure enough, Howard still couldn't suppress his curiosity. He rubbed his body forward along the dining table, and his tie almost fell into the coffee.

"Who knows... let's talk about compensation."

Su Ming brought the coffee cup to his mouth with a half-smile, and the black ring on his finger made a crisp collision sound with the white porcelain cup.

The dew on the petals also slid down at this time.


In the winter of the same year, it was Christmas Eve 1975.

Su Ming does not miss this festival as always, but as a compromise to do as the Romans do, he often gathers those close to him to have a meal at home together at this time.

His home is the top floor of Wilson Enterprises, and although he has a hunting lodge in the mountains of Maine and a beach house in Hawaii, he is more familiar with New York.

Naturally, in order to have a reason to have a dinner together, the room was roughly decorated. There was a Christmas tree and some Christmas gifts, and that was about it. He had no interest in activities such as baking gingerbread men or making eggnog. .

When Xiao Wang went to get the roasted suckling pig from the oven, there was a knock on the door. Su Ming looked at the people present, stopped his knife and fork and thought about who might be knocking on the door.

Gin has come back from Vanaheim. She just came back for a reunion.

The mysterious guest was also sitting at the table, chewing on a big chicken leg. She is a Mao girl, even if she has faith, she is Orthodox, and Christmas is not the time.

Steve did celebrate Christmas, but he came alone and was not in a high mood.

Peggy is always busy with work. After having an almost unlimited lifespan, she rarely thinks about personal matters. She puts all her enthusiasm into the logistics department. Steve rarely meets her and never mentions it again. It's about getting married.

It's not all about personal matters, there are also issues of principle and stance.

The military has produced many Captain Americas, and almost every city has one or two.

These weird people dress like Captain America, talk like Captain America, and people think they are Captain America. But Steve knows that they are not, they are just weapons, tools of the military. Such a force is not used to protect the people at all, but is a symbol of violent rule.

This is in serious conflict with Steve's concept. He went to the battlefield for peace back then, but now, the United States is becoming a country like the Nazis.

Steve instinctively felt that something was not right with these hundreds of 'Captain Americas'. They seemed a little too enthusiastic about using violence in the city. Steve would never take pleasure in killing enemies. The newcomers were just the opposite. .

However, Peggy approved of the military's approach, because the plan to replicate the SSS serum was discussed at a military meeting and approved by Congress and the President. It is completely legal and compliant, so before it shows any situation that is detrimental to society, , she had no reason to raise any objections.

So even if she occasionally met Steve during her vacation, the two of them mostly broke up on bad terms. This was probably the so-called emotional crisis.

In addition to emotional problems, Bucky still didn't come back for Christmas this year, which made the lonely Steve even more disappointed.

For so many years, he only occasionally received postcards from Bucky. He knew that he was somewhere in China but didn't know whether he was doing well or not. As a super soldier, Steve himself ages very slowly, but he is worried that Bucky is already old.

All the above factors were combined, so even though he knew that the godfather's family would not be celebrating Christmas, he still had the courage to come and have dinner today.

How about spending Christmas alone in a comic studio? So miserable.

Although there were no large-scale celebrations here, there was still a dinner, and Steve ate chicken with a few others, listening to the large tape recorder in the corner playing Christmas carols back and forth.

"Who could it be?" Ginjiu looked at Su Ming.

"I don't know. Xili has gone home, and everyone else is busy." Su Ming picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth: "Wang, go and open the door."

When Xiao Wang opened the door, everyone saw the person walking in from the door.

It was Howard who was soaked all over. He didn't look like a billionaire at all at this time, but a poor homeless man soaked in heavy snowmelt water.

"Slade, help me!"

Howard rushed to the table as if he hadn't eaten in days, grabbed a bun and bit into it while shouting a vague cry for help.

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