The Death Knell

Chapter 1143? Car accident


Before Howard could explain the reason, several people heard a muffled sound, as if a figure suddenly appeared on the road and was hit by their car. Then the vehicle bumped up and down twice, indicating that the tire had just moved from The man was run over.

Su Ming covered his and Gin's glasses in an instant to prevent the wine from spilling. When Howard pulled over with a stiff expression, Deathstroke toasted to Gin again: "Raise a toast, let's congratulate Howard for killing someone." .”

The goblets collided and made a crisp sound, and the golden wine swayed with a halo. Gin also smiled and nodded to Howard: "Congratulations."

The two bad guys drank the champagne in the glass, and both made comfortable sighing sounds at the same time, as if the champagne had become sweeter after Howard killed the person.

Howard pursed his lips hard and looked at the two people with eyes like a dead fish:

"Really? Congratulations to me because I killed someone? Do you still have humanity?"

Su Ming put down his wine glass and patted his clothes very calmly: "That's because you don't know who you hit. Let's go. I'll get out of the car with you and take a look."

"No, you are a dead person now."

Howard loosened his seat belt and expressed his refusal at the same time. Now that technology is becoming more and more advanced, and there are satellites above the United States, there is no guarantee that the death knell will be seen.

"It's okay, why don't I change my appearance?" Su Ming said, and the strangulation flowed on his body, turning him into another appearance within a few seconds.

The new appearance is that of a tall, middle-aged man with strong muscles, his hair is combed smoothly, and he is wearing a beautiful black suit. At first glance, he looks like a rich young man with a family background.

The most obvious thing is that he has a very sexy double chin, and he looks full of charm when he smiles.

Howard's mouth grew louder, and he shook his head after a long while: "Although I know it's not surprising anything happens to you, but are you really a human being?"

Su Ming opened the car door, and the cold wind from the street suddenly poured into the car. He tugged on his collar and rubbed his hands as if he was afraid of the cold: "Why do you ask? I'm just an ordinary human being."


Howard knew that Deathstroke would not explain anymore, so he could only follow him and get out of the car. The two of them walked toward the motionless man lying on the ground more than ten meters away, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The other person was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and was lying face down on the road, with a large pool of blood flowing out from under his body.

There were still two black marks left by the wheels on his clothes and trousers. The bones and flesh in the ruts were as thin as paper, indicating that the car had indeed run over him.

Fortunately, this is a small road from the city to Long Island. Howard chose to take this road to send Su Ming home because of his guilty conscience. Therefore, there are only farmland and seawalls on the roadside, and no cars usually pass by.

Su Ming tilted his head, looked at the body, and snapped his fingers: "No one saw it, what a good opportunity! Let's put him in the trunk first, then transport him to Miami and throw him into the swamp to feed the saltwater crocodiles."

"No, this is entirely my fault." Howard looked around to see where there was a public phone: "Call the police. You also have to contact Jarvis. I can give some financial compensation to the victim's family... .Sigh, I must invent a cordless phone that I can carry around with me. Now this is too inconvenient."

"Do you really want to be in newspapers and TV news? The famous rich man Howard Stark drove to kill people or something." Su Ming shook his head and stopped Howard who was about to get back to the car: "I wonder if you have ever heard of porcelain? Did this person hit the car on purpose?”

Howard didn't believe it. He rubbed his eyebrows vigorously and walked around anxiously: "I've heard of it, it's a kind of fraud. But how can anyone take the initiative to bump into my car? I'm from Stark Industries this year. The new car we developed is completely bulletproof, weighs seven tons, and uses an engine with 1,000 horsepower. The car was going so fast just now, how could we survive if we were hit by it?"

What kind of compensation does the dead person need? There are not many people in the world who can sacrifice their lives so that their wives can bring money to remarry.

"You have bad eyesight. It must be a collision. You can see that he was not smashed to pieces, which means he must have escaped at the critical moment." Su Ming pointed to the body on the ground, with large glyphs in the pool of blood.

"Come on, the person's head has fallen off, is he still alive?" Howard held a different opinion. He planned to surrender as soon as possible.

Su Ming still held Howard's hand and didn't let go: "I'll find someone to fill him with cement and throw him into the sea. Is that okay?"

"Isn't this just throwing the body away and running away? Let me tell you, I, Howard, am not that kind of person. I am a good and responsible citizen, okay?" Howard struggled hard, but no matter how hard he jumped, he still couldn't get rid of him. Su Ming's big hands.

Then the two of them seemed to be dancing in a circle hand in hand, the kind that bears are trained to dance in the circus.

However, at this moment, the corpse on the ground spoke.

"Ahem, um, I think I can still save it? The car is good, but my head fell off, all my internal organs were shattered, the car logo also poked a hole in my chest, and my intestines flowed everywhere. The last time I suffered like this The serious injury was caused by being ridden on a spinning bike by an outlaw... By the way, you are Howard Stark, right? Do you want this matter to be public or private? Does the insurance you purchased cover car accidents?"

The head stuck out its tongue and pushed it against the ground, then stood on the ground with its cervical spine and esophagus, swinging around and adjusting its direction with gravity. Then a completely rotten face looked at the two people, showing an indescribable smile, and then A bunch of nonsense.

"God, let me go. I have to go back to the car and take out the Bible. The ugliest devil in hell has come to earth!"

Howard's expression was full of fear, and he struggled even more fiercely.

Su Ming pinned the bouncing Howard in front of him and rubbed his eyebrows: "Relax, this is not a devil, just a bitch."

However, Deadpool immediately protested. His head was connected to his neck with blood vessels, allowing him to regain control of his body, and then he rolled on the ground.

"Even if my cousin went to South Korea and had plastic surgery to look like Batman, you can't just say that I'm not the devil, I am! If you say I'm not, you just look down on me, the meanest mercenary in the universe, and look down on me for being so mean. Those victims who died! If you don’t kiss me, hug me and lift me up high today, and comfort my injured weak heart, then I won’t stand up, hum! Oh, by the way, you can pay me, come on Ten thousand or twenty thousand will give me the strength to stand up..."

Looking at the chattering Deadpool, the corners of Howard's eyes gradually drooped. He pushed his shoulder to Su Ming beside him: "It seems that he is really alive... It sounds like he is your cousin? Maybe he is really a devil. The devil of a mouth."

Su Ming looked at the sky and sighed. Yes, he had just left Deadpool to Death for a while, but he knew that Deadpool couldn't stay with Death forever because Thanos and Death already had sons. Wade Just one of the spare tires.

Maybe Death loves Deadpool, but Thanos is more useful. Wade can't kill people as fast as Thanos, so his effect is much smaller.

Death wants to enjoy Deadpool's love, but she also wants Thanos to help her spread Death. Compared with the Goth Luoli next door, Death here is too much affected by desire as a rule.

Su Ming sighed, deliberately lowered the corners of his mouth, and asked Howard: "Do you still have the nitro bomb you invented before? It's the kind of bomb that can create a singularity and squeeze a building into a baseball-sized one. "

"Yes, it's in the trunk. I'll get it." Howard's expression was numb. Leviathan once wanted to snatch this kind of bomb and framed Howard. Thanks to Paige's belief in him, he gave him a chance to make a comeback.

Although Deadpool was murmuring, he had been listening to the two people talking. When he heard the nitro bomb, he immediately thought of the dark elf's black hole grenade.

Although he was not dead, he didn't want to be squeezed into a ball, so he immediately bounced up from the ground.

"I'm fine. Don't take the bomb. Oh, you won't give me a hundred dollars. What grudges are there?" Wade straightened his hood sadly, then pulled up his mask to cover his face, three steps at a time. He walked out unsteadily and said, "Cousin, do you know why you are so dark?"

Su Ming smiled, walked over and knocked on his head: "I know you want to make fun of him, but I won't ask."

"Please, ask me." Wade showed an aggrieved expression, stuffed his intestines back into his belly with both hands, and rubbed his dirty hands on his clothes: "I came here specifically to play with you, and I ate it along the way. It’s a lot of pain, please.”

Su Ming rolled his eyes and nodded helplessly: "Okay, why?"

"Because you're from DC, you're so stupid to ask this, quack!"

Deadpool laughed with satisfaction. As a mental patient, his happiness comes so simply and completely regardless of the consequences...

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