The Death Knell

Chapter 1144? The origin of Deadpool?

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man carrying a sack and practicing throwing the ball came from the secluded grove on the roadside.

He was kicking an irregular red ball, which seemed to be stuck to the upper part of his shoe. The skills he displayed were superb. If it weren't for a rotten head, the scene would have been even more pleasing to the eye.

"My stupid brother, do you think my ball protection looks like Henry's?"

Su Ming asked Howard and the others to leave first, and let Gin continue with the plan he had already made. While he carried Deadpool's body, kicked his head and walked down the road, asking Wade for his opinion with great interest.

After being kicked in the head and hit with a knee, Wade finally remembered how scary his cousin was. He had forgotten this when he was crazily raping his cousin.

Can you blame him? His brain has long been turned into water by cancer. Isn't it normal to forget things?

"It's like, it's so similar. You are the emperor of English football, right? Put me down quickly, I'm going to vomit."

Wade's voice was very painful. Don't worry about how he could speak without lungs and only one head. He just could. This should also be a kind of super power.

"It's okay, just vomit. Your body is in a sack. What can you vomit without a stomach?" Su Ming patted the headless corpse on his shoulder, used his ankle to hit a high ball, and used the corpse to hit the flying ball. God's head flicked and the ball fell back to his feet.

Wade kept retching, and the skin on his face fell off all the way: "I was wrong, Slade, I shouldn't have joked with someone as dark as you, put me down quickly, I am really looking for you for something good. , Don’t you want to see my origin story? It’s almost time.”

Su Ming bent down and held his head in his hands, thinking for a moment: "Are you sure it's now? Were you born eighty years ago?"

"No, I think I am born in the 1990s." Wade said that he was very young.

"Goddamn you born in the 1990s, do you think I can kick your head to the moon and let you stay with the observers?"

Su Ming laughed. Wade's brain couldn't even remember his own birthday, so there was no use keeping it.

Deadpool rolled his eyelids and thought for a while, then said tentatively: "I guess not. My skull is just ordinary calcium and can't withstand your strength at all. If you kick it hard, it will definitely explode and your brain will be numb." It’s all over your body, that’s not good.”

"Well, that makes sense. I'd better throw your head into the toilet. Why is it so difficult to find an earthen toilet with a cesspit now?" Su Ming held his chin in thought, as if he was looking around. Look around.

"Oh, generally speaking, long-distance truck stops have toilets like this, which are independent outdoor cabins. They are extremely dirty inside, and there are so many flies that you could fight with them. But occasionally, someone will leave some lace magazines or something. Sometimes I need to change my uniform inside when doing tasks, and my pants will get stained if I'm not careful..."

Wade suddenly remembered where there was an old-fashioned toilet, and at the same time he complained that it was too difficult for him. Once his mind wandered, he couldn't stop talking, and he couldn't wait to show off his knowledge to his cousin.

Mercenaries have a hard time, especially those with poor customer reviews. Wade's reviews on Mercenary are almost all negative, and his business relies entirely on referrals from acquaintances.

He often needs to go to some very low-level places.

Not everyone can only do high-end business like Deathstroke. From time to time, Deadpool himself has to grab some detective jobs to make a living, such as finding cats and dogs. For that meager remuneration, he is often raped by Jessica. Jones beat hard.

Jessica also works as a detective to solve crimes and earn money to make ends meet. Moreover, she has a very serious alcohol problem and never has enough money.

Leaving her with no money to buy wine? That was because she wanted her life, so she chose to maim Wade and take her life back.

Even the mercenary Copycat, who has the best relationship with Deadpool, often steals Wade's clients. When asked, he always says: 'Sorry Wade, business is business.'

All in all, Wade felt it was too difficult for him.

In his thoughts, he didn't notice the smile on his cousin's face. When he thought about Jessica, he felt pain all over his body. This was probably a kind of phantom pain.

"Thank you. I'm going to find a long-distance bus rest stop now."

Su Ming held Wade's head and started walking along the road in the woods.

Only then did Deadpool remember what he had reminded Deathstroke before, and he showed a horrified expression: "No! I don't want to swim in the yellow soup! Don't let flies lay eggs in my brain! Slade, I was wrong, I am guilty! I am a child born in the 1980s, I am a child born in the 1980s!"

Of course, Su Ming was just saying that he was not so dark that he could use his little cousin to fill the cesspool. Just scare him, lest he dare to play tricks in the future. To be honest, he is also quite curious about Deadpool's origin story.

He poured Wade's body out of the sack, put the head back on, and pressed hard to ensure that the interface could be connected.

"Okay, now that you've realized your mistake, don't do it again. Let's go. I just have all my recent affairs arranged and I have a few years of free time."

Deadpool held his head with both hands and adjusted his trachea. Then he took out the red and black uniform from his pocket and started changing on the spot. He was still muttering in a low voice: "Are top mercenaries' vacations calculated based on how many years they have? hateful......"

"Ahem, didn't I tell you? Super soldiers have super hearing, not to mention I'm still with you!" Su Ming chiselled Deadpool's head with a knife, letting him swish in In the uniform.

Deadpool rubbed the top of his head and pinched his mouth helplessly, he just couldn't control his mouth.

Su Ming shook his head: "Okay, stop pretending to be innocent, and you will lead the way."

Vedra took off his hood and narrowed his small white eyes. He took out something from his backpack and handed it to Su Ming: "We use the space-time belt, and I also stole the cable. Let me lend it to you first, turn this pointer to this scale, and then this knob..."


In Kansas, where the time is unknown, the golden wheat fields represent another bumper harvest. A small blue truck is driving on a rugged dirt road. The truck is pulling a small walking tractor, which is swaying with the ups and downs of the road. Swinging.

A man and a woman were sitting in the dilapidated cab. The man was very slovenly, wearing a baseball cap, and his plaid shirt was still stained with oil stains from the car repairs.

The blond woman held a medical examination report with some sadness, unable to accept the answer that she was infertile, and continued crying all the way.

"Don't cry. If we don't have a child, we can adopt one. If we can't, we can buy a Mexican baby." The man drove the car and comforted his wife.

The woman sobbed twice more after hearing this, and her expression softened a little: "Is that okay?"

"Of course. To be honest, it would be great if there was an abandoned baby on the roadside. We could just pick it up and make it our own. It's been shown on TV that rich families can't deal with illegitimate children, so they just let them go. Put it in a basket and deliver it to a church or orphanage in the middle of the night.”

The man answered very easily. He has always been an optimistic person and loves his wife very much.

The last time they went out to work together, he was shot three times and his wife was shot twice. Nothing happened when they drove away with a few bags of money, but this time a checkup revealed that the wife had lost her fertility.

This is a big blow, but as a male and female duo who debuted and robbed countless banks in three years, they can still withstand it.

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