The Death Knell

Chapter 1148? Fabricated origins

Wade was still a little unwilling to give up. He still had many possibilities that he had not shown Slade, such as a baby who fell into the sewer and had his skin corroded all over, and was adopted by a big rat and taught martial arts... ..

Su Ming would not give him another chance to ruin the stories of the little turtles, because the D800 Deadpool manufactured by Skynet in the distance in front of him was bad enough.

"What kind of origin story do you want? Or do you think you are full of possibilities?"

"Am I not?"

Wade seemed even more helpless. He shouldn't have brought his cousin here because he wasn't satisfied with anything he saw, so he turned his head to the sky and spoke to the non-existent audience.

"It's so hard for me. Really, it's really hard to have a mysterious origin story. As we all know, if you want to be a charming and popular villain, your origin must be vague. Look at the clown next door. He is very mysterious. And mystery makes a man more manly.”

As he spoke, Deadpool put one hand on his waist and the other on the back of his head, assuming a posture like Marilyn Monroe, as if to prove his charm.

Su Ming didn't know whether the audience heard it, but he heard it himself and was disgusted. He hit his cousin on the head with his fist: "You two are indeed mentally ill, but he is a fetishist, and you are not .”

"From all aspects, there would be no me without you, Slade. It's you who made me who I am, hahahahahaha..." Deadpool suddenly laughed wildly, and he pulled hard like crazy. He looked at his face and scratched his hair through his hood.

Su Ming silently drew his sword with his backhand, impaled his cousin on the God Killer, and then beat him back and forth on the ground like he was carrying a bag of flour.

"Achievement, right? Psychosis, right? Imitation show, right?"

"Ya Zhudie! No more fun!" Wade quickly begged for mercy. Although he couldn't die, it was really not comfortable to be pierced through the body, not to mention the dense current on this damn weapon, which made his whole body itch unbearably.

Su Ming shook his wrist and shook him off the sword: "You don't need to be him, you are already chaotic enough."

Deadpool rubbed his face, got up from the ground and put the internal organs back into his stomach, and squeezed his belly hard, trying to make them fuse together faster.

He shook his head and said with some depression: "Yes, our world does not need clowns, because each of us can be one."

Su Ming shook his head. Deadpool had basically learned how to operate the space-time belt so many times, so he set a time: "If there was a choice, no one would choose such a tragic story, including him...this I'll make arrangements for you next time, just shut up."


Earth 40K, 1980.

In the ice and snow of Norway, there is a secret castle. The architecture looks full of Gothic style, although the Teutons had never reached such a northern place at that time.

This castle is heavily guarded, with not only the various hidden sentries and forts hidden in the snow and dense forests, but also drones that look like large dragonflies flying over the sky from time to time.

Some troops wearing black fur coats are here. These soldiers are wearing gas masks and holding mechanically modified military dogs in their hands. Even though the snow in the severe winter has completely swallowed their calves, they are still walking in uniform steps. Walk on established patrol routes.

These fur coats have a large red badge on the upper arm of a skeleton spitting out a bunch of twisted tentacles.

In the polar night, a faint aurora hung in the sky, and at this moment, the patrol saw two figures walking out of the shadowy woods.

The distance was a bit far, and the night blocked most of the light. Even though the other party was wearing a black fur coat similar to everyone else, the sentries still pulled the bolt of their guns.

"Stop! Password!"

The clinker didn't mean to stop at all, but rushed into the patrol in the blink of an eye. While crushing the mechanical dog with one foot, he stretched out his palm and sent out a 360-degree whirlwind.

Bang bang bang bang...

The slaps were almost continuous, and the 12 soldiers in the patrol were slapped on the face almost at the same time and fell to the snow.

"Password? Long live Hydra!" A gloomy German voice sounded.

It was only then that the soldiers, who were star-struck, saw clearly who was coming. The first thing that caught their eyes was the blood-red skull face that looked ferocious in the night. His words were full of gloomy and bloodthirsty murderous intent.

The Red Skull, one of the leaders of the Hydra Supreme Council, suddenly appeared here for some reason.

This is the base of Madam Venom. Hydra leaders do not have the habit of living next to each other. The Red Skull's current branch is located underground in St. Petersburg, which is quite a distance away from here.

Although they were puzzled, the soldiers had no intention of warning. Instead, they quickly got up from the ground, raised their chins and raised their fists: "Long live Hydra!"

"Very well, soldiers, take me to your leader."

Although he said it well, the Red Skull's voice was still cold, as if metal was rubbing against each other.

At this time, the figure following the Red Skull gradually caught up. It was Baron Zemo wearing a gray military uniform with a purple velvet cloth covering his head.

However, Zemo seemed to be very uncomfortable at this time. He kept adjusting the cloth on his head and reaching out to scratch his buttocks from time to time. Maybe his pants didn't fit well.

He looked at the Red Skull as if he was about to say something, but the Red Skull glared at him, and he backed away with his neck shrinking.

The two were welcomed into the base. The castle was full of places used to entertain guests. Although some capitalists were not Hydra, they had been secretly providing support to Hydra. Those who performed well might be given the honor of visiting the base.

The real Hydra base is located underground. After getting a positive reply from his wife through the communicator, the soldier led the two people through the long corridor. Amidst the slogans expressing their loyalty to Hydra, the three Hydra The leader of the snake finally met.

In a luxuriously decorated room, Dotty, wearing a long green trench coat, held a long cigarette rod in her hand and slowly adjusted the tightness of the cigarette socket. She waved her hand to dismiss the guards: "Go out, I have something to say with them." talk."

The soldiers saluted and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Doty walked to the door, leaned against the door and listened, then returned to his desk expressionlessly: "Tell me, why are you looking for me? The Norwegian branch is not under your control. If you want me If you help, you have to pay the price.”

While putting the cigarette rod between her red lips and biting it, she touched the leather whip on her waist.

The Red Skull crossed his legs and sat on the sofa. He patted the other sofa to signal Zemo to sit too. Then he unscrewed the wine bottle on the coffee table and poured wine for the two of them.

"Do you see who I am again?"

Then, the Red Skull's appearance faded away like snow under the scorching sun, revealing the black and yellow armor and Su Ming's face.

Dottie did not believe it immediately. Instead, she picked up the weapon and asked for the code in Chinese: "The king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth?"

Su Ming shrugged and took a sip of wine very relaxedly: "Landlord Sky Monkey."

Nothing else, the battle is just so neat.

Only then did Doty confirm that the person who came was right. She sat down on the arm of Su Ming's sofa with some resentment, leaned on his shoulder and said: "Boss, you are so cruel, leaving me alone in such a dark place. It’s been so many years, and I thought you had forgotten me.”

"It was your own idea to join Hydra, otherwise you would be underground in Hawaii now. The soil there is still somewhat different from the permafrost here." Su Ming patted her shoulder. These girls were still the same as before. That look: "Besides, you are in deep lurking. It would be too dangerous for me to come to you when I have nothing to do."

Zemo looked at Dottie and then at Su Ming. He hammered his palm with his fist and suddenly realized that he had lifted up his hood and looked like an Arab with rotten skin.

"It turns out that cousin, you hid your little girlfriend in Hydra. Gao, it's really Gao!"

Su Ming hit him on the head: "What little girlfriend? If you keep talking nonsense, I won't care about your business."

Wade showed a mean smile: "I understand, I understand, you rich people don't call her your girlfriend, you call her your personal assistant, right?"

"I understand, sister, just shut up and go away." Su Ming was too lazy to argue with him, and waved her hand like a fly, asking him to guard the door.

Wade, the clinker, was thoughtful and said to himself as he walked towards the door: "Do we have a sister? Why didn't I know..."

Dottie started retching when she saw Wade's face, but fortunately, as one of the Black Widows, she had strong self-control, so she held it back: "Then why is the boss here this time?"

"How is Hydra's genetic engineering research going?"

"Hydra has been keeping a low profile in recent years, and communication between leaders is also very limited. If you want genetic technology, you should go to the branch in India. Garrett is extremely obsessed with this." Di quickly spoke in a low voice and told the information he knew: "My branch is researching biological weapons, so in terms of human genes, there are only the most basic eugenics experiments..."

Hydra eugenics is to analyze human genetic characteristics, and then use a unique set of algorithms to combine men and women with relatively matched genes so that they can produce offspring that inherit the advantages of both parties.

As a Hydra, while enjoying so many benefits, you are naturally bound by rules.

Regardless of men or women, reproduction of offspring must be subject to organizational arrangements, and their offspring are also raised by the organization. They only recognize Hydra and not their parents.

After the children are born, they will be genetically screened to see if they meet theoretical expectations. Then these children will be under strict supervision until they enter Hydra Academy for brainwashing education.

The basis of this theory is the theory of descent from Mustache, which is the argument that Aryans are superior to others. Hydra does not fully agree with this statement, but from a genetic level, they believe that through generations of optimized eugenics, they will be able to create new humans in the future.

The more superstitious the branches of the Nine-Headed True God are, the more enthusiastic they are about it. They believe that in the future there will be new humans who will become divine envoys and saviors.

Of course, if there really is a savior for Hydra, it would not be good news for other forces.

Su Ming does not need any advanced genetic technology, he is here to ask for someone: "So do you also have a newborn baby here?"

Dottie smiled, and she reached out to brush her long golden hair: "My branch has more than 50,000 people, all of them are Hydra lunatics. Genetic eugenics has developed to the point where sex chromosomes can be simply modified, so men and women have different genders. Half, anytime there’s a baby.”

She wouldn't ask Deathstroke what the point of having a baby was, she had seen even the darkest things.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction: "Then we will select a child who may get cancer in the future. Intelligence, beauty and ugliness don't matter. The main thing is to select a child with a high chance of getting cancer around the age of thirty."

Doty lowered his head and thought for a while: "Are they defective products... If we go now, we might be able to snatch some back from the crematorium."

Wade: "???"

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