The Death Knell

Chapter 1149? The decision is yours

"Beauty, I don't have to tell Gin that you secretly had sex with my cousin, but it's wrong for you to say that I'm a defective product. I'm a handsome, mean-mouthed mercenary who's loved by everyone. There is no such cute and charming villain as me.”

Wade left the door and shook the cloth on his head in a pretentious manner. He had never felt the feeling of having hair anymore. This was still a shawl.

"I know you, Wade Wilson, are the boss's useless relative. But I'm talking about those Hydra experimental products. What does that have to do with you?" Doty didn't flinch at all. On the contrary, she hugged Su Ming's arm and pressed hard. After a while, he said: "Every girl in our spider web is the boss's wife, Ginjiu has known it for a long time."

Wade clutched his heart and took three steps back: "So cruel? Every one of hundreds of people?"

Dottie raised her chin: "Yes, even if it's not now or in the future, you should call us cousin."

Wade took a few steps back and leaned against the door. He looked at the death knell in surprise, and then at the arrogant Dotty: "Cousins...?"

"That's right, hohoho... Ouch!"

Doty covered her mouth with the back of her hand and laughed like a villain, but was interrupted by Su Ming hitting both of them on the head.

He rubbed his face helplessly and said, "What are you all talking nonsense about? It's true. There are still business matters to be done. Now let's go find those babies."

Dottie and other girls like to hook up with their boss, trying to take advantage of him all the time, but never succeed. Seeing that Deadpool was so funny this time, she originally planned to lie to him, but she didn't expect that her boss wouldn't like to hear it.

She adjusted her military uniform helplessly and signaled to Wade to cover his face: "Okay, let's go over there right away. I hope it's not too late. It wasn't my idea to burn the test items, but because..."

Su Ming returned to the appearance of the Red Skull, shook his head and interrupted her: "I understand that since Hydra is lurking, it is safest to act in their way. This is the price. You are not soft-hearted, which is good."

Dottie smiled. This is what spy life is like. If you can't blend into the character's background, then they will have seen the tragic scene after being exposed in the Red Room.

Su Ming looked at Wade again. His little cousin pulled down his hood wisely and made a zipper motion on his mouth to signal that he would say nothing.

He knew that his cousin was looking for a child with a high risk of cancer in order to create an origin story for him. He had abilities because he wanted to cure cancer through Weapon X experiments, and he liked cancer. Various growths and tumors made him charming. .

To be precise, his memory is like a pot of gruel. Cancer cells have been breakdancing in his brain, causing him to lose more than 80% of his memory. He cannot remember anything before the age of twenty.

But it's also because of this that he can be as happy as he is now, not to mention that he is much more energetic after being tortured and mentally ill during the Weapon X experiment.

So the three Hydra leaders left the office together and walked quickly to the place where the waste was disposed of.

It's said to be a crematorium, but it's actually a big boiler. It's quite cold here in Norway, so you have to turn on the heater every day. The useless experimental waste can also contribute the last light and heat to Hydra, making the best use of everything.

In the hot boiler room, the fire kept flashing in the furnace, dyeing everything around it a layer of red. Many tall, shirtless men were shoveling various 'fuels' with iron shovels, and quickly Fill the boiler.

They were wearing gas masks, and their expressions could not be seen, but some of the test subjects on the iron flippers were still alive, and they were just thrown into the furnace, letting out short and shrill screams in the metal chamber full of flames.


Seeing that the last child was about to be thrown into the furnace, Dottie immediately shouted. In the noisy environment, her order was still heard by the soldiers.

Those shirtless strong men dropped their iron bars and children without hesitation, stood there and raised their heads and saluted: "Long live Hydra!"

As a result of this action, the last baby's head hit the steel edge of the boiler, and then was slapped by the iron, and fell to the ground motionless.

The fake Zemo tilted his head and whispered: "Fake..."

Doty took a deep breath and said to the strong man: "Long live Hydra, rest for half an hour, leave here immediately, and hand this defective product to me. Lord Red Skull is somewhat interested."

"Follow your orders." The soldiers left quickly, obeying the orders unconditionally.

At this time, Su Ming and the others approached the boiler, picked up the child from the ground, and placed it in a garbage truck nearby for careful observation.

"It looks like he's still breathing, but his brain may be damaged." Deathstroke tested his breath with his fingers, and then felt for his pulse.

Dottie was doing the same thing, but she looked much colder: "If it doesn't work, come back tomorrow and try again. Defective products are born every day in the base."

"No, do you like scolding me so much?" Wade seemed a little aggrieved. This child might be him in the future.

Dottie glanced at Wade with a retarded expression. By now, she probably guessed that this was another time-related trick, but which one was the future Wade depended on the boss's choice.

At this moment, the baby's mouth and nose were bleeding out, his limbs were twitching, and he was about to die.

Before, just listening was fine, but it was another matter with the baby in front of me.

Su Ming didn't hesitate and immediately reached out to touch his pocket: "Save someone."

He carries leech potion on him, which can provide some self-healing ability and can occasionally be used to treat injuries and save people in emergencies.

Moreover, its effect is not as strong as the SSS serum and will not be overwhelming to the recipient.

But just when he inserted the syringe into the child's left arm, he found that Dottie and Wade also moved at the same time. Dottie inserted a syringe into the child's right arm, while Wade pressed his hand On the wound on the child's head.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"What did you use for him?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow and broke the silence. He now looked like a red skull, so it was a brow bone muscle on one side.

Doty pursed her lips, and she also realized that the situation was not good: "Infinite Prescription, the longevity medicine developed by Hydra, can stimulate the human body's potential, and may also give ordinary people a certain chance of awakening the X gene and becoming recessive mutants. Where are you, boss?"

"Leech medicine, a small amount of injection can stimulate cell division and heal wounds." Su Ming felt a little toothache, and he looked at Wade again: "What about you?"

Wade sighed: "I'm still too soft-hearted. I couldn't watch my child die in front of me, so I cut my hand and let my blood come into contact with him. I have a super self-healing factor and can heal after a short period of contact." It will allow him to heal his injuries.”

Su Ming slumped his shoulders and looked at the child in front of him whose face turned red and white. His little face was filled with a weird smile caused by muscle squirming. His whole body was rolling and bouncing in a garbage truck like a fish out of water.

"Okay, I think we found our target..."

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