The Death Knell

Chapter 1150? Changes

"That's it? There's no life-or-death fight or any thrilling experience. Isn't this origin story too ordinary?"

Following Su Ming and taking the child out of Norway, he returned to the United States and launched a spider web to find a family without children. He put the baby in a basket and left it at someone else's door in the middle of the night. Wade was a little confused.

Su Ming stood on the street, leaning against the street lamp pillar and lighting a cigarette: "Do you know my origin story?"

Wade tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head. He only knew that Deathstroke was a soldier who survived the 'miracle serum' experiment, and his previous experiences before that were not clear at all.

"You have lost your memory, and I have confused memory. Speaking of which, we really deserve to be brothers." Su Ming shook his head and handed Wade a cigarette. The two of them stood on the street together, watching the cars on the road. Coming and going: "Countless reincarnations, those memories are entangled in my mind, but they all have one thing in common, that is, I have always been an orphan."

Deadpool held a cigarette in one hand and scratched his butt with the other hand: "There's nothing wrong with you, that's why you are so dark."

"It's not easy to be an orphan. What Deathstroke remembers the most is iron and blood. That's why I keep fighting to fight for the right to live for myself and my relatives and friends. If I hadn't chosen to come to this world to regulate my emotions, I'm afraid I would have been by now. He has become a complete war maniac."

Su Ming blew out the smoke and watched wisps of gray mist drift away under the light.

If the death knell was just a death knell at the beginning, then as time went by, after so many years of memory digestion and psychological construction, he became more like the Su Ming in his previous life, different from other death knells in the parallel universe. This is who he is. .

Deadpool nodded, as if he had thought of something: "Now my origin has been integrated into the world, so from a timeline perspective, you are also a participant. Without you, there would be no me."

Su Ming had no intention of talking to him about the timeline. It was a Terminator paradox. He just continued the previous topic:

"So after experiencing so many reincarnations, if I could choose, I would never be an orphan again. The loneliness of countless reincarnations combined is really... It's a pity that I don't have a choice, so I will do whatever it takes." We have to arrange for you to have parents who love you, and even if they are not your biological parents, they will treat you well. All the investigation data shows that this couple is a very good person."

Wade's scratching hand stopped, and the two white eyes on his mask twisted like poached eggs, appearing to be filled with tears.

"Cousin, you are so kind to me. You used your own miserable experience to save me. I thought about it, now it's not bad to have a good parents' background. And I received basic pharmaceutical modifications when I was a baby. This That's probably the reason why I survived the Weapon X program, right? You were in darkness but gave me the light, thank you."

Su Ming: "..."

Wade thought for a while and took out a red gem from his underwear: "Don't be sad, Slade, I can lend you my plot rationality gem, plus your time gem, we will give it to you right away. Arrange an origin story.”

"It's useless. Thank you for your kindness." Su Ming sighed and put out the cigarette butt on the lamppost: "The Infinity Stones don't work in the DC universe. If I insist on creating my own origin in Marvel, It is possible that the conflict in the worldview will cause destruction at the timeline level, so I cannot do this.”

"Then what should I do? You have helped me several times in succession, but I can't help you in the same way." Wade was really numb this time, and he really couldn't think of any good way.

Generally speaking, he can only think clearly when he goes to the toilet and sits on the toilet. Where can he find a toilet now?

Su Ming patted Wade on the shoulder: "It doesn't matter. Isn't it normal to fulfill your brother's wish? Otherwise, why would I be your brother? Let's go and have supper."


Wade put away the gem and followed the footsteps of Deathstroke, but he seemed very hesitant when he spoke.

"What?" Su Ming turned to look at him: "If you have anything to say, just say it. I'm the best mercenary and I'm not as fragile as you."

Wade twisted his fingers together hard, and he seemed a little nervous: "Can I have a late night snack at Nvtisheng?"

"Eat your sister." Su Ming replied calmly.


After telling Deadpool to go back to his own era, Su Ming returned to Kama Taj alone. After all, as the Supreme Mage, he still had to come back occasionally to see if anything happened.

The charging process of the Cosmic Cube was not as smooth as expected. It provoked so many demons at that time, but these guys were so tolerant. Except for a few tentative attacks at the beginning, it has been calm for so many years.

But that’s fine. Su Ming transferred Tesla’s son Leonid back to Karma Taj from the New York Temple and gave it to Hamil to take with him. It’s also very interesting to train the son of a super scientist to become a magician. things.

As the 'navigator' of human machines, Leonid can transform into a star state as if forever. Not only are there countless constellations in his body, but there seems to be a universe, which can be used for research.

Su Ming also heard that Steve had an enlightenment after attending his godfather's funeral and went wandering around the world with Bucky. He changed his codename to 'Wanderer'.

The two good brothers once again fought back-to-back against evil forces, not for the United States, but for people who were treated unfairly around the world. Bucky said that this is called "chivalry" and he learned it in China.

Steve left without saying goodbye and became a street vigilante, not to mention that because Peggy did not attend her godfather's funeral, he cut off contact with her.

His parents died young, and his godfather has been helping him for decades, no different from his biological father. However, Paige didn't even come to the funeral. Does she have such a girlfriend?

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want a girlfriend, Bucky is enough for him.

After Steve disappeared, Peggy realized what she had lost. She resigned as the director of the Logistics Department and searched for Steve all over the world.

No news yet.

Anyway, according to Su Ming's information from the spider web, Steve and Bucky are now in South Africa, while Peggy is looking for clues in Europe. It would be interesting to find them.

But who told Su Ming to order the spider web to cover up all traces of Steve and the two...

Now the logistics department is in the hands of Howard, and the free-spirited mustache has really changed a lot after having a child. Not only has his thinking become more careful, but his words are not as frivolous as before.

At the same time, he also renamed the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division), abbreviated as S.H.I.E.L.D.

That is S.H.I.E.L.D.

He finally combined his own opinions with Fury's views, put S.H.I.E.L.D. on the background of the United Nations, introduced a large number of international corporate sponsorships, and broke away from the control of the U.S. Congress and the military.

Of course, it was not a complete falling out. He left a sweet spot to Congress, saying that high-tech or extraterrestrial items collected from all over the world would be handed over to the United States for research.

It is nominally owned by the United Nations, but the members of SHIELD are all Americans and their families are here. Are you afraid of running away?

The President and Congress accepted this statement, and it basically cost nothing. While reducing the burden, it also brought more benefits, and this business can be done.

Therefore, while S.H.I.E.L.D. accepted the supervision of the "United Nations Global Security Council", it also received the right to handle special affairs of most United Nations member countries. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. can appear in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Spain, etc. in the name of special advisory groups invited by other governments.

Howard is not at a loss either. He has gained unprecedented autonomy.

The United Nations wanted to order SHIELD, so he said SHIELD had to wait for approval from the Pentagon before it could go cross-country. When the United States wanted to order S.H.I.E.L.D., he used the excuse that he needed to wait for authorization from the Security Council.

That is to say, neither side is offended, but both sides are appetized.

With abundant funds and a reputation for justice, Howard could justifiably build bases in various European countries to expand the power of Aegis.

It's a pity that he is not a professional spy after all. He only wants to help mankind develop itself, but he did not notice that Pierce, Gartler and a large number of Hydra members also got on this express train and enjoyed the benefits brought by the development of S.H.I.E.L.D. dividends.

Nick Fury also seized a batch of Hydra's "infinite prescriptions" during an operation. After using them on himself, he gained an unlimited lifespan.

Of course, China was not included in the Security Council’s Global Mutual Assistance Pact. Zheng Xian became very nervous when he heard the word ‘shield’ and did not want to get involved at all.

His teacher Zhang Heng had long predicted that the shield would eventually fall into pieces, and only offense was the best defense.

The Brotherhood of Aegis was like this in the past, and SHIELD will follow the same path. Now it seems to be developing very fast, like fire cooking oil, but there will definitely be problems internally, and the building will collapse faster than anything else in the future.

Besides, the Divine Spear Bureau is enough to protect its own country, and there is no need for foreigners to tell them what to do.

And Mao Xiong did not participate in this project. Hydra and Leviathan were engaged in secret battles in various aspects of the country, and there was no time for him to care.

It was this secret war that no one knew about, which laid the foundation for the future disintegration of Mao Xiong.

After roughly looking through the information over the years, Su Ming was not interested. The information collected by Spider Web was very comprehensive, and there were many things that he had never even heard of.

But it was either underground fighting or petty fighting, and Su Ming was not interested at all.

Several key points on the earth are being monitored, and everything is safe at this time. The war between the Kree and the Skrulls in the universe is still going on, while the Shi'ar Empire is silently licking its wounds, and the Galactic Parliament has not yet dealt with it. Complete the crisis of the undead.

"Another peaceful day."

Su Ming stretched, threw the report on the table, walked out of the hut and slowly started gesticulating with the wooden mannequin in the yard. The air in Kama Taj was good, so the next step was to wait and see what happened.

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