The Death Knell

Chapter 1152? Carry away

Pym felt like a clown in front of the Scientific Research and Development Committee, which organized the forum.

Standing under the spotlight, with hundreds of colleagues staring at him in the audience, he could only manipulate the projector slightly clumsily and talk about his ideas intermittently.

Because the phantom of his girlfriend was hanging around him, making various moves to attract his attention, which prevented him from focusing on business. However, the audience in the audience could not see the phantom, so they listened to this academic nonsense. Speech also became increasingly impatient.

After finally finishing his thoughts, Pim wiped the sweat from his head and held the microphone with trembling hands.

"I've finished speaking. Is there anything you want to share?"

There was dead silence in the audience. A few scientists yawned, a few looked relieved, and several took the time to go to the toilet to clear their inventory for the next speaker.

The atmosphere was very awkward. Hank smiled bitterly and wiped his sweat on the stage. He just felt like he was naked.

But it is an academic conference after all, and the organizing committee has already planned for this situation. There are also scientists who were not good at talking in the past, so of course there are academic brokers arranged by the organizer at the conference. To put it bluntly, they are 'entrusted'.

When someone can't get off the stage, these helpers will step up to the stage. They don't have much academic training, but they can still do a simple answer.

At this time, an old expert with all white hair who looked highly respected raised his hand.

"Dr. Pym, your idea is to use giant ants to drag turbines to generate electricity. You also said that ants can lift objects equivalent to 400 times their own weight and drag objects more than 1,700 times their own weight. If it is really possible , of course they can turn turbines on the scale of hydropower stations, or even be used to replace locomotives, but can you tell us how to breed such large ants? After all, all of you here are physicists, and I’m afraid they don’t know much about biology.”

The old man's question aroused snickers from the audience. The laughter came from all directions. No one knew who the old scientist was. The question was so to the point that people all looked at him with approval.

Of course they don't know this old man, because he is from Hollywood and works at Wilson Entertainment. He is a bit player among bit players. He is good at playing scientists and artists. He just relies on his appearance.

Being a support person at this kind of meeting, which pays 100 US dollars a day, is a very good job. He simply wanted to start the topic for Pim, and did not realize what his words meant.

Pim wiped his sweat and gave the old man a polite smile. He still remembered that his Pym particles were a secret, so he just said:

"If we find a subatomic particle, according to the theorem that the multi-dimensional momentum of subatoms is smaller than that of known atoms, adjusting the concentration of subatomic particles in the body can change the gap between molecules on a three-dimensional level. Then using this particle, we can transform objects into By scaling up and down, not only ants, we can also shrink supplies for transportation, or transport our ants behind enemy lines and then enlarge them..."

However, his statement attracted the attention of the chairman of the conference. Another elderly man wearing glasses raised his hand to interrupt him and approached the microphone: "Dr. Pym, are the particles you are talking about a weapon? You Are you implying that ants can be used as weapons to kill people?"

"No, I'm just... giving an example."

Pim wiped his sweat, and the salty liquid was about to flow into his eyes. His girlfriend Phantom wanted to wipe it for him, but her small white hands could not touch reality, but blocked Pim's sight.

So in the eyes of everyone, Pim kept twisting on the stage and shaking his head as if he was avoiding something.

People looked at each other, and the previous ridicule turned into sympathy. There were still many good people in the world, and Dr. Pym had just proved what mental illness was.

He actually wanted to use an imaginary thing to amplify ants? He keeps dodging invisible things, this...he shouldn't be here, but should go to a hospital somewhere.

"Okay, Dr. Pym, have the particles you call actually existed been confirmed? If they exist, have you ever tested their effects on organisms?" asked another old scientist on the presidium of the conference.

Pym hesitated and couldn't say anything. It was impossible for him to tell the existence of Pym particles, otherwise his identity as Ant-Man would be exposed.

He regretted that he shouldn't have come here. It would have been nice to just do experiments at SHIELD headquarters. Why did he have to come here? Isn't Howard's new three-wing building nice?

But a few days ago, Howard asked him if he wanted to come to the forum. Pim was being pestered by the phantom of his fiancée, so he agreed in a daze.

I thought I could just say a few words on stage and get away without asking any questions. Who would have expected that someone would actually ask questions about ants? Isn’t this an annual physics meeting?

Seeing that he could not say a word on the stage for a long time, the members of the presidium exchanged glances and shook their heads slightly.

"Dr. Pim, our forum is a charity forum that studies how physics can improve human life. The topic of the forum is how to improve people's lives in poor areas...maybe not what you imagined. 'Charitable', of course, for humanitarian reasons, we will introduce you to a good nursing home, please leave."

It was the same old expert who spoke before. He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and issued an order to expel the guests.

"Dr. Charlemagne, please listen to my explanation..." Pym grabbed Phantom's hands and pulled his fiancée away. He was eager to prove himself, but he could not reveal the existence of Pym particles and let him The efforts are ultimately in vain.

Seeing him fighting with the air, Dr. Chalman, the international physicist, sighed deeply. Who said that studying theoretical physics is without risks? This is generally the case with crazy physicists.

So he rubbed his forehead and pulled the microphone on the table: "Security!"



While sorting out his suit that was messed up by the security guards, Pim walked down the stairs like a lost dog. He thought about going back to find someone to argue with him, but the security guards behind him were too strong and stared at him eagerly.

He bent down to pick up the information that had been thrown under the steps, and planned to meet Howard.

It was because Howard was elsewhere and couldn't attend the meeting that he was temporarily hired to represent the scientists of SHIELD.

Pim looked at the phantom beside him. His fiancée was still hugging his arm sweetly. He walked away quickly and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "This time, I will be hurt by you."

Phantom had no reaction to his words and still just smiled.

"Difficult to deal with?"

At this moment, a female voice came from beside him, which made Pim tremble and drop the documents in his hand. He thought that his illness had worsened again and that he was experiencing auditory hallucinations or something.

A pair of white hands picked up the document for him and put it back into his hand. Only then did Pim see that this was another woman on the bench by the roadside.

She has long black hair and lazy eyes. She is like a cat, basking in the sun on a bench outside the venue.

A comic was placed on her knees. It was the only published single volume of the Western series drawn by Steve. The work had been cut in half, and the pages were a little worn.


Pim asked dully. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had spoken to a stranger.

"Is the forum bureau difficult to deal with? I'm waiting for my father here. He's having a meeting inside. Dr. Vernon Van Dien, do you know him? He is developing a gamma that can penetrate space. Rays can be used to detect energy and alien life in the universe."

The woman spoke to him with a smile, while looking at him with big curious eyes, waiting for the answer.

Pim became very angry when he thought of what happened just now. The scientific world was controlled by those without foresight, and there was no hope at all. I really want to take those people to SHIELD and let them take a good look at the existence of Pym particles.

Not only is it feasible to use ants to generate electricity, but he also relies on ants to reach the sky.

So he sat down next to the woman angrily: "If your father is really as imaginative and creative as you said, I'm afraid he will come out soon."

Sure enough, before the two of them had talked for five minutes, a short old man with glasses was taken out by the security guards, who also threw his information on the floor and walked away.

"Curse you! You rotten, corrupt bureaucrats! Doing research at the university has rotted your brains! Damn you! Just because you can't see gamma rays, do you think they don't exist? If I bring a transmitter, you'll get it all." Go green!”

While the little old man bent down to pick up his things, he kept shaking his fist at the building behind him and spitting out fragrance.

Pim looked at the woman next to him, who was covering her face with her hands.

"Your father?"

The woman nodded and put away the comic book: "As expected, he was also kicked out. Let's go have a meal together. Scientists like you should have a common language."

"Well, Dr. Dean and I have never known each other before. Wouldn't it be too abrupt to have dinner with you and your daughter?"

Pim rubbed his hands. He really wanted to go, but he was too embarrassed.

Because he found that when he was with this woman, the phantom of his fiancée that was pestering him disappeared, as if he had never existed. He had not felt so relaxed for a long time.

The woman smiled. She stood up and waved to her father, and winked at Pim: "My name is Janet Van Dien. We are friends now. Come on, I know a French restaurant."

As she said that, without Pim's explanation, she took his arm and walked towards the old man.

Sure enough, as Janet said, the two scientists who were kicked out did have a lot in common. After the two sides greeted the immediate family members of the organizing committee, the two immediately became familiar with each other, chatting and laughing and went out for dinner. .

And not long after they left, two figures suddenly appeared in the air not far behind them, their faces covered tightly, looking mysterious.

"You asked me to use the illusion curse on Dr. Pym just to introduce him to a new girlfriend?" The Magic Prince sighed, looking at the back of the man who left in a relaxed manner: "Even if he hasn't gone crazy over the years, he still needs anti-depressant drugs. eat."

"Relax, my old man, of course I have to talk to you when it comes to the voodoo curse. Besides, if it doesn't make Pim insane, how can he not remember how many milliliters of Pym particles he has configured? How can I? How about successfully taking some out of his basement without being discovered?"

Su Ming narrowed his eyes and pulled off the mask on his face. Now Hank hasn't realized that Pym particles have leaked out. Maybe he is looking forward to a new relationship. I wish him happiness.

With Pym particles, the key to opening the door to time and space from the scientific side is already in hand, and the next step is to slowly study it.

It should be no problem. After all, Dr. Tesla is currently growing mangoes and should be able to find time to do some side work.

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