The Death Knell

Chapter 1153? Bold display of love

Speaking of SHIELD's changes in Howard's hands in the past few years, apart from the fact that all aspects have gradually become more wealthy, that is, a lot of scientists have 'died'.

Howard's old friend, Dr. Nathaniel Richards, was actually abducted by aliens. The alien queen he married back then came to visit and insisted on letting him go home because their child seemed to be having trouble. some questions.

Nathaniel doesn't have much nostalgia for the earth. His earth wife has passed away long ago, and his son Reed is a genius child and has a bad relationship with him.

He was thinking about another child, so he followed the alien queen. No one knew whether he was dead or alive.

As a friend, Howard could only let him go, but the matter itself involved aliens and was a Level 9 secret of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he simply didn't do anything about it...

He has conducted dozens of funerals over the years, and is even more proficient in the procedures and procedures than a priest. He also arranged a fake death for Nathaniel and silenced everyone.

By the way, the genius child Reed did not appear at the funeral. He was taken away by the military and said to be trained from an early age.

Nathaniel thought it should be a good thing, but Howard didn't think so. The military had become darker and darker over the years, but he had no evidence to prove his point of view.

This made Howard take his five or six-year-old son Tony more seriously, because Reed, who is the same age as him, was probably deceived into brainwashing.

As the person who invented the new electronic computer, Dr. Zola also died in front of the computer.

When people found his body, his head was plugged into a monitor, as if it were integrated with the computer.

This was really not arranged by others. Zola should have committed suicide after discovering something. He transformed his thoughts and soul into electrical signals and gained a different kind of immortality.

Dr. Tesla is different, he was fished out by Su Ming, because if you want to secretly study Pym particles, you must have the help of another physics genius. Tesla will only be more suitable than Pym, because strictly Speaking of which, there is also a gap between geniuses.

Tesla had been playing with black hole and space-time theories decades ago, before Pym was born. Coupled with the fact that Leonid is studying at the Karma Taj Magic Academy, the Supreme Mage has enough control over Tesla and his son to allow him to do things.

Watching Pim and the other three walking further and further away, Monaco touched his mustache and said, "Now that you have the things in hand, do you want me to take you back to Karma Taj?"

"Don't worry, the Cosmic Cube has not been researched for so many years. It's not a problem to guard it all the time. Let's go with Pim to see the excitement."

Su Ming shook his head and took the lead to follow. When Pim and Janet met, Monaco canceled the curse. Now Pim must feel that Janet is very unusual.

The reason why Janet is so enthusiastic about Pym is actually because she was once saved by Ant-Man, which is the way a hero saves a beauty in an alley.

It was too dark at the time, and Pim didn't pay attention to her appearance. He defeated the criminal and left calmly.

But as a rescued person, Janet was different.

She is a talented fashion designer. With just one glance, she can accurately remember other people's height and weight, fat distribution, neck length, limb thickness, and pace and posture.

There may be people in the world with the same height and weight, but all the above conditions are the same. Even if they are not themselves, they are twins.

What's more, Pym's Ant-Man uniform was a tight-fitting suit, which exposed his body, and there was no voice changer. The method of preventing voiceprint analysis is not popular among superheroes nowadays, so she saw Pym's body shape and the hero in her memory. Exactly the same, and then I talked to him again to confirm that the voice was the same...

She learns that Dr. Pym is Ant-Man.

Originally, she admired the heroism of the Old West the most, but now that she has determined Pym's secret identity, she is even more determined to make a good friend with him.

She is very young, just in her early twenties, and is at the age where she worships heroes.

Maybe many people admire Captain America, but now every city has Captain America, who has become a high-ranking policeman, and people's yearning for them has gradually faded.

Ant-Man is the only one.

Su Ming planned to go and see Pim's tragic fate.

Generally speaking, Pim belongs to the kind of young genius who is exposed to the dark side of society after becoming famous. His mental state is already very unstable. It is not an exaggeration to say that his mind is immature. After all, he will also be a man in yellow and a giant in the future. Transformation into a human being represents a change in his mentality.

Following the three of them to a restaurant, Su Ming and Monaco pretended to order and eat, but at the same time, the strangulation turned into liquid flow, slipped under the carpet, and lay under Pim's table to eavesdrop.

While the two doctors were eating, they talked about academic things, mostly physics, and Pym occasionally talked about biology.

Janet looked at Pim with big eyes, swaying the wine glass with one hand, twirling her long hair with the other, and making secret glances at him.

“…Currently I’m studying the processes by which subatomic atoms promote cellular differentiation and specialization…at the intersection between physics and biology.”

Hank stammered a little when she looked at her. Dr. Dean was watching from the side, and Janet was unabashedly firing at him. She is young and beautiful, and there is still the shadow of his dead fiancée in her eyes. Who can withstand this?

Dr. Dean seemed not to be aware of all this, or in other words, he was aware of it and had no intention of stopping it. Henry Pym was now logically clear and thinking quickly, obviously not what he was like when he was on the podium.

"Your project has some similarities with my project." Dr. Dean toasted with Pim and said with some excitement: "I am a nuclear physicist, but when I was studying gamma ray emitters, I accidentally discovered that when a When a living thing is exposed to a large amount of gamma radiation, it will unexpectedly grow in size, dye it green, and gain strength beyond its own kind. I have never understood why this is the case, but after hearing your words today, I think it is A type of cell differentiation.”

Janet curled her lips in boredom, interrupting the conversation between the two of them. The atmosphere in this restaurant is so good, why are they talking about academics here?

"Stop talking about this, Hank, tell me, is there anyone like 'Mrs. Pym' in your life?"

As she spoke, she raised her eyebrows at Pim and puffed out her chest.


Pim choked while drinking. He hurriedly wiped the drink from his chin and looked at Janet in confusion. Is this so direct?

Dr. Dean rolled his eyes, looked at the chandelier swinging in the wind above his head, and sighed helplessly: "Janet?"

"Okay, Father." Janet restrained herself a little: "So Hank, do you have any hobbies? What is your favorite animal?"

"Uh..." Faced with her aggressive gaze, Pim was still unable to resist even though he was more than ten years older than her. He blushed and replied softly: "I like all small animals, um, insects. Or, like ants.”

Janet smiled and nodded, reaffirming her previous judgment of his identity. She lifted the black hair hanging from her forehead, bit her lower lip gently with her teeth, and said with profound meaning:

"Insects? I can handle insects, but ants are even better..."

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