The Death Knell

Chapter 1154? The gangster eats the gangster

There is a saying in China that a man chases a woman across a mountain, and a woman chases a man across a veil.

In the following days, faced with Janet's fierce pursuit, Pim, who had lived a very hard life these years, quickly fell into despair.

After returning to New York, because Dr. Dean and his daughter also lived in this city, Pim always went to Dr. Dean to discuss problems during his breaks, or to hang out with Janet.

Whether they are riding a roller coaster at an amusement park or going on a picnic in the countryside, the relationship between the two becomes increasingly ambiguous.

But Pim couldn't see the phantom of his ex-girlfriend during these days, and he felt uneasy as if something was missing in his heart.

Whenever Janet wanted to take the two closer, Pim's mind would automatically have the image of his ex-girlfriend dying in his arms, and then he would subconsciously push Janet away.

The woman asked him again and again why and if he had something to hide, but Pim could always find an excuse to shirk it.

Janet wasn't angry either, she still understood his past. But she has a small wish, she wants to be a superhero.

She began to hint that she wanted to be Ant-Man's partner, just like Bucky who was with Captain America in the past. What hero doesn't have a helper? She doesn't have any bad intentions, she just wants to be a vigilante to protect the people.

‘Oh Hank, you see even the police are trying to persuade Ant-Man to find a partner’. Janet took out a tabloid from nowhere. It showed Ant-Man defeating a giant beetle that emerged from the sewer. At that time, a policeman's casual words were overheard by the reporter.

Or 'Hank, let's go to the New York Museum today and read the stories of superheroes. Hey, why do you think Captain America always takes Bucky with him? ’.

She didn't reveal his identity, she just made insinuations and said things like that.

This almost made it clear that she wanted to help, but because his fiancée died beside him, how could Pim take the person he liked out on adventures again?

Whenever she said these words, he would hesitate and prevaricate, so nervous that he lost all logic.

Janet could only return disappointed again and again, while Pim retreated to the basement to talk to the ant he named 'Little Gray Gray'.

It was originally just an ordinary red ant, but he enlarged it to the size of a puppy and kept it at home like a pet. Why are red ants called little gray ants? Only the devil knows.

Other superheroes have partners, and Pym has an entire army. The nest of ants in his backyard has more than 100,000 ants under careful care. As long as there are enough Pym particles, they will undoubtedly become a very powerful army. A tremendous strength.

He is very satisfied with his life now, and he also wants to marry Janet, but her enthusiasm for becoming a superhero scares Pim.

Over the years, many superheroes have emerged in the United States. Since the year of Amazing People, new ingredients have always been added to the cauldron of New York. Wherever there are superheroes, there are also supervillains. Being a vigilante is definitely the profession with the highest mortality rate, higher than that of police officers and firefighters.

You can see it on the news almost every week, where masked heroes die in alleys. Their real identities include rich and poor, but everyone is equal in the face of death. It doesn't mean that wearing a good bulletproof uniform will make you safe. Death sometimes comes suddenly.

Pym couldn't imagine what he would do if Janet was really pregnant again, so the best thing he could think of was to keep her away from the darkness under the water.

However, this world never depends on one person's will. It has its own laws of operation. The more you worry about something, the more it will happen.


Two months had passed since that scientists' meeting. On a dark and stormy night, Janet came out of her tailoring studio and planned to go to her father's laboratory to invite him to have dinner with her.

She didn't know why scientists liked to do experiments in the basement. Maybe it was because it was dark enough?

In short, research funds are very tight, and the experimental environment is limited to this. Dr. Dean can only carry out the project in the basement of his home. When she walked down the stairs into the dark basement, she thought her father wasn't there.

"Dad? I'm back. Do you want to go out for dinner together? I also want to talk about this year's Milan Fashion Week..."

She smiled and waved her handbag while reaching out to fumble for the button on the wall, but when the pale light came on in the room again, she let out a scream.

Because she saw her father lying in a pool of blood, with a horrified expression on his face, and he had become green and stiff.

As she hugged her father and cried bitterly, she didn't notice a group of people outside the back door of her home. They were climbing over the garden fence and leaving quickly with some things.

The identity of these people was unknown. They were wearing black suits, ran across the streets, got into several cars that were still running, and then drove towards the suburbs with a burst of smoke coming out of the exhaust pipes of these cars.

"What do you say now?"

These men in black didn't pay attention. Behind them, a car with no lights on followed them, as silently as a ghost in the night.

The stalkers were a one-eyed black man and a red-haired woman.

The woman was driving, while the black man was sitting in the passenger seat and looking calmly ahead: "Unexpected bonus, Black Widow, our mission is to conduct a secret background check on the Deans and daughters to prevent them from having ulterior motives for Hank. No The thought was like witnessing a robbery."

Natasha yawned as she drove: "So we even have to do police work now? Boring."

Fury was still expressionless: "Based on my experience, something that can be moved by a group of people in black suits in the middle of the night must be a good thing... This direction should be out of the city to New Jersey, etc." When we get to the outskirts, we'll take action."

"Ah, eating black and white, I like it." Natasha said perfunctorily, without any happy expression on her face.

Fury pulled out a folded submachine gun from under the seat, loaded it skillfully, and at the same time took out a law rocket launcher from under the back seat and held it in his arms: "There is no blackmail, it's just that S.H.I.E.L.D. once again put the threat Just nipped in the bud, as always..."

"Tsk, that's very well said." Natasha sneered. Americans just like to talk about justice: "What is the plan? Do we need to call someone?"

Fury shook his head and stroked the green rocket launcher: "The fewer people who know about this, the better, just the two of us. They moved their things into the second car, and when they arrived in the suburbs, you overtook them. Then I will use a rocket launcher to knock out the first car in the convoy and force them to stop, and then it’s up to you.”

Natasha tilted her head indifferently: "Then lend me your submachine gun. I don't want to fight them hand-to-hand with bullets."

"I'll give you something better." Fury pulled out his seat from the side, and inside were automatic rifles of different models: "All clean firearms, the rifling cannot be traced, they disappeared on the production line. ' kind of gun."

"That's okay. It turns out that we usually sit on the four-wheeled arsenal." Natasha shrugged, holding the steering wheel in one hand and picking up a Wilson 47 with the other. She changed and loaded the ammunition with one hand: "Fortunately, I It’s the Slavs who are used to sitting on cannonballs and smoking.”

Fury closed his eyes and rested his mind: "And I am an American. I always have weapons in my car. Stop telling jokes now. If I lose you, you will lose your vacation this month."

Natasha glanced at him: "You are the one telling the joke. Will Black Widow miss the target? It's not funny at all."

Just as she said, these people couldn't escape the pursuit of the spider. When they drove to a highway in the suburbs, the car that had been like a ghost suddenly accelerated, overtaking all the cars in the convoy and drifting on the spot for 180 seconds. degree and started to drive in reverse.

Green smoke emitted from the friction between the tires and the road, and Fury leaned his upper body out of the passenger window, and then the leading vehicle soared into the air amid the explosion.

Several cars behind them braked suddenly, but the collision was inevitable, and the road suddenly became chaotic.

Natasha turned the steering wheel fiercely, dodged the burning vehicle that jumped into the air, grabbed her rifle and jumped out of the car. After a roll, she half-knelt on the ground and deftly blew out the tires of several other cars.

The other party swarmed out of the car in a mess, trying to take out a gun and fight back, but ordinary people were still far behind when facing the Black Widow. It would almost blow up if their head was exposed, so Natasha had no idea of ​​leaving her alive.

She suppressed everyone on the other side with one shot. She got up and walked quickly to shoot. She kept getting closer to the second car where things were stored.

Her long red hair shone faintly in the moonlight, and the flame from the gun made her face flicker.

She front flipped onto the roof of the car and fired in all directions. While knocking down all the resisting targets, she drew her pistol and fired into the car below her. The special bullets were enough to penetrate the car's thin defense. She didn't put on a new one until there was no more movement under her feet. The magazine easily knocked down several people who fled off the road.

Fury arrived late at this time, but he was extremely shameless, as if hiding behind a woman had no effect on him. He smashed the car glass with his submachine gun and opened the door vigilantly.

Turning on the flashlight, in addition to a few corpses of men in black, there were some cardboard boxes in the carriage. They were all filled with manuscript papers, which looked like materials for some experiments.

Fury lowered his head to examine the body, took out the ID from the pocket of his black suit, and smacked his lips: "People from the military, Army Special Intelligence Division."

Natasha jumped off the roof of the car, came over to take a look, and smiled: "Well, congratulations."

This was not the first time she had killed someone from the military. This was not something she should worry about. If she had the time, she might as well think about where to go for a midnight snack.

At this time, there was actually a living person in the car. The person in the passenger seat was shot several times, but because Natasha was shot through the ceiling, the injury was not fatal. At this time, he woke up from shock.

"Nick are finished, the general will not let you go..."

He said as he vomited blood that he knew this nigger and that it was definitely a felony for S.H.I.E.L.D. to attack a federal agent.

Fury raised his hand and fired expressionlessly, beating the man's head into a rotten watermelon, and then calmly changed the magazine: "You move all the information to our car, and I will clean the battlefield and take action."

"You actually let the lady do manual labor. Valentina has no intention of divorcing you?" Natasha picked up a stack of boxes angrily, mainly because there were both internal organs and brains in the carriage, and it was very difficult to wipe her leather coat. Troublesome.

Fury wiped the footprints on the roof of the car, took out the time bomb set from his windbreaker and threw it into each car: "Thirty seconds to evacuate, and this never happened."

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