The Death Knell

Chapter 1155? A common secret

Along with the fire and air waves caused by the explosion, neither Natasha nor Fury looked back at the explosion.

The ghost car, without its lights on, quietly drove away from the scene again, and it took several minutes for the Highway Patrol to arrive.

Natasha first drove along the road for a while, then pressed a button in the car to switch to the four-wheel drive off-road mode. The ordinary car turned into an off-road vehicle with a high chassis. She turned off the road and exited the farmland on the roadside. Zhong left directly.

Fury kept flipping through the snatched documents with his flashlight. Although he couldn't understand most of the content, he understood English.

These large cardboard boxes are all about a kind of gamma ray information, including some experimental data, some experimental procedures, how to assemble the equipment, and the possible side effects of the experiment on organisms.

They are not particularly complete. These documents have some strange corrosion marks, with charred edges as if they have been burned by fire, and are also stained with a light green mucus.

"I understand why the military wants this." Fury turned off the flashlight and took out paper to wipe his hands: "They are interested in the side effects of this ray."

"What kind of boring scientific fantasy is this?"

Natasha, who was driving, pretended not to care at all, but in fact she listened carefully.

"A document about physics, this is Dr. Dean's topic, look here... The side effects of gamma rays include mania, irritability, reduced intelligence, and the blood is contagious." Fury used experiments Record tapped his knee: "But it can give a mouse the strength of an elephant."

Natasha glanced at the report: "Another weapon?"

"This information is very valuable to the military. We can use this to negotiate terms with them." Fury threw the documents back into the cardboard box and looked at the movement in the rearview mirror: "Dr. Dean works for the military. There are also several transfer bills, and the source of funds for his experiments was a leather bag company affiliated with the Military Intelligence Department."

Natasha nodded and flipped up her red hair: "That makes sense, because they didn't even have the safety on their weapons when they were attacked by me, and they died just by moving their thumbs."

"Yes, it seems that these people are secretly protecting Dr. Dean, but the doctor died suddenly for some reason unknown to us, and they went to recover the property belonging to the military."

Fury gave a hypothesis, because the Army Intelligence Service, as a national agency, is not a mob. If they want to kill a helpless old doctor, they don't need four cars and a dozen people.

When doing the dirty work of killing, the fewer insiders the better, this is the consensus of all intelligence agencies, and government agencies have traces to follow.

And covert operations involving so many people are generally search missions. They are looking for something somewhere. When time is limited, it is naturally better to have more people.

"So we just picked them up on the side of the road."

Natasha expressed her understanding. Anyway, now that the things are in the hands of SHIELD, they have the right to trade. As for how the things were obtained, it doesn't matter anymore.

This is what Fury means. Even if the military suspects that SHIELD is responsible for the annihilation of all their soldiers, they have no evidence, and Fury believes that if they are playing dirty tricks, those people will also be unable to play SHIELD.

Besides, for the military, soldiers are just pawns, and the loss of data is a done deal. The most important thing is how to stop losses, not to compete with S.H.I.E.L.D.

So the two agents rushed back to the base with the stolen information without any psychological burden, completely unaware of the shadow floating in the dark night sky. The black shadow held their arms as if watching a play. Watched the whole process.


At this time, Janet found the only person she wanted to turn to in this world.

At Hank's house, she sat on the red velvet sofa, lowering her head and covering her face as she cried. Even the agave in the corner looked downcast.

Pim stood aside and walked around eagerly: "Take a deep breath, breathe dear, and then tell me again what happened."

Janet cried a lot and had symptoms of hyperpnea, but with Pim's comfort, she gradually returned to normal.

Because the laboratory was covered with all kinds of footprints, she didn't even dare to call the police. She didn't know who else to trust except Pim.

"There was a...out-of-this-world smoke filling the lab...all my dad's equipment was corroded, and then there were lots of footprints, things were turned over, and I... ....."

She answered while sobbing. When Pim was thinking about what caused all this, Janet suddenly broke down and threw herself into his arms:

"My father is dead, woohoo! I have no relatives anymore!"

Seeing her pain, Pim felt the same. He was crying alone on the street holding his fiancée's body.

He finally understood a truth. If he wanted to protect others, the best way was to give her the power to protect herself instead of isolating her from reality.

But he knew it was too late. He could only hug her tightly and remain silent.

Under his comfort, Janet, tired of crying, fell asleep with tears in her eyes. Pim decided to take the opportunity to go to Dr. Dean's laboratory to find out everything while she was resting.

The once familiar journey has become so unfamiliar, just because people's moods are different. He has walked this road countless times, but now he doesn't have any joy in his heart.

The doctor's body was still lying on the floor. Pim paid attention to his fingers. They seemed to have been bitten by something. It was a very unique corrosion, and the messy footprints around him were not even close to the body.

His orifices were bleeding and his bones were broken, as if he had been strangled by a python. It was definitely not man-made.

If the Doctor had fought anything during his lifetime, it was certainly not human. Pym was not a forensic scientist, and his biological knowledge could only see so much for the time being.

He made a consultation call. Pym only had to describe the appearance of the debris around him, and Howard could tell him what the equipment was used for and where it was usually located.

Through these, Pim found a hidden sewer behind a certain instrument. A lot of green slime was found at its entrance, which looked a bit like jelly, but was thinner than that.

He dipped his finger into some, put it under his nose and smelled it. Although the smell evaporated, he would always remember this smell...


"Whatever it was that killed your father, it wasn't a carbon-based organism like us, but some kind of carboxyl life, a form of formic acid to be exact."

Facing Janet who woke up, Pim expressed his conclusion:

"The green slime is very unique, like the venom secreted by ants and bees, and it is volatile. I can make a solution to neutralize it, but...that means we have to find undiluted Only by looking at the mucus in front of you can you determine the solution ratio, that is, you have to find the monster itself."

He was investigating the cause of Dr. Dean's death. As for whether the basement was robbed, that could be studied later.

Because no matter what green monster Dr. Dean creates, the threat is greater than humans.

Janet listened to the danger Pim said. She did not flinch and nodded seriously: "I love my father, and I will do anything that can avenge him."

Her big green eyes were very similar to the other woman in his memory, and also very similar to him who had lost his fiancée.

So he hugged her body, stroked her hair and whispered to her: "Janet, I want to tell you some secrets. In this world, no one knows the secrets except me..." "

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