The Death Knell

Chapter 1156? Gamma Wormhole

"I know, Hank, I've always known, you're the Ant-Man."

Before Hank could say anything, Janet, who was lying in his arms, took over the words. Her eyes were swollen like peaches, and her voice sounded even weaker.

"What? You know... how do you know?"

"I watch the news, whether it's newspapers or TV." Janet took a few steps back, raised her head and looked at his face, and the two held their hands tightly together: "Where was Ant-Man injured the night before? What do you think when I see bruises on the same spot on your body the next day? Help me, Hank, and let me help you."

Pim took a deep breath, looked into her emerald green eyes, and raised his hand to touch her cheek.

"I can make you as small as Ant-Man, and then, in this state, I'll give you tentacles and wings, and I can make you...the Wasp, but I need you to understand... ..."

Janet shook her head quickly and blinked: "I understand what risks you will face by becoming a hero, and I also understand that there is no reward for the efforts of a vigilante."

"......follow me."

Pim took Janet to the basement. His security measures were better than Dr. Dean's. After all, they were copied from SHIELD.

He put Janet into a modified cabin just like the one Steve had used, except that he made some improvements based on Howard's, at least it didn't need the electricity of the entire Brooklyn to drive it.

On the observation window of the modification warehouse, Janet could only see Pim operating frantically on various equipment like a wall, and then there were streaks of electric light flowing along the cables.

"I have implanted wings made of synthetic specific cells on your back. When you shrink to the size of a wasp, they will adjust their size under the action of Pym particles, and then allow you to fly, but I'm afraid you won't be able to fly. How to fly takes a while.”

Pym pushed up a valve, then turned around to wait for the transformation effect.

Well, this was his first attempt at implanting specific cells into a human body. Theoretically, he was 100% sure, but before the results came out, he only felt uneasy in his heart.

Fortunately, everything went well. Pim stood on the shoulders of giants. The transformation warehouse designed by Howard, the power supply system designed by Tesla, and Erskine's biological transformation concept were now integrated into one.

Accompanied by lightning and a low hum, nothing went wrong during the transformation.

"I feel like there are needles in my back, but I think it was successful." Janet walked out of the transformation warehouse and tentatively moved her arms.

"Well...this transformation is really white, no, I mean, this experiment is really big, cough, this..."

Pim turned his head and said that he was a gentleman, but what he saw at that glance seemed to take root in his mind, making him incoherent.

Janet blushed. The relationship between the two has not yet reached that stage: "You never said that the transformation process would break down the fibers of ordinary clothes. You are not allowed to look at it. Go and find me something to wear."

"oh oh."

Pim walked to the wall, opened a secret door, and took out the Wasp uniform that had been prepared.

He had to admit that perhaps in his subconscious, he had long realized that this was the right path. This uniform has been prepared for a long time. He had seen Janet's fashion design draft, and by accident, he secretly made a combat uniform of similar style for her.

Not only does it have the same functions as the Ant-Man uniform, but it also has the space for the wings behind it, and comes in a beautiful red and black color scheme.

Janet put on the uniform and tried to zoom in and out several times, but she was not as happy as she imagined: "I have thought about becoming a superhero countless times, doing justice and fighting crime. But if I could, I would rather Never let this day come to pass, putting on a uniform to avenge my father or something like that... I would rather he live well."

Pym also put on his Ant-Man uniform and was adjusting the big-headed helmet: "Cheer up, Wasp, we can't change the past. Focus on the task at hand, we have to find out what your father is doing first. He did an experiment, or his experiment attracted something from the universe.”

Janet was stunned for a moment when she heard the name Wasp, and then she realized that she had never received any relevant training, whether it was flying or fighting, or solving crimes or tracking.

All she knows is tailoring and a little bit of physics knowledge.

"What should we do first?" Janet originally had a young lady's temper. She liked delicious food, beautiful clothes and hairstyles, but her father's death made her grow up rapidly. She learned how to be a superhero. The first lesson.

That is to listen to what more experienced heroes have to say.


Pym's guess was basically correct. Dr. Dean did not experiment with anything, but his gamma ray experiment made a breakthrough today.

He discovered that this radioactive energy can not only change the properties of living things, but also emit detection waves like radar into the deep space of the universe. When the energy rises to a certain level, it can even connect to another dimension across space.

This is why Su Ming was the first to rush to the scene after something happened to him.

He couldn't follow Ant-Man and the Wasp every day to watch them fall in love, he had his own things to do.

For example, dealing with some chores between the company and Karma Taj, as well as the trade issues between Vanahem and Spartacus, allocating the computing power and production capacity that you control in the dark, using your imagination to develop new magic, and at the same time, Keep exercising, very busy.

It snowed in the Himalayas today. He saw the snowflakes flying past the window lattice, dyeing the courtyard and tree branches white. Lying on the couch and drinking a strong drink, when he saw this scene, he suddenly thought of clouds, and then thought of clouds. After losing fat, I want to eat Little Sheep.

Send Modu to Mongolia to buy sheep and wine, Leonid to buy vegetables at the foot of the mountain, Xiao Wang to light the fire, Hamil to wash the pot, and Casillas to prepare the base and dipping sauce.

He himself burned a large pot of brick tea in the reception room and waited for everyone to come back.

It's not called Monaco, this is a dinner party for Karma Taj. After we broke up two months ago, that guy suddenly remembered that he went to Japan for some reason. He was probably drinking flower wine with a geisha in his arms.

After a while, a circle of light lit up, and everyone completed their tasks. A group of people set up the table and talked and laughed, watching the heat waves roiling in the copper hot pot.

"Come on, let's do it, don't be restrained."

When the water boiled, Su Ming was in a good mood and asked everyone to start.

Kama Taj is indeed a good place to relax, but life is getting a little boring, so you have to find a way to adjust.

Thin red meat slices, hold them in the clear soup with chopsticks and shake gently. The color will fade in just a few seconds, and then you can eat them by dipping them into sesame sauce, fermented bean curd and chive flowers.

Shaqingcao is soft lamb fat, and jade fat is suitable for wine. Luan Dao recommends the taste of rice dumplings, which make the bones drunk and condensed into floating fat. The fragrance of the morning comes to the urn surface, and the green eyes are slightly rippled. After entering the cup, there is no sound and heavy purgation. What can I do if I only get a drunken man?

This is "Drinking Soldiers' Kitchen Lamb Wine" written by the Song Dynasty poet Chao Gongsu, a poem specifically written for mutton-boiled meat.

Who knows which life this memory came from, it was like it suddenly appeared while Su Ming was eating. But the mutton was delicious and everyone was happy. Su Ming decided and toasted to the sorcerers with a smile.

For them, they need to stay awake at all times, so basically only Su Ming is the main drinker, and the others just use their lips to dip a little bit, which is just for a while.

Mordo still looks so dark, Casillas looks a little gloomy, Leonid is still so silly, no one has changed much.

Unfortunately, before eating for a while, even the clear soup was not covered with fat, Xiao Wang interrupted him after receiving a magic alarm: "Master, a hole was penetrated in the earth's defense barrier just now, and something invaded. "

Su Ming frowned, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip: "Where is the entrance and exit?"

"A coordinate in New York. It connects to a dimension called Cosmos. It is currently unknown how many extra-dimensional creatures have escaped." Xiao Wang released a simple communication magic, and the mages of the New York Temple relayed the information. Gave it to him.

"Tsk, New York again? This universe has nothing to do with New York..."

Su Ming put down his chopsticks and shook his head with regret. It must be night in the United States now.

"Master, I'll go with you." Casillas also stood up and adjusted his robes. He is no longer an apprentice, but one of the official mages of the New York Temple. In a few years, he will be able to take the Grand Mage exam. .

The Supreme Mage calls the exam for apprentices to become mage OWL, and the exam for wizards to become archmage NEWT, saying that they learned it from a place called Hogwarts.

Casillas thinks this is better than the previous model. At least the exams have standards. In the past, the standards for apprenticeship graduation were the subjective judgments of the instructors. When people say you are good, you are good, and if you are not good, you are not good. That kind of thing.

For example, in the London Temple, the resident archmage has too high standards. Many apprentices there have turned gray and are still apprentices.

Su Ming shook his head and reached out to push him back to his seat: "It's just a small matter. There are plenty of vigilantes in New York now, so don't worry. Wang, tell me what's in the Cosmos dimension."

"Well... the dimension occupied by a liquid creature, if compared to earth creatures, is almost like a slug and a shellless snail combined."

Wang scratched his ears and looked at his father with pleading eyes after he finished speaking, while Hamil nodded to indicate that he was right.

The heat from the hot pot was pushed to the roof by the flames, and the aroma of mutton wafted through the room.

When Su Ming heard that it was just a slug, Su Ming was too lazy to go there. The hole in the defensive array was probably an accident and could be repaired in a few minutes. However, Strangler had to return to New York and it wanted to try something new.

It has no interest in the host leading a group of people to eat boiled mutton, but it is rare to encounter creatures from other dimensions coming to the earth. This opportunity cannot be missed.

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