The Death Knell

Chapter 1158? The Supreme Night Banquet

"King, check that there is no diplomatic announcement today."

Su Ming stopped. He looked at the light in the distance that quickly dissipated in the darkness, and stopped tracking Ant-Man and the Wasp.

With the positioning magic on their bodies, as long as they don't run out of the main dimension, it will be easy to find them again anytime.

Xiao Wang spread his hands helplessly: "Although the Asgardians will not come to the earth easily under Odin's control, this is the agreement between Master Ancient One and him, but not everyone in Asgard is so obedient... ..."

Su Ming rubbed his face hard and felt a little headache: "Yes, there are a few fools, but why now? Then why are the slugs in the Cosmos dimension so attractive?"

Xiao Wang calculated the direction where the Rainbow Bridge would fall, raised his hand and began to draw circles in the air: "I haven't heard of anything special. Those slugs are inedible and contain no energy. Apart from being numerous and extremely difficult to kill, they are not Worthy of Asgard's attention."

"Then that's not why they came... There are so many good things on earth, I can't even think of what they are here for. Let's go and take a look."

Su Ming stepped into the portal. Xiao Wang's distance calculation was very accurate. The portal was near where the Rainbow Bridge had just landed.

Looking at the complicated patterns on the ground and the figures in 'fancy clothes', Su Ming slowly shook his head and said to Xiao Wang: "Although I guessed it would be these people, I didn't expect them to be in this state. "

The ones who had just passed through the Rainbow Bridge were of course the brothers Thor and Loki, as well as their followers, the Three Warriors of Asgard, and a Sif.

Thor was still wearing his silver scale breastplate and red cloak, holding the Meow Hammer in his hand, but the expression on his face was a little helpless. His brother seemed to be in a good mood, saluting the death knell with a spring-like smile.

"Supreme Mage of Midgard, the Sons of Asgard greet you."

Su Ming moved his neck and watched as everyone except Thor nodded to him, showing a polite smile:

"Welcome to the atrium, warriors of Asgard, please follow me. King, inform Kama Taj to prepare a feast of white meat. I want to entertain guests."

Loki looked at his brother and asked for his opinion, but Thor shook his long shawl hair and replied in a rough voice: "Supreme Mage, our trip is to hunt down the enemies of Asgard. This is a one-time trip." A journey of glory.”

Su Ming smiled. It would be good if these people could leave quickly: "Who are you chasing?"

"I don't know!" Thor puffed up his chest.

"Well, where is your target?" Su Ming tilted his head and changed the question. It was normal not to know who the enemy was.

Thor lifted his cloak, put the hammer on his belt, and put his hands on his hips: "I don't know!"

Su Ming smacked his teeth hard: "Then what is your plan?"

Thor looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice echoing on the plain like thunder: "Hahahaha... I don't know! Besides, there is no need for any plan! In short, just see him, kill him, and then you can go back Home!"

Su Ming knew that Thor was a retard now. He looked at Loki helplessly. Loki was really wearing a round green hat this time. He smiled awkwardly and politely at Deathstroke. .

Yes, his brother just didn't know anything about it. Thor had always been unreliable in doing things. It was embarrassing for him to come to Midgard, and he, as the younger brother, was also ashamed.

But Loki rolled his eyes and then thought, this is fine, as long as Thor becomes more embarrassed, the throne...hehe.

Su Ming looked up at the sky, then turned around and looked around. He saw a crow on the railing outside the wheat field looking over here.

He took a deep breath and resisted the urge to hammer Thor's head.

It would be fine if Thor was just a little stupid. The key is that the Three Warriors of Asgard still praised him. After he confidently said three things he didn't know, they began to praise his bravery and fearlessness.

Asgardians don't need to know who the enemy is, how many there are, what kind of combat power they have, etc. This information is useless!

They just need to know where the enemy is, then go up and blast them! Or get hammered by the enemy!

The door of Valhalla is always open to warriors. Dying in battle is the most glorious thing. Endless wine and food, and supreme glory are waiting for them.

Thor, who had just become the eldest prince, showed such pride, which made the three warriors of Asgard couldn't help but be fascinated. Only such a brave prince is the most suitable heir to the throne.

Sif could have sensed that something was wrong, but her heart was focused on Thor. At this moment, she was looking at the person she loved with heartfelt eyes, and her little hands were pinching the hilt of her sword. It was probably because of everything. did not hear.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Apart from Thor's laughter and the rainbow flattery of the three warriors, there was only the sound of wind and the chirping of insects.

Su Ming winked at Xiao Wang and shook his head at Loki. Loki had an apology on his face and saluted the Supreme Mage again as if he was apologizing for his brother.

I have to say, if you didn't know who Loki was, he seemed to be a good boy with good manners.

"Since you don't know the name of the enemy or its specific location, I'll ask my men to check it for you. I'll treat you to a meal while you wait." Su Ming had no choice. He couldn't let these alien giants go. The baby went out and ran around.

Not to mention the fact that they are all wearing strange clothes and speaking ancient Norse. Even these reckless characters may expose the existence of Asgard. Now is not a good time.

Thor scratched his head. He would be lying if he said he was not impressed. He knew that all the good things sold in Vanaheim came from Midgard, and he had long wanted to come and play.

Why did an unknown enemy let their small gang chase them down? Do you think you are really here to destroy the enemy?

In fact, it was just an excuse to hunt down enemies and take the opportunity to come to Earth to play.

Thor thought very simply. The enemies of Asgard ran to Midgard, so that it would not be a foul for him and others to chase them down. While tracing the whereabouts of the enemies, he would eat, drink and have fun, and when he was done playing around, he would knock the enemies with a hammer. Die, then go home and sleep.

It's that simple and perfect.

"Is that so? Will it bother you too much? We actually don't need help, hehehe..." Thor smiled so hard that his molars were exposed, and his poor performance was not convincing at all. , the drool flowing out of the corner of his mouth along his beard said it all.

"How can it be said that hosting Asgard's warriors is troublesome? I have a lot of Skywalker's fine wine, and a lot of delicacies that you have never tasted..." Su Ming opened his arms enthusiastically, and talked to Asgard Warriors slapped backs and shoulders.

"Where is it?" Thor interrupted impatiently. He had no idea what being reserved meant, and he stopped pretending when he heard there was wine.


"Come and drink!"

The hall of Kama Taj is brightly lit. This place is not commonly used. Except for it being used for meetings at the beginning of each year, it is vacant most of the time.

But this is the most suitable place to entertain them. There is nothing better than placing these brainless gods in the Himalayas to isolate them from contact with mortals.

Su Ming sat on the main seat, holding a large wine barrel with one hand and enthusiastically urging him to drink wine.

The eyes of these people from the Immortal Palace looked at him differently, with more kindness and respect.

After all, even in the Golden Palace, they had never seen any warrior drink from a bucket, and they gave each person a bucket. What kind of hospitality was this?

Xiao Wang directly connected the winery's warehouse through the portal and moved hundreds of barrels of wine over, which were now piled in the snow in the courtyard.

Thor had no doubt that it was there. After knocking the barrel open and smelling the smell, his soul flew away.

Facing the Supreme Mage's persuasion to drink, he laughed: "Here's to you, Supreme Mage, do it!"

After saying that, he took the lead in the charge, holding a large bucket thicker than a man in both hands and poured it directly into his throat.

Su Ming smiled faintly, held the barrel and signaled to everyone present, and then started to drink heavily. However, in fact, it was impossible for him to drink so much wine at one time. After all, his stomach was so big, so he poured the wine directly into the throat of Strangler. went.

The three warriors of Immortal Palace looked at each other, warrior, this is a real warrior.

Whether a warrior is strong or not depends on his drinking capacity. A man who loves to drink will not lose his fighting ability.

The prince and Deathstroke both held the buckets and drank fiercely. They couldn't lose the face of the fairy palace, so they held the buckets one by one and started drinking wildly. The only sounds left in the hall were swallowing sounds.

Gin also returned from Vanaheim after being notified. At this time, he was holding Sif aside and talking. I don't know what she said. Sif, who had not yet drank, was rosy and smiling.

The cloak rubbed against Su Ming, and he pointed secretly in the direction of Loki. Loki seemed to be holding a wine barrel and drinking, but in fact it was just an illusion. The wine was poured into the small space he created with magic. Got hit.

But this was all a trivial matter. Su Ming strangled all the wine in the barrel, and then threw the barrel to the ground. The wooden sticks flew and made Gin look at him. There is a custom in Asgard of throwing cups, but No one threw the barrel.

Su Ming pretended not to see her eyes, but asked Xiao Wang to continue serving wine. Under the influence of magic, each wine barrel flew into the hall from the outside and landed on the table in front of everyone.

"Haha, it's rare for you to come to Earth. I'm very happy. Come and eat some food!" Su Ming licked his lips, deliberately looking more arrogant, and introduced the dishes on the table to everyone: "Here is Li Zhuang white meat, boiled white meat, white meat." Cut meat, bamboo white meat, garlic white meat, sauerkraut white meat, cold white meat..."

Yes, the table is covered with large pieces of white fat meat, just placed on one plate after another. They are cut so fat and thick that each piece of meat may weigh two ounces.

After drinking more than a dozen barrels of wine and then eating such greasy food, even if they don't get drunk, high blood fat will make their brains dull.

Asgardians can only drink and love to drink, but they are not incapable of getting drunk.

They don't have the ability to metabolize alcohol and fat quickly. Just look at Volstagg's big belly. There are many fat people in Asgard.

Maybe their physiques are indeed much better than humans, and they can metabolize toxins and have the ability to heal themselves. But fat is different from alcohol. As a type of biological energy reserve, they cannot be metabolized at high speed by the body of the gods.

This is also an unobvious shortcoming of the Asgardians.

In fact, let alone them, if it hadn't been for strangulation, a few slices of this thick-cut fat meat would have given Su Ming a pain in the back of his head. But now, when they are all dizzy, it's time to ask questions...

Thor took another ten seconds to put down the bucket. He was a little impressed that Deathstroke drank faster than him, but even if the wine reached his throat, he still dropped the bucket to signal for another bucket.

"Haha, praise Valhalla, pork! This is precious food that only heroic spirits can enjoy, so I'm not welcome."

After saying that, he reached out and picked up a piece of white meat, rolled it up like a pancake, and stuffed it directly into his mouth. As his teeth bit it, fat spurted out from the corners of his mouth. He was very happy to eat it.

"Really? As long as you like it, come on, everyone lift the bucket!"

While pouring wine for Strangler, Su Ming winked at Xiao Wang, indicating that he would give Thor another set of fat sausage sashimi, the more oil, the better...

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