The Death Knell

Chapter 1159? Thor’s Story

In this meal, everyone drank only a dozen barrels of wine. After a while, under the influence of fat and alcohol, the three warriors of Immortal Palace fell drunk on the ground and talked in their sleep. From time to time, they covered their heads and kicked their legs and twitched, as if Dreaming about fighting something.

The only people who are still awake in the hall are Deathstroke, Thor, Sif and Gin.

Gin and Sif were both Valkyrie colleagues in the past, and she didn't want Su Ming to overwhelm her sisters.

In formal occasions involving diplomacy, Asgardian women would not participate in the conversations and drinks between men, so the two of them just sat in the corner, drinking slowly from small cups and exchanging their topics in low voices.

There was no white meat on their table, just some exquisite vegetarian dishes and some fresh tropical fruits.

In fact, Loki was not drunk either. Under the cover of the illusion, he only drank a few sips of wine and bit into a piece of fat. With his foundation as a Frost Giant, he would not fall over. But he pretended to be drunk. At this time, he lay on the table and pretended to be a dead dog, but his ears were kept straight up, listening to what Thor and Deathstroke were saying.

Thor could hardly open his eyes, and when he opened his mouth, drool dripped from the corners of his mouth, and he kept hiccupping. Deathstroke was still smiling calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"Hiccup... you are so powerful... hiccup..." Thor spoke like a goldfish, blowing bubbles. If he didn't know that he drank too much, he would definitely I thought he drank soapy water.

Su Ming calmly opened another barrel of wine and held it up in his hand with a smile: "Where are we now? Come on, let's continue... Hey, wake up, don't sleep, get up and be happy!"

Thor leaned to one side as he spoke, as if about to fall. Su Ming jumped to his side, grabbed his cloak and pulled him up.

"Huh? Oh! No...I'm not drunk!" Thor sobered up for a moment, but soon his eyes narrowed again.

"There is a saying in the Chinese dynasty that the feelings are shallow. A lick will make the feelings deep and the feelings will be dull." Su Ming gave him another wine barrel and fed him a drink by holding the bottom of the barrel.

Judging from the speed at which he drank it and the way Thor rolled his eyes, Su Ming felt that it was almost done.

So the barrel was not completely filled. When it was half full, he stopped, threw away the barrel, and hugged Thor's thick shoulders.

"Tell me, what happened to the criminal you were chasing? How did he offend you?"

Thor really recalled it, and he began to describe the things in his memory in a vague tone. He just wanted to sleep now, and he would answer anyone who asked questions. And he is the kind of person who drinks and talks a lot. He talks more and more fluently.


"Eleven hundred years ago, there was a small village on the west coast of Iceland in Midgard... on the west coast."

"The frost giants have been invading this village for weeks, hiccup... They ate three sheep, two dogs, and two children."

"The giants' stronghold is on the cliff, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The warriors in the village are too weak and are no match for the ice giants, so the mothers in the village prayed to Asgard for help, and Odin answered them."

"I led twenty Asgardian warriors to attack the blue-skinned monsters. The frost giants swung tree trunks and threw boulders. The battle lasted for four hours, and many Viking warriors in the village returned to Valhalla."

"But ultimately the battle ended with my tomahawk chopping off their heads."

"For four days after the battle, I stayed and caroused with the village. I ate more goats than the frost giants, drank enough mead to drown a shipload of sailors, and slept with half the village's women. .”

Thor smiled when he said this, as if recalling the good times, the prince of Asgard was so glorious.

Su Ming glanced at Sif. She was not jealous when she heard that Thor slept with so many people. Instead, she had a look of admiration on her face.

According to Asgardian concepts, whichever man has more women means he is more powerful.

Besides, in those dark ages, the Vikings all hoped that their wives and daughters would give birth to gods. If Thor refused, he would look down on them. They and their wives and daughters would not be able to hold their heads high in the village in the future, because it meant that they were People who are ignored by God.

Gin hugged Xif's arm and winked at Su Ming, meaning, 'What I said before was not a lie, right? ’.

The Valkyrie doesn't care how many women her man has. On the contrary, the Asgardians believe that the more wives and concubines a husband has, the better.

Su Ming sighed. It was okay for Gin to think so, but the key point was that Diana definitely didn't think so... He shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind and said to Thor.


Thor did not notice these eye contact, and he continued to tell his story: "Originally, I wanted to sleep with all the women in the village, but on the fourth night, when we were drinking, burp, someone rushed into us longhouse.”

"It was a villager. His face was full of panic. I saw that his face turned blue and his hair stood up. He said that there was a human head on the coastline next to the village."

"I picked up the tomahawk and walked out of the house, and found that the villagers had not lied. The sea was stained red with blood, but I could not find the wreckage. There was only a head, with its eyes open and floating with the waves."

"Some of the villagers said he was a sailor who was torn to pieces by the waves and rocks, and some said he had yellow skin and was some kind of demon."

"But I recognized it. It was a god. I saw the remnants of divinity in his faded pupils. He was a North American god because his hair was woven with beautiful red feathers."

"People were panicked. The head was cut very flat, and there were bruises and panic on his face, indicating that he was tortured before his death and then died of massacre."

"The villagers don't know who can slaughter a god like an animal, but I assure them that no monster's head is as hard as the ax made of Asgardian iron in my hand."

Having said this, Su Ming shook him again. Thor seemed to be going to sleep again, with a painful look on his face.

Su Ming decided to ask leading questions, but Thor seemed unable to hold on for long: "So in order to reassure the villagers, you set out to hunt this monster again?"

"Well...yes, I took more Asgard warriors and followed the divine blood floating in the sea to the bank of the Vane River, which is somewhere you call Russia today. I was there In the dark winter clouds, two headless corpses of gods were found again, and...a lurker."

"It was a figure with no nose, all white and covered with a cloak. He had a huge black sword in his hand, and ominous black smoke surrounded him."

"I fought him in the name of Asgard, but he was so powerful, even stronger than Surtur... I lost."

After saying these words, Thor fell asleep. He seemed to have lost his strength after admitting his failure and fell into the nightmare of the past.

Sif was in disbelief, Gin was thoughtful, and Loki, who was pretending to sleep, moved his ears and smiled.

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