The Death Knell

Chapter 1160? Hot spring

Su Ming let go of Thor and let him fall headfirst into the plate full of fat meat.

The drunk Thor actually spoke more appropriately and seemed much more rational than usual, which was really unexpected.

But there are all kinds of drunks. Some people drink too much and become drunk, and some people want to talk.

The Supreme Mage looked at the brazier in the center of the hall, thinking quietly about something. After a moment, he snapped his fingers at Xiao Wang: "Ask the apprentices to come over and help, and help our distinguished guest to rest."

Sif and Gin also walked over, obviously thinking about different things.

"Thanks to the Supreme Mage for hosting us, Karma Taj showed the light of glory today." Sif started with standard polite words. She had never spoken to Deathstroke before, so her tone was inevitably stiff.

Because Deathstroke is one of the strongest people known on Earth, even Odin has a deal with him that is unknown to outsiders.

Su Ming nodded with a smile, turned to look at Loki who was carried out by the apprentices but was still eavesdropping, and then replied: "You're welcome, you are Gin's good sister, and your brother Heim and I The relationship between Dahl is also as close as brothers, they are all our own people."

Hearing what the Supreme Mage said, Sif smiled unnaturally, because Heimdall didn't say that.

It is said that because Odin gave Deathstroke permission to borrow the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall was much busier than before, but she still bowed slightly: "Please allow me to excuse myself first. They may need some care when they are drunk."

"Of course, go take care of your friends. I will help you investigate your targets." Su Ming nodded as a return gift and watched her walk out of the hall holding the hilt of her sword with one hand, her red cloak floating away at the door.

Gin sighed and held Su Ming's hand: "She is quite pitiful. She has liked Thor for thousands of years, but let alone the result, there is not even a process."

She felt that she was very happy now, so she couldn't help but sympathize with her old friend when she saw him looking the same.

"Frigga likes her very much. She was the one who picked Sif out of the Valkyries as her bodyguard. Odin also likes her because she is Heimdall's sister and her loyalty to Asgard is unquestionable. No doubt." Su Ming pulled Gin back to his seat and held her in his arms: "But the key to all this is Thor. In his heart, Sif is a comrade and buddy. He has not gone that way at all. think."

"Then can you help her?" Gin blinked his big eyes and nuzzled his neck with his head like a cat: "I don't think Thor can open up on his own."

Su Ming hesitated and tapped her forehead: "There are many ways, but are you sure you want me to take action? In fact, for this problem, I just need to go to Lao Zheng and ask him to help me collect some "I love a piece of firewood". If you try all kinds of medicines on Thor one by one, there will always be one that he is not immune to..."

"Although I don't know what kind of medicine it is, I always have an ominous premonition." Gin shook her head quickly, as if she heard the sound of darkness surging.

Su Ming smiled and patted her back, leaned back in the chair and sighed: "Don't worry, Thor will change. Besides, with the support of Odin and Frigga, Sif will definitely be the final winner. For To achieve the goal, Odin is much darker than me."

Gin already knew it, she knew it when she was abandoned by Asgard, so she changed the subject: "Do you have any clue about the criminal Thor mentioned?"

"A bit, but the world has changed. I'm not so sure. I have to go and see for myself." Su Ming picked up the wine glass with his free hand and took his first sip of wine tonight: "You know the God of Murder Dag?"

Gin recalled for a while, she held up the barrel and refilled the man's wine: "The last time I heard this name was more than two thousand years ago, but Dagur was already dead and Odin killed him."

Mad God Dago, a second-generation alien god, didn’t know what prompted him to go to the Nine Realms and slaughter other gods crazily.

Before Odin caught him, he had successfully killed hundreds of gods of all races, and no one knew why he did it. The Lord of Immortal Palace locked him in a cave cell under the World Tree, suppressing him with the power of the World Tree, leaving him waiting for his fate in confusion.

But Thor, who was still young at the time, was encouraged by Loki and jumped into a tree hole to take risks. Dagur did not kill him, but smiled and explained to Thor why he did that.

He has killed babies and women, but he prefers to kill gods. When Dag said this, his eyes were full of anger, but he just shrank in the corner of the cave, not caring about the weak support in front of him. Take action.

Perhaps in his opinion, Thor is not even a god.

Five hours had passed when Thor was found again, and before the sun had risen the next day, Dagur was beheaded by Odin. However, even after he died, his head still wore a smile, and he felt honored and proud of his unfinished business.

Odin told Thor that the greatest warriors never enjoy killing itself, and indulging in it will only turn them into monsters with only desire, just like Dagur.

The gods of Asgard thought that Dagur was crazy and that it was all over, so Odin threw Dagur's head into the sun to bring the story to an end.

But Thor, who had heard all of Dagur's motives and what he did, knew that everything was not that simple, because everything Dagur said was related to a darker secret in the universe.

Su Ming raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, looking through the noisy hall to the courtyard outside the door. The snowflakes that had fallen before had stopped at some point, and the unfinished wine barrels were still piled up in the courtyard.

"In our world, every few hundred years, a genius will appear who wants to wipe out all the gods. They have various reasons, but they do the same thing."

"Who are we talking about?" Gin touched his hair and adjusted the position of his eye patch.

Su Ming grabbed her hand, squeezed it, put her on the chair, and stood up: "The person who caused the trouble this time may be the God Killer Geer. There is a high chance, but according to theory, he This era shouldn’t be on Earth, I have to go and see it myself.”

Gin nodded. She wanted to do something, but raised her hand and found that there was nothing to do.

In Asgard, before a man goes to war, a woman will help him polish his sword, maintain his armor, and fasten his cloak.

Deathstroke's weapons are all peerless weapons that don't need to be polished, his armor is a symbiosis, and his cloak has its own intelligence. It seems that he has never thought of relying on anyone.

Gin could only symbolically pat the non-existent dust on his shoulders: "Is this God Killer strong? Will there be a glorious battle worthy of being sung?"

"It's just a single universe level. I have a plan for a long time." Su Ming raised his mask and spread his hands: "It's not like Warrior Glory. He is a psychotic murderer and I am a mercenary..."

"Oh, I just saw people from the Immortal Palace and suddenly remembered my old habits..." Gin picked up the wine glass and scratched the top of his head: "Glory or not is no longer important, victory is the most important. of."

Deathstroke nodded, and the deep voice changed by the voice changer sounded, and he strode towards the door: "Everything has nothing to do with glory, because you are also a god. If he wants to kill you, I will kill him."

After saying that, he stood in the courtyard and waved his hands. The cloak took him up into the sky and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.


"So you don't call me when you eat hotpot mutton, and you only think of me when you have enemies?"

Monaco wiped the lipstick marks on his face with a towel and looked at Su Ming with an unhappy expression. When the Supreme Mage came to him, he was playing in the water with several Japanese beauties.

Just now, the death knell suddenly appeared at the hot spring pool with a ray of red light from the darkness, frightening a girl who fainted on the spot who thought she had seen a ghost.

Monaco hurriedly rescued the people, reassured them not to panic, and then took Deathstroke to the side of the bamboo wall to discuss the problem.

Su Ming crossed his arms and shook his head. He looked at the women: "We once went to Japan after World War II. You also saw how those companions tried to please the white people. They were interested in US dollars."

"But not these girls, they don't want money." Monaque was still a little reluctant to leave. Once he was immersed in Dongfang's gentleness, it would be difficult to get out.

Su Ming looked at him with a half-smile and patted his shoulder: "Yes, no money is required. That's the problem. It's because you don't know what they want. That's the scariest thing."

Monaco paused in rubbing his beard, thinking deeply.

"Have you checked them?"

The heat of the hot springs rises, and the sound of deer chirping can be heard in the distant mountains and forests.

Deathstroke shrugged and touched the emerald green bamboo with his fingers: "So be it."

"Tell me the truth." The Magic Prince waved his finger, and his cane and clothes flew from a distance. The women suddenly showed expressions of admiration.

Yes, a very hidden kind of fanaticism. Su Ming had seen this kind of desire in the eyes of many madmen that could burn through people's hearts.

"To guess what they want, first let's see what you have." Su Ming hooked his shoulders, took off the cloak behind him and turned it into a flying carpet, and took Monaco for a ride: "What do you think you have? ? Let me help you get rid of the rabbits first, they are not here for your rabbits."

Monaco rolled his eyes and put on his clothes. While tying his tie, he said angrily: "Can't it be because you like my charm?"

Su Ming's black and yellow mask turned to him, the red eyepiece looked up and down, stopped on his beer belly, and then shook his head.

"If you said this to me fifty years ago I would still have to think about it, now? Are you sure you still have that kind of thing?"

"Fuck you, I'm still a pretty boy now." Monaco patted Su Ming, and took out a small comb to tidy up his beard with some narcissism: "If you find something, just say it. It's not that I can't accept it. Realistic people.”

"Okay, actually I've been here for a while, and I was just watching in the dark while you were having a water fight..." Su Ming patted his cloak and let it fly back to New York, but was rubbed mid-sentence. Nak interrupted.

The Magic Prince's eyes became sharp, as if he had recognized Deathstroke again: "Wait a minute, you know they weren't wearing anything at the time..."

"Don't worry about those details!" Su Ming waved his hand, as if to erase the details: "I observed their hands and upper limbs, and there was no trace of any work, which means they are not short of money and can even use it for material life. To describe them, they are wealthy. Then there is their skin, which has no traces of sun exposure. In Japan, this means they are X slaves or eldest ladies."

Monaco pouted: "Can't they be office clerks?"

"It's 1980, and Japanese women don't work." Su Ming shook his head. When it came to women, Monaco's brain was a little exhausted. It can be said that he was a good man with deep feelings, but good men in this world Soon Live: "Listen to me, the Magic Floating Cloak has detected traces of energy flow on their bodies. It's not magic, but Yin Yang magic."

Monaco was silent, and nodded after a moment: "The people from the Yin Yang Family want to borrow seeds. I should have guessed that."

"Little Japan likes to play this trick, don't worry, just chew and spit out the meat that comes to your door." Su Ming rubbed Monaco's hair indifferently: "Now the cloak has locked a tracking mark, we Let’s go and take a look.”

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