The Death Knell

Chapter 1162? Thousands of miles in an instant

Monaco's teleportation spell is not like the fire ring of Karma Taj's. Most of his magic is relatively low-key. The teleportation aperture is very dim and looks like a door rather than a hole.

Everyone just took a few steps, and the scenery around them changed instantly, from night to day, from city to... grassland?

Under the feet of the four people is a layer of dense green plants, clinging to large and small rocks, like green carpets rising one after another, with round bags bulging out. If you bend down and touch them, they feel like slippery balls of fur.

Not far away is a large lake. The clear lake water reflects the sun like a mirror. In the distance, you can see several reindeer-like animals drinking water by the lake. Perhaps they sensed someone coming, and they raised their heads to look. To everyone, he stood motionless by the water, with a curious look in his eyes.

The sky is as blue as blue, and the earth seems vast as never before. If it weren't for the sharp peaks and snow that occasionally peek out of the ground in the distance, it would be like the place where heaven and earth meet.

"Where are we?"

Janet's eyes were wide open, and she asked the two of them in a tone of surprise while looking left and right. There was a small cone-shaped tip on the top of her helmet, and her whole body was really spinning in place like a top.

"The tundra on the shores of Lake Ladoga, welcome to the unbreakable alliance." Su Ming let out a short laugh and introduced her current location.

Pim squatted down and checked the moss on the ground with some surprise, then stood up and looked around blankly: "It's really a tundra. How is this possible? From New York to Leningrad in a few seconds?"

Deathstroke heard his words this time, and patted him on the shoulder very friendly: "Magic is a power that makes the impossible possible. Just like technology, you now know that ordinary people are hearing that you discovered Pim. What do you think after the particles?"

"This is too...magic." Pim took off his helmet and rubbed his face. As a scientist, it was obviously difficult for him to accept the existence of magic.

As he walked around, testing the ground with his feet, he kept scratching his head, as if trying to find out the principle of teleportation.

Su Ming shrugged and looked around as if he was looking for something: "Leningrad is still hundreds of kilometers away from here. To the northwest, on the other side of the lake is the Soviet-Finnish border. Lake Ladoga is the fifteenth largest in the world. The lake is the largest lake in Europe. During the Leningrad Counterattack that year, it was because the ice on the lake was solid enough in winter to ensure the supply line of the Soviet army."

Monaco stood upright on the tundra, leaning on his cane. He looked at the sun that seemed to be slightly deviated from the sky, took out his pipe from his pocket and held it in his mouth.

"You asked me to teleport here not to talk about World War II, right?"

"Of course not." Su Ming let the cloak take him up a distance to get a better view: "Lake Ladoga is the source of the Neva River. The Neva River basin is only 74 kilometers long, and then flows into the Gulf of Finland. Thor, the God of Thunder, was born in AD Around 800, he led the Vikings to fight the Slavs, and the battlefield was along the Neva River."

"Well, the unpopular history of the ancient war between gods is not as good as World War II." The magic prince rolled his eyes, 800 AD? Not even the Ancient One was born yet.

How did Deathstroke know something so far back? Just rely on the time stone?

Before Ancient One established Kama Taj to protect the earth, the earth's environment was indeed in chaos. Not only were the dimensional demons always coming to plunder human souls, but even the battles fought by the gods here to develop their faith were endless. .

"Anyway, wars were like that at that time. The gods from both sides fought against each other, and the mortals fought against each other, and soldiers fought against generals." Su Ming looked at the Neva River, which was like a silver ribbon, rushing into the distance. : "It's just that when Thor wanted to challenge others, he found that all his opponents were dead."

"Dead?" Monaco raised an eyebrow and took a deep puff of his pipe.

"Yes, the Slavic God of Thunder Perun, the Dark God Cerna, and the Hunting God Han Kong all died at the hands of unknown enemies." Su Ming saw the destination and slowly fell down.

Janet came over cautiously, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on her face: "Um... I heard what you said, are all the fairy tales true?"

Su Ming asked Monaco to open another portal in that direction, and then said to the two insect fans: "The story I just told is different from the myths you know. If you two really want to be superheroes, you must Let go of all common sense in the past. The so-called gods are nothing more than creatures whose life forms and energy levels are different from humans. As we all know, all living things will die, and killing gods is actually not difficult. "

After listening to it, the two of them felt that this did not sound like what a human said.

However, Pim was talented and smart. After his face became embarrassed, he immediately began to think about the hidden meaning in Deathstroke's words. Although being a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. allowed him to know many secrets, such as the existence of aliens and vampires, God Its existence is probably not as insignificant as Deathstroke's words suggest.

And he always felt that Deathstroke leaked the news to him on purpose. Was he trying to pass it on to SHIELD through his mouth? Or is it hinting at something else?

For a moment, this smart man had a lot of thoughts and numbly followed the steps of the three of them.

The four of them walked into the portal again and came to a small hill on the bank of the Neva River. This was a stone mountain, not covered with moss but with rugged rocks. There were also a few snow patches on the shady side that was sheltered from the sun.

There is a medium-sized cave at the foot of the mountain. The entrance has been blocked by collapsed gravel. A few black traces exist on the sections of the gravel.

"This is it."

Su Ming lowered his head and took a look. It was obvious that there had been no traces of people or wild beasts coming in or out of this cave for a long time, but there was something inside, and the strangled man was already poking his head out from the host's shoulder.

Monaco cautiously released the defensive magic first: "What's inside?"

"I can't tell, maybe it's just a puddle of living mud." When Su Ming answered, he glanced at Hank and Hank half-heartedly.

"Teleport in?" Monaco waited for his instructions.

Su Ming shook his head and took out the explosives from his pocket: "It would be bad if it reaches the enemy's mouth. I will blow up the hole."

Pim's eyes were fixed on the small brown bag, and a steady stream of explosives was taken out of it and piled up outside the entrance of the cave. It looked very magical no matter how you looked at it.

He suddenly understood that space could be folded and scaled. Perhaps he could do this with his Pym particles. It was just a matter of not affecting the particles on himself, but finding ways to affect the surrounding environment.

It's just that he still has to think about how to do it, but the key to science is ideas and inspiration. Once he has an idea, he just needs to keep experimenting and making mistakes.

Su Ming placed the explosives and timer, and everyone moved away from the entrance of the cave. With a loud noise and smoke filling the air, the cave that had been sealed in dust for an unknown period of time was once again connected to the outside world.

There was a whistling sound from the entrance of the cave. This was the outside air compensating for the oxygen burned by the explosion. At the same time, as the air flow surged, a stench spewed out from the entrance of the cave, almost knocking out Monaco. Somersault.

"No, I won't go in. You still want to trick me into blowing up shit. Tell me the truth, is this an ancient Slavic toilet?"

Monaque tapped his nose with his cane and skillfully released the magic of blocking the smell. At the same time, he took out a rabbit from his pocket and strangled it, whimpering.

Pim and Janet both looked at him as if he was mentally ill. How could such an old man cry so easily? What about a rabbit?

They couldn't understand Monaco's pain of losing her son, but as a soft-hearted girl, Janet probably guessed some of the reasons. She picked up the rabbit's body and some gravel from the ground, built a grave, and looked like He made a cross on the stone with eyebrow pencil in a decent manner, which was regarded as burying the rabbit.

As for why she had eyebrow pencil and lipstick in her uniform pocket, no one knows.

Su Ming was speechless at Monaco's reaction. If it were really an ancient toilet, how could it smell so bad hundreds of years ago? The excrement has long since turned into ashes.

"Originally, I am going in alone. You just block the door outside to prevent the enemy from escaping. What about your little apprentice? Did she often collect the corpses of your children in the past?"

"The last time you saw her was ten years ago. My teaching methods are different from your Kama Taj. Do you understand elite education? She has been teaching for a long time and is now traveling in Washington."

Mentioning his student, the magic prince became trembling for some reason and didn't bother to wipe his nose. Maybe it was because she was developing well?

Su Ming shook his head in disgust and turned to look at Ant-Man and the Wasp, as if to explain to Monaco: "Don't mind, the Magic Prince is not mentally ill, it's just that each of these rabbits is full of his bones and blood, you can Treat the rabbits as his children.”

Janet glanced at the small grave: "But since he likes rabbits so much, why do he want to kill them?"

"If you want fire, you must have fuel. If you want a lightbulb to shine, you must have electricity. The same is true for magic. If you want to enjoy the convenience brought by magic, you must pay something. This is called the price." Su Ming backed away. A little, so that ventilation in the cave can proceed faster.

Pim touched his chin and looked away from the dark hole: "In this way, science is better."

Su Ming took out the God Killer from his pocket, and the golden scimitar quickly transformed into a sword and shield mode: "That's just because you didn't realize the cost. The internal combustion engine drives the car, and the car exhaust pollutes the atmosphere. The river water drives the turbine to generate electricity, but Dams have changed the ecological environment downstream. It is the earth that bears the price for science, and if technology is abused, once the earth's endurance and self-healing limits are exceeded, everyone will be finished when the time comes."

Pim thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded. No one really paid attention to environmental issues now, but the threat did exist objectively: "You are right, our world does have costs everywhere."

"Okay, I'll just say it casually." Su Ming waved his hand, and the light on the God Killer became brighter: "The smell has almost dissipated. I'll go in, and you guys guard the entrance of the cave."

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