The Death Knell

Chapter 1163? Referring to a deer as a horse

The combat boots made a crunching sound when they came into contact with the ground, and a figure walked from the hole holding a golden weapon.

The cave was pitch black, a bit gloomier than the darkest night, as if all the light was swallowed up in an instant, and it didn't even shine into the place where the feet first landed.

The air was filled with the stench of decay and sweetness. Monaco didn't understand, because every time he went into the sewer, he used magic to block the sense of smell, so what he smelled this time was not the smell of excrement, but blood mixed with internal organs. smell.

The cave is not deep, probably less than a hundred meters, and the ground inside is rugged, and the surrounding rock walls are always bulging irregularly. The dark pillars supported the dome like tree trunks, and they were just blurry shadows at this time.

Naturally, these scenes were all blood red in Deathstroke's eyepiece.

"Ahem! Geer? Honey, are you at home?!"

Su Ming walked quickly towards the depths of the cave while speaking tentatively. He had fought with Thor hundreds of years ago and could understand Old Norse and Old Slavonic.

It's just that the word 'kin' is not easy to translate.

Su Ming was not in this world hundreds of years ago, and the butterfly effect did not exist, so the one who fought Thor at that time should undoubtedly be the God-Slayer Gal, but now the enemy Thor came down to hunt down may not be who he is.

But it doesn't matter, I won't let go if I kill someone wrongly.

It is said that killing all the Asgardian gods is indeed another way to avoid Ragnarok, but it is not good for this world.

Ragnarok restarts the existence of the gods of Asgard again and again, and maintains the operation of certain concepts in the universe through the energy released after their death. However, if the gods who serve as fuel are killed, the world may become cold.

Although Su Ming had reached an agreement with the ancient god group "The Man in the Shadow" in the early years, and worked with Wade to force them to postpone Ragnarok this time, the root of the problem has not been solved.

Marvel's multi-dimensional system has been restarted seven times. The current "Seventh Firmament" is "Eternity" and "Infinity".

And Ragnarok has come seven times. What is the connection between them?

If you look further ahead, Luther from DC next door is also collecting seven dark powers of creation. There are seven members of the Endless Family, and there are seven colors of the emotional spectrum...

Is it a coincidence or what? There are seven meanings in the dark? Su Ming had no idea for the moment.

And just as he was thinking and moving forward, a big net was suddenly cast down in the darkness on the top of the cave. To be precise, it looked like a big net, but in fact it was a monster with a big mouth.

It is entirely composed of black sticky threads, and its huge mouth is full of sharp teeth. It moves quickly and silently, and will wrap up Deathstroke's head and bite it off almost instantly.

"Strangle it."

How could Su Ming, who was well prepared, not notice the existence of this monster? When the cave was still closed by rocks, strangulation meant smelling the same kind of scent. I believe the monster in the cave also sensed strangulation.

There is no such feeling between symbionts as when fellow symbionts meet fellow symbionts. The result of their encounter is often that one devours the other, and the winner absorbs the loser's useful genes to complete evolution.

Outside the cave, the bean sprout-like little head was drooling, and the one in the cave must be the same.

It's a pity that the symbiote in the cave obviously has no intelligence. It may be attached to some animal or insect host. Its hunting movements look a bit like a spider, because Su Ming can see four pairs of black shiny eyes on its head. compound eyes.

If the pair of white crescent eyes of Strangler sometimes looks cute, the monster with four pairs of eyes only looks ferocious.

But it obviously chose the wrong target. As a descendant of the 'dragon', Strangler had followed Su Ming to so many places, and the evolutionary route he chose was to strengthen his body and prevent division and reproduction.

Symbiotes like the ones in the cave are like snacks for Strangler.

At the moment when the symbiote was about to fall, Strangler rushed out from behind Su Ming, and with a larger size and more terrifying momentum, he ate the fallen monster in one bite.

Maybe the opponent's body surface simulated a carapace, and when he ate it, he made a sound like eating a crab, and the clicking sound of chewing floated back and forth in the cave.

The phenylethylamine contained in the biological brain is a food that all symbionts like. This substance can improve the synchronization rate between the symbiont and the host. The content is highest in the human brain, which is why symbionts like to eat brains.

Of course, other animal brains will work, such as fish, and if you don’t have them, chocolate or sweet ketchup will also work.

A symbiote without a host cannot move alone under the earth's gravity environment, but with a host it will have the desire to supplement phenylethylamine. The symbiont's appetite is reflected in humans as the desire to kill, always eager to rip off other people's heads. Put it in your mouth.

In fact, if all foods are counted, phenylethylamine is still the highest in the bodies of symbionts.

Not only are they nutritious, but similar genes may also provide new evolutionary options. This is the reason for drooling before strangulation.

At this time, it no longer thought about the green slime monster, but happily chewed the same kind in its mouth, read its memory, took away its phenylethylamine, and analyzed its genes.

After a moment, it retracted into Su Ming's armor, and a happy thought came to him.

Unsurprisingly, there are no genes that can be used at all. The other party doesn't know how many times they are the offspring of splitting. When Gal knocked Thor out of the clouds and smashed the cave, this symbiote has been used. Trapped here, its level of evolution is appallingly low.

However, Strangler got a phenylethylamine supplement and was in a good mood. Little Bean Sprout danced a seaweed dance on Su Ming's shoulder.

Su Ming was analyzing intelligence at this time.

This symbiote was split from the symbiote of the God-Slayer Geer. It has the special ability to share the five senses between the offspring and the parent. In other words, when Su Ming killed the offspring, he did not know where he was. Di Geer should also know that someone is looking for trouble for him.

Geer's symbiote is the black sword in his hand. The evolutionary route he chooses is the violent route of infinitely dividing offspring. The strength of a single body is far worse than that of Strangler, but it is 'strong in numbers'.

There is also the fact that Gal's willpower is not strong enough. He has been assimilated to the consciousness of the symbiote to a great extent. To put it simply, he is a little crazy.

Then it was gone. This dead symbiote only knew so much. After being trapped here, it parasitized a small spider. It has been living in this dark place, and its intelligence has degraded.

And its existence also ensures that there are no other living creatures in this cave. Even before Su Ming exploded the mountain, it had been in a special dormant state.

Su Ming thought for a while, then bent down to pick up some semi-solid mucus spitted out by strangulation. These were useless parts of the enemy and had little nutrition. Then he quickly walked out of the cave and showed it to Pim and the others.

"Look, this is the same kind of monster that killed Dr. Dean."

Pim and Janet came over. Janet didn't look carefully. She felt sad when she heard this. What difference does it make if it's all mucus? Deathstroke said that it should be correct.

But Pym took out a magnifying glass to study it carefully, put the remains under his nose, smelled it, and raised objections.

"It should smell like formic acid, and the monster should be green, not black."

Su Ming very calmly threw the wreckage into his arms, and said in a tone of resentment: "Hey, young man, your thinking is too rigid. It smelled so bad just now. It's normal that you can't smell the formic acid. Besides, you can listen to Never heard of a word called 'red as purple, green as black'?"

Pim was stunned for a moment, there seemed to be nothing wrong with his words...

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