The Death Knell

Chapter 1164? Unknown planet

Pim looked at the dark cave entrance and gave up the idea of ​​going in to explore. He looked at the big river not far away, and there was a faint roar from the roaring river.

"But Dr. Dean was killed in New York. How could the murderer be here? Unless it can also do magic."

"No, my friend, things are not as simple as you think." Su Ming shook his head and pointed at the still flowing black mud: "What we are looking for is a group of 'killers'. You are familiar with ants, so I will Let’s use an analogy: The person who killed Dr. Dean was a soldier ant, which belonged to a huge ant colony. Now we have found a worker ant, and from it we have found clues to the ant nest.”

Pim took a deep breath, as if he was planning to suck out the stench from the cave, and he suddenly realized: "So if we want revenge, we actually want to find the queen of this colony, so that we can completely solve the problem."

Su Ming pointed at him, as if Uncle Sam needed him to join the army: "As you said, the basic units under the swarm structure do not have their own thoughts. They are just tools for the queen, so I will take you there now." Digging out ant holes, do you have any other questions?"

Janet and Pim looked at each other and shook their heads. Their hearts were filled with the desire for revenge, and they didn't even realize that Su Ming had secretly changed the concept.

The mucus left behind after the symbiote dies does indeed look a bit like a slug, but just by looking at it with the naked eye in the wild, if it's in a laboratory and Pym is given a microscope, he can easily distinguish the successive enemies. difference between.

But Deathstroke will not give him a chance, he will ensure that Pym has no access to any experimental equipment.

"This is your first time working with an experienced superhero like me, so it's normal to have questions, but I need you to listen to my commands during the battle, okay?"

Su Ming spoke to the man and woman earnestly, fully demonstrating the love between the old and the new between the superheroes.

But Monaco turned his back to several people and rolled his eyes wildly. Others didn't know. Didn't he still know who Deathstroke was?

He was knocked unconscious by Deathstroke, and even though Deathstroke had a way to remove the sleeping mushroom, he still chose the simplest method and controlled a madman named Magneto to kill hundreds of thousands of National Guard soldiers. The expression on his face Don't change anything.

Deathstroke also supported Merlin's experiments on living people. Although Mr. Sinister was released, he would tremble when he heard Deathstroke's name. Not to mention the wind demon is still locked up in the London Temple.

And a few years ago, he heard that Deathstroke dug up all the imperial tombs of the Shi'ar Empire a few years ago, and then set off a wave of undead in the universe. The trillions of people in the Galactic Federation are still worried every day. I am afraid that zombies or skeletons of loved ones will emerge from under the bed while I sleep.

Would any superhero do such a thing? Maybe like Slade's stinking cousin said, they are all anti-heroes, a group of people who do whatever they want.

Monaco just kept silent about it, but in fact he did not forget those things. These were all conflicts with his values.

In fact, this was because Monaco didn't know about other things, such as the transactions between Deathstroke and Zemo, Lady Lotus, Yashida, and Romulus. And what he did in the Split Realm in order to recharge the Cosmic Cube. As well as the contract between Deathstroke and the dark dimension, what happened to Doom at the end of time, what he whispered to future Loki, and what he did to Franklin...

If he knew this, he would definitely express a dark emotion.

But Monaco had no position to accuse Deathstroke, because he himself had been a cannibal witch doctor for so many years, and he also did many bad things when he robbed his tribe in India.

He has changed his mind and turned a new leaf, but that doesn't mean he can forget everything in the past.

As he thought about it, Monaco became a little depressed. He knew that Deathstroke was lying again, but he couldn't stop it. He could only hope that the outcome of Ant-Man and the Wasp wouldn't be too disastrous.

Su Ming didn't know what kind of psychological activities Monaco behind him was carrying out. At this time, he was holding Pim and Janet's shoulders one by one, giving instructions in front of them.

"Pim, do you have sufficient reserves of Pym particles? I'm afraid you will need to use them in this battle."

Pim didn't know why he shuddered. When Deathstroke's arm was put on the back of his neck, the hair all over his body stood up, as if some monster was licking his neck with its tongue.

However, he still calmed down and cleared his throat with a cough: "There are still a lot of reserves that I have hidden in SHIELD's laboratory, but how do you plan to use them?"

"We may face giant enemies. With Pym particles, shrinking the enemy will give us an advantage." Su Ming hugged the two of them and flew to the river, saying as if they were having a heart-to-heart.

Pym nodded and turned over his Ant-Man helmet in his hand: "How big is the enemy? You know that Pym particles can only reduce the size of the enemy, but they cannot change the enemy's endurance and strength, right?"

"I can't say the size, maybe about the same as the moon." Su Ming secretly asked Strangler to stop blowing on the back of other people's necks, and pinched Pim's shoulders to reassure him: "The creature may be what you said, but if the enemy has weapons What? If you turn a giant sword into a needle, will it still have the same lethality? I don’t think so..."

"It makes sense, and the particle concentration is adjustable. If the enemy really has a weapon, I can shrink it, steal it, and then enlarge it for our use." Pim got it right. Ant-Man is indeed good at stealth operations and stealing things. Very skilled too.

"Very good, now let's secretly go back to the Tri-Wing Headquarters, take out those particles, and then I'll take you to play in the universe."


In the universe at this time, there is an unknown planet.

The star in this planetary system is extremely hot, burning everything on the ground like a huge fireball. The barren yellow wasteland raises dust, but this dust will not bring any harm to the inhabitants of the planet. cool.

On the contrary, those tiny gravels are like hot red iron filings, which will only cause pain when hitting the creature's body.

There is a small team of people working here. To be precise, they are being monitored, carrying supplies like slaves.

There were only a dozen of them, but if any of their former believers saw them, they would definitely recognize that these slaves were all former gods.

A shadow wrapped in black smoke descended from the sky, dropped the prisoner he was carrying on the ground, and turned him over with his feet.

"Go to work, wretched god, you will never escape my grasp."

The one who spoke was the God-Slayer Ger. The one he captured was also a god. He did not kill all the gods. He would keep some of the more useful ones and bring them back to his hometown for them to build. An interesting thing.

There is no nose on Geer's face, and his whole face looks like a snake, but there are two long ears on the top of his head like a fold-eared rabbit, hanging down behind his head.

His symbiote formed a black tattered robe, wrapping around his body, making him look extremely eerie even under the scorching sun.

"No! You tore us apart alive and let us witness it with our own eyes. No one can bear this! Kill me! Kill me quickly!"

The god who fell to the ground looked like a frog with four eyes. He was not seriously injured, but he seemed to have lost the will to survive and was silently staring at the bright ball of light in the sky.

Geer grabbed him from the ground, his eyes glowed with terror, and his symbiote spread its translucent wings like smoke.

"You must endure it and be used by me...otherwise I will wipe all your believers, your relatives, and your planet from the universe. They are still alive only because you are still alive." It worked, now you have to prove that I was right."

The four-eyed frog-like god supported the ground with his four arms and four legs. Tears flowed from his eyes, but the liquid quickly turned into a wisp of smoke when it touched the ground.

"Why? Why do you torture us like this? We have never met each other in the past, and we should not face such an ending."

"Because you gods are all equally despicable!" Geer roared. The symbiote grabbed the slave from the ground, whipped it back and forth like a rag and threw it aside: "You lied to me! You actually asked me why? Accept what you are seeing, it is called retribution..."

The frog squirmed painfully on the hot ground, and the heart-wrenching pain filled every inch of his body. He said intermittently: "But... we are not your gods."

Geer squatted down, and the symbiote helped him lift the frog's chin. The God Killer looked very calm at this time: "Yes, you are not, because I have killed all the gods of that pantheon. This is me The home planet is a scorching hell. My former clansmen must keep moving to avoid the destruction of the black storm. Even so, we must put the extremely limited food and water on the altar to worship the hypocritical gods, praying that they can Bless the tribe to reach the next cave safely, but all you get in exchange is nothingness!"

The frog avoided Geer's gaze, because that's how faith is, and the gods used to be aloof.

When believers offer sacrifices and pray to the gods, the gods can hear them, but whether they respond to the prayers is another matter entirely.

Maybe a hundred thousand or millions of prayers, and the god will only choose an interesting response when he is in a good mood. That is considered a hard-working god.

Some believers want a flower, some believers want God to save the lives of their whole family, and some believers want God to kill their enemies.

All kinds of wishes look the same to gods, and mortals are worse than ants to them, or they are just dust of some use. God needs the nourishment provided by dust, but has no intention of repaying such a dirty thing as dust...

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