The Death Knell

Chapter 1165? The past of the God-Slayer

Geer didn't care about the mood of the frog god, but there was one thing that only this frog could do for him, so he was happy to tell his story between killing the god and destroy the other party's belief.

So he glanced at the slaves carrying boulders not far away and continued his topic.

"When I was little, my mother took me to the altar to pray and offer our last food, a cave fruit. She told me that I had to do this and God would bless us. The result? We were attacked by sand wolves. My mother sent herself into the wolf's mouth, buying me time to escape while the beasts bit her and sucked her blood."

"I returned to the tribe, grew up in hunger and pain, and married a fellow tribesman, and then what? After my wife and I went to a mountaintop altar to offer gifts to the gods, a sudden landslide caused her to fall off the cliff and die. She clearly knew that a second before Still chanting the names of the gods, I hope we can live happily and safely.”

"I still wanted to live at that time, living like my compatriots. Even if the life was harder, at least I still had a son and I still had hope. But during the next sacrifice to the gods, the patriarch gave all the food again Sacrificed to the gods, my son starved to death..."

"I've had enough. I told them that God will not bless us. We should rely on ourselves to find a new way of life and change the world with our own power. But they said that I was a heretic, a filthy cursed person, They stoned me out and left me to die in the wilderness.”

"In such a harsh environment, no individual can survive without the group. I thought I was going to die. I cursed all the gods and made up my mind that if I could survive, I would find a way to kill all my enemies."

"And obviously, I survived."

Geer let go of his hand, and the symbiote climbed up his arm, flowing like a liquid and solidifying to form a black giant sword. He gently rubbed the blade of the sword with his palm.

He did not say why he survived.

In fact, when he was about to die, he had a strange encounter. Two fighting gods fell from the sky. One was covered in gold armor and the other was covered in black armor. The weapons in their hands seriously injured each other.

The black-armored god was already dead at the time, but the golden-armored god was still breathing. He asked for help from Geer who was standing next to the crash hole.

And at that moment, the Black-armored God's weapon moved, and it chose Geer.

The weapon that was originally a spear softened, and then rushed towards Geer like black smoke, turning into the weapon in his hand and the armor on his body, transforming the cells in his body, making him stronger than ever before.

Is it possible for Geer to save the god in golden armor? Of course it was impossible. The tragic scenes of the past echoed in his mind, and the bloodthirsty desire in his heart swept over him like a sandstorm. He waved the weapon in his hand towards the gods for the first time.

The process of killing the god was very easy, just hold the weapon and stab it. Only then did he realize that the god was really weak.

But before he could laugh, he lost his consciousness.

When he came to his senses, no matter whether it was a god in black armor or gold armor, only the empty armor was left, with no trace of flesh and blood.

He felt that there was new power in his body, and he had mastered many skills that only gods could master. This weird weapon can not only destroy enemies, but also strengthen himself. He will not refuse such a good thing.

While he is constantly hunting various gods throughout the universe, he is constantly communicating with his weapon. It is alive, has extremely high intelligence, and can do many things.

For example, in the early years, it said that if it eats a dozen more gods, it will be able to split into offspring and bring Ger's son back to the world. For example, if you kill a few hundred more gods, their descendants can bring back Ger's wife.

Black Sword said so, and it was later proven that it was not lying.

This strange creature called the symbiote not only brought back Gurr's son and wife from a cave after Gurr completed his goal, but also provided Gurr with an endless army of monsters to help him destroy all gods.

It promised that if Geer killed all the gods in the universe, it would help Geer bring his mother back.

Geer didn't doubt him, or he didn't want to doubt it at all, because this was his last hope.

While Geer continues to become stronger, the symbiote 'Black Sword' also becomes stronger and stronger. It will not eat the heads of some gods who are too weak, as if they are picky eaters.

It forced Gal to choose a stronger god to kill. Only the head and life of the strong were useful, so Gal chose Asgard as his target, because even from a cosmic perspective, the gods of Asgard It is also of better quality among the second generation gods.

So he set a trap. He and Thor fought once on Earth a thousand years ago, but the black sword just slapped Thor, smashing a cave on the ground and Thor fainted at the same time.

Geer was shocked. In all his years in the universe, he had never seen such a weak god.

Originally, he planned to kill Thor casually, but the Black Sword told him that Thor had great potential, so he should let the God of Thunder go first, and then come back to get the furry head after hundreds of years, just like raising livestock.

Gal felt that the symbiote was right and spared Thor a life. The God Slayer left him in a cave by the Vane River, and the Black Sword split a descendant to keep watch.

Thor was rescued back home by the Viking warriors who were looking for him. Before leaving, he vented his anger on the cave and smashed the entrance of the cave with a meow hammer, leaving thunder-black scorch marks on the gravel.

After that, Geer and Black Sword continued the plain and boring journey of killing gods, finding gods, killing or eating them, and repeating the process.

Until recently, Geer felt that this was a bit too slow, so with the reminder of Black Sword, he started another plan, a plan similar to raising pigs, but capable of killing all the gods in the entire universe.

Geer feels very happy now. His son and wife have returned to him, his great career is proceeding in an orderly manner, and his life is ordinary and fulfilling.

He felt that all he had to do was keep killing, and the universe was that simple.


The Frog God was silent, but in his heart he cursed the gods that Geer believed in a thousand times. What kind of madman do you think those gods created? Why don’t they respond to the call of believers? Even if you want to torture believers, there is no reason to torture just one person.

In fact, Geer did not tell the frog that he found those gods immediately after obtaining the symbiote. The reason why these gods did not respond to prayers was also very simple, because they eat people and souls.

Cave fruit and clear water? They don't like it!

Speaking of cave fruit, it is something that neither Geer nor his mother is willing to eat, and the gods still look down upon it. It is obviously all the believers have...

The pain and sorrow suddenly made Geer's eyes red at that time. When he came back to his senses a few minutes later, those stupid gods had disappeared, and there were only blood stains and broken limbs in front of him.

Geer kicked the frog with a sneer on his face: "What else do you have to say now? You must repay this blood debt and go to work now, otherwise I will operate on your divine system. You also have a wife and a son. Right? I will squeeze their brains out..."

"No! Please don't, I will work for you and make you a super bomb that can destroy all gods!" The frog hugged one of Geer's legs, as if he was afraid that he would go hunting at this time.

Geer nodded, kicked the frog away with his ankle, turned around and walked towards the luxurious palace in the shade.

"You only have five minutes, use your power, don't let me down, weak God of Bombs."

The frog rolled far away like a ball and crashed into the crowd of people carrying supplies. The slave gods tried to help him up, but he just cried and huddled up.

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