The Death Knell

Chapter 1166? The Almighty City

"Where shall we go next?"

Pim wiped the sweat from his face. He returned to Tri-Curve Wing and secretly took out the particle lotion he had hidden. After coming out, he met the three of them in a remote alley.

It was obviously his own thing, but he felt extremely guilty during the process of picking it up. He looked around like a thief, and he was almost hit by a car when he was crossing the road.

Having said that, it was too obvious that he was sneaky in the middle of the night, and no one had stopped him yet. SHIELD's internal security was really a problem.

Su Ming was hiding in the darkness. He was the most inconspicuous person in the alley, as if he was part of the night itself.

After hearing Pym's question, the dark night spoke, and reached out to take the large bag of Pym particles.

“We go to ‘Tian Wai Tian’, it’s a great place.”

Pim tilted his head and watched Deathstroke take away his hard work and put it into a magical little bag. He wanted to say something, but seeing how natural the other party was, he put down his worries.

Deathstroke should look down on this kind of sub-atomic, right? Taking this terrifying weapon was like taking an apple and putting it into the bag, without any fluctuation in tone. It turns out that people with strength are more confident.

So Pim scratched his head: "That sounds like the name of a nightclub."

When Pim went to get things, Monaco was not idle. He had been setting up a one-time long-distance teleportation circle in the dark alley, and now he answered for Deathstroke.

"The place we are going to is called the Almighty City. It is located in a pocket space at the center of the universe in the main dimension. That space is called Tianwaitian. It is a place that mortals cannot see even for eternity. The kingdom of the gods... to be honest. Yes, wouldn’t it be good for us to teleport it directly?”

The second half of the sentence was already addressed to Su Ming. Monaco was still a little worried. After all, it was the Kingdom of God.

The City of Almighty was built 20 billion years ago. After the First War of the Gods, it rose from the ruins of the Rock of Creation, from the first starlight that lit up, and suspended in the void.

It was built by the Dawn Gods, the so-called first ancient gods. Most of the myths and stories known to mankind now are second-generation gods, such as Odin, Zeus, and the Jade Emperor. They are all second-generation gods.

This has little to do with strength, it's purely a matter of the time of birth, but generally speaking, as long as they don't indulge too much, the older the gods, the stronger they will be.

The most famous among the first batch of ancient gods are naturally Wei Shandi, Gaia, Sithorn, and Seth, but they are not among the gods of the dawn.

The story of the ancient gods and demons is as mentioned before. The snake god Set was possessed by the devil and constantly preyed on his own kind to strengthen himself. In order to prevent this tragedy, Gaia created the god-eater Atum to devour the evil gods or Driven away from the earth, bala bala...

In fact, before this, Seth was not always so successful in hunting his kind. Some ancient gods escaped from his vicious hands and chose to leave the earth to find another way out in the vast universe.

This is the origin of the Dawn Gods, who were the survivors of the First War of the Gods.

They don't have the perseverance of Emperor Weishan and Gaia, nor the madness of Seth, nor even the forbearance of Black Sky.

Therefore, the former took themselves a step further and became dimensional demon gods, while the latter built a city in a hard-to-find place in the main dimension as their own refuge.

Naturally, escaping is not a good option.

To this day, humans have no records about them at all. Over tens of billions of years, the Dawn Gods have lost their names and stories, and have been completely forgotten by the world.

They can be said to be a group of gods who have given up on the road to transcendence. They have lost the confidence to continue to be strong and just want to survive in the shelter they built.

Maybe they were strong enough to escape from Seth's hands, but today, under the cosmic will of advancing or perish, most of them have fallen, and the few who survived have also fallen sharply in strength, and two The strength of the acting gods is similar.

But they themselves are not good, but the space kingdom that can be built is good.

The City of Almighty is a place of peace, a place of witness to divine friendship, a place of tolerance that welcomes immortals from all over the universe.

Eternal treaties are signed here, and this oath ensures that every god in the city will be safe. Here the gods can get married, vacation, and live. At least here, the gods can trust each other.

This city continues to absorb new gods, and any god born and living in the main dimension can join. When the universe is full of war, this place is still a utopia that emphasizes 'love and peace'.

It is the nexus of the gods, the temple of the gods and the place of judgment, the temple of knowledge where all ‘stories’ are stored, and the place of creation where life can be shaped.

"It's okay. Although the Almighty City is called Almighty, and it seems like tens of millions of gods live there, it is still a mess..." Su Ming waved his hand carelessly. Not all gods have fighting power, let alone The Almighty City implements a council system, and the Council of Gods is notoriously slow to respond.

Besides, there is not only the Almighty Capital in the outer world, but also the home of the Celestial God System, a country called ‘Heavenly Court’.

Although Karma Taj has not had much dealings with the gods, he is still an ally of the Divine Spear Bureau. If it is not possible, there is no problem in passing through.

Monaco said no more. Deathstroke seemed to be confident at all times. He began to recite spells to charge the magic circle.

There are very few mages on earth who can initiate this kind of teleportation, but the Prince of Magic is definitely one. Of course, it would have been better if he hadn't seen the pile of dead rabbits next to him and his face with snot and tears.

Seeing the portal open, Pim and Janet took steps to get in, but Su Ming raised his hand to stop them.

"Don't move, wait until the magic prince recovers. Our destination this time is not our own territory. If there is an accident, we may need to take action. We need the support of the magician."

Janet was a little nervous when she heard about taking action. She hadn't done anything with anyone yet. According to Monaco's words before, the destination this time was a kingdom of God. If she really wanted to take action, the starting point seemed too high, right?

The question Pim was thinking about was obviously quite special. While patting Monaco on the back, he turned the ant-head-shaped helmet towards Deathstroke: "What exactly is God?"

"Don't ask me, ask philosophical questions to people who love wrestling." Su Ming squeezed Monaco's shoulder. The pain made the magic prince stop crying: "How are you? Are you feeling calmer?"

For the first time, Monaco, whose Jianjing point was being pressed, knew that there was still a kind of pain that was so painful that he couldn't even cry out. Being tortured like this by Death Knell, he could only smile bitterly, rub his eyes, and give a thumbs up.

I don't know if he means that his condition has recovered, or that Su Ming's operation is terrible.

"Very good, triangle formation. I'll be the first to go in. Janet is on the left, Monaco is in the middle, and Pim is on the right. Protect the magician." Su Ming arranged his position, but did not take out his weapon immediately. After all, It's just a precaution: "Three, two, one, start teleportation."

As the purple light in front of them flashed out, before Pim and Janet could regain their sight, the sound of the death knell suddenly sounded again.

"Ready to fight!"

This teleportation accurately sent the four people to a square in the Almighty Capital. From the surrounding signboards, it can be seen that this should be the place responsible for receiving foreign guests on weekdays.

But at this time, the gorgeous city that should have been filled with birdsong, flowers, and greenery was now in a sea of ​​fire.

There were many figures of all kinds lying on the ground. Their appearances were different, but judging from the aura of the corpses, they must all be gods. Many black monsters were eating these corpses.

These black monsters look a bit like werewolves that have been soaked in asphalt and then fished out before drying. They are dark all over and have a slimy appearance. They stand upright on their hind legs and are about three meters tall.

In addition to a big mouth full of fangs, their faces only have two rows of six eyes, and their eyes are full of beast-like hungry light.

"Tsk." Su Ming immediately took out the incendiary bomb from his bag.

Monaco first blessed himself with defensive magic, then turned around and looked behind everyone, standing back-to-back with Su Ming. Although the ones acting together are no longer the companions of the invasion team, such as Captain America and the others, Deathstroke's back is obviously more reliable.

"Is it a symbiote?"

"Ah, yes, I didn't expect to see the symbiote army in a place like this for the first time." Su Ming saw that the monsters had noticed the arrival of several people. At this time, they all stuck out their tongues like poisonous snakes and gradually gathered around come over.

"What's the plan? You told us to be vigilant before we came in. You always have a plan." Monaco was not panicked. He knew what the symbiote's weaknesses were. He made a few handprints and then raised a big fireball, levitating it. At the top of the head, it doesn't come out.

Su Ming threw the incendiary bomb and quickly looked around the battlefield. The square was not big, but the Almighty City was built with a very high-tech feel. The city of the gods looked like a future world, with highways and street lights. It's a good street fighting battlefield.

But when a small unit faces a large number of enemies, there are not many tactics to choose from.

It's not that he can't defeat these symbiotes, but it's just that there's no need to do so. These monsters that look exactly the same are obviously their offspring. He can only eat a few of them before he gets tired of them, and there's no oil or water left at all.

In addition, there are two trumpets, so there is no need to fight against this kind of enemy.

"Did you see the floating spire over there? Direction of seven o'clock." Su Ming gave Monaco directions.

"I saw it, where is that place." Monaco glanced out of the corner of his eye and quickly stared at the approaching monsters with his eyes.

Su Ming started throwing incendiary bombs and grenades again, creating a fire field and making explosive noises, frightening several symbionts away: "I don't know."

"What? I don't know what you want me to see?" Monaco was also speechless. He is fighting now and is surrounded like a paratrooper. Can he be more serious?

Su Ming once again took out gasoline from his pocket to create an isolation zone: "It's my first time here too. How could I know what building it was? But I saw that building was on fire. Facing the endless symbionts, the fire scene was... It’s the safest place.”

Monaco sniffed and started to draw doors in the air with his cane: "I understand, buy me some time."

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