The Death Knell

Chapter 1167? Looking for clues

The short-distance teleportation went smoothly. Although Monaco's teleportation was not as fast as Xiao Wang's, he had a better mentality. Even if the symbiotes almost got on his face in the end, he still brought the four people safely into the burning spire.

This is a building with a very sci-fi feel. One side of the corridor is full of floor-to-ceiling glass, and the other side is filled with small rooms. It looks like a residential building.

There are electric lights and potted plants in the corridor, as well as benches and fountains for people to rest and play.

"Is this an electrical fire? Do gods also use electricity?" Pim looked around and took out a small capsule from his pocket. After opening it, he used Pym particles to amplify the contents inside and turned it into a gas mask and handed it to him. Janet.

Their uniforms are fireproof, but the Wasp doesn't have a mask, which is another flaw in the uniform's design.

"The history of gods using electricity is much longer than that of humans. The universe is so big and there are all kinds of gods. Have you ever heard of the god of mutton-boiled meat?" Su Ming drew out his giant sword and used it to carve a path through the fire.

"What? There's something magical about shabu-shabu mutton?" Monaque almost choked on his saliva: "How come I haven't heard of it?"

Deathstroke's black and yellow mask turned towards him, then quickly turned back: "Me neither."

The Magic Prince rolled his eyes. He knew he shouldn't talk to him. Deathstroke was obviously talking nonsense to Pim. Why did he join in the fun?

But he also understood Deathstroke's intention. Although Ant-Man had been around for a while, he had never dealt with such a high-level crisis, let alone the Wasp. This was his first time acting.

Deathstroke's rambling talk made it difficult for them to be nervous, and it greatly improved their chances of survival. He was quite kind-hearted.

Unknown to Monaco, he had given himself a good guy card in his heart. Su Ming looked through the fire scene to the end of the corridor not far away. The entire building was cylindrical, and the flames had already burned hundreds of floors, half of which architecture.

Strangler is no longer so afraid of flames, but it cannot deform in the fire field and can only maintain the form of N metal. While Project Flame restricted those symbiotes, Strangler was also weakened.

But this is the safest way. If you don’t want to face off against those millions of symbiotes, just avoid them and focus on your own affairs.

The house built by the gods is very strong, and the fire does not spread quickly. Unlike human tall buildings that will burn down, it is more like a candle at this time, standing quietly and burning.

"There is a door over there. There should be a safe space behind the door. Let's go there."

Su Ming quickened his pace and rushed over head first. The golden sword in his hand transformed into a huge iron sword, and the flames wherever he passed were extinguished with a few blows.

Then he kicked the door open, let all the people in and closed the door, blocking out the thick smoke behind him.

Janet was coughing a little, and there was a lack of oxygen in the fire scene. Fortunately, Pim had prepared an oxygen tank for diving, so there would be no problem in a short time.

Monaco used ice magic to seal the way in, and held the door to rest for a while.

The place where the few people were at this time seemed to be a hanging garden, which was a small garden built in a high-rise building. The colorful plants inside were a little wilted, but at least there was no open fire or thick smoke in the room.

The temperature is still within the range that allows humans to survive.

But just like the square outside, there were many corpses lying around here, and most of them were headless.

Su Ming immediately went to check the indoor console. A panel like an LCD TV was on one side of the wall. It usually controlled the temperature and moisture in the indoor park. At this time, he needed to check the location of the Temple of Knowledge.

The emergency power supply system was still normal, and the signal was very stable. However, there was a problem. The original function of this thing was to control various indicators of the indoor botanical garden. It could not even read news online.

As there is no hacker among Su Ming and his party, it will definitely be impossible to crack this thing.

Janet was looking at the headless child on the ground in a daze, Pim put his arm around her shoulders to comfort her, and Monaco came over: "What did you find?"

"I found that we are all country bumpkins. There is a terminal here but I can't crack it. I can't get the information I want." Su Ming let go of the panel on the wall and walked to the large window on the other side of the room, looking down at it. Chaos below.

Occasionally, some gods can be seen running for their lives or resisting, but the tide-like army of symbiotes will soon rush over and tear the resisters into pieces.

"What are you looking for?" Monaco wiped his beard, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"The Temple of Knowledge, there are stories of all the gods there. If Gru the God-Slayer is a god, his origin will be there. We need to find his lair and kill him."

Su Ming knew that Gru in the comics lived on an unknown planet, but since it was unknown, he had to find the coordinates.

He turned around and looked at the torn corpses in the corner of the room. They were obviously a family of three. The parents were still covering the children with their bodies, but at this time the heads of the three were missing.

The bloodstains had not completely cooled down. It must have been not long before the symbiote army attacked here, but the building accidentally caught fire and those guys escaped.

"In the legend, it is the temple of knowledge where the universe will automatically record the stories of all gods?" Monaco lowered his head and thought. He also looked at the corpse and shook his head: "There is almost no trace of magic here, everything It’s all done by technology, it seems like the Dawn Gods chose another path.”

"It seems that the only way is stupid." Su Ming sighed. He took off the magic floating cloak, let it stand in front of him, and touched its collar: "Cloak, you fly fast, go out and help me. See where there are the most books, if not books, scrolls or bamboo slips will do."

The cloak seemed a little uninterested. Many of the gems dug from the purple dimension last time were used by the Supreme Mage. It didn't eat much at all. It had been malnourished over the years and couldn't get enough energy.

So it fell limply to the ground, its collar turned up and down, and it had to be hugged by the Supreme Mage before it could get up.

Su Ming faced Monaco's narrow gaze and took a deep breath.

"Strangle it, lick it."

"???" Doupeng was stunned and sat up like a corpse. The script shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't it be coaxed?

But black bean sprouts have already sprouted from the shoulders of the Supreme Mage. His small white eyes are full of malice, and he licks his fangs with his little red tongue...

Before Strangler could make any actual move, the cloak slipped out of the crack of the door with a swipe. Not even the ice used by Monaco to seal the door could stop it, and the magic that isolated the outside world was instantly dispersed.

"Alas, you are ruining a treasure. The Magic Floating Cloak is the treasure that every sorcerer dreams of, but as a result, I am worse than a dog here." Monaco had no choice but to cast a spell to fill the loophole. He felt some sympathy for the magician. Floating cape too.

Su Ming sat on the floor, next to the corpses of the family of three. He raised his hand and laid them flat on the ground to make the corpses look less painful, but his tone was still calm:

"If you knew what it had eaten over the years, you would understand why it didn't leave me. What I can give it cannot be compared to anyone, not even Master Gu Yi."

Monaco thought thoughtfully, is this the reason why Deathstroke always disappears mysteriously? He took the cloak to places even the Ancient One couldn't reach? Is it outside the universe?

The Prince of Magic had long suspected the reason behind the mysterious disappearance of Deathstroke. After hearing these words, his thoughts began to wander for a while.

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