The Death Knell

Chapter 1168? Small talk

The magic cloak moved smoothly. Even if it flew between the symbiotes outside, the monsters would not even look at it.

It has no flesh and blood, no breathing or pulse, it is just a piece of cloth, and the symbiote will not eat cloth when there are more food options.

Su Ming leaned against the wall and turned to look out the window. He saw a black shadow in a cloak walking through the city, peeping through the cracks in the doors like a thief.

"Our appearance should have been discovered by Geer. If he uses this place as a battlefield to fight us, the situation will be very unfavorable." Monaco took out his pipe and rubbed the dull wood grain with his rough fingers. .

His hands looked less like those of a mage and more like those of a farmer, with thick joints and dry backs.

Su Ming shook his head and moved his fingers easily: "No, it's true that so many descendants have seen us, but whether 'Black Sword' has given this information to Geer is another matter. You know thousands of How many mortals did Nenger take the initiative to kill?"

"How much?" Monaque slowly sat on the ground on the other side of Su Ming, separating himself from the corpses.

"Zero." Su Ming asked Zhuo Sha to take off the visor from the lower half of his face and smoke leisurely.

Monaco found it unbelievable. He could hardly understand the enemy's logic: "He has never killed mortals? Only gods?"

Su Ming shrugged and looked at the burning red dots of the cigarette butt. Smoking in the fire was really relaxing: "It's not that I haven't killed him before. If a mortal attacks him, he will naturally fight back, but he will never take the initiative to deal with it." Mortals. In his opinion, no matter what race they are, mortals are unlucky people deceived by gods, just like him before."

The Magic Prince smoked smoke side by side with him: "So, we are all pitied because we are not gods."

"Haha, you can say that." Su Ming exhaled a puff of smoke and watched it fly out like an arrow: "The most important thing is that his symbiote 'Black Sword' is seriously picky about food, and the path it chose is to evolve by eating gods. , eating ordinary people is of no use to it at all.”

The Black Sword, who is used to eating big fish and meat, is different from humans. It doesn't want to change its taste at all, let alone eat humans. It doesn't even look down on weaker gods.

"So, maybe it doesn't want Gal to be distracted by other goals." Monaco straightened his beautiful mustache and knocked his pipe on his knees: "I thought symbionts were loyal to their hosts. Yes, do they also have their own ideas?"

"This is nature, and not all symbionts are called stranglers. Each one is different. They can share their thoughts and sensory experiences with the host, but only if they want to do so, and keep the host's affairs secret. It’s just symbiotes, but they can hide a lot from their hosts.”

While talking, Su Ming touched the black bean sprouts on his shoulders with the pads of his fingers. His eyes narrowed, looking very comfortable.

It thinks that it is unique and different from the other coquettish bitches of its compatriots, at least unlike Black Sword. For Black Sword, Geer is just a vehicle. That guy is obviously using the host to achieve his wishes.

As for what this wish is, it is probably to become the god of symbiotes. It is really a boring pursuit.

Evolution is always the meaning of the symbiont's survival, but there are many ways to achieve this goal. The Black Sword has become so ruthless and crazy, which should also be influenced by its first-generation host.

It's just that there are so many offspring from that guy's split. It seems that his strength cannot be underestimated. Both Strangler and the host feel that they must use strategies to solve this problem.

Monaco looked at the small mouth of Strangler, the fangs inside were shining, reminding everyone that no matter how docile it appeared, it was still a terrifying killing creature.

He couldn't help but let out a tut. If it were him, he would not let an alien creature that could read his own memory inhabit his body, not to mention that this creature could also affect the host's thinking and control the host's body. This is a little too weird.

He changed the topic, pointed to Ant-Man and the Wasp hugging each other in the hall, and asked in a low voice: "What do you think of them two?"

"It's a good match." Su Ming replied calmly: "The wasp and the ant are both nest creatures and insects."

"I'm asking you how they are as superheroes." Monaco rolled her eyes.

"The answer remains the same. Although Janet doesn't have any military background and her knowledge of tailoring is terrible, she is very smart. Haven't you noticed that along the way, she has basically been an audience while studying seriously? And even if it's there Here, after witnessing such a cruel scene, not only did she not lose control, she also did not express her own opinions without authorization."

Su Ming asked Monaco to observe carefully. If we compare the two newcomers, Wasp is actually more suitable to be a superhero than Ant-Man because she has a higher ceiling.

Pym has stayed in the laboratory for too long and is accustomed to a binary world view of black and white, but in reality there is no such simple thing or person.

Janet's shortcoming is that she has a bit of a princess disease. She likes to eat good food, live in a big house, and wear nice clothes. She is rather squeamish and loves to cry, but this is not a big problem among heroines. Many people are not as good as her.

Female superheroes often have various personality problems because of their sensitive hearts. Some have severe Mary's syndrome, such as Barbara, the bat girl in the main world next door. She is just too soft-hearted and has not learned anything good from Batman. , spending most of his time showing off his sympathy in a boring way.

In addition to being caught by Deathstroke last time when she covered the world with a drawing board, she also used the money Bruce gave her to establish the Gordon Foundation, which was dedicated to distributing food and arranging accommodation to the poor in Gotham.

If it were Su Ming, he wouldn't do this. Even if his brain was miswired and he wanted to do such a good thing, he would only provide stable jobs to the poor instead of letting people with hands and feet lie in public rental housing every day. Open your mouth and wait to eat the pie falling from the sky.

Are you unwilling to work and complain about being poor? You don't even have the courage to join Two-Face or Black Mask's gang in Gotham. Such people are not worthy of help.

There are also some women whose brains have been burnt out by feminism and become crazy, as if they feel that there are no other superheroes on earth except her. She is the only one doing real things, and everyone else is just messing around.

That's right, the representative of this kind of character is Captain Marvel. His hands are always faster than his brains, and he has an inexplicable sense of responsibility. He wants to shoulder the entire responsibility of maintaining the peace of the universe on his shoulders.

Su Ming can't even remember how many things Captain Marvel has caused. Anyway, the stories involving her are usually quite sad.

Not to mention female anti-heroes, Catwoman has kleptomania, Polaris has bipolar disorder, Jessica Jones is an alcoholic, etc. Everyone has their own flaws.

In fact, it is not limited to women, but the symptoms of illness among male superheroes are not as obvious as theirs, because generally speaking, women’s emotions are more exposed, while men like to hide things in their hearts.

But the way other people live has nothing to do with the death knell. He just needs to ensure that the earth and mankind are still there.

The earth is the top weapon in the universe, an unsinkable aircraft carrier, and humans have unlimited possibilities that they can take advantage of.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea to take the two of them to face a cosmic threat." Monaco sighed. His attitude towards superheroes is not as ruthless as Deathstroke.

When Deathstroke sees a superhero, it's like looking at someone else's vase. It's very plain, as if it's none of his business if it's broken in the next second.

But the Magic Prince still believes that a good role model can help society move towards the future. It is better for a superhero to be a role model than for everyone to rush to be a villain. At least heroes have a bottom line.

"Pym holds the key to the science side dimension, he is useful."

Su Ming just answered like this, and there was no emotion in his tone, but Monaco knew that this much was enough.

Tesla had seen the Pym particles that someone had stolen home, but unfortunately the top physicist was not interested. After escaping from suspended animation, he grew fruit in Hawaii and spent his free time studying the relationship between electricity and time. relation.

Compared to space, Tesla was more interested in time and speed. He heard from Deathstroke about an extraterrestrial energy called the Speed ​​Force, and he wanted to use electricity to reshape it in the universe.

Tesla's Midnight Robot Armor is a set of equipment that increases the wearer's speed through electromagnetic effects. Now that he has a direction for development, he won't listen at all if he is told about Pym particles.

On the contrary, he also suggested that Su Ming find someone to study his black hole theory, because he believed that black holes and white holes are also another key that can open dimensions.

Su Ming was worried about this. Where could he find such a talented physicist?

The adjutant's computing power is now fully invested in the construction and design of large starships, while Howard's focus has been on SHIELD over the years. His own new elements and new energy projects have not made any progress for a long time.

If you are looking for biology experts, there are a lot of them. The least valuable thing in Marvel is a biology degree. To raise electric eels and spiders at Osborn Company, you need a PhD in biology.

If we don’t have the right manpower, we might as well find a way to ‘share’ Pym’s research results.

"Okay, you have the final say." Monaco sighed helplessly and quickly stood up to repair the crack under the door, because just as the two chatted for a few words, the magic floating cloak had already flown back.

It came back to Su Ming with some wilting, swaying from side to side, as if coquettishly, but when the Supreme Mage took out a gem from his pocket, it soon came to life.

"Have you found the place?" Su Ming stood up and put out the cigarette, watching the gem wrapped in the cloak getting smaller and smaller until it turned into a purple smoke and dissipated.

The collar of the cloak moved up and down, which was a nod.

"Show it to me," he added.

The magic floating cloak floated up and did a somersault in the air, as if it was too much strength to use, and flew back behind the death knell. Then it raised a corner and pointed at a row of low buildings in the distance through the glass. .

There wasn't much to tell from the outside. It looked like a garage, with no windows. From the door, you could see it was on fire.

But given that several people are now located in a building hundreds of stories high, the building that looks like a bungalow should actually not be short.

"Can I go there?" Su Ming looked at Monaco.

Monaco stretched out his arm and thumb, estimated the distance, and nodded: "I'll prepare the fire protection magic first. I guess I'll have to fight again."

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