The Death Knell

Chapter 1169? Old Goblin

When the teleported light dissipated, Su Ming found that the situation in the Temple of Knowledge was slightly different from what he imagined.

Rows of bookshelves tower into the sky, and the floor is filled with all kinds of books and scrolls, with almost no place for people to stay.

These are the stories of the gods. Their origin, growth, and fall are recorded here, as well as their happiness and sadness.

Compared with the dimensional demon gods, the second generation gods are closer to humans. They have stronger desires and more intuitive emotions than humans. They can be happy and sad and rarely hide it. This is why Su Ming doesn't hate them very much. .

The kind that doesn't dislike the test subjects.

Although many gods look down on mortals because of their own strength, once you show that you are as powerful as them, they will give in very quickly. They are all very aware of current affairs, and their long lifespans have given them extraordinary wisdom.

It's just that after many gods found out that Geer, the God-Slayer, was not easy to mess with, they had no chance to change their ways. Gods who were approached by Geer were basically eaten by the black sword.

The name of the Temple of Knowledge sounds very lofty, but in fact it is equivalent to the residence registration center of all the ancient gods and second-generation gods in the universe. If you want to find some rare magic or advanced technology, then you have come to the wrong place. No, there is none of that here, just various stories.

The fire in the building was not very big. Even if some books and scrolls were ignited, the burning speed would be much lower than that of ordinary paper.

They smell quite good when burned, with an ink aroma.

"Oh God, space folding technology?" Pim sighed with emotion. His ant head turned around and kept praising the special environmental technology.

Every bookshelf here looks like a skyscraper. The bookshelves and the gaps between them form a city no less big than New York. There seem to be more books here than the stars in the universe, and the whole building looks like it from the outside. Going is far from that big.

Su Ming knew that this was an occupational disease, but Pim just saw that it was completely impossible to understand space folding technology based on humanity's current technological foundation.

A primitive man can do nothing except sigh a few words when he sees a spaceship. It is impossible for him to fly into the sky.

‘There are people fighting over there. ’

Strangler noticed the vibration, and it silently transmitted this information into the host's mind.

"That direction, let's go!" Su Ming did not doubt the words of strangulation, and immediately let the cloak take him to fly in that direction.

Passing through the rows of bookshelves and over the stacks of books, the flames spread slowly, and from time to time there were sporadic symbionts climbing down from high, lightless places, just like in Resident Evil. Like lickers.

Su Ming left the team with several people, but it was enough for Monaco to take care of the newcomers.

He turned a corner and saw a thin old man whacking a symbiote on the head with a huge book.

The symbiote is not afraid of punctures and slashes, but it has average resistance to being beaten with blunt objects. Such a violent shock to the head is not something ordinary offspring can withstand.

The old man looks thin, but you can tell from the thunderous sound of the blows that the force of almost every blow is about a hundred tons. If the enemy was not a symbiote, he would have died long ago, and he might have been smashed into the ground.

This old god has a stern look on his face, wearing a blood-stained blue robe. While fighting monsters, he talks trash in an elegant and easy-going manner. The cosmic translator is not completely able to translate its meaning, but the general idea is that he is greeting the enemy. The direct relatives of celestial beings say that they want to poke stars into the chrysanthemums of their parent bodies.

Su Ming knew at a glance that the symbiote wanted to escape. It was surrounded by flames and had no intention of fighting anymore.

It did rub off on the wrong person, because the old man was bald, Mediterranean bald, with the fire around him emitting from the top of his head, and the long white hair around him flying in the wind. The hunchback on the back looks like it is carrying a pot, and there are two pairs of transparent wings on it, which look like those of a dragonfly.

The old man might be a demon spirit from some planet, so Su Ming decided to call him the old demon for short.

Seeing that the old man was not in any danger and that he had a place to gather information, Su Ming hovered aside and smiled: "Sure enough, baldness increases critical strikes. The ancients will not deceive me."

The old goblin didn't look back, as if he was getting eighty yuan for every time he slapped the enemy with a big book, and he didn't stop for a second: "You have time to make sarcastic remarks, bang! Why don't you help the old man quickly, bang! You! Don’t you see I can’t kill it? Bang!”

"What's the benefit of me helping you?" Su Ming was still floating up and down with his arms folded, taking the opportunity to negotiate a condition.

"This is the Temple of Knowledge. You come here either to escape, bang! Or to seek knowledge, bang! Listening to your relaxed tone, it doesn't sound like you are fleeing for your life, bang! Then as the administrator of the Temple of Knowledge, I have what you need. All knowledge, boom!”

"Well, okay, but you can just shoot it with a book. Why do you have to dub it in your mouth? There is a 'bang' every time you shoot it?" Su Ming slowly pulled out the Night Sword and let the metal flow to the blade: "The output relies entirely on roaring? Are you the legendary Dr. Boom?"

The movement of the old goblin's hand paused, and he opened and closed his mouth tightly. The symbiote immediately wanted to escape, but he stepped on it with his foot and slapped him again: "What kind of god are you? A cold joke. God? I have agreed to your conditions, will you help me or not?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes and stepped out from behind the old goblin. The giant sword in his hand just thrust into the symbiote. The strangulation flowed down the sword like a waterfall. In the blink of an eye, the symbiote on the ground disappeared.

He rolled the giant sword into a sword flower and put it on his shoulder. He shook his head at the old goblin and said, "I am Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage from the Earth in the solar system."


Not much time was wasted in cleaning up the enemies in the library. After the fire, most of the symbiotes ran away. Su Ming probably swept around the area, and Monaco and the other two arrived.

At this time, the old goblin was putting the huge book upright on the ground. He was sitting on it and panting. The wrinkles on his face were squeezed together, making him look very tired.

"Ahem, damn symbiote, damn Geer, they don't know how important the information here is. It's not good to parasitize anyone. Parasitize that madman... I'm not talking about you, the symbiote who can leave the mother planet. Although biological hosts are rare, there are still hundreds of them in the universe."

Su Ming shrugged. This is not surprising at all. The base of the symbiote race is not small, and as parasitic organisms, they spread very quickly.

While listening to the old goblin cursing, he bent down to pick up a few books and scrolls, flipped through them, and put out the flames on them with his hands.

In addition to the stories of gods, the most important thing here is the stories of planets. Whether the planets in the universe are naturally formed or man-made, whether their results are continuous prosperity or destruction, they will be recorded here.

Not every god has the ability to create planets and life. There are many gods who want to shape their own planets and their own dependents, but do not have the power.

The Almighty City has a shared Palace of Creation, where there is a method left by the Dawn Gods tens of billions of years ago. Any god can use it to shape his own planet like a simulator, and then release it into the universe. , and then spend millions of years slowly cultivating its evolution and development.

Of course, this is not free. Borrowing this wonderful device means paying a high price, such as serving the Almighty City for tens of thousands of years.

I'm afraid only gods can play with this kind of thing. Do you want Su Ming to spend millions of years squatting and waiting for the planet to take shape? Will the newborn planet die suddenly if you are not careful?

It's better to kill him, he doesn't have the patience.

Su Ming waited for a long time, but the old goblin didn't get to the point. He had no patience anymore.

He took out a cigarette and stuffed it into the old goblin's mouth, and helped him light the fire: "That's good. We are both the host of the symbiote. I have long disliked Geer. Now let's start the question and answer session. For example...where should I go to kill him?"

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