The Death Knell

Chapter 1170? God and believers

I don't know if the old goblin was tired of scolding, or if the cigarette made him wake up. He finally realized that everyone was actually still on the battlefield.

The wings behind him flapped, causing Janet, who also had wings, to stare at him. He flew to a nearby bookshelf and fiddled with it a few times, and a big hole appeared on the ground.

"Come in, let's find a safe place to talk."

"Is it a secret underground passage? I like your taste."

Su Ming looked at the dark square hole and nodded to the old goblin. Sure enough, any boy who loves to dig underground will have good luck.

The old goblin didn't know what he meant. He flapped his little wings and jumped down first. After everyone followed, he flipped a switch and sealed the entrance again.

This is not a simple underground passage. It stretches in all directions like a maze. The walls are all made of stacked books. The number of books can no longer be guessed. Many pages have fallen off and are scattered outside.

The old goblin took out a torch from nowhere and held it up to lead the way. That thing didn't match the high-tech atmosphere of the city at all.

"What's the story going on around here?"

Su Ming asked the old goblin a question, then pulled out a big book from the wall and flipped through it. The cosmic translator recited the captured content in his ears in a standard electronic tone.

The story in this book tells the story of a god who has never been heard of at all. It records his legendary life. He is a god of the dawn who has had a lot of contact with humans.

According to the description in the book, this ancient god looks like a woman but has a strong back. He possesses a unique aura power. As long as the tiger's body shakes, his enemies often bow to him. All the people of the opposite sex passing by cannot close their legs, and they all Treasures from heaven and earth come rolling in, his acting style is domineering and cool, and his mind is full of muscles.

"Hiss... Is this kid so terrifying?"

Facing this extremely familiar routine, Su Ming suppressed his laughter and sighed according to the routine, as if only the word "horrible" was suitable for such a person. To be honest, being able to see such stories in the kingdom of the gods really reminded him of his past life.

Quickly turning to the end of the book, I saw that the protagonist recorded in the book was about to go to a new planet to level up again, but he happened to encounter the second-generation founder's attack on the earth. Faced with a tsunami-like wave of energy, he He hung up almost without any resistance.

"Tsk, it's still a bad story about the main character dying suddenly. It's even more familiar."

Su Ming threw away the book. If all the stories here were like this, he probably knew what this place was about.

At this time, the old goblin's words confirmed his guess. The wings on the back of the old man were still flapping as he walked: "What you just saw above are the stories that are going on in the universe at this time, and the stories that have already ended. , they are all in the big library underground."

"That was too much, I thought..." Pim touched his helmet.

"Hey! I don't want you to think that, I want me to think that." The old goblin said without looking back. He held the torch and continued to move forward. Not far away, it looked like a warehouse or a similar place: "Looking at you, you should be human beings." Right? In fact, there are more active gods and planets in the universe than you think. What you see above is just one billionth of all the stories."

Pim did not expect that this old goblin was still a domineering president, and was speechless for a moment. Janet quickly touched his arm to calm him down.

Su Ming almost didn't laugh. This librarian really had a personality, but Deathstroke was professionally trained and could hold back his laughter most of the time.

"Hehehe..." A low laugh came from under the black and yellow mask. Even Monaco didn't understand the point of the laughter. He only heard Death Knell ask again: "Do all the stories here have the same ending? ?”

The old goblin still respects the death knell. Only those with strength have the right to speak in the universe. Originally, the Utopia of the Almighty City would not be like this, but now in a city filled with wars everywhere, of course it is the person with a big fist who has the say. Calculate.

"The ending of the story is death, and the ending always comes suddenly, whether it is a god, a certain planet, or a certain star system." The old goblin touched his long beard and stuffed it into his belt: "Look Look at this, this is a planet that once existed in the universe. It developed well for the first five hundred and ten thousand years. But because the young god who created it took a nap, bang! It was hit by a comet, and it suddenly became Cosmic dust.”

The old goblin bent down to pick up a book and threw it to Su Ming. He could even tell what was inside just by looking at the cover.

"Well, it seems that the young god will learn his lesson next time he plays 'God is Crazy' again." Su Ming opened the book and glanced at it. The solution was indeed like this. Originally, the intelligent creature on it was still there a second ago. He lived and worked in peace and contentment, but in the next second his mother star evaporated in the universe: "But this comet is really big enough. It feels like other gods are causing trouble for him."

The old goblin shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Then I don't know. The story ends here. If you want the truth, you can't find it in the book."

Pim was a little unhappy. He quickened his pace and followed the old goblin: "What about the lives on the planet? Should they die just because of an oversight by God or a prank by other gods?

The librarian didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, but for the sake of the death knell, he still answered: "That god will also pay the price. Millions of years of cultivation have been in vain, and the debt owed to the city still has to be paid. .”

"That's it? Do gods like to shape intelligent creatures as playthings?" Pim was a little disappointed. He now knew what a god was: "They worshiped him, regarded him as the creator, and then, they said no and disappeared?"

"Yes! That's it, be content!"

The old man turned around and glared at him. Only then did Pim realize that he couldn't even speak under this god's gaze, and endless oppression hit his heart.

The old goblin knew that it was difficult to reason with lower creatures. Fortunately, the expressions of the man who called himself Deathstroke and the sorcerer behind him remained calm.

He turned around and moved on, his tone softening a bit: "You should be grateful that you live on Earth. It is a special place. It was shaped by the true power of the Creator, and it is the hometown of many dimensional demons. By the way, you If there is really a Supreme Mage next to you, you should also thank him. It is he who protected the earth so that you can have the opportunity to stand in front of me and speak nonsense, mortal."

Janet helped the frustrated Pim to stop. She smiled sheepishly at Su Ming, and then comforted Pim in a low voice.

She didn't feel comfortable hearing these words, but that was the reality. Even if she wasn't in the universe, she could learn this in the dark alleys of New York. Facing a powerful threat in that chaotic zone, neither morality nor law can protect you in the dark. The law of the jungle is a knowledge that humans have long mastered.

Su Ming gestured to Monaco and asked him to give Pim a calming magic. He walked behind the old goblin and said: "Keep going, my man went to the universe for the first time. There are some things he can't think of." I understand, but I know that if you only act as a good god, you will not be able to make the creatures on the planet grow healthily."

The old goblin nodded and raised his feet: "It doesn't matter. A long time ago, there was a god as innocent as him. I have seen that god create a planet and respond to his believers' requests. Those gods When creatures are hungry, they just need to kneel down and shout a few words to the sky, and food will fall from the sky. If they are thirsty, just shout a few words and it will rain heavily. The greed of intelligent creatures is endless. If they have food and water, they will want fire. , want shelter, want a bed, want a spouse, etc etc…”

"What's the ending of the story?" Su Ming moved his chin.

The old man sighed, opened the door in front of him and signaled a few people to come in. In front of him was a warm and bright space:

"Knowledge, technology, prosperity, after easily obtaining everything they wanted, those creatures wanted to become gods... and this was beyond the capabilities of that god, so they used the fleets and artifacts he gave them Kill him. Just like that, two stories ended that day. From then on, the gods all knew not to let the wishes of believers come true easily."

Deathstroke stepped into the room, which almost looked like a replica of the library above ground, because it was exactly the same as there except for the lack of fire and smoke.

"Sounds like the Council of All Beings doesn't allow mortals to kill gods."

"Yes, the dead god belongs to the residents of the Almighty City. He also has friends and relatives. There is a huge power gap between mortals and gods." The old goblin raised his feet and showed Su Ming, Only then did he notice that this guy was actually wearing sneakers from Wilson Enterprises: "I guess this is a creation of the earth. The deal between the earth and Vanaheim was led by you, right? The god of Asgard gave me this , I love it, so...just curious, what's your next plan?"

Su Ming just smiled and changed the topic: "I forgot to mention before that your English is really good... So will the Council of Gods ignore this matter this time?"

The old goblin winked at him and smiled mischievously: "It seems that Geer acted preemptively. Originally, the parliament received news about the God Killer from Thor a thousand years ago, but until today, it is difficult to deal with that. The conference ranking of this thing is still 200 years away, thanks to the inefficiency of the bureaucracy.”

This guy has a sense of humor and is quite witty. Su Ming likes this kind of god.

After everyone entered the room, the old man looked over to see if there were any enemies following him. Then he closed the door and sat on the massage chair nearby and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really a massage chair, the kind that was shiny and silvery and full of high technology. As soon as he lay down on it, the chair analyzed the fatigue areas of his muscles and pressed them with squirming movements.

"Now that you are safe and have watermelon juice? Tell me where Gal's home planet is and the origin of his symbiote."

Su Ming saw the old man enjoying the massage with his eyes closed, and he also took the juice from the mechanical arm extending from the wall and began to drink it. He felt helpless and asked him to get back to the topic quickly.

"I'm quite impatient. In fact, I think you may not be Geer's opponent." The old man drank the juice in one gulp, opened his eyes and put the big book he used to shoot enemies on the table. The table made a roar: "You know How many gods has that monster symbiote eaten, and how far has it evolved?"

Su Ming nodded disapprovingly and knocked on the wall where the watermelon juice had just been delivered: "That's because I'm not a god. You don't know my story or my symbiote..."

The old goblin looked at the small black bean sprout on the shoulder of the death knell. It now separated into two thin lines that seemed to be inserted into the waist, and kept nodding in agreement with the host's words.

The librarian suddenly felt that what Deathstroke said made sense. To be honest, even if he had lived for billions of years, he had never seen such an evolution...

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