The Death Knell

Chapter 1171? God of Symbiotes

Su Ming almost knew Geer's story, but after listening to it once, he was sure that it was no different from what he remembered.

But Monaco and the others listened very seriously, especially Pim. He is now as calm as dead water. He seems to have no idea of ​​​​making decisions for any intelligent race. Maybe he has figured it out, maybe he has bottled up the matter. heart.

But that's not important. The ant cannot enter the universe. He is just a tool in the universe.

The big book in the old goblin's hand is actually a terminal. It looks like a book, but when opened, it looks like a giant laptop.

The stories recorded on paper are all backed up here.

However, compared with the large library of DC Dream Kingdom next door, the Temple of Knowledge is obviously much lower-end, because there are no stories that have not yet been written here, and destroying the books here will not affect the operation of the universe.

You must know that if a story is burned in the Dream Library, then the story will be erased in the DC world, as if it had never happened. This is obviously some kind of rule involving imagination.

Here, it's more like an answering machine, just recording.

"I can't comment on Geer's actions. After all, his former god does seem to be a bit..." After listening to Geer's story, Monaco turned his palms uncomfortably, trying to find a suitable word. , the mustache twirled on his lips.

"Stupid." Su Ming found a word for him, then occupied the massage chair of the old goblin, feeling the massage and physical therapy that surpassed the earth's technology for countless years, and closed his eyes comfortably: "The kind of blood sacrifice that fills your mind. The gods are called stupid. If they want to harvest flesh and soul, they should find a hell dimension to become devils. It is not advisable to treat believers blindly, nor is it advisable to abuse them blindly. The only mistake they make is to do bad things and still want a good reputation."

"False propaganda." Monaco thought of his own words, which were gentler than Deathstroke's, but his idea was similar to Deathstroke's: "It's like a Power Drink commercial."

Su Ming raised his head from the recliner and glared at him: "What's wrong with you with the strong drink? I didn't see you getting sick after drinking it."

Monaco rolled his eyes and sat on the table holding his cane: "My apprentice believed that advertisement. On TV, Captain America held up the soda and gave a thumbs-up sign. He also said 'freshly squeezed orange juice' and 'drink more'." How beautiful'? In fact, it's all fragrance and tap water, with no beauty effect at all. This is false propaganda."

"Wrong, it's pure water. Besides, it's Agatha's own choice. You know, Monaco, sorcerers always have their own choices." Su Ming lay back calmly. Compared with the cost of casting a spell, The effects of binge drinking carbonated drinks are nothing.

At most, it's just addictive to carbonic acid, but who doesn't have some hobbies?

"...Okay, you're right." Monaco curled his lips helplessly and turned to the old goblin who was standing aside and was also helpless because his chair was taken away: "Go on, let's talk about Geer's story. We all know, does his symbiote have a story?”

The old goblin made a few operations on the big screen and called up another story: "Yes, that symbiote always appears in the stories of other gods, so I can tell you its origin."

He spoke in proficient English and told the stories of the past to ignorant humans. He may not have been a witness to this incident, but he fully felt the pride of mastering knowledge.

The story has to start with another god. At the beginning of the Seventh Firmament, the universe was like a dark canvas with nothing in it.

In this darkness, the energy of the universe automatically gave birth to one of the earliest gods, a super ancient god named Nar.

Gnar likes darkness and enjoys the void of nothing. But this peace was soon broken. The gods came to this empty universe. They didn't know who ordered them to come here to create everything.

The original group of gods are more powerful beings than the Creator. They only breathe, and the sea of ​​stars spurts out of their mouths like vomit. These planets form star systems, make up galaxies, and make up our universe today.

But Nar was unhappy because he felt that this void was his own territory and the gods were intruders.

The extremely violent Gnar rushed towards the Celestials. He used his own power to fight them. The aftermath of the battle destroyed countless star systems.

It's a pity that he was single and weak. He failed in that war. He tried his best and only killed one member of the Celestial Group. But in that era, the Celestial Group was as numerous as stars. In the battle, the Celestial Group called themselves 'gods', and This also gave Gnar the concept of God.

He took the body and hid in the darkness, pondering the reasons for his defeat.

Maybe it's because the gods all have weapons, such as giant hammers or scepters, so Gnar also wants an indestructible weapon.

So he used the corpses of the gods as his casting furnace and the blood of the gods as materials to create a sharp blade specially used to fight the gods.

The energy core of the Celestials is hotter than the hottest stars. Their blood is endless energy. Gnar used the darkness in the universe to give life to the blood, and then spent thousands of years tempering it into The first sword in this world is also the first symbiote in the universe.

It has been called the Cutter of Realms, the Edge of All Creation, the Doom of the Gods, and Gnarl calls him the "Death Sword."

The noise made when beating and the flames that repeatedly burned the sword became the two biggest weaknesses of the symbiote, deeply engraved in its genes and passed down.

After the Death Sword was successfully built, Gnar began his violent journey of killing gods. He began to fight gods throughout the universe. From the gods to the ancient gods, and from the ancient gods to the second-generation gods, they were all his goals. The battle lasted for tens of billions of years.

Until the day when he was surrounded by gods, it was his most dangerous battle. A powerful artifact penetrated his body, and his death sword transformed into a spear and passed through the chest of the last enemy. He thought he would die, but he had become the symbiote god invisibly, so the black matter helped him to be reborn.

He was already invincible in the universe, so he no longer needed weapons. He lay in the pit and pretended to be dead, allowing the symbiote to choose his next master, who was an aborigine of the planet where Gnar fell at that time, Gal.

After Geer left with the black sword, Gnar lay there for several days, observing what Geer did after gaining power, and then laughed with satisfaction.

As he expected, the Death Sword could be said to have completely controlled this mortal, turning him into a toy of the symbiote god.

While observing, Gnar was thinking about what he should do next. Although Geer's cruel revenge was quite interesting, he would get tired of it if he kept watching it. The black sword continued to kill and devour gods as always. This is how it was forged. meaning.

Is it narrowing the road to only eat gods? Gnar felt that the symbiote diet should be made more widely available.

So he returned to his base and cast a second symbiote, the symbiote 'dragon'. Then he rode the dragon around and watched the dragon eating planets like jelly beans.

He felt that he was invincible and had no other pursuits. All that was left was to clean up the eye-catching planets created by the Celestial Group back then and return the universe to nothingness.

It's just that when the dragon, which was bigger than Galactus, arrived near the Nine Realms, or to be precise in the star field near the Earth, he met the young Thor, the God of Thunder, who was out for fun.

‘Odin’s beard! This opponent is worth fighting! ’ Thor saw the dragon, no matter what kind it was, and charged on the spot, swinging his axe.

Thor was no match for the dragon and Gnar, and blood was spilled on the spot when they fought. But after the dragon drank Thor's blood, it suddenly became hot-blooded. It began to resist Gnar and wanted to decide its own destiny.

Because Thor is such a person, he hates being arranged by Odin to do things. The dragon did not learn how to be good, but he learned Thor's rebelliousness.

The mount and the army of symbiotes split from the dragon all rebelled. No matter how strong Gnar was, he was still trapped in the vast ocean of the People's War. The strongest symbiote dragon even carried him to the corner of the galaxy and blew himself up. Its body and countless The symbiote formed a planet and sealed Gnar within itself.

This is today's symbiote planet, the home of the symbiote family.

Thor thought he had exploded the dragon with an axe, and hurried back to Asgard to brag. He had been bragging for a thousand years. Loki rolled his eyes and wanted to vomit after hearing this.

The old goblin stopped talking here, and the record about Nar ends here.

The power exerted by the black sword in Geer's hands was far less than what it originally possessed, so it was more eager to regain its former power and encouraged Geer to kill more gods faster.

This is probably why Geer is so crazy now.

Su Ming didn't say anything after listening to the old goblin's words. He lay on the massage chair as if he was asleep. In fact, he also knew some other information.

For example, when the dragon self-destructed, many of its offspring were ejected into the earth by the explosion, and Strangler was one of them. They lived in the Yeti community in the Himalayas until they were captured by Kama Taj, and finally followed Deathstroke.

At this point in time, the famous super-bionic guerrilla 'Venom' should have arrived on Earth, but we don't know where it is now. The target is too small, and it does not contain energy. Kama Taj cannot detect the invasion of this creature. .

The Black Sword and the Dragon can be regarded as brothers. They are the first-generation symbiote forged by the God of Symbiote himself. Strangler is the second-generation symbiote, and his starting point is probably a little lower than the enemy. Venom is the third-generation symbiote born on the symbiote planet. Heels Even lower.

However, Su Ming is not worried about the starting point of strength. The symbiote will become stronger because the host is strong.

If the black sword was held by Gnar, he might have to drag several dimensional demons into the scene to settle this matter. But Geer? He believed that Geer was by no means his opponent, and that he and Strangler would be the final winners.

Because without the symbiote, the so-called God-Slayer Gal is just a wretched man with a devastated mind who thinks he has escaped the gods but unknowingly turns into a toy...

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