The Death Knell

Chapter 1172? The Use of Tool Man

"Hey, wake up, we need to go."

After a few minutes, when he had asked almost all the things that needed to be asked, Monaco walked over and pushed the death knell on the massage chair.

His face was filled with helplessness and yearning. Is this chair really that comfortable? Allowing people to fall asleep on the battlefield? He also wanted to give it a try.

Su Ming didn't sleep at all. He was just thinking about his next plan and how to maximize the benefits of this trip.

So he deliberately sat up reluctantly and patted the old goblin on the shoulder: "I want to negotiate another condition with you."

I don't know why, but when he heard this sentence, the old goblin felt that all the hairs on his body stood up, and his wings stopped fluttering, as if he was being targeted by some terrifying existence.

He swallowed: "You tell me."

"Now that the Almighty City has fallen, even I can't clean up the countless symbiotes. The recovery of this city is far away. The reproduction of symbiotes is increasing exponentially. It is definitely more serious than the infection of the Bren Zerg." Hard to clean.”

Su Ming first analyzed the situation for him and presented the facts to make sense. When the old goblin nodded, he added:

"I can take you to a safe place, I just need you to take this massage chair in exchange."

Monaco almost slipped. He thought Deathstroke was so serious because he wanted to talk about some earth-shattering event. But in the end, he just fell in love with someone else's chair? He was deeply aware of the gap and at the same time became more curious. Is this chair worthy of this attention?

"I thought you were going to say something." The Magic Prince touched his mustache, but his eyes kept looking at the chair itself.

Deathstroke's eyepiece flashed slightly, and he said in a relaxed tone: "Yes, this chair is so comfortable. The soft couch left by Master Ancient One may have been a good thing hundreds of years ago, but it is already out of date now. I plan to Get some furniture for Karma Taj.”

"That's true."

Monaco thinks it makes sense. Kama Taj is no longer what it used to be. Not only are all water and electricity connected to the mountain, but also a variety of modern electrical appliances and tools have been purchased. The furniture is indeed a bit out of date.

Su Ming was so confident about reaching a deal that he even extended his hand in advance and waited for the old man to shake hands.

The old goblin alone would definitely not be able to break out of the siege. Although a god would not die even if he was trapped underground for tens of thousands of years, boredom would definitely drive people crazy. And there is no telling when the energy supply here will be cut off, and it will be really dark by then.

The characteristic of the second-generation gods is that they master some divine power but do not master the rules. This is the gap between them and the dimensional demon gods.

The old goblin is obviously a warrior. If he is not a magician, he cannot teleport away. If he wants to evacuate, he must pass through Monaco's teleportation gate, and this is his last chance.

Otherwise, after Deathstroke and his party leave, it will be completely unknown when someone will come again next time.

As expected, the old goblin agreed to the deal without thinking. Not only the massage chair, but also the mechanical arm on the wall that could automatically mix and deliver drinks was dug out for Deathstroke to take away. It was nothing more than two pieces of furniture, not to mention Or the property of the Almighty City.

Anyway, even if Deathstroke wants to play musical chairs, he can't stop him. Now this deal is simply too fair.

The old goblin shook hands with Deathstroke cordially. He felt that the Supreme Mage was indeed a good person, worthy of being the spokesperson of Emperor Weishan, and that he was fair in his conduct.

Su Ming put the things into his pocket with satisfaction. Monaco was very fond of this chair. When the chair is placed in Kama Taj, he will definitely try to sit on it...

At that time, I can take the opportunity to leave the heavy responsibility of acting as the Supreme Mage to him, and I can easily work for a few years.

"Open the door. It doesn't have to be too far. We can just send this partner to the Nantian Gate of Heaven, so that he can see the Almighty City. When this place is restored, he can come back as soon as possible."

Su Ming issued an order to Monaco. The Heavenly Court and the Almighty Capital are in the pocket space of the Outer Heaven. Isn't it normal to hide with a neighbor when something happens at home?


On the scorching Gobi Desert, Su Ming and four others hid under a strange rock protruding from the ground to enjoy the coolness. The hot wind made people feel their trachea burning when they breathed. Although there was air to breathe here, it was not really suitable for humans. Survive.

"This is really a barren land, not even a hair on it."

Su Ming sighed. This place was really similar to the doomsday Earth he saw on a certain timeline. Could this planet have once had a glorious civilization?

Monaque wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and even rolled up the sleeves of his dress. He looked like a working man. He could not maintain his gentlemanly demeanor in this environment.

The temperature was still within the tolerable range, so he did not use magic to cool down, trying to avoid unnecessary spell casting costs as much as possible.

"Ger's home planet is actually like this. If I had grown up here, I would have resented the injustice of the gods." He said numbly, looking around at the khaki wasteland and the towering strange rocks. When the wind blows, there is a whistling sound like a ghost: "But I just came to the sauna after washing in the hot spring. I'm afraid I will become dehydrated."

Su Ming took out a few bottles of Dali drinks and distributed them to everyone: "Don't say I won't take care of you. Dali is there, but this is not a vacation. Let's observe the situation of the planet first."

After Monaco took the soda, he opened it and poured it into his mouth. He completely forgot what he said before, but now he only knows how delicious it is.

Pim also took off his helmet, and sweat caused his hair to stick to his face in strands. He was already considering whether to install an air conditioner in the helmet when he went back. When he raised his neck to drink a soda, he suddenly saw something in the sky. Found something.

"Is that one over there a satellite of this planet? It looks like it's mechanized."

He pointed to a huge sphere in the distance on the horizon. It was very close to the ground, and its outer shell reflected dazzling silver light under the illumination of stars.

Su Ming had actually seen that thing a long time ago. The reason why he brought Pim here was because he expected that Geer would play this trick in order to use the bomb for his own use: "No, that's a giant bomb. Geer. My plan is to capture all the gods on their home planet, slowly fatten them up, then detonate this bomb, and turn the gods into roasted suckling pigs for Black Sword to eat."

"This is... too big. How powerful would a bomb with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers be?"

In Pym's impression, the most powerful weapon in mankind now is the new element fusion nuclear bomb developed by Howard, but compared with this huge ball, the visual impact of that thing is not on the same level.

"It hasn't been completed yet. It can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. A simple big bomb can destroy the planet but not the gods. Geer must find someone to give it a special enchantment." Su Ming crossed his arms and felt the wind. Whistling, and strangulation is also searching for the same kind of smell in the air: "And there are not many gods that individuals have caught now, less than a hundred, and he will need at least several thousand years."

Thor encountered Gnar and the dragon 2000 years ago, and met Geer 1200 years ago. Thor did not discover the relationship between the two, and Geer only recently thought of the pig-raising plan, and neither of them seemed very smart. look.

Asgard has been restarted six times because of the six Ragnaroks. Odin also participated in the Ancient Avengers. He is not only about 4,000 years old as we say today.

Similarly, Thor in the MCU is 1,500 years old, Thor in Earth 616 is between 2,000-3,000 years old, and Thor in the 40k universe should also be around 3,000 years old. But if you count the past lives where Ragnarok restarts again and again, Thor is definitely more than that. This age.

Therefore, Asgard was harmed by Ragnarok, otherwise it would not have developed to this extent today.

Su Ming thought about it, and cast his sight into the distance. On the horizon in the distance, he could see some small black dots. Those were the gods who were used as slaves. They were transporting some materials to the inside of the bomb. It looked like it might be some kind of Energy crystal.

The symbiote army acted as overseers, whipping these gods with black liquid whips from time to time. These lizard-like symbiotes were different from those that attacked the Almighty City. They appeared stronger and more intimidating.

Several people have been on this planet for a while, but they still haven't seen any trace of Geer. He doesn't seem to be at home.

There is a cave dwelling that can barely be regarded as a palace under the cliff in the distance. Through the strangulated vision, Geer's fake wife and children can be seen, but there is no tall, dark figure in the palace.

"What's our next plan?" Monaco breathed a sigh of relief after drinking the soda. He looked at the sky and then at the dust-sized figure in the distance.

Su Ming turned around and his tone became a little more serious: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. Geer is not at home, otherwise he would have noticed my arrival during this period, so I will assign tasks now."

Janet is also very hot, the environment here is difficult even for Monaco, let alone a delicate lady like her.

But every time she wanted to give up or complain, she would remember that it was to avenge her father, and she gritted her teeth and persisted.

That dark, shape-shifting creature seemed to be the murderer of her father, so she would never miss this opportunity to avenge the blood with her own hands.

She threw the bottle on the ground, wiped the sweat with her hands like a kitten washing her face, and got closer to the group of people again in the hot wind.

"Pim, Janet, your mission is to use Pym particles to shrink this giant bomb, and then bring it back to me." Su Ming took out the briefcase containing the Pym particles from his pocket and handed it back to Pym. Mu's hand.

Pim held the briefcase with a look of embarrassment on his face: "For such a huge bomb, these particles may not allow the subatomic concentration between its molecules to reach the ideal standard."

"If it is not too big and exceeds the limits of my space bag, I can carry it away by myself." Su Ming patted his shoulder and said sincerely: "You are a scientist. You must be brave enough to challenge difficulties. I believe you can do it." ,come on."


"There is nothing but, aliens cannot possess such dangerous weapons. Just like the United States prohibits the proliferation of nuclear weapons technology, such dangerous bombs are safest only if they are placed in my hands. As Kamatai, who has protected the earth for more than 800 years Representative Ji, the supreme mage of the main dimension, on behalf of all mankind and the earth, I ask you to complete this mission."

Facing Pim's argument, Su Ming raised his hand to interrupt him, and then slapped him with a big hat.

As for whether people on Earth are willing to be represented? They don't know about this...

Pim took a deep breath, what Deathstroke said made sense.

This kind of bomb must not be left to the alien gods. It is better to have one more weapon to defend the earth. And there are only four humans here, but if the bomb is carried by myself or Janet, I am afraid that I will be frightened every day. I can't even sleep, so it is most reasonable to hand it over to the death knell who has the ability to keep it.

Deathstroke said that he had been protecting the earth, and Monaco did not raise a different opinion, which means that the Magic Prince recognized this.

The Prince of Magic is also Captain America’s comrade-in-arms. Captain America’s character is absolutely guaranteed. He is always full of the brilliance of humanity and freedom.

So Pym concluded that everything Deathstroke said was true...

Suddenly, his sense of responsibility and mission as a hero surged into his heart, and he put on his helmet extremely seriously: "I understand, for the sake of the future of the earth and mankind, please buy us some time."

"Go with confidence and keep a low profile." Su Ming patted him with relief and watched the two of them on their way.

Pym and the Wasp both shrank in size. Pym was holding a bag, and Wasp was holding him. It looked like a briefcase floating on the ground, farther and farther away, flying towards the big bomb.

It wasn't until the bag disappeared from sight that Monaco curled his lips: "When did you become able to represent the earth and mankind?"

"I just said it casually to cheer Pim up." Su Ming took off his mask and moved his neck: "Look at how happy they are."

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