The Death Knell

Chapter 1173? Precious cave fruit

Monaco always wanted to complain about Deathstroke's remarks, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

It doesn't sound like a good thing for Deathstroke to keep the bomb, but the Magic Prince knows that the bomb will definitely not be used on Earth, so it's not too bad. The life and death of aliens is not up to him.

He could only unscrew another bottle of soda, drink it down like a poor Su Ming, and let out a satisfied sigh: "Ah~~~~burp! Okay, they went to work, where are the two of us?"

"When Geer comes back, I will confront him personally. Your task is to use fire magic to isolate a field for us. I have an agreement with Falting. You contact her directly."

Su Ming himself drank a bottle of soda, smoked a cigarette and waited.

There was a look of disgust on Monaco's face, and he pressed his twitching eyebrows with a headache: "Fire of Falting? The cost of casting the spell is small but the power is too weak, and it is too slow to cook at home. "

"The symbiote will not come close to the fire when it sees it. The temperature of the flame is not important at all. What is important is that the flame exists. If you don't want to cast a spell, go find thousands of meters of red cloth, some lights and some scissors, and some blowers. You can Maybe a large circle of stage fake fire will do the trick."

Su Ming had an agreement with Omar and Faltin before, and the agreement stated that he could borrow their power. But they are not the Upside Down. They cannot be everywhere, let alone be as available as the Upside Down.

To use their power, Su Ming must bring a mage who can contact them both, like a pager.

Omar's daughter Klee has been born for some years, because Su Ming concealed Orini's identity from Omar, and she has not yet realized that her daughter has the dual inheritance rights of the dark dimension and the Faltin dimension.

Once she discovers this, she will probably realize what Deathstroke is planning, and it will probably not be so pleasant if she wants her to fulfill the contract.

The same is true for Faltin, because it is almost certain that her dimension will be annexed by the dark dimension. Without it, weakness would be the original sin. It is just that the form has changed, from the past slavery of force to peaceful evolution.

Now Su Ming is waiting for an opportunity. The female idol group he arranged for Dormammu is not to breed him, but to give him a channel to contact the outside world. When the Heartless Group helps him accumulate enough energy, this demon god You can break the seal and start a new civil war.

At that time... Su Ming will send someone to pick up Keli to come to Karma Taj for further training and train a second mystic.

So if you can use Faltin's Fire now, use it as soon as possible. There is no such store after passing this village.

Monaco didn't know these things. After hearing what Deathstroke said, he gave up thinking and just nodded in agreement. He just felt that other young people had gone to do things. Aren't the two of them a little idle?

"We have to do something, right?"

Su Ming floated a little more and looked around as if he was looking for something: "Don't worry, I heard that there is a kind of fruit called cave fruit on Geer's home planet. It grows in dark caves. Let's go and try a few. If it It can be cultivated and cultivated on Earth or Vanaheim, and it can be used as a new source of income for Kama Taj."

Monaco shrugged and admitted that Geer was not online yet. It was not a good idea to alert those symbiotes now. It was better to take the time to find the fruit.

"After Geer obtained the Black Sword, he killed the tribe and compatriots who exiled him, so no one should have eaten the cave fruit. We may find it in any cave."

"There is a cave over there. It looks quite big. Go in and have a look."

Su Ming pointed in a direction, and Monaco immediately began to cast teleportation spells. In an instant, the two of them arrived at a cooler place.

Monaco walked out of the light door with his cane. After his eyes adjusted to the light, he shook his head: "It looks like this is a mass grave."

Yes, the cave was filled with large and small corpses. At this time, these remains were extremely fragile. The vibration caused by the two people's steps caused some of the bones to collapse and turn into ashes.

Su Ming looked around, but there was some satisfaction in his tone: "Is this the ancestral grave of Geer's family? These skeletons are obviously of the same species as Geer. Their skulls are still there, which means they are just mortals. Black Sword can see Not on."

"Uh...has anyone ever told you that you have a clear mind?" Monaco sighed: "It doesn't matter whether these are Geer's tribe or not."

"Is this the cave fruit? It's pretty big."

Su Ming didn't answer. He floated directly and picked a fruit from the vine climbing above the cave.

The shape of this alien vine is somewhat like an ivy. The leaves are thorn-like spikes, the aerial roots are deeply rooted in the rocks, and the fruits are as big as melons.

He weighed the melon a few times and smelled it. There was no smell at all, just like holding a piece of wood.

"Let me see." Monaco released magic to confirm whether humans can eat this kind of thing. There are many things in the universe that only certain races can eat.

The green magic light group fell on the fruit, and there was no change, indicating that it should be okay for humans to eat, so Monaco planned to open it and try it. The outer shell of this thing is like a coconut, so it should be possible to eat the contents inside. ?

"Wait, pick a few more." Su Ming raised his hand, the ring on one finger glowed black, and the bones suddenly made a rustling sound. Several skeletons were pieced together, and green eyes lit up. Huo Miao: "Go and pick cave fruits for me."

The skeletons looked at him deeply, their eyes filled with hatred for the living, but they had no power to resist and had no choice but to succumb to the slavery of death.

Seeing these skeletons turning around and heading deeper into the cave to pick fruits for the death knell, Monaco sighed again. Although the life and death of the aliens had nothing to do with him, it was a little unethical to force the dead to work again... ...

But after thinking about it, he took out a small table knife and started cutting the cave fruit. As a gentleman who often needs to go out to run errands, it is important to carry your own tableware with you.

With a crisp sound, the fruit cracked open. The thick shell was obviously made of wood and was inedible. The only thing that could be eaten was the few red pulps inside. They looked like caviar and were sticky. One grain at a time.

"What is this? A mutated alien pomegranate?"

Monaco vomited, picked up a bit with a knife and tasted it. Su Ming simply dug out a piece with his fingers and stuffed it into his mouth. In fact, he should have tasted it first. After all, as a reformed warrior, his physical fitness is much stronger than Monaco.

However, the two people who were full of expectations quickly lowered their faces, chewed the food in their mouths, and reluctantly swallowed it.

Monaco shook his head with a wry smile and put down the melon in his hand: "There is no taste at all, just like eating a mouthful of miniature wooden beads."

"It's useless except for a little bit of water. Alas, it's impossible to sell it to people." Su Ming also sighed, but still let the skeleton continue to collect cave fruits: "Strangler said that this thing has no nutritional content, I guess you None of the rabbits will eat it.”

"In the story of the Temple of Knowledge, Geer didn't even have to eat this kind of thing when he was a child."

Monaco echoed, he didn't know what to say, because the skeletons returning from picking fruits seemed to still have memories of their lives. The green will-o'-the-wisps in their empty eye sockets were pupils, and they were still staring at his feet. The opened fruit.

This filled Monaco's heart with guilt.

However, the death knell made him feel more guilty. He snatched the cave fruits one by one from the skeleton's hands and stuffed them into his bag. He completely ignored the resentful eyes of the undead and said to himself:

"This fruit is red and quite beautiful. I have to ask the undead to pull out the entire vine and send it to Sparta to be bred in a laboratory to make ornamental plants to see what good things can be traded."

Monaco leaned against the rock wall without any strength and rubbed his face vigorously: "Please be a human being."

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